The Auburn Queen

Theophilus gave a small smile as the girl finally pulled her hood down and he gave her a reassuring smile. "It looks lovely darling. Just be careful of who sees it." He nodded quietly to himself and then looked to Aderes as the younger man opened his mouth in protest.

"I still don't see what good raising an army is going to do Jael. This fantasy of yours will take months...years! Jael will be in the hands of those monsters every day we're away."

Theophilus patted his horse and brushed her down, not bothering to turning around. The horses certainly couldn't continue pulling the carriage and all the additionl weight. Honestly, he didn't even want to press them tonight, but he knew staying in one place for too long was dangerous. The horses would have to make it through the night with just human weight. Besides, the carriage would be a nice decoy.

"Aderes," he said gravely. "Be realistic. I've prayed for Jael, of course. But the devil takes every good thing God makes and uses it for evil." He slowly climbed at his horse and fidgeted atop of her before delivering his conclusion bluntly. "Jael was dead the moment she left the bookshop."

There was no use arguing with the stubborn man, so Aderes tried a different approach. as he climbed up behind Theo. At the same time, he motioned for James and Flower to get on the other horse.

"So just how are we going to find a mythical king we know nothing about? One who's only existence relies on the tongues of gossipers?"

Theophilus, unperturbed, turned to peer out the bushes and concentrate on the road. "Just leave that to me friend," he mumbled, engrossed on the horizon.
Flower smiled at him. He liked her hair and she looked atthe horse getting on. She smiled and then looked at James who glared. "Oh just get on." She said putting her hood back up. James got on behind her. He looked mad.

"You can't let me have any control can you?" He asked looking at her, he leaned to the side to see her. His eyes widen as she shows him an evil smirk. "Uhhhh....Flower?" She dashed off and then he fell off the horse.

Flower giggled and then petted the mare. "That's a good girl." She giggled and then looked at James. "Get on the horse James we can't play around." She smiled at him as he weakly gets up and gets on the horse. She followed the other two and then smiled riding beside them.

James groans. "That....hurt...." He glared at Flower and then fixed his hair. Flower only snickered and then looked back at him. James sighed deeply. Evil....evil little sister. He rubs his arm and then looks at the other two boys. "See what I go through?" He looked at Flower sighing.
Theophilus gave a very small smile, but spared a chuckle for Aderes' sake.

Everyone continued along the path in silence, Aderes in frustration and Theo in contemplation. Perhaps Flower and James in their thoughts of sibling rivalry. The horses were in no hurry, their tails swishing back and forth to discourage any pests. They seemed to have no mind for the thought that this travel was quite a dangerous one, and seemed to retain calm despite the rigidness with which the two men sat on their horse. Aderes thought with amusement that Theo's horse's tail just needed to swing a little higher to get the real pest. He was about to comment on it jokingly when he too caught a glimpse of the darkened horizon.

"Isn't Sandarvo the other direction?" Aderes asked.

Theophilus swung his arm around to point behind the group without looking back. "It's that way," he said nonchalantly.

"Um," Adres started, but Theophilus interrupted him.

"We're making a visit before heading over there," the older man said.

"Oh great." Aderes rolled his eyes, speaking in a hushed tone. "We'll just visit all our friends before visiting the mythical king and building an army in one day to take over the world." He snorted and returned his gaze to the path in front of them.

Theophilus ignored the sarcasm, something he was adept at doing. "We're visiting another subject of Queen Jezebel's regime first," he said. He finally turned around and winked at Aderes, whispering. "And trust me, she'll be well worth it."
Flower looked over at the two. She looked back at James who suddenly pushed Flower off. Flower landed hard on her side her hood uncovering her face which had a pained look. She looked at James with an disbelieving glare before the horse suddenly freaked out. While James tried to calm the horse out came a few starving looking wild dogs. Flower slowly stood up backing up.

The dogs growled and turned to James and then horse. They turned back to Flower thinking she'd be an easier target. Flower of course had a knife good and ready. She glared at them almost daring them to try. Flower didn't move much, just enough to keep them from getting behind her.

Name: Loote

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Occupation: Shepherd

Appearance: Loote has silky, and curly black hair that hangs to his shoulders. His skin is finely tanned, and he has a muscular, yet lean, build. He stands at 6'3". Loote has one dimple in his right cheek, and he uses this fact to successfully woo the various ladies that he meets. His eyes are unnaturally emerald green.

