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Realistic or Modern The Bad Boy and the Good Girl


gon be a lil inactive
in which a bad boy and a good girl meet and maybe take it farther.​
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Chelsea sighed as she lifted her bag off of her shoulders, taking a seat at one of the many picnic tables scattered throughout the center of campus, her black sneakers getting lost in the long green grass. She pulled a textbook out of her bag, opening to the pages her professor had instructed them to read. She tilted her head, resting it in her right hand and read, the cool breeze relaxing her as it spread across her arms. She sincerely hoped no one would approach her, but it may happen.
From his vantage point underneath one of the countless trees on campus, he could see quite a lot. Countless individuals rushing to get to class, relaxing, having social lives... He figured that it was going to be like this for however long he'd be here - didn't mean he'd have to get used to it though.

Nevertheless, as the next song rolled on through his earphones, he spotted her. She was practically the only reason why he had been out there in the first place. He could remember his professor's words as he gestured to the girl. Having brought him aside after the lecture, the professor had mumbled on about catching up on notes and... well, Alex had kind of zoned out after that.

Might as well get it over with.

Sauntering over to the picnic table and sitting opposite her, he pulled out his earphones as he began to speak.

"Alex Pearson. I need the notes for that," he gestured to the textbook in her hand, "from the beginning of the year until now - the professor told me to ask you."
Chelsea was a bit taken aback by the man’s abrupt words. She raised a brow and brought her warm brown eyes up, studying the the man, Alex. She was confused, but nevertheless kind to the stranger. She smiled warmly. “Hey. I’m Chelsea.”

“Sure. Do you have paper and something to write with? I can let you copy mine, the professor won’t mind if he told you to get them from me himself,” she spoke, pulling her notebook out of her bag and placing it on the picnic table, flipping open to the first notes she had taken that year, pushing it towards him.

She wondered why Alex needed all of the notes now, as she was sure she had seen him before. She reached in her bag to grab a pen, just incase he hadn’t brought one. Turning the pages in her textbook back to the beginning, she slid it next to the notebook. “Here’s that, you don’t have to read through it but if you need to check something, it’s here.”
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He pulled out his own notebook, which had been barely used, and a pen from his backpack and placed them on the table. Nodding a little in thanks, he proceeded to copy down the words and the diagrams.

He wasn't in the mood for talking, but the silence that settled between them unnerved him. She was too... nice. That was it. It unsettled him, ever so slightly.

"So, you must be the smartest of the group, right? Since Mr. Professor personally picked you out." He gazed up at her, his expression unreadable as usual. "What makes you actually want to do all of this? Studying, fancy multi-coloured notes... It just seems like a lot of work for a barely possible future career."
She smiled, shrugging slightly. “I suppose so, though I doubt I’m the smartest in the class,” she laughed quietly.

She looked at him, his face unreadable. She looked at her neat, color coded notes and realized she did put a lot of effort into her notes and classwork. She shook her head. “I’m not sure. I’ve always been like this, I guess.” Her future was very important to her, and it had been instilled in her at a young age that working hard got you places.

She flipped the textbook to match up with the notes that Alex was copying, and looked at him again. “As for barely possible, I don’t think that’s really true. I just want to be able to help people one day, maybe save lives, ya know?”

Chelsea was taking classes to become a nurse one day, and she was still debating if she wanted to make her way to medical school to take it farther. She still was indecisive. “What are you majoring in? Or, at least, what do you want to do after college?”
A chuckle escaped his lips. It sounded hollow and bitter to his ears, but he continued on regardless. "I'm majoring in Business Administration and Management... Yes, hold your excitement, it's as thrilling as it sounds. I hate it. As for after college... well let's just say I won't be going around in a fancy suit having brunch anytime soon."

The only reason he had even been stuck in this stupid course was because of them... Even thinking about them made him feel anxious. New topic, new topic...

"You want to save lives? I'm going to guess something like a doctor or a nurse?" Taking notice of her, Alex could see it. Maybe all that niceness could be put to good use.
Chelsea cracked a smile as he explained what he wouldn’t be doing after college. Then he switched topics to her career.

She nodded, wanting to explain why, but not wanting to distract or annoy him. “My mother is a surgeon, my father a chief of police who sits on her hospital board.” Chelsea had grown up in hospitals, offices, libraries, and the like. “I guess it’s sorta in my blood. But I’d much rather be out giving people a second chance to live than sitting somewhere, typing in numbers or handing food out to people, I guess.” She smiled sheepishly, feeling as if she had talked too much.

