The Barrier between Dimensions (Marvel, DC, Capcom, Mortal Kombat, Nintendo, SEGA, etc) [Inactive]

CV smiled and began to follow. A new adventure after what seemed to be an eternity. "Wait for me!" he called back as he ran to his own rhythm. "1, 2, 3, 4!" His COREs activated, giving CV energy and allowing him to mode up to MEGA, SUPER, and then ULTRA. He has a courageous look on his face. He felt a rush of adrenalin flow through him as he followed the Doctor. CV hasn't felt so alive ever since his death!
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Deadpool launched a flying kick at Erza. "Hey now! I just met you guys don't go killing each other yet! Here have a chimichanga!" Deadpool dropped a chimichanga on Vader's lap and tossed one at Ezra, who was sitting several feet away due to Deadpool's surprisingly strong kick.

Link whips on his shield just in time to deflect the punch, but it still ejected Link from his seat.
Erza stared at the chimichanga and then back at Deadpool with anger on her face.

"I wasn't going to kill him." She stated

"Why not?" Vader asked

"I am a Fairy Tail wizard, and so I would never kill an opponent without giving him the chance to surrender."

The Doctor stopped outside of the TARDIS and unlocked the door before stepping inside. He left it open for Video and continued to smile, wondering what his reaction would be when he saw that it was bigger on the inside. That was one thing he always enjoyed about bringing new people into the TARDIS, while TimeLord science was natural to him, it left almost every other species in the galaxy baffled.
CV took a step inside and stopped to look at everything. "Oh my wow..." he said with a surprised tone. "Smaller on the outside, bigger on the inside- It's like a separate dimension! Never in my lifetimes have I been so fascinated by another race's technology!" He wandered around the TARDIS' interior and looked at all the gadgets and gizmos on what happens to be the main control console. He smiled in appreciation at the Doctor. "I'm impressed!"
The Doctor just smiled in response, leaning on bars close to the door before removing his coat hanging it up. He glared at the TARDIS console.

"That's not good..." He muttered before turning his attention to CV "We're in a lot more trouble than I realized..."

Fairy Tail? Wizard? Vader thought. Wizards were fictional, nothing but children's stories. The closest thing he knew that resembled magic was the force.

Vader stood to his feet. Although the masked man has supposedly saved his life he still thought about killing him. The "wizard" would have to die first before he made up his mind on what to do with the masked man.

He took a defensive stance again as he waited for Erza's next move. Erza however had the same strategy as Vader and the two appeared to be at a stalemate.
CV rushed on over to the console. "What's the trouble? Is it major?" CV looked at the Doctor with a look of determination on his face and then back at the console. Gee, what button was the button for the statistics screen? Best not to touch until advised. CV then looked back at the Doctor. "What should we do?"
"Something has happened to the fabric of reality." The Doctor replied before turning his attention to CV "So yeah, major."

Could this be related to the Dalek's reality bomb? Even though he and his companions had prevented the bomb from detonating, could it have had possible side-effects? It wasn't possible. The cause of this damage had to be a different source, but what species had the technology to cause such an event?
CV looked grim. If something happened to the fabric of reality, then what caused CV to end up alive again was... "A hole." he said. "That's what caused me to come back to life and end up here. There must be vortexes spreading around the universe leading to a new location. In my case, from the Ethereal realm to the Corporeal realm. One person may end up in one and be trapped in somewhere new, and not suitable for life. That person would die then... If it is suitable, then that person is trapped with no other way to get home. The only hope is that he or she is lucky. This is major."
The remained silent as he thought about what he could do. He'd never encountered something anything this before, there was a time when the TARDIS fell into a parallel universe but that was extremely different.

"Maybe that person can find a way back." The Doctor replied with some hope "Its also possible that this event is responsible for bringing you back to life."

The TARDIS began to de-materialize after the Doctor pulled a lever, only for the TARDIS to arrive back in the same spot. The Doctor opened the door before closing it and looking back at the TARDIS console.

"We're in the exact same place." He stated the obvious with a slightly grim tone

Mordin watched the display. What kind of technology was inside that Police box? He wondered

Erza and Vader continued to stare at each other. She too was trying to make up her mind on what to do with the masked man and if he was a threat to her.