Background: Loote is generally not afraid to speak his mind, and acts cheeky around other women, who usually find him charming. Being naturally flamboyant, it wasn't hard to fit in with the other boys in the village. He had a sarcastic sense of humour that he doesn't let get out of hand to hurt others feelings, and when he has to do work, he'd rather do it extremely laid-back and have fun with it. He's good friends with Jael.


I'd like to play Jael! If she's not taken, that is.

Jael is a very young girl with a minor role in the story. She is 11 years old and helps run a book store. Poor and parent-less, she has long straight brown hair and dull brown eyes. She is very sweet and naiive. She works across the street from Theophilus and Aderes before their town gets invaded.

[QUOTE="Reisuke Houjou]

Name: Loote

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Occupation: Shepherd

Appearance: Loote has silky, and curly black hair that hangs to his shoulders. His skin is finely tanned, and he has a muscular, yet lean, build. He stands at 6'3". Loote has one dimple in his right cheek, and he uses this fact to successfully woo the various ladies that he meets. His eyes are unnaturally emerald green.

Background: Loote is generally not afraid to speak his mind, and acts cheeky around other women, who usually find him charming. Being naturally flamboyant, it wasn't hard to fit in with the other boys in the village. He had a sarcastic sense of humour that he doesn't let get out of hand to hurt others feelings, and when he has to do work, he'd rather do it extremely laid-back and have fun with it. He's good friends with Jael.


I'd like to play Jael! If she's not taken, that is.

Jael is a very young girl with a minor role in the story. She is 11 years old and helps run a book store. Poor and parent-less, she has long straight brown hair and dull brown eyes. She is very sweet and naiive. She works across the street from Theophilus and Aderes before their town gets invaded.

((Can someone with forum powers move this to the story info section instead of in the story? Thanks! : )

Reisuke Houjou, As for your questions, hurrah! I'd love someone to play Jael. I have an idea for Loote and how he knows Jael too, if you don't mind an idea being tossed your way. If so, send me a pm.

And Fire of Hearts, I have something to tell you since you will be playing General Cain. So if you don't mind, can you send me a pm too? : ) ))
Theophilus noticed the wolves and in a flash he took action. He jerked the reins of the horse he was on to swerve in front of the mangy dogs, causing the young mare to stomp her hooves and flare her nostrils. Aderes had a hard time holding on and let out a small noise of his own. "SCAT!" he yelled out.

The dogs fled and Aderes turned to Flower. "Hurry up back on the horse!"
Flower glared at him. "..." She looked at James and got on the horse. She was holding her side and then James took off now having control of the horse. Flower didn't care, she was in pain. She put her head on James showing her pain. She stood up though, her ribs prbably were only brused. She didn't show her pain for much longer and sat on the horse straight.


Queen Jezebel was in a mood. Her guard stood lined up in front of her, trying not to quake lest she notice and take fancy to terminate their service via death. She marched back and forth like a disgruntled general, her long auburn hair unusually wispy. She turned with a snap to a young soldier at the end of the line.

"Just how did you let this happen?" she shrieked.

She and her guard had traveled for hours in the pursuit of the two scientists, only to realize hours later that they were following the tracks of a messenger. Queen Jezebel wasn't happy about hours wasted...not happy at all. She turned to face General Cain, anger in her eyes. "It's not like you to fail me. Will you answer how this took place?" she sneered.



Theophilus looked back at Flower. She looked as though she might be in pain from bruises due to her fall. "James, don't let her fall off," he grunted as he reached over for the rein of the other horse. The horse felt comfortable in the familiarity and walked a little more gently.

Aderes watched quietly and then nodded a little. "We need to stop soon. She could use some sleep in a decent bed."

Theophilus nodded in agreement. "I know, but the nearest town is quite a ways off," he sighed quietly, silently murmuring a soft prayer for strength.
Flower glared at the two of them. "Just don't worry about me...I'm fine." She said stubbornly and then looked at James. Her side was hurting and sleep sounded nice but she wasn't going to stop these three boys just for her. She couldn't stand to show weakness.

