The Barrier between Dimensions (Marvel, DC, Capcom, Mortal Kombat, Nintendo, SEGA, etc) [Inactive]

Zack DeAngelis

Junior Member
Zack DeAngelis submitted a new role play:

The Barrier between Dimensions (Marvel, DC, Capcom, Mortal Kombat, Nintendo, SEGA, etc) - The famous worlds collide in an effort to return all to the way it was before.

The walls the holds the different worlds apart is beginning to corrode. Superheroes and villains alike are shifting about, to and fro between their worlds and others.
The current worlds that have holes are: DC, Marvel, Mortal Kombat, Nintendo, Capcom, 343 Industries, Konami, FUNimation, Shonen Jump and SEGA.It is currently unknown as to how this has happened. (I do have a very good reason, just currently no ones knows.)

Any character is open, with very little exceptions, and as long as the...
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One single step... That's it. One step and... He was alive again.

Commander Video has had his days... For a long time, he has spent the rest of them as a spirit at The Source. Just this one day caught him off guard. He was wandering around the area until he was sucked into a new area. He looked around to find out where he was at. A large clock tower was able to give him a clue, along with a familiar flag... He dug down into his memories from what he learned. "London..." he said to himself... "That's strange.... Why was I brought here? More importantly.... What brought me here?"
The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS, still trying to wrap his head around what had just happened. The TARDIS had been acting up and more than usual. He wasn't sure of the source of what the problem was, only that something major had occurred affecting both of time and space. He'd stepped outside for a quick look.

Everything seemed fine, but with all of his nine hundred and four years the Doctor knew to always expect the unexpected, especially when everything seemed normal. He noticed a figure in the distance and began to casually walk towards him. One of the best ways to tell that something was out of the ordinary was by looking at the people or things that stood out and this person stood out in modern day London. The Doctor had both hands in his coat pockets and didn't look directly at the figure, but rather around him, still keeping his eyes out for anything else suspicious.

"Excuse me!" He shouted towards Commander Video, attempting to get his attention
CV looked towards the direction of the voice. Someone noticed him. He seemed rather formal... Blue suit, long-coat, converse shoes? Well, a weird-formal. CV's visor showed an emotion of interest. He then looked to behind the incoming figure. A blue box? CV took a guess and thought that the other person came from said blue box, which is in the middle of the street. That seemed alien... Then again, CV is an alien himself, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for him. Just to check, he put his hand in his pocket... Gold bars, check. Paddle, check. COREs, check. Laser gun, yep. He has everything, which was weird since he just came alive again. Shouldn't he have to collect those? Oh, the forces of wonder at work. He put his hand back out of his pocket without taking anything else out. He then also did a mode check. As usual, he's on HYPER, the base mode. Inspection is done. His focus then returns to the person coming towards him.

"Hello!" he called back, waving his hand as a greeting.
Kakashi silently observed his surroundings. It's was obvious to him that he wasn't in the hidden leaf village anymore. The technology in the buildings far surpassed the tech he was used to. He scaled a building with ease to better get a look about. On the side of the building he climbed he could view a we'll dressed man, with an all knowing feeling to him, talking to an unusual block looking creature that barely resembled a human. Interested, Kakasho sat to watch.

(Going to borrow from Injustice a bit here)

Sub-Zero was locked in a thrilling melee with his accursed enemy, Scorpion. Sub-Zero got off a lucky ice blast and froze Scorpion. Just as he aimed a kick intended for Scorpion's head, Sub-Zero fell through an inter dimensional hole that opened beneath his feet, causing him to fall into another world. Once Sub-Zero gained his bearings, he began to take in his surroundings. He could see a huge castle off in the distance, a forest of dense woods, a large river, and nearby was a cow farm entitled "Lon Lon Ranch".
The Doctor smiled slightly, this person. Whoever they were seemed decently friendly and so far had not tried to kill him but he could still tell that there was something odd about them. He thought carefully about what he should say next.

"What day is this?" He asked in a friendly and curious tone

Darth Vader stood over the weakened body of a defeated Rebel Commander.

"Where is the Rebel base?" He asked threateningly

"Go to hell..." The Commander replied weakly "I'll never tell you! The Empire will fall Vader and you will pay for your crimes against..."

Before he could continue Vader cut him off with a stab through the chest with his lightsaber. The fact that Rebels would rather die than talk in most cases was extremely frustrating. If he found the Rebels he could hopefully find the fighter pilot who destroyed the Death Star and end him as well as crush this petty rebellion once and for all. They destroyed the Death Star but in the process had brought about their own downfall.