Vader lowered and deactivated his lightsaber before looking back at the crashed Star Destroyer. He looked above it as three TIE fighters emerged from the sky.

"Target and eliminate the female!" Vader commanded with some anger in his voice as he pointed at Erza.

The TIE fighters turned their attention to Erza before they began to open fire, hitting the ground around her. Once she noticed that the blasts were getting closer to Deadpool she dived in his direction and grabbed him, protecting him from the blast.

"Requip!" She shouted before a bright light surrounded her again. She was now wearing her Heaven's Wheel Armor and began to fire multiple blades at the TIE fighters, destroying one and damaging another in the process. She turned her attention to Vader again and ran at him, using Requip again and changing to her Purgatory armor before hitting him with the large and extremely powerful blade that came with it, this knocked Vader across the beach again and off his feet. She turned her attention to the TIE fighters again as they opened fire.

"Obliterate her!" Vader commanded

Erza used Requip again, this time changing back into the Heaven's Wheel Armor and firing at the TIE fighters again. Changing this many times within a short period was using up magic power quite rapidly.

Several blades pierced a TIE fighter, hitting one of the pilot's in the arm and causing the fighter to crash into the sea. The remaining TIE fighter flew towards Erza and began to fire even more rapidly. She attempted to dodge its attacks but the blasts eventually caught up with her. One hit Erza, doing serious damage and stunning her for several moments allowing the TIE fighter to fire on her even more. With what little strength remained she fired another two blades at the fighter, causing it to crash into the beach.

Erza fell to her knees in front of the TIE fighter. Whatever those vessels were they had come from the same place as Vader. Was it another universe like Edolas? It was true that the original vessel had seemed to just appear from nowhere, as had the machines Vader had turned on her.

Vader began to approach Erza again, activating his lightsaber.

"You should be dead." He stated "You wiped out Imperial scouts within minutes and you have power the likes of which I have never seen before. What are you?"
CV looked grim. "Did you set the location or does your machine go wherever it wants?" he replied. He looked at all the buttons on the console. So many buttons... How does he even know to use this? "There has to be a button for location setting."
"She's more than just a machine." The Doctor replied, sounding almost insulted "She appears to be adapting to the major changes in the fabric of reality. This could take some time."
"Oh!" he panicked. "I didn't realized that it's a she! Anyway, the best thing to do is stay cautious. It only took me one step to come here. Or we can wait... Find something to do while she adapts..." He takes out 3 of his COREs and randomly juggles them... If he wants to wait then he's gotta do something.
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Deadpool lie on the beach, with a clean smoking hole straight through his head. He stood up, a little wobbly. As soon as his brain and mouth regenerated he began yelling furiously "Alright Mr. Gothic man, what's the big idea here. Your hatred is a negative influence on our younger audiences! Do you know how much trauma you can cause, being such a big media image? Think about that next time!"
"I guess we should find something to do while we wait." The Doctor replied

He was going to investigate London further to see if he could spot any further damage of changes caused by the event.

Vader did not turn around to face Deadpool but acknowledged his existence.

"You should be dead." He stated "Although the same goes for her. Who are you?" He asked again

"I am Titania. A member of Fairy Tail."

"Titania sounds like a title rather than a name."

"Erza Scarlet." She replied with some anger in her voice.

Vader raised his other arm, lifting one of the TIE fighters out of the sea.
CV puts the COREs away. It was tiring his arms after a little bit. He looked at the Doctor with some curiosity.

"Well, what do you think we should do?" CV asked.
"Investigate London." The Doctor shrugged "We should find out just how damaged the fabric of reality is and if anyone needs a ride home."

Vader continued to lift the TIE fighter before setting it gently on the beach. After finishing off his opponents he would repair it and attempt to fly back to the Empire.

Erza attempted to stand but he casually lowered his lightsaber, pointing the blade at her throat.

"If you want to live for another few minutes..."

That was when a blade Erza had conjured struck Vader from behind, while it was not enough to pierce through his armor it distracted him for several moments, allowing Erza to attack Vader again and knock the lightsaber from his hand.
"Good plan." CV agreed. Just encase there are some people who are dangerous, CV took out his paddle and put it on his back. He didn't want to take out his laser gun unless he has to fight. Until then, the laser gun stays in his pocket.
The Doctor stared at the paddle as CV put it on his back.