James sighed not even going to bother with it. He looked at the two, he gave them a it's useless look. He looked back at the horse and petted the mare. He knew Flower wasn't going to give. She was unbrakeable when she wanted to be, such a strong will. That had to be the most annoying thing about her.

General Cain looked at her and unsure of how to answer her. "They covered their tracks well. They are no fools." He said and stood tall even under her deadly glare. He looked at his men who were tired. He looked back at his Queen.
((Reisuke Houjou, I'm trying to get you a way to enter, while also allowing Fire of Hearts to introduce her other character. Give me a few posts and I'll introduce Jael into the side story between the queen and her guard. :) ))

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The soldier Jezebel had been eyeing averted his eyes nervously, only to bring them back to her face and avert them again, as if he wasn't sure where to look. "I..I...," he stammered. He looked into the queen's eyes just in time to see her hand coming towards his face. The sharp slap stung his cheek as well as his pride.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" the Jezebel commanded. "You all disgust me! A messenger for heaven's sake! Which of you dim-witted men confused one set of horse tracks for those of a carriage? You idiots!" Her guard said nothing as she resumed her pacing. She had only slapped the younger shoulder to avoid slapping Cain. He would have taken it well as always, but she needed her men to fear Cain almost as much as they feared her.

She finally stopped to announce her verdict.

"All of your services as my guard are terminated the minute we arrive at the palace! You will all be put to work mucking the royal stables with half a ration of food." The men tried not to show the relief they felt.

Jezebel scowled. "You're lucky it's too much effort to have you all killed!" She marched away and stomped into her hastily put-up tent, pushing aside the man that was finishing setting it up. "It's fine you imbecile!" she hissed at him. The punishment she had placed on her men didn't satisfy her, so she paced back and forth in her tent fuming. The only reason she didn't have them killed was because she had recently terminated the services of her stable hostlers on account of stealing apples for the horses. She had plenty of strong, young men at the palace to take the place of her current guard however. And she most certainly wasn't worried about rebellion from the men with her. The men were too afraid that she would turn them into a toad or kill them with just a glance.

She reveled for a moment in the fact that she could control her men through such ridiculous fears. She stopped pacing for a second and took a deep breath of that power. Having been refreshed with that thought, she contemplated on what to do next. To let the scientists roam free was a very dangerous thing indeed, and not something she intended to let happen. She knew they were only two men, but her husband had taught her to ignore no small threat. He had taught her well, she thought with a cynical smile.

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A quiet night of travel had found Theophilus in a strange position. Normally he was very familiar with the surrounding territory, but it had been a long time since he had left home to roam. Thus, he found it a bit awkward when the four of them were suddenly within eyesight of a new town.

Theophilus and Aderes (and possibly James and Flower?) crouched behind a mossy boulder, the horses having been left tied to some trees in the forest behind them. Theophilus scanned the town below carefully, soaking in every detail the younger ones were bound to miss.

"Well?" Aderes inquired of their analyses.
Flower ignored the pain in her side and looked at them. She looked at Aderes and Theophilus. She waited for the older man to speak. She looked out and then back at him putting her hood over her head. She looked back out making sure no one saw her hair.


Cain looked at his men and sent them off and then watched as Jezebel walk out. He let out a deep sigh. He soon walked after her and then stood tall looking at her. She seemed to be in deep thought. He put his arms behind his back standing tall.
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Queen Jezebel remembered the night of that particular lesson. It had been raining outside, and her husband had awoken her in the middle of the night. "Jezzy, my dear," he had whispered. "I want to show you something." She had gotten out of bed in her silk pajamas and followed him. He led her through the stalls, through the courtyard, and into the storage silos. He held the door open for her and held the lantern high.

"What am I supposed to be seeing?" she had asked stiffly.

Her husband ushered her inside and crouched near the floor. "You see this?" he asked. And she did see it. One of the sacks of grain had been chewed open by a mouse, and the grain had spilled all across the floor. Rain dripped from a leak in the silo, ruining pounds and pounds of grain.

The king stood up and took her hand. "Jezzy my dear...It doesn't take a large enemy to create large damage."

Queen Jezebel laughed to herself at the memory. As the king had found out, it didn't even take an enemy to create damage.

But her husband had been a fool. He had been too concerned with the tangle of politics and not treading on toes. Too many times, she had seen him bend over backwards for a mere peasant.