Vader slowly made his way off of the crippled Rebel ship and back onto the Star Destroyer. Before he could give any orders a dimensional hole appeared in front of the Star Destroyer and it was pulled inside. This caused the Star Destroyed to crash several minutes later into the ocean of an unknown planet, killing many on-board.

Erza Scarlet was walking back to the Fairy Tail guild from another high-risk solo job when what appeared to be an advanced form of airship crashed into the sea that lay directly front of her. She could tell already that many of those on-board would be dead or seriously injured. However she seemed to sense something extremely dark coming from within the vessel. She could not avoid this dark magic, especially if it could threaten innocent people. Just as she thought of a way to approach the vessel she noticed something climb out.

Vader stood on top of the destroyed Star Destroyer. Even if others had survived the crash his own life was much more important and everyone else on-board had been expendable. He sensed an extremely high amount of power coming from a figure on the beach. Had they been responsible for the crash?

Erza was certain that the figure that had just climbed out of the vessel was the source of the dark magic she had sensed and firmly gripped her sword as the two began to stare relentlessly at each other.
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Time.... He actually didn't know what time it was. He was dead for a while so he lost track. He checked his visor's interface for the time... "April 5th... A Friday... 2013..." he answered. "At least, that's what my visor is telling me..." He looked at his surroundings. There were a few piles of snow lining the sidewalks. "Actually... It's sometime in December.... I think..." he added on. At that moment, his visor showed him the correct time and date. "Yeah, December 27th, a Friday, 2013."
Deadpool frolicked through the streets jumping and squealing with delight, as he used a deadly combination of his swords and guns to end the lives of the police force that had been stacked p to attempt to restrain and detain Deadpool. A big dark void opened in a nearby wall. Delighted for an adventure, or at least a different set of military to fight, Deadpool dived through the hole, pausing only to stop at a nearby Mexican restaurant to nab some chimichangas. When Deadpool jumped through the rift all he could see was black. Nothing, it appeared. Deadpool leaned back thinking 'Well, I'm going to be here for a while then....'. When Deadpool leaned back, he saw sand around the black figure in front of him. He was crouched behind a tall person who was dressed in all black. Around the side of this person Deadpool could see a woman armed with a sword. He stood and said "Hey tall freaking goth, down I'm front! I can't see the lady!"

Link had just defeated Ganondorf. This time Zelda let him keep the master sword and Ocarina of time. She told him something strange is happening in the kingdom and that there were strangers intruding. Link rode out of the castle and cast his gaze about the lands. He spotted a figure close to Lon Lon ranch. He was garbed in a blue vest and had a mask. Link pushed Epona to a gallop toward the man.

Snake and the military noticed the rifts appearing in the world. Snake wanted to solve what was cause ing this to appear and so calculated when and where the next one would appear. With a deep breath, Snake stepped into it. Immediately, Snake was blinded by bright light and was plummeting toward the Earth. Quickly, Snake deployed his glider to slow his fall. This helped, but he still fell very quickly. Snake crashed down on top of someone who was very cold. He saw a person dressed in all green riding a horse coming toward him.

(Good to see you guys when on with out me. I was a bit preoccupied sorry for that.)
Vader turned his attention to Deadpool instantly.

"Where did you come from?" He asked sternly "I did not sense your presence."

Before Deadpool could reply Erza began to speak.

"I command you to leave this place at once!" She shouted with a threatening tone "Or I will be forced to use violence!"

This caused Vader to activate his lightsaber

"You dare threaten me..." He replied coldly

Professor Mordin Solus awakened in a city he did not recognize. The last thing he remembered was a short battle between himself and a group of bounty hunters hired by a mercenary gang. He remembered executing the bounty hunters with ease for they had underestimated him.

"Thought I was harmless, did you?" Had been the last thing the bounty hunter had heard, unless they heard the bullet as it pierced their skull. Mordin sighed, he did not like having to kill, even if the death was justified. He stumbled across crowded streets. It looked like London, but less advanced than he had seen it on Alliance News.

The Doctor wasn't sure if what the figure said was true, but he seemed to be telling what at least he believed was the truth.

"Thanks. I'm The Doctor and you are?" He asked
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"Commander Video... Nice to meet you." He held out his hand and smiled a bit... And laughed nervously. "Sorry for the awkwardness earlier."

he added on. "To tell the truth, I just revived and all. It's a long story but, coming back to life after what seems to be an eternity and being asked for the time can cause some confusion. Such confusion that, well, my visor wasn't correct the first time... I do hope you understand, 'Doctor'." CV then shrugged and laughed it off.
What Video said shocked the Doctor. He talked about being revived. Could it be possible? Was this Commander Video another Time Lord? No, that was impossible and possibly the most ridiculous theory the Doctor had for what species Commander Video was.

