The Band [Inactive]


The Druid
Michael Dineen submitted a new role play:

The Band - A group of mutants vying to survive.

James Millhouse was a teenager looking to form a musical band. When he found out he was a mutant, along with his best friend, he decided to create a group for helping mutants, disguised as a traveling band. (This is in the X-Men universe and the characters will eventually make a decision of what side they are on, but as of yet, they have not made contact with the larger factions of mutants.)
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James was strolling down the street, his hands were in his pockets and his shoes scuffed on the ground. He was a mutant. So many people were afraid of them, but he didn't know why. He hadn't personally met one before, but that's probably because they were hiding. He didn't blame them. But now he was one of them, and he wanted to help them. He had always wanted to make a band, that was a perfect way to get them together in secret. Yet how would he pick out the mutants from the normal humans? He decided just to put up advertisements asking for parts in the band. Then during the audition, he would ask if they were a mutant, feigning being scared of them so as not to alarm normal people. After he had all of this made up, audition day came. He sat in a small studio he had rented for a year, hoping someone would show up. One homeless person wandered in. James really wanted to help the guy, but he really needed to keep the mutants a secret, so he had to ask the man to leave. Then came in a few other people, who he could tell through the audition, weren't mutants. The day dragged on and he was beginning to feel like he was the only mutant around, when someone new walked in...
Derek walked into the studio, ready for his audition. He had been kicked out of his last band for being a mutant, and now he was left stranded. He approached the man giving the audition. After singing a few covers of bands such as Green Day, Three Days Grace and The Fray to show a variety of vocal talents, the drummer stopped. Then those four dreaded words escaped from his lips.

"Are you a mutant?"

Derek took a step back. Angrily, he engulfed his hand with red energy. "Why does it matter to you! Is this a set up!?!" A lot of people hated mutants. He had been brutally attacked before, and discriminated against time and time again. He wasn't taking a chance this time.
James relaxed and smiled. Then, seeing the energy around Derek's hand, James tensed a bit again. As a defense, his sense became ultra wary and time seemed to slow down. He didn't mean to do it this time, it was just instinct whenever he felt threatened. He slowly stood and approached Derek. Then he extended a hand, "You're in."
He let his hand extinguish. He must be one of us, Derek thought. It was nice to see another person, especially interested in this music. He grabbed the drummers hand. "So, what's your mutation?" He asked, curiously.
James was taken by surprise by the sudden question. "My mutation? Oh, I just have heightened senses. Slowing time, heightened hearing, better sight, that sort of thing. What's yours?
Cria's observation her town was good.She would tap into the security camera once in a while,when she was bored.Today Cria had went shopping and had noticed a flyer for a band.Since she had moved away for college,which she didn't need,she would occasionally do things for fun,"This looks like fun."

Cria knocked on the door of the audition,"Hello...Is anyone here?"
"I can control Psionic energy. Channel it, funnel it. Do all sorts of fun stuff." Derek heared a knock on the door. "New audition?"
"Oh, well that's cool, I don't know much about it though." Then he heard another person coming in. "Sh Derek," he whispered, "Welcome, I'm James, this is Derek. Do you have anything prepared for us?"
"You're in luck,I just got a new bass and synthesizer."Cria put down the two cases and started to put the pieces together.First she stepped up to the synthesizer and started to play a few keys,before she switched to something completely different.Cria went from the drum set setting to the classical,but then switched up with a few creepy notes in between.While doing this she began to sing different songs from Shakira to Nirvana,then she added in her own little rap sequence.Cria didn't know if that was enough so she stepped over to her bass and began to play a few rifts and cords.
When Cria finished, James said, "Well, do you really need to join a band? I mean, you look like you could handle it on your own." Then James gave a sigh and asked the real question he was worried about, "I need to know though… are you a mutant?"
It was strange, people told him, how he just wanted to be rhythm guitar. "Lead is so much cooler, you get a solo and you get heard!" they would tell him. "I just like to set the tone, you know, keep the vibe." he would reply, and if they continued to talk about it he would just punch them.