Cain's approach stirred Jezebel from her thoughts. "Come in General Cain," she invited. Cain was, of course, the one man Queen Jezebel would keep in her guard and Cain knew it. His ruthlessness and perseverance matched no other's. In his mid 40's and ambitious, his bright blue eyes set him apart from most people in Kepult. That and the queen's unusual red hair made them a curious couple.

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Theophilus kept scanning as he replied back in a hushed voice. "Nope. This definitely wasn't here last time I passed through this way," he said. "Town looks young though. Bold and stupid."

"Why don't we just cut around it?" Aderes asked, unsure of what Theophilus was worried about. He turned and gave the younger man an incredulous look.

"Do you like horse meat?" he asked.

"I don't know," Aderes scoffed. "Why would I be eating horse meat?"

Theophilus nodded his head back in the direction of the trees. "Unless you wanna eat your mount back there, we better stop here and get some supplies. Besides, Flower could use some rest in a bed."

Aderes scoffed again. "With what money? Are you suggesting we steal?!"
"Okay... which way was it again?"

There stood Loote, lost in a small town that he had never been in before. The chilly wind rustled his hair, as he stood the overlooking the small houses. The sky was black, and the stars twinkled above him as Loote shrugged his shoulders and let out a sigh.
"Gee, thanks grandma. These directions will definitely take me to your house," he sighed as he held up a small piece of paper that was severely creased, as Loote was holding it in his hand the whole time. On the paper was tiny, spidery handwriting written by his grandmother, Luca, who was currently living in this town. His father had suggested he visit her, since she was becoming old and weary.

"Man, I can't read this spidery scrawl!" he complained, scratching his head. "It's so tiny! How does she write so small?" However, Loote decided that it was useless complaining. He had been walking all day, and if he wanted to catch some sleep in a warm bed and a blanket, he had better find the house. Although, there was the slight possibility that there would be only one bed. In which case he would be happy to sleep on the floor. At least he would have had a roof over his head. Especially on such a chilly night. Letting out another long sigh, he proceeded to wander aimlessly, hoping that he might stumble upon the house.
Flower looks at them. "Stop it with flower needs rest stuff!" She yelled even though it was a quiet yell. She crossed her arms and ingore James's glare. Flower would be to stubborn to be what she thought being treated like a baby. She crossed her arms looking away. James looks at her and then rolls his eyes.

Cain looks at her and then approached. He looked at her and with a emotionless face. "Thinking are we?" He said standing tall with his hands still behind his back. He waited for a reply.


Jezebel watched the man with his hands clasped behind his back for a few cold moments. She parted her lips as though she was about to speak but then appeared to change her mind, pushing him aside to stick her head outside the tent.

"You will find yourselves hungry," she stated to the sentries. After making sure they had all left, she returned to the back of the tent and reclined on her cot, propping herself up on her elbow. "You can drop the formalities Cain," she stated.

She imagined Cain begging her forgiveness for his failures and it caused her to give a lilting and mocking laugh. "Don't be a fool Cain!" she challenged him. "We all know how much you hate being here. How much you would rather be with your mistress." She hissed the last word as if it was a personal insult. "You'd rather have all these men killed here on the spot so that we can make a hastier retreat home," she challenged. "Cain, what do you really want?" She raised a sharp eyebrow and smiled. "Do you want to go after those two yourself? Wanting a trophy to present to the ladies?" she questioned.

She held out a finger as though not wanting him to speak as she continued her own speech. Twirling a stalk of grass lazily, she avoided his flashing eyes. "And what would make you more successful than your men? Can you, at least, recognize a set of tracks verses a lone traveler's tracks?" A tricky question better not answered, and hopefully Cain knew it. She finally dropped the stalk on the ground and met Cain's gaze. "Why should I allow you to leave my bed for so many nights Cain?"



Theophilus ignored Aderes' inquiry and Flowers' indignation, giving one last look at the valley below. "Patience my friends, patience." He stood up and walked back towards the forest, hoping the others would follow suit. Aderes knew that the best way to deal with Theo was to simply have patience, so he followed silently until they reached the horses. He watched as Theophilus untied the horses and saddled them up. Aderes tossed him his bag, but instead of attaching it to the saddle, the older man placed it on the ground and opened it up.

"What are you looking for?" Aderes asked him.

