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Fantasy The Banished

Name: Thorleif Skulisson

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Thorleif is a taciturn young man who places duty above all else. He is fairly ambitious and cool-headed, but has not yet had the opportunity to allow his skills to flourish despite his age. He does not get along well with those who favor high-minded idealism over terse practicality, but true to the wishes of his father, he will adapt to the needs of his clan instead of making a stand on his own beliefs. This favorable approach to practicality, however, can make him come off as callous or abrasive on the surface. It isn't often intentional because in his mind, cool logic just makes sense in the same way that 1+1 = 2. In spite of this though, he has many good qualities such as his natural cleverness, his incorruptable dedication to his allies and clan values, and the courage that flows in some young men to stand where others might falter. It should be noted that he particularly enjoys hnefatafl and wrestling as favorite activities.

Skills: Trapping, moderate survivalism knowledge, basic combat fundamentals and skills.

Current Equipment: Seax with a decorative hide sheathe; a slightly dented spangenhelm; a rugged gambeson with interior fastenings allowing for extra improvised protection to be added; a spear; a wooden round shield; his grandfather's axe; a thick fur cloak.

Bio: Thorleif grew up on the outskirts of the main clan encampment near one of the rivers that flows into the sea. His family was largely unremarkable outside of the deeds performed by his great grandfather who once gained the position of huskarl in the clan. His family had sense settled down, however, and none of them went a-viking for at least two generations. Though he acknowledged his father's insistence that the running of the farm was more important to the clan than raiding, it didn't stop Thorleif nor his younger sibling Thorfinn from asking his blessing. It was never given to them, but the old man became less certain as the two boys approached their teenage years. When he was 13, Thorleif was approached by another family with the offer of an arranged marriage. His family accepted, but before the marriage could take place, the girl and 2 of her 3 sisters were among those killed in a small raid. His family searched for another suitable match, but his father took ill before any arrangements could occur and delayed the start on his independent life. During this time period, he received some instructional combat training and education from his uncle who lived upon the farm and had gone a-viking until the loss of his left foot. It was him who encouraged his love of strategy games and got him out among the other young lads training to be warriors. To this day, Thorleif considers his uncle to be the most inspirational figure in his life. However, during the most recent raid that lead to the downfall of their clan, he lost almost everyone in his family and only a hand full remain.

[if anyone wants to be a family member, let me know.]


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Marta Fafnir






Marta is a strong woman, as a shield maiden should be. Her mind is balanced and she is hard to anger, though easily annoyed. Her face is usually in a constant scowl, fending off the wolves who try her for game. But she has a sense of humor under her shield and will easily converse with those who take her seriously. She has a strong protective tendency for women weaker than herself, a witness of cruelty that could come from a man's hand. The men she befriends treat her as an equal, her spitfire spirit and personality gaining their respect. She can stand on her own two legs and defend herself, proving to her stubbornness and pride. Marta is fiercely loyal to her clan and chief.


Marta is strong and quick with a one handed sword and an ax, proficient with a shield, and resourceful when she has to be. She is also avid in use with her fists, having a record for knocking out the most teeth.

Current equipment:

Simple leather jerkin, braces and trousers. Wields an iron sword and an axe clipped to her belt and a wooden shield


Marta was born to a simple farmer’s daughter and a raiding warrior on a farm at the very edge of the main village. She was the youngest of her siblings, all boys, and grew up like them, rolling in the mud and swinging wooden swords. As her brothers grew up and left for raids as men, Marta longed to go with them, excited by their bloody and thrilling tales. Her father was proud of her strength and valor so he eventually was able to convince the men on his raid boat to accept her when she was only 16. She has gone on the raids ever since, not gaining any complaints from her fellow Vikings but compliments and praise.Life had a sweet repetition since then, raid then help with the farm. Until their clan was attacked and her family was slain, being the first to be caught unawares. She had been deeper in the village when the attack was realized and roared through, conquering them. Marta was banished with some of her fellow kinsman warriors and her chief.


Name:Morgan Dalgaard



Personality:she is a dark child,the people like her though she might be a little crazy but she uses that to her advantage. She enjoys fighting and wants to travel,fight and go to Valhalla. Prays to the gods every chance she can get. She despises dresses.

Skills:She is a skilled hunter and tracker. Also proficient with her axe and shield she enjoys using her bow.

Current equipment:She has a plain woolen shirt,trousers,an iron axe,wooden shield,her oldest brothers hunting knife(he was sacrificed to the gods),tough boots,wolf pelt.

Bio:Morgan grew up with her three older brothers and her father. Unfortunately her mother died in childbirth with Morgan. At the age of 10 her oldest brother was sacrificed to the gods and she gained his hunting knife,two years later the second oldest brother died of a disease. When she reached fifteen she went on a hunt to prove she could be a warrior,she killed a giant wolf and from that day she never took it off,however she was gravely wounded. Her last brother and father died in battle,she intends to claim vengeance upon there deaths. She has her name tattooed in runes going down her back. She was helping her aunt to look after her cousins while her uncle was out fishing.

Appearance:braided brown hair,grey eyes,round face,tallish,her name is tattooed down her back in runes. She has a scar going from her right ear down to her hip from the hunt.
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