"What's that?" He asked with some curiosity.

Erza held a blade to Vader's throat as multiple other blades she had conjured targeted Vader from different angels.

"Do you surrender?" She asked "This is your last chance!"

Vader thought about his next move. If he fought back right now he might be killed. He could surrender and find an opportunity later to attack again and either kill his opponent or weaken her to the extent of capture for interrogation.

The humiliation of surrendering, even if it was a fake surrender angered him. Erza kept her eyes focused on Vader but spoke to Deadpool.

"Do you have any handcuffs?" She asked

Mordin Solus had abandoned Kakashi, not seeing him as a threat but at the same time not very helpful either in finding out where he was. Mordin was aware that this was London, but it was far less advanced than he remembered. He hummed to himself as he began to approach the blue Police Box he had spotted earlier.
CV looked confused as to what the Doctor asked him but, after he put the paddle on his back, he kinda understood.

"Oh, this?" he responded, pointing to the large, orange, blocky thing on his back. "This is my paddle, one of my various defense items. It's exactly what it sounds like; it blocks stuff. When I was still in conception, I used this to block cubes called 'beats'. My species runs on rhythm and music so if, during conception, I lose a beat, I lose some of my life force. Miss a lot of beats and I would mode down. For example, if I miss too many beats, I would mode down from MEGA, to HYPER, which is the base mode. Miss even more and I would mode down to NETHER, the danger zone. Miss even more and... I wouldn't be alive today; game over. Conception is the before-birth stage when the self recognizes his/her existence, by the way."
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The Doctor was no doubt interested in CV's species but decided that he would have to leave any further questions for later. He needed to be alert. London was not the London he knew from visiting many times throughout his long life.

"Allon-sy." The Doctor muttered as he opened the doors to the TARDIS and set one foot outside.

Mordin stopped and continued to look at the police box as a man what appeared to be human stepped out. He instantly noticed Mordin and the two made eye-contact from a distance.

The Doctor had not seen an alien of this kind before. This was the second time today and he feared he might have to get used to this. Not knowing if something was dangerous or not. If the alien spoke a different language, the TARDIS would translate it for him anyway. The Doctor could tell that the alien was armed with what appeared to be weapons too advanced for modern-day London.

Mordin could tell that the supposed human was unarmed but that didn't mean that he wasn't dangerous. He needed to be cautious. He raised both arms but was prepared for anything the human could throw at him.

He was prepared for a human, but not a Time Lord.
CV poked outside of the TARDIS at the two. Another alien joined the fun. He blinked at the meeting. He then waved at the Doctor and giving a thumbs up, staying safe in the TARDIS and ready if he needs to interfere. He returned into the TARDIS interior and started to talk to himself.

"Holes in the fabric of reality... Affecting those who passed on and those who live on... They may affect my friends... Sending them to random locations waiting for someone to bring them to a familiar place. I don't know what I'll do if I ever faced them again... A reunion after a long while..."

CV then scratched the back of his head.

"Then ol' Timbletot may come alive as well. I don't know what will happen if all six of us meet. Possible misunderstanding and confusion since Timbletot and I made up..."

CV didn't want the Doctor to overhear his self-conversation so he quieted down.

He was then curious of the interior and started to explore the various areas. Considering that the TARDIS is bigger on the inside, there has to be other rooms than the control room/entrance.
The Doctor allowed Mordin to approach him closer. Mordin was slow and cautious.

"Who are you?" The Doctor asked

"I could ask you the same thing."

"The amount of times I've heard that..." The Doctor muttered "Sorry, I was thinking out-loud."

"I won't harm you if you mean me now harm." Mordin stated clearly

"Good." The Doctor replied

The feeling was mutual as Mordin began to slowly lower his arms

"What about your friend?" Mordin asked "I've never seen anything like him before." His tone had gone back to its normal fast pace
After exploring a bit, CV returned to the console room and poked his head out the door to check on the two. Doctor's okay, check. Alien interrogation, check. Safe and sound self, check. He gave another thumbs up for good measure and returned inside. The blueish glow coming from the console fascinated CV even more, possibly due to the mood. He put his paddle down on the chair near the console and sat next to it. If the Doctor calls for his assistance, CV will be on his way.
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