"These," he said, and he pulled out a couple of knives in their sheaths. He tossed one Aderes' way and finally tied his bag to his horse's saddle as he looked to the other two young adults. "My apologies that I'm not better equipped. I'd give you each a knife if I had more, but I don't." The bag on the other horse was already put in place, but Theophilus approached this horse regardless. He took both the horse's reigns and looked the others in the eyes.

"Your names aren't the same here," he told me. "Aderes, you'll be Sered. Flower, you'll go by Chrissy. Short for Chrysanthemum, so it should be easy to remember. James, you'll go by John. I don't have a name." Aderes was about to express his confusion when Theophilus shocked his friend even further.

"Hi-yah!" he exclaimed as he slapped the horses on their rears, sending them flying away.

"Whatever did you do that for?!?!" Aderes yelled.

Theophilus glared at him in a no-nonsense manner. "Don't think for a minute we aren't being hunted down! Any chance we get to throw our hunters off, you can bet I'll take it. And if you don't like it, you can go chase the horses down yourself. Now don't mess with me boy because those horses have been my closest friends for years."

Theophilus turned sharply away and began the hike back towards the small town, taking his frustration out on a piece of wood he had picked up.

"Theo!" Aderes protested with a groan, but Theophilus interrupted.

"Remember Sered, I don’t have a name!" He fiddled with his knife and the wood, and Aderes grumpily tagged behind, waving the others to follow.
Cain looked at her and waited till she was finished. His eyes turned cold and he stared at her. "You want them gone and finished I will do it." He said coldly and then relaxed his arms and his stands but still kept a tall strong look about him. He let out a deep sigh and then kept his cold gaze.

Flower sighed as he gave her another name. "I'm the one in the cloak....why can't I be no name?" She giggled a bit and then looked at James. "So John-" Before she could finish what might have been a question James silenced her with a look. Flower shut up and then looked at the others. She was Chrissy, James was John, and Aderes was Sered. She let out another sigh.
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Queen Jezebel said nothing and instead closed her eyes. She waited to speak until she was sure General Cain thought he was being dismissed. "There's no need in that." She opened her eyes and stood up. "I have a better plan for you." She walked towards her make-shift desk and picked up a crumpled envelope. Approaching the general, she spoke in a dangerous tone. "You do this for me instead, and then you can pursue the scientists to the ends of the earth if you so wish." With that, she dismissed him to go to his camp and gather up his prisoner Jael and his soldiers for the long march ahead.

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It was almost dark by the time the group of four made it down the valley walls, and Theophilus hadn't said much during the hike. He didn't want to provoke Flower any further and he wasn't feeling up to much chit chat. Aderes fumed behind him, angry at not knowing, once again, what was going on in the old man's head. The outskirts of the town appeared to be deserted upon entry and rats ran helter skelter without a worry. Aderes stepped over the debris in disgust.

“What kind of people live here?” he whispered to Theophilus rhetorically.

Theo made his way forward slowly, determining which way would be best to go. “I told you that already,” he said. “Bold and stupid.”

They picked their way through the narrow streets of shabby houses with paint peeling off the walls. “Are you sure this is a new town?” Aderes asked in astonishment upon seeing its condition.

Theophilus nodded his head. “It doesn’t take age to wear down a place,” he said.

A couple of streets over, and it was apparent where the town’s people were aggregated. Boisterous music came from the only building with a fresh coat of paint. The sounds of rowdy fighting and breaking glasses filled the atmosphere, and a callow yellow light fell across the doorstep. A big sign in brightly colored letters in the window read “Pride’s Tavern.”
Flower made sure her hood was covering even her face. She hid herself well because you couldn't even tell she was a woman at this point. She seemed increasingly tense and depite James' attemps to calm her by putting his hand on her shoulder, she hid everything about her. James let it go thinking it was probably for the best. Her hair color and eye color would be a danger and the fact she was a girl probably would bring the weirdos out.

James looked at the two and then looked at Flower who seemed like a grim reaper. He never thought his dad's nick name for her would ever be true. He sighed. His father called her a devil child. Flower was quite different she wasn't from...well the underworld. She had to much kindness. It was probably being mocked and cursed by her own father she became more hidden and stubborn. She probably thinks she deserves to be treated like an outcast. He shook his head coming out of his thoughts.
((Since no one has offered to play Jacob, I'm going to have to break one of my own rules and play Jacob. *blushes* Sorry about that))

Aderes gave Theophilus a questioning look. He was certainly worried about Flower being discovered, and he gave her a thorough look over to make sure none of her hair was falling out into sight.