"I understand." The Doctor replied "I think I know the feeling."

Erza kept her focus on Vader.

"I am giving you one last chance to stand down and leave this place! Take your dark magic elsewhere!"

"Dark magic?" Vader asked with some curiosity, but Erza did not reply

He stepped forwards, wielding his lightsaber and swung it at Erza. She raised her sword to defend herself but the blade was cut in half. She gasped in response, a look of shock on her face before Vader raised his other hand and used the force to push her across the beach, however Erza was able to steady herself and landed in a crouched position several meters from where Vader was standing. She threw the broken blade to one side before standing to her feet.

"Requip!" She shouted before a bright light surrounded her. When it cleared she was wearing her Black Wing armor and wielding a much more powerful and larger sword.

This display shocked Vader but he remained focused as his enemy flew towards him. He raised his lightsaber in defense.

Mordin was eventually able to steady himself and continued walking through London before he encountered a human with silver spiked hair observing a conversation between another human and a creature Mordin had never seen before. He decided to announce his presence to the spiked hair human rather than startle him.

"Hello." He spoke in a fast pace
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CV was confused once again after seeing the Doctor's shocked look. He sighed and decided to bring things down to the details.

"You don't mind me explaining, right?" he started. "Anyway, here is what happened. During my first life time, I had this adversary who has this deep hatred for me. I had this belief that defeat means friendship so I was confused as to why he didn't come to terms with me. I told him what my belief was and he stated that, well, he wanted me dead. He said I wasn't a man and I kinda... Broke. So I went into pursuit after him which caused me to descend into anger and madness. After finally reaching him at the end of the line for one last battle, I took him down... Killing both me and my adversary in the process. So I died and started my journey Home, or "The Source". I arrived there and spent the rest of my days explaining to other souls of my kind what I learned and teaching others my past... Until, well, I ended up here fully alive again."

CV took a deep breath after speaking. He hasn't spoken that much in a long time.
"Do you still hold that belief?" The Doctor asked, his tone slightly grim "I'm a TimeLord. The very last of the TimeLords. When we are mortally wounded we have a way of cheating death, but in order for it to work we change completely because every cell in the body changes . We called it regeneration and if we didn't have this trick I would have died a long time ago."

He paused for several moments before continuing.

"Anyway..." His tone had changed, he sounded slightly upbeat and much more curious than grim "Do you have any idea as to how you're fully alive?" The Doctor asked
"The belief thing faded." CV responded. "I have a new one, though. 'Life is. Simply'. And to answer your second question, I'm not sure... I mean, one minute I was in the Ethereal, where I was while I was dead. Next thing I knew, I was corporeal again, fully alive, and here... I can even feel my heartbeat again... A sure sign of life..." CV then grew curious after the Doctor told about his kind and the ability to regenerate. Time Lords, huh? Then that blue box that he saw earlier must be his.... Time machine... No wonder he seemed so alien...

"So, I'm curious as to what your race was like before the whole 'I became the last of them' situation came along. Can you please tell me more?" CV then smiled in fascination.
The Doctor sat down on a nearby bench to tell his war story. He looked into the distance rather than at Video.

"My people fought against a race called the Daleks in one of the longest and most brutal wars in history. The Time War." His tone was cold "Both species as well as many others caught in the crossfire were wiped out. I watched as my home, Gallifrey burned and the Time Lords fell. However Daleks always find a way to return no matter how many times I stop them. The last time we fought they came close to destroying reality itself..."

He paused in conversation, still not looking up at Video. He wasn't going to tell him the full truth, of how he was the one who ended the Time War. Of how we was the killer of his own kind. He'd spent his past two incarnations trying to justify his actions, although had it not been for Rose he may not have been able to begin to move on.

He looked up at Video.

"Its a wonder you've never heard of the Time War, or the Daleks. They invaded Earth a few years ago, actually moved its position in time and space. That's when they almost destroyed reality." His tone was different now. There was some coldness in it but curiosity was growing.

The Doctor stood to his feet.

"Just curious. What planet are you from?"
Planet.... Gee, what planet WAS CV from? He's spend his past lifetime flying through space with his friends... The last planet he actually lived in was not the one he was born on since he arrived there by asteroid... But he can't seem to remember...

"I don't know if this will strike you silly but," he started, with a nervous tone. "But, I don't have an official planet... When we're born, we spend our childhood on a random planet... Afterwards we just, hop on into an asteroid and wait for a new planet to explore! After exploring that planet, we fly to another planet, and then another, and then another, and so on, until we actually die. We may live on one planet for a year and then we might live on another for 4 months. So, there's no set planet since my kind is so, well, scattered."

CV then remembered what the Doctor was talking about earlier... Ending a war by destroying both enemies and allies.... Sounds a bit like CV ending his enemy's life and his own life when he was still at the final showdown. But... The Doctor had it so... Heroic... If that saved the universe. CV should be thanking him that there is still ground walk upon and space to travel.

"Well, your sacrifice was more... Heroic than mine... I only ended the reign of terror and hate my enemy caused and you... YOU saved the universe." CV's tone was beginning to sound more reasoning. "Even if you ended up the last of your kind, there is still hope for you! Maybe someone of your kind was able to flee the planet during the war to find safety but just never shown his or her face! Or there was an alternative choice yet to come in your future since you ARE a time traveler!"

CV then thought about something and added on, "I hope I'm not causing anymore stress... This IS a sensitive subject to you, right?"
"What I did was anything but heroic." He muttered "But you're right about someone escaping. There was another Time Lord who survived the war but..."

The Doctor did not continue, this stranger had heard enough. The Doctor had to focus on what was going on rather than share war stories.

Vader blocked another one of Erza's attacks, however the sheer force of the blow pushed him back several meters from where he was standing. Despite this he was able to maintain the same position.

Erza flew at him again, not holding anything back as Vader continued to defend himself. He was waiting for an opening but his opponent never gave him the chance. For now all he could do was defend himself from whatever she threw at him. She would tire eventually.

However, Erza saw through Vader's strategy and stopped attacking, landing in a defensive position on the other side of the beach. The man dressed in red and black still seemed to be watching their battle but her opponent paid little attention to him.

"I find your skills...Impressive." Vader spoke "But I have faced far more powerful opponents."

He slightly raised one arm and began to choke Erza. She dropped her sword and held both hands to her throat.

"You were a fool to challenge a master of the Dark Side. I have executed hundreds of Jedi."

Erza ran at Vader, causing him to tighten his grip. Despite this she continued forwards and eventually kicked him across the face, causing Vader to lose focus and release Erza who began to gasp for air. He stood over his opponent and raised his lightsaber above her head. Another sword magically appeared in her hands and she used it to defend Vader's attack.

The ability to change her armor, and make weapons appear out of thin air. These were abilities Vader had never seen before and he knew he wasn't fighting another Jedi. Who was this woman?
Deadpool cackled and said "Whoa, little lady! You don't mess with this guy!" Deadpool playfully punched Vader in the arm.

Link stopped and looked into the jumble of men in front of him. While both these people looked like formidable opponents, they clearly where not working together in any way. "What business do you have in Hyrule?"
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"I see..." CV returned his focus to what caused him to come here. "Back to the problem. The whole 'I'm suddenly here' situation. What do you think caused the mysterious force that brought me back to life and here?"
Kakashi jumped a little. He hadn't heard who walked up behind him. "Hello, I don't suppose you are going to challenge me to a fight?" Kakashi looked at Moradin's slim frame, not knowing about the tech weapons he carried.

Sub-Zero threw Snake off of him and made a flying punch at Link.
"I see no reason to. Fighting and killing must always be justified, and I see no reason to harm you." Mordin replied, the speed of his voice slightly slower than before but still at a fast pace "I am simply trying to figure out where I am. I do know that I'm in London at least but it seems a lot less advanced than I recall." The speed of Mordin's voice rose

"I have no idea." The Doctor replied, putting his hands in his coat pockets "But I would be willing to help you find out." He smiled at Video

Erza shot a death glare towards Deadpool before focusing back on Vader. She was able to stand to her feet and block another one of his attacks. Vader raised his arm again and pushed her across the beach before turning his attention to Deadpool. Just before he could attack he was hit with extreme force by Erza and knocked off of his feet.

She stood over Vader and held her blade to his throat, a grim look was upon her face. She briefly shot a death glare towards Deadpool before turning her attention back to Vader

"I am no little lady!" She spoke with an angry tone
CV nodded and then realized something... The Doctor traveled through time... CV traveled through space... "Random thought." CV said. "I'm a space traveler and you're a time traveler.... So that means..." CV then smiled. "Oh man, we'd be a good team! We can figure this out together! My knowledge of the cosmos and your knowledge of fate, destiny, and time! This will great!"
"I travel through both time and space." The Doctor smiled "My ship, the TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space." He pulled one hand out of his pockets and used his thumb to point at the blue box behind him.

He turned around and began to jog towards it.

"Allon-sy!" He shouted with some excitement

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