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Fantasy The Bad Guys (Old)

Sorry this took me so long. Anywho, I won't do the timeskip just yet. I just need Ras Ras to tell me who they want Character!Ras to room with, and then I'll do it.

Carlie: Well, I guess you could always ask your parents.

Francis: So, why do you think they're having us wait so long? Does this tie into the whole evil thing? Like, I get it, but it's not my style.
Maxine: Smiled "Next time I see them, I will" She completely relaxed at the statement because it confirmed that the girl didn't know she was an expendable.
Maxine: flinched at the question, she had thought she would be in the clear, at least for a little while. "Street Criminal" She mentioned her classification but not her rank, hoping that the girl wouldn't press it
Maxine: shrugs "I have learned some cool tricks that would have taken me years to learn on the streets. But i'm only in my second year. What about you?"
Carlie: I'm a Senior now, and I think I'd do better if not for my meddling parents. They don't really know my potential.
Maxine: nods "I understand that feeling, I often feel like people underestimate my abilities. I can do more than they think I can."
Francis: Soon, the lights went out and the curtains of the stage opened. A man with the head of a fox stood behind a podium, dressed differently than the one I had... Met... Previously. As he explained the ins and outs of this school in further detail, I couldn't help but join in the gasps of the others who had come here reluctantly. After the lengthy speech and frightening powerpoint presentation, we were dismissed by age. Being younger than Tamra, or Quinn, was it? Urgh I stink with names! Being younger than my new acquaintance, I was sent off first. I figured I'd wait for her when I got to the common room. If there is weakness in courtesy, I'm at least almost the embodiment. When I reached the common room, to my horror the luggage, stacked high, included my own suitcases in plain sight, recognized easily by the luggage tags I had made. Depending on which of my belongings were inside, this could complicate things even more.
Maxine sat through the meeting. She listened to the words that had been terrifying but exciting last year. This year all she felt was dread. She watched the younger students leave wishing she could repeat that year and fix everything she did wrong. When it was her turn to be she dismissed she walked slowly to her assigned room. She reached the common room and came across Francis staring in horror at luggage. She remembered having a similar feeling the year before, but she knew how that look could get you in trouble. She quickly walked over to him before anyone noticed what he was doing. She grabbed a small duffle bag from his pile and threw it at him. "It's luggage, act normal"
Francis: I flinched as the duffel bag landed at my feet. I almost couldn't think of a good cover. But there's only three of them. I scowled at the bags, ignoring the fourth of mine. What did you throw it at me for, anyway?
Maxine growls at him "Because I can" She grabs him by the collar and pulls him toward her roughly and whispers in his ear "Never show your fear on your face around anyone here. Your lucky I'm the one who saw you" she shoves him back "Remember that"
Francis: I nodded and whispered back. Thanks. Fair warning, I'm about to yell in case people are looking. And I did, swallowing my regret. LET GO OF ME!
Maxine shoves him back as hard as she can "Freshman! Stay In your section of the room and we won't have a problem"
Francis: I planned to do so, yeah.... Wait, are you...? I looked to the a wall posted with names and pictures. I hadn't read it, but the pictures all seemed to be 1" by 2" Portraits. Was mine there? That would be freaking creepy. I didn't know how long I could keep up this whole facade of evil, already crumbling from the beginning. If my phone and headphones were in my bags, maybe I could into the with villainous songs from musicals, make myself feel better about it that way. If it worked.
Maxine rolls her eyes annoyed that he was already dropping his act. She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him over to his picture. She points "We are to share a room". She had been here all summer so she had already been able to see who she was rooming with.
Francis: I was relieved, even if it felt like a new potential predicament. What if I had to pretend to be her enemy even though she seemed to have just given me some genuine help? Damn it! Well, just remember to stay on your side of the room too, then. I sounded bitter to any passerby, but I winked to her. Would I live to regret it?
Maxine shoved him again and walked into their shared room. Her stuff already in there and set up. She had tried to pack it up and place it with the others but the teachers wouldn't let her. They obviously wanted everyone to know who the expendables were from the first day.
Francis: I followed her, not before grabbing a couple of my bags. When I saw the room, I noticed that her side of the room was already set up. That was fast.
Maxine closes the door and looks at her section of the room "Oh, umm yeah" She wasn't quite sure if she trusted him enough to tell him the truth. She sat down on her bed and watched him for a minute remembering what her first day was like. "Do you have any family?"
Maxine nods "Is there anyone you want to return to? Friends? a girlfriend? even a neighbor?"

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