The Avengers RP


kyber child
Tony Stark didn't want to move into Avengers HQ. Tony didn't want to leave his tower. Tony wanted to live alone the way he always had, or maybe with Pepper. Tony absolutely did not want to move into a building with the Avengers. However, as per usual of him, Fury wasn't giving Tony a choice.

That's why, today, Tony Stark finished moving all of his workshop and its contents to this new building. He had installed Jarvis the week before, and now he was all moved in and ready to adapt to Fury's idea of a better system. The Avengers, consisting of Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor, and Tony Stark himself. The six of them would run patrols and regular checks on the city, battling whatever threats appeared whenever they showed themselves. It seemed simple enough, and each Avenger would receive their own three rooms: a bathroom, a bedroom, and a personal room that can be used however they want. Tony's was converted into his workshop, and was already strewn with bits of metal and various tangles of wire.

It was in this workshop Tony Stark was vaguely aware of somebody watching him.
Arabella loved Avengers HQ. It was a major improvement from where she was before. Her shabby little apartment had been broken into tons of times, and only had been truly safe after she had installed her own handmade security system into it.

Besides the safety of the HQ, Arabella loved the freedom to use her abilities here. She no longer had to hide who she really was. HQ also had rooms specifically designed for improving and advancing technology, which was Arabella's forte. She'd been here for about as long as it had been up and running, training and working on her control over her abilities. She had improved greatly, and had been eager to meet the Avengers, her future colleagues, when they moved in.

Now that she was standing in the doorway to meet her favorite Avenger, she found herself speechless. She'd been so confident on the way over, but now that it was happening, she felt anxiety take hold of her.

Swallowing down her nervousness, Arabella took a deep breath and knocked on the doorframe. "Hi, I hope I'm not interrupting you. I just came over to introduce myself," she said with a kind smile. With all the famous technology she'd fantasized about seeing in person around her, Arabella itched to get her hands on it. With her technopathy she could feel the computer codes running through each system.
Loki grimaced as he readjusted the Hollow Crown on the top of his head, his raven-black hair peeking out from the outside perimeter. His brother's exile has put him into am obnoxious predicament with Thor's allies: 'Lady Sif and the Warriors Three' as they called themselves. How dare they come into the almighty presence of their new king and ask for his first task to undo what Oden-father has done last? he thought bitterly as he slumped in the golden throne.

Loki drummed his long fingers on the arm of the throne, obviously bored with the stupidity of the planet he now ruled. The ecstasy of being king had faded, now he just wanted to kill the humans on earth. Oh, how he hated them. They crave power and the blood of others. Loki had watched with a grin planted on his thin, pale lips when they had these so-called, World Wars. Of course, Thor had watched too, but only for the action.

The thought of Thor set his mind on full speed hatred and rage. Loki could feel his cheeks turn crimson in anger. First son. Only son. It's no wonder Father chose Thor over me. I'm a Frost Giant. The reality set in and the anger was doused for the time being. He felt a new strength rising inside of himself, a smile coming across him. "If I am indeed of Frost Giant blood, they would glad to take revenge on Asgard," he mused quietly to himself, a new, decieving and evil plan forming in his mind.

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