Today was different though, he would truly try for a band as the rhythm and nobody would object, he thought.

Not even bothering to knock, he entered the studio with his new, gleaming strata-caster, strolled up onto the stage and played the rhythm of possum kingdom, switched to sum 41, and finished with free bird. Opening his eyes he looked at the three people standing there, staring, big mistake. The one in the center of the group was James, on the left was Cria, the right was Derek, and judging by the look on their faces he had interrupted their conversation, most likely dealing with mutants. Before Cria could answer the question James had just asked, Alek did.

"Yes Cria is a mutant, so are you, James, and you, Derek, as am I." This would be fun, he tought. "I'm Alek by the way."
James looked at the new kid with the guitar. He was worried. Did this person work for the government? Was he just some crazed mutant chaser? Or was he one of the creepy mutant sympathizers who devote their life to stalking mutants and trying to keep them safe.? "What makes you think we're mutants?" He said finally, trying to give the feel of being unwelcome toward the idea of a mutant.
"Well, as I just said, I am also a mutant. I can get into your head and tell almost everything about you." Now, there were two possibilities, one, they would accept him, two they would tell him to leave, or call him a creep. One was the more likely, seeing how hope filled his features. "No, I do not work for the government, and no I do not stalk mutants to protect them, most just annoy me." Maybe this wouldn't be so fun, he thought.
"Hey," Derek said, charging a ball of energy. "Stay out of my head. It'll be better for your health."

This guy thinks he has the right to snoop through people's brains? He's the reason people hate us, Thought Derek.
James put his hand out toward Derek. "Cool down man. Alright… Alek? I believe you, and if that's the case, you're welcome in the band. But as Derek said, please stay out of our heads, otherwise this will never work. People need some sort of privacy in their thoughts, okay?"
"You might just want to put that away, I know you have problems controlling those energy balls, and besides, I can't help it, my brain automatically reads your background and weak points, it's like self defense." This kid was a loose cannon, He really needs some therapy. "And no, I am not the reason people hate us, its loose cannons, like yourself, no offense." Yes, this would defiantly not be fun, he thought.
"He's a smart ass." Derek said without emotion, the energy ball sitting in his hand. He grinned before saying, "He'll fit right in." He lifted up Alek in a massive hug.
"Yea,I won't have to worry about him going through my head.And I don't need a band I just thought it would be fun to do."Cria got a little lazy and didn't feel like putting her stuff up.Cria's hand glowed and her stuff was pushed back into a corner,except for her clothes and such.Picking her bags up Cria listened to the boys argue,"Boys,calm down."
"Hey, quit calling him a loose cannon when you can't even control your own power, got it?" Then he saw Derek's reaction. "Um… okay. I didn't exactly hear what your power was Cria. It looks interesting."
"You can put me down now, Derek" He said in a breathless voice. Okay, maybe this would be fun. "On, and by the way Cria, I would watch using that when anyone could walk through the door." Yes, this would not just be fun, it would be great.
"We still don't have a lead guitarist, seeing how brains over here wants Rhythm." Derek said, disappointed. "What do you think the chances are the fourth mutant in a row will walk through that door? I think it's pretty slim."
How should I enter? Kat thought. A bear would be funny, but then would know, fuck it.

Using her powers always exhilarated Kat but this was just to funny.

To the people inside the studio, it would appear as a bear on a unicycle, with a guitar of course had enetered singing the Russian national anthem, but knowing the shenanigans had to stop, she ended the hallucination once she was on stage, still making it appear as though the bear had just turned into a human, and played the intro to "One", by Metallica, and "Through the fire and the flames" by dragon force. The looks across the room were priceless, She loved playing with peoples minds. "Hello, I'm Katherine, but I prefer Kat"

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