“Into the lion’s den we go Sered, Chrissy, John,” he said with a nod to each person. He started up the steps and pushed the doors open with a mighty shove. For a moment Theo and Aderes were completely blinded by the flood of light. Although their eyes weren’t functioning, their ears were. Except for the few men who were too drunk to notice they were on the floor, the entire tavern went quiet. Aderes' eyes quickly adjusted and met dozens of stares. Despite the angry eyes, Theophilus approached the bar confidently. Aderes followed him, though perhaps more timidly than he should have, and he gestured for the other two to follow. The whole town must have indeed been there, for not a stool was unoccupied. Undeterred, Theophilus squeezed between two burly men and slapped the counter.

“A water,” he said as if unphased the place was a bar.

The bartender measured Theophilus head to toe before responding. “And jest who might ye be?” he asked roughly.

((enter Jael and Cain? Feel free to role play them as a side story. Just remember that Cain is a cruel man and Jael is his prisoner))
Flowe walked in. She wasn't timid or to bold. She stood there by herself most people staring at her because she was so hidden. Underneath her cloak she gripped the knife she had with her and kept her head lowered and looking at the ground. She found herself in fear even to glance around. Keepig her eye color a secret would be best so maybe it was good she was to scared to look around.

James on the other hand was more timid but still walked in straight and tall. He glanced at Flower every once in a while making sure she kept hidden. He didn't look anyone in the eye and kept his sight fixed on Theo and Aderes.
The men and women in the tavern did indeed stare. Their stares were cold and calculating, unnerved by four strangers walking in. They seemed to measure the group of four and size them up.

“Ain’t got a name here my friend.” Theophilus winked and tossed something at the bartender before resting his elbows on the counter. “Just a traveler baring the news of our kingdom.” He nodded towards the object in the bartender’s hand and Aderes finally realized what it was. It was the wood Theophilus had fiddled with on the way down, now sculpted into a new creature. “Traveling so much offers the time and I can’t stand idle hands so,” Theophilus said as he shrugged his shoulders, “I sell those for a few extra coins here and there as well.”

The bartender gave a raucous laugh but continued to finger the beautifully sculpted lamb. “What use have I fer sech a silly trinket?” he roared, slapping one thigh with his free hand.

Theophilus waited until the bartender had quit laughing before he continued. “It’s not those you’re going to need,” he said calmly. “It’s my services.” He nodded towards the door. “I see that your town could use a bit fixing up. As it turns out, I’m in need of new horses and food.”

The bartender thought the offer over. “What happen’d to yer horses?” he asked to bide time, glancing at the three younger people with the old man. He was certain they didn't walk here. They didn't look that fatigued.

“Got spooked by all your rats,” Theophilus replied easily. “Didn’t even get them tied to a post before they yanked the reigns out of our hands.”

“And what ‘bout your friends? They work?” The bartender’s eyes remained locked on Theophilus, but all the other eyes in the tavern shifted from one guest to the next. Aderes opened his mouth, shocked at finally having been addressed directly, but Theophilus spoke first.

“This one's a mute,” he said, hooking a thumb over his shoulder at Aderes. Aderes quickly shut his mouth. The bartender guffawed again and there were a few chuckles around the room.

"And th' othuhs?," Jacob said in his drawal, his eyes shifting to the other two.
(I'll RP as Jael once General Cain starts up.)

Loote had been wandering aimlessly for a long time now, and he was getting quite tired. He was also quite fed up with looking for his grandmother's house. He decided that he shouldn't be wandering around, and should instead just look for a place to stay during the night and then hope to find his grandma's place in the morning. Holding a small bag with coins inside, he prayed to any god that would hear him for a mediocre place to stay.

Loote's feet slowed to a stop as he reached a large building with it's lights on. It was somewhat quiet, though, but Loote took that as a good thing. He read the sign. 'Pride's Tavern'. Shrugging nonchalantly, he took a small step inside.
"Anybody home?" he called as he stepped inside, only to waltz into a heavy atmosphere amