The Beachhouse [Reboot]


Netherworld Overlord
You were told it would be a summer to remember. You would going to a nice tropical island off the coast of Florida. You were going to have a huge beachhouse and a private beach all to yourself. It was going to be relaxing. It was going to be fun. There was food, games, tv, internet, surfing, swimming and other activities to do this summer. All by yourself.

Or so you thought. You didn't expect to find others at the beachhouse, but now it appears that you are all going to be sharing the place. Logically there is room and food for all, but then again you thought this was just going to be yours. And now you have to deal with others on your vacation.

But it's only three months of putting up with strangers, both teenagers and young adults. It can't be that bad right? And there is now the possibility of a summer romance or making new friendships.

But it's clear that whatever may come, you're pretty sure that it will be unlike any summer before. At least for most of you.


1. No godmodding. It's rude.

2. This is T. You can imply things but keep it as clean as possible.

3. You cannot leave the island. Yes you are all now my captives. I will never let you go. mwahahaha Without permission of course. If you want your character(s) to leave the beachhouse pm me first. This also goes if randomly I throw in something dangerous and character(s) die or get hurt.

4. Let's have fun. No OOC fighting. You may have in character fighting too. Drama is fun especially when they have to share a house even if it is a big one.

5. You can have up to three characters. This may change.

6. No one-liners. We all have our off days, but try and get at least a paragraph (five to seven sentences) in per post. No really long wall of text posts. You're not writing a novel here.

The bedrooms are on the second floor. There is a bathroom on each ends of the hall and the rooms on each side, one of them divided by a staircase. So it looks like this:

room 10 room 09 room 08 room 07 room 06 room 05 room 04



room 11 room 12 room 13 stairs room 01 room 02 room 03

Well kind of. Choose one for your characters.

Room 1 - Heidi (Graysc)

Room 2 -

Room 3 -

Room 4 - Flower (Fire of Hearts)

Room 5 - Taylor (Legendless)

Room 6 - Heather (XxRainyDaysxX)

Room 7 -

Room 8 - Tori ( 21stCenturyCapulet)

Room 9 - Joel (Graysc)

Room 10 -

Room 11 - Lillia (Legendless)

Room 12 -

Room 13 - Jace (Legendless)

Character Sheet


Age: (17-25)





Name: Lillia Cross

Age: 17

Gender: Female


History: Lillia had a normal life in a small town. Her parents were loving, but a bit protective of her as a kid. Lillia had bad asthma as a kid and they wanted to be sure that she would have no problems. As an only child, Lillia was spoiled as well, but not too much. She went through elementary school and middle school without too many issues. She had two big attacks, one that put her in the hospital. Lillia believes that she has asthma no more, but she still has her inhaler on her, saying it's to shut her parents up. She found the beachhouse and thought it'd be a good place to escape from her parents to and they had no problems in paying for it for her. Lillia also felt it would be a fun little trip to take before her senior year of high school. Lillia is unsure of sharing it, but she won't let it ruin her summer.

Other: She is an excellent swimmer and also brought her guitar that she is learning to play. Also a laptop too.

Name: Taylor Culkin

Age: 23

Gender: Male


History: Taylor was the middle child in his all boy family. He was picked on by his older brother who he also looked up to and helped tease his younger one who he was close with also. Taylor was a jock type in middle and high school, but he wasn't a jerk or stupid like most people might assume. He loved the way it felt when he was playing sports and he still exercises now. He went to college on a sport scholarship and is working towards being a trainer for athletes. Taylor wanted a break from college life and he thought that going to the beachhouse would be fun. He is bothered by the others when he thought he would be alone, but he also doesn't mind the company and is ready to flirt and have fun with them.

Other: Brought along some sports equipment

Name: Jace Lewis

Age: 20

Gender: Male


History: Jace was born into a well-to-do family. He had an older sister who would constantly fawn over him and would even dress him up at times. He was a toddler and little kid at the time, so he never minded. He rather liked the attention and sometimes he would ask her to put him in dresses before school. His parents didn't really notice much of this, but they eventually scolded him and told him to grow up once he got in trouble in second grade.

Jace continued to lash out and be defended by his sister who said he was only "acting out" because of them never paying them attention. Shortly after she left for college, their family went broke. Jace got tired of listening to his parents fight over who's fault it was and moved in with his sister at seventeen. He still lives with her in NYC and attends a small college, unsure of what he wants to do with his life. He went to the house as a vacation and a treat from his sister. He is a bit annoyed by the others, but doesn't mind too much as long as they aren't annoying.


Name: Heidi Spiteri



View attachment 12070View attachment 12071

Heidi was born into a well to do family, they sent her to all of the best schools and expected her to get the best grades while learning ballet and an instrument; the flute. While she followed on with her parents wishes all through till the second year of high school when she couldn't handle their high expectations anymore and going through life unable to please them. When that happened she decided to stand up to them and when she did they were angry and grounded her but after a while they respected her decisions and let her live her own life, making her own decisions.

Room One

Name: Joel Cooper

Age: Nineteen

Appearance: View attachment 12072View attachment 12073

History: Joel comes from a middle class family, he is the youngest of three children and he is the only boy. Growing up his sisters used him as their experimental guinea pig for make up and fashion and so on. However, even with this treatment he never became interested in fashion like his sisters had hoped, instead he just tried to make sure he looked good and that was it. He doesn't take much enjoyment in playing sport but likes watching it as well as simply hanging out with friends.

Other: Room Nine

Name: Victoria "Tori" Rinaldi

Age: (17-25) 18

Gender: F


View attachment 12078

History: Victoria grew up with a well-off family in London. She was well taken care of, well-loved and even to a point, spoiled by her dearest parents. She's a typical only child. She gets whatever she wants, when she wants it. Because of this, she may seem immature or spoiled but deep inside, she's quite caring and loving. There are times when she can act like a bit of a prima donna but no one can really help it because she was raised that way. Of course, her parents couldn't help but say yes when she asked for a big overseas summer vacation for her 18th birthday present.

Other: Room 8

((Sidenote: Is it safe to conclude that you're a shadowhunter? :) ))
(You restarted this and you don't tell me? HOW DARE YOU WOMEN! (At least....I think you're a girl.) lol) Name: Flower Moon

Age: 19

Gender: female


History: Flower's parents died in a car crash. Her older sister was old enough to be garden to Flower. Flower however didn't like most of what her sister tended to do. FLower was the more responsible one. She cleaned and cooked, in fact she liked cooking. She soon got a job balancing that and school while her sister went out drinking. Flower soon at one point got a gun to keep herself and her sister safe from the drunk guys her sister brought home. She knows how to use a gun but is less then likely going to shoot it. Flower soon left her sister's house entirely and choose not to go back. She came here to get a break and relax.

Other: Flower is terribly shy. She naturally has white hair. (It's rare but possible.) Room 4
I am indeed a woman. You should know that by now.

You are, of course, accepted.

I'll wait for one or two more before starting.
Name: Heather Morrison

Age: (17-25) 22

Gender: Female



Heather grew up as an only child with two working parents. Her parents loved her and made her happy despite not giving her a sibling. Heather liked being the only child. She had a nanny growing up who showed her how to play soccer and she fell in love with the sport. She played all through high school and got a scholarship for college but was sadly unable to go because she injured her ankle. She had some pain in her leg but she still plays and practices when she can. She exercises a lot.

Heather likes to keep to herself but she certainly doesn't mind a making friends. She can be a bit of a spit-fire when she's angry but she's generally calm and quiet.

Other: Room 6
Name: Scott Parnell

Age: 17

Gender: male

Appearance: View attachment 13986

History: Scott's childhood wasn't the best. His dad left his mom and him when he was 7. And now his mom is always drinking. He has an older brother but he moved when Scott was 5. Now he and his mom is always broke. They fight a lot. When he's mad he lock himself into his room and play guitar to calm down. He has aggression problems, but if he just play guitar he calm down fast. He also has a poor background in the police register. He used to steal from stores and steal cars. But not anymore, he tries to put that behind him. He has escaped from home. That's why he came to the island, a new start in his life.

Other: He has played guitar in 12 years. He can also surf and ride longboards, that he brought. He lives in room 12.
Name: Evan Kiro

Age: Just turned 20

Gender: Male


History: Evan had an abusive big sister, she would always beat him until he passed out from the blood loss. Since his parents died when he was 3, she took care of him. When Evan turned 11 and started dating, she got mad. So when he came home with a girl, Lila (Big sister) punched the girl to death. The police never figured out who did it so they gave up. Lila died when Evan was 15, due to taking to much drugs. He went into a different family but ran away. Evan stayed there until he was 19 and a half, that's when he set out to the island. All he wants is a second chance, a clean start, a new life.

Other: He doesn't like girls who are clingy or bossy. Evan lives in room 7.
Name: Jackie Thop

Age: 20

Gender: Female


View attachment 13988

History: Jackie didn't have much of a childhood. We she was younger, her father used to be a professional baseball player until he got into a very bad car wreck that end up putting him in a wheel chair. After that he began drinking more and more each day and he couldn't keep a job, let alone get one. So it forced her mother, who was used to begin a home wife, to go find a job which was low pay. When Jackie turned 15 her mother died due to all the stress and drug use. Even though she was an only child, she dropped out of high school her junior year and began working but she quickly fallen under pressure to take care of her father and paying bills. So she packed her bags and ran away for good to an island so she can finally be in peace.

Other: You never see her without her head phones in and a book. Jackie lives in room 12.
Name: Riko Youri

Age: 20

Gender: Female


History: When she wanted to make a career out of music, her whole family supported her. The only one who didn't like the idea was her ex-boyfriend. He said to stick with science and become famous but, Riko didn't listen. She continue her dream and her little sister followed. Mika (Little sister) loved to sing and create songs, soon after she wrote songs for Riko. They were from her heart and expressed her feeling. When he heard about what was going on, Mika was the punishment. When she came in one day, she was covered with bruises and cuts. Riko figured out what happened and accidentally killed him. Now Mika sells her own music but Riko thought differently and went to the island.

Other: Riko took the necklace that Mika gave her as a congratulation present. She lives in room 10.

(This is Mika)
Character Sheet

Name: Deliah Smith

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: dark brown hair with light curls, green eyes, and cream colored skin. She's 5'5" and is on the skinnier side.

History: Deliah had grown up in a country town, where she was always criticized for her tomboyish ways. She was a prankster, but she would always get in way too much trouble for them. One day, enough was enough, so she ran away from home.

Other: She lives in room 3
Name: Ryan O'Sullivan

Age: 19

Gender: male


History: Ryan in the youngest in the family, with three older brothers, Shawn, Sean, and Seamus. The four brothers have been own for trouble in the village, called Kinsale, after since his eldest brother threw a rock at. window when he was five. Ryan has been raised into it the moment he was born, and has caused some problems himself, like setting a herd of sheep free into the center of town. That sort of stuff has stopped though, as he's an adult now and doesn't want to get arrested, but will still pull the occasional harmless trick with his brothers at his side. He works at the village pub, where his brothers will often come and try to persuade him to give handouts, and it works, he has to pay for it which leaves him close to broke. He managed to take this trick because lately his parents aren't getting along well and are trying to compete for the sibling's love. His father paid for the trip, and Ryan wouldn't just reject traveling half way across the world.

Other: He lives in room 2.
Name: Marie Presington

Age: (17-25) 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: tumblr_mlurzpn4bs1rergulo1_500.jpg

History: Marie grew up on the streets of Quebec. But one day a huge bombing went throughout the town, and left 50 people injured and 100+ dead. Her mom and dad tried to get her and her sisters out of the country, but they died trying. But luckily, Marie and her sisters left just in time. Now she lives in New York City, still looking for a way out. But ever since, her way out is music.

You can choose a room for me, I don't mind :) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_mlurzpn4bs1rergulo1_500.jpg.f1422ed250fff55739dbb93edffb64a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_mlurzpn4bs1rergulo1_500.jpg.f1422ed250fff55739dbb93edffb64a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Angelica

Age: (17-25) 19

Gender: female

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/animegirlbrownhair.jpg.ec1afddf7e01086720a8f1eb6c9fddf2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/animegirlbrownhair.jpg.ec1afddf7e01086720a8f1eb6c9fddf2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Angelica grew up in a fairly wealthy family. But that doesn't mean she's snobby or anything. In fact, she's quite down to earth. Yet most of the time people at first assume Angelica is full of herself. Though it's not completely their fault, since Angelica likes to keep to herself and be silent. But she's not shy. Maybe dislikes large crowds, but not shy. Around close friends she likes to speak noticeably more.

Angelica's passion is to entertain people. She's taken ballet lessons since she was 6 and acting classes since she was 11. Rather than setting her goal on movies, Angelica wants to work in traditional theatre.

Angelica twisted her ankle quite badly while in one of her ballet lessons, so she decided to take her summer vacation a bit earlier than planned. She though this beach house would be perfect - not a lot of people around, quiet and relaxing. Little did she know, she was wrong...

Other: When in deep thought, has a scowl on her face, so she looks a bit scary, but it's just a habit. Likes to draw in her free time, mostly ballerinas. Lives in room 7, since it's her lucky number.

is this still open? 
Character Sheet

Name:Maxwell Alexander

Age: (17-25)18


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_5rNZJ8bZj1252285579.jpg.ff3a5efb2d9b8d84a62915ede1e0bcff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="675" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_5rNZJ8bZj1252285579.jpg.ff3a5efb2d9b8d84a62915ede1e0bcff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_4bHmYnFE0m1023083249.jpg.81ad4fc68de3d47d647eb4e0ce394a93.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="676" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_4bHmYnFE0m1023083249.jpg.81ad4fc68de3d47d647eb4e0ce394a93.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_hN7MBc0FAl315046180.jpg.f4e4d66ce9f1ea061e61e4891efe86bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="677" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_hN7MBc0FAl315046180.jpg.f4e4d66ce9f1ea061e61e4891efe86bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_SrcjRAZ4jU1450137874.jpg.455583c870fd52726818cac9dcbf276e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_SrcjRAZ4jU1450137874.jpg.455583c870fd52726818cac9dcbf276e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Max's life was fine up until he turned 5, and his mother died. It was then that his father grew withdrawn and spent of his time working, leaving max with nannies, and the various women he slept with. Around the age 13 max usually spent his time, without adult supervision, and ended up getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. He started using drugs, at 13, some weed, and a little bit of coke, never really getting mixed up with the harder things, like meth till he turned 16, when he also started selling weed. He had to support his habit someway. At 17 his father finally snapped out of being a neglectful parent, and put him in rehab, getting off meth and coke were really hard for, him but he has happily been 1 year sober. Max still struggles with his addictions, and everyday not doing them is hard, but he tries his best. He still sale's, and smokes pot, but weed was never an addiction just a hobbie.

Other: choose my room


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