The Barren Mother


Welcome to your OOC thread.

Ehehe, hello all ~

I'll have a recruitment thread up soon, but I suppose this will do for the moment.

Feel free to bug me through this thread of PM if you're interested in a spot.

This is a re-boot of a role play that kind of flopped because people disappeared so... hopefully that doesn't happen again.

/rolls around thread
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Bam, here I am, moving myself to the OC.
@SkyGinge as a member of the american education system (sobs, cries) all you really need to know is!:

1.) grading system is way harder

2.) it feels like its about working and passing not actually learning

3.) it sucks
yes i do ghosts cannot lie, it is in the constitution
*has to resist so hard to hate on government official thingy for education here who nobody likes because you guys won't get it :( *

No, but seriously, if you guys are willing simply to explain stuff to me then that'd be great, would save me the arduous task of a simple google search ;) In terms of like, year groups and stuff. Here in Britain, we simply number out year groups, but you have 'middle school', 'high school', an all sorts of confusing names for each year xD (EDIT: I dumbed out massively here, but yeah, any 'insider info' is still welcome :') )

In all seriousness though I probably will just look it up, it'll help me to get a bit more depth to my character :')
nah i dont really have any problem explaining anything, though sometimes im not good at explaining stuff

ask away though!!

it can vary with schools but generally elementary school is kindergarten, then 1st-fifth grade, middle is 6th-8th, and highschool is 9th-12th
*nobody likes anyone in politics*

well okay here goes

/cracks knuckles

It varies a quite a bit, so I'll just explain how it will work in the role play here (or, in other words, the way I grew up).

We have pre-k (like per-kindergarten) which is optional I believe.

Elementary school is kindergarten (the true year one), then first grade all the way to fifth.

Then there is middle school, which is sixth through eighth grade.

Then finally high school is ninth through twelfth, and if everything goes correctly, you graduate when you're either seventeen or eighteen.

For high school, the grades have a more common name.

In order, it goes freshman, sophomore, junior, then senior.

For this school, we'll have seven class periods (four core classes and three electives) and lunch after third period.

Does that help at all? 
Ninja'd again!

we'll get used to it eventually lol

oh i forgot to mention the biggest difference between american and british schools is probably the amount of tea



Do you guys have AP classes?

Like idk if that's a widely used term in the US tbh, but they're like advanced classes and AP tests can give you college credit and blah blah blah.
That tea comment, good sir/ma'am/spectral being, is highly stereotypical! D: I'll have you know that no additional tea is drunk!

Anyhow thanks guys! Both your eternal wisdom and the mighty power of Wikipedia have educated me enough to at least understand stuff, though feel free to point out if my character does anything/has anything in their bio that wouldn't make sense.

Oh and Pine, this particular politician was particularly hated because essentially he knows nothing of modern public schools and keeps on making really dumb decisions an making teachers and students alike hate him. He did step down/was moved from the position, but his replacement is continuing his legacy :(

Any proof though (or experiences or anything) that things are harder over there? I mean, I'm very willing to accept it but just curious of anything specific :)
*squints* r u sure

over here it's illegal to drink tea, instead if we see tea we're required to immediately confiscate it and dump into the nearest thing resembling a harbor while screeching like an eagle

Okay yeah we'll tell you if you got anything wrong/don't make sense with our school system

also for reference the grading scale

idk ive seen people on social forums talking about the grading scale and how america's is harder??

but i dont know since ive only been in america
Hmm. I think the percentages for our grades are slightly different than yours because we have an A* grade above the A grade. So in comparison, I think it'd look something like this:

(Makeshift Table Diagram-Thingy)

Percentage|US |UK


90-100% | A | A*

80-90% | B | A

70-80% | C | B

60-70% | D | C

50-60% | E/F | D

40-50% | E/F | E

30-40% | E/F | F

20-30% | E/F | U

Having said that, there's some slight changes in regards to the grading of our first set of major exams (which we work towards over the equivalent of your freshman and sophomore years), and the second set which I'n currently halfway through, running through the equivalent of your junior and senior years. That chart is accurate for the first set, though anything below a C is still considered a fail, thus making it fairly similar. My set of exams doesn't have an F, and for my year also doesn't have an A*, and everything bar a U counts as a pass, though of course Universities are unlikely to take you on with low grades like D's and E's.

Obviously there's also no way to tell the difference in difficultly of exams and general schoolwork. I think another difference is that we specialise in subjects a lot earlier than you too.

Anyhow, hope this highlights a few differences! :D
thats a really neat looking diagram

but yeah thanks
macaroni makes me so happy oh my god i love macaroni i have macaroni right now alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright 
PIE COnfiscate the tea before you both get in trouble
Duuuuuuude Ghost.

The cafeteria has this macaroni and cheese and it's sO FREAKIN' GOOD. 
ghost i already live the life of an outlaw remember?
!!!! thats not fair my school never has macaroni

my middleschool did sometimes but it sucked

oh yeah i forgot

were both outlaws

what with all the sacrificing and all
the cafeteria here is gr9

like i said man best college ever

yeahh that's kind of illegal too

i hope the college i go to has nice food

or im going to die when i go

yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah :/  
im out of macaroni and the world is cold and cruel
i dont even know what that stands for lauGHS

though im assuming the u is university??? t might be texas??? idk about the n

im thinking of going to the milwaukee art college thingy

bcuz art
it's okay because WE'LL BE ON TV THIS YEAR

but yes good so far

it's n



well that would make sense too








I'll get a picture that better represents the boiler room feel this place has to it, but there you go.

It's super cool here.

I'm in the oldest dorm here, which also has all the ghost stories, paintings all over the walls, and it's like a maze and it's just greeaaaaaaatt.

and there's a cafeteria here and we host the haunted house thing

like you really can't beat it

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