The Auburn Queen

Flower looked at Theophilus as if waiting to see what he would say about her. She looked as a new person walked in. She turned her gaze away before anyone saw her eye color. She looked at Theophilus again and then just looked down again.

James stood there in silence. He looked at Flower who was hiding herself well, however, the new kiud who walked in worried him. With these drunken idoits the first thing Flower would do is help out the guy if he got into a fight or got in trouble. What's that it would be hard consealing herself if she was busy fighting. He looked at Aderes and Theophilus standing there quietly. Hmmm John....not exackly a name he liked for himself but it would do.
“What good is a mute news barer?” Jacob managed to spit out when the other two didn't answer. Theophilus leaned close and spoke in a hushed and threatening tone. “You’d be surprised by how many people wrongly assume a mute is also deaf.” He straightened up and smiled. “Truth is, Sered here has the best ears in the land. Because of assumptions made, he can go places I’m not even allowed. He gets all the news directly from the top sources, and I’ve known the boy so long I can read ‘im like a book.”

The answer seemed to satisfy the man, but he was apparently trying to find any way to stir up some trouble. He continued to finger the little lamb as he thought, and he eyed the four of them with suspicious eyes. Shoulders began to roll and a few of the people in the tavern stood as the atmosphere became thick. It was at that time that Loote came in through the door, and the attention then turned to him. Jacob was impressed. Five customers in the space of a few minutes? At the boy's comment, a few people broke out laughing and Theophilus seized the opportunity. Sure enough, retaining his quick wit, he slapped the counter again. “So where’s my water?” he asked.
Flower smirked under her cloak. Still though she didn't answer no wanting to give away her gender. She put her hand on James' shoulder with a hidden hand. She kept her face hidden and then walked behind Theophilus. She gripped her knife again.

James looked at Flower and watched her carefully. She was using her hidden self to appear powerful or at least threatening. He hoped she wouldn't over to it. He looked at the guy and then smiled. "Names Jonh." he said and then Crossed hs arms. "I help the old man." he said and then looked at Theophilus hoping he wouldn't take affence. He looked at Flower. Maybe security or some hired guard. She certainly might pull that off if she doesn't give herself away.
Old man? Theophilus tried to hide a small smirk and inwardly praised "John" for picking up on the gimmick so well. Flower on the other hand was pushing her luck. Theophilus brought an arm back to rest on her head, ruffling the cloth of the hood while being sure to not reveal hair nor eyes.

"This one's my granddaughter," he said calmly. "She's been ill and needs a bed to rest in, so she won't be joining in on the labor. I hope you don't mind. Her throat's a bit sore too, so you'll be excusing her silence."

Jacob nodded, still not sure he trusted the two, but he knew opportunity when he saw it. He began to pull out a glass and he brought it to the tap as he nodded his head to the newcomer in the door. "Whaddabou' you? Yeh need a room too?"

Now that Jacob was finally pouring Theophilus a drink, the rest of the tavern took this to be a sign of acceptance. They began to settle back down and become once more immersed in their own private conversations. The conversations were somehow more lively now, and eyes darted rapidly from person to person, as though the new visitors were certainly the topic of interest.
Flower looked at Theophilus and then faked a strained voice. It sounded like her throat was really sore though. "Grandfather...may I please have some water too?" She asked and then silenced once more. She put a hand to her throat, it hurt her to talk like that....but at least she made it convincing.

James looked at Flower hiding his shock. She was good at that....wait....did she use that voice to get out of doing chores?! Man Flower had practice and what a good actor. Darn her for the times she made him so extra work. Now that he thought about was probably pay back. He crossed his arms keeping a smile on his face. He glanced around.
"A room? Oh, would I ever!" Loote exclaimed in a flurry of relief. Yes, a bed! He wasn't going to become a frozen icicle by the morning, because by the looks of it, or the feel of it, it was going to be a severely cold night.

"Oh, er, but, uh..." he chuckled nervously. "How much is that gonna be, exactly?"

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