The Avengers RP - Sign Ups!

Me: Goes to google, image searches Frostiron because I have no clue what that is

Dad: Walks by as I see LokixTony porn

Me: Quickly changes tab. Oh god oh god oh god oh god

By the way, if you like Frostiron or just the Avengers in general, I can give you my all time favorite fanfic ever.
The chapter you linked us to. The 11th. I saved it in case I have time to read more later.
Oh, I was hoping you'd start at the beginning. I didn't realize it would give you the chapter I was on. Oh well.

So, is anyone else gonna join or should I just make the thread? Whatever happened with that Backlash person?
I guess if you went ahead and made the thread that we could just say that the characters that aren't taken are away? 
Who is taking Hawkeye, anyways? Sarah?
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(Um idk where to take a part of the movie from so i will go at random if that's ok.)

"Hulk..let's not do anything stupid ok?Just calm down and n-"Thor was cut off by the loud roar the Hulk had giving him.He could tell that he was mad at something and right now couldn't control it. Thor swung his sword around as the got up and ran pushing and breaking everything out the way.As Hulk approached faster,Thor swung faster.Once where Thor needed him he hit Hulk causing him to fly back.Holding up his hand the hammer fly back into his hand and he sighed deeply.He had gotten him down but he wasn't out.This time he was meaner.Thor ran through the rubble and up to a wider space and did the same thing again"Hulk i don't want to hurt you now.Just quit this ok?"he said trying to be reasonable.The Hulk just roared louder.Thor huffed."Looks like we're doing this the hard way"he said.He held his hammer up and struck lightening down at Hulk then swung his sword faster than before and released it.The impact sent Hulk flying through a couple of rooms.Thor ran up to him"Told you to calm down"he said to the now giving up Hulk.

@Skai: Yeah, Sarah is going to take Hawkeye, and as soon as she replies to this I'm going to cross him off the list.

@ForgottenBlood: You can have Thor if you promise to do your best with proper writing mechanics. That's means spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. I'm not asking for perfection, just the best that you can do. Imagine writing an essay, but in character. Also, could you try to sound more like Thor? You know, the way he talks and all that. I'm not trying to be rude, I just want this to be fun and realistic for everyone.

@Jon_14: As long as you've seen the movie The Avengers, you don't need to know much else than that. You are more than welcome to join if you feel comfortable with it.
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Would it be okay if it was Arabella watching Tony? 
We could just say that she hasn't introduced herself yet, and has been training at the Avenger's HQ.
Angel, I'm not sure you understand what the plot of the RP is. This RP is happening after Loki attacks the city and the Avengers defeat him.

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