She pulled out another notebook and began to write down a few notes, highlighting and annotating some important information from her biology class. “People always say I’d be a great doctor, because I’m kind. But I want to prove to them that I have the brains to be an extraordinary doctor too,” she said, her voice containing a small note of emotion, something she didn’t show often.
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He watched her talk about her family, who from the sounds of it seemed like the picture perfect family that you'd see on TV shows. Too perfect. He wasn’t going to tell her that, so instead he listened as she explained her motives.

"Seems like you've got your mind in the right place, unlike some people around here." He took a glance to the people scattered around, knowing that a fair amount of them weren't doing the college thing for the right reasons. Hell, he wasn't entirely sure that he was either.

He took note of her change in tone. "Ah, so you're trying to prove yourself."
Chelsea nodded slowly, slightly hanging her head. “I guess,” she whispered. “People don’t see me for my brain, they see me for my kindness and my looks.” It frustrated her.

“Sorry,” she smiled sheepishly. “I’ll let you finish your notes. We have class tomorrow, you can give me everything back then.” She packed up her stuff slowly. “Try not to break anything,” she said lightheartedly, smiling and meeting his eyes. “See you around, Alex.” She waved goodbye, and set off towards her dorm, pulling her jacket tighter and walking slowly, enjoying the silence.

She wondered why the professor had chosen her out of everyone in the class to her notes from. She wondered why Alex had bothered to even speak with her after taking the notes. She wondered why her father hadn't spoken to her since she left. She missed him.

Turning back over her shoulder, Chelsea looked again at Alex, then walked away.
He watched as she gathered up her belongings and began to leave, nodding farewell as she walked away. He stared down at the notes she had left, sighing as he twiddled the pen between his fingers.

He hadn't meant to continue the conversation with her. Normally in that situation, he would just take the notes and leave. In reality though, she had intrigued him. Her perfect family, the innocence that had exuded from her presence... Normally, he would put Chelsea down as yet another poor little rich girl, but somehow he doubted that was the case for the girl with the multi-coloured notes...


The apartment complex was a hive of activity as usual. Newborn babies wailing, toddlers having temper tantrums, a multitude of shouts and banging doors all creating the background noise of the building. Shrugging off his backpack as he entered his apartment, he shivered. He still hadn't gotten used to the nearly constant lack of heat in the small room, deciding to put on a hoodie instead of turning on a heater.

Grabbing something quick to eat, he finished copying the notes. As he flicked to the final page adorned with Chelsea's handwriting however, an idea sparked in his mind. Grabbing his pen once more, he began to write in the free space at the bottom of her page.

'Keep taking those multi-coloured notes all the way to the top - and kill them all with kindness.'

Maybe he was going to regret writing those words, but for now, he was too tired to care.
Chelsea slept peacefully that night.

She had enjoyed the conversation with Alex, and she was glad someone had finally listened to her. Her parents always thought she’d skip college and become a housewife. She’d gone to college to show them that their thoughts were bullshit. She missed them fiercely though.

She slowly packed up her belongings, momentarily panicking because her textbook and notebook were gone, but composed herself when she remembered. She sighed, zipping up her jacket and making her way back to their classroom, and taking a seat in the back, waiting patiently for Alex to come back in, Chelsea’s notes in hand.
He took his time getting to the campus and to the class. He wasn't the type of guy who was overly concerned with being early to anything educational. Maybe if he was more concerned with the material being taught...

He spotted her straight away. Being the meticulous student that she appeared, he wasn't surprised that she had arrived and had made herself comfortable well before class was due to begin.

Sliding into the chair beside her at the back of the classroom, he grabbed Chelsea's notebook and textbook from his backpack and placed them on her desk, the beginnings of a small smile playing on his lips as he met her gaze.

"Thank you."
Chelsea smiled widely at the boy, her eyes meeting his. “Of course, it’s no problem. If you’re lost, let me know.”

Chelsea was one of the few that paid attention in class. It was one of the few that felt boring and meticulous, but a high grade in this class could help her get into medical school. She flipped through the notes, landing on the page she had last used. She saw Alex’s handwriting on the page, and read the quote. She couldn’t control her smile as she read it.

Turning to Alex, she put a hand on his arm. “Thank you,” was all she said before she turned back to the professor, glancing over at Alex to ensure he wasn’t confused every once in a while.

The professor droned on, Chelsea writing note after note. She had marked the page that he had written on, as she knew she might need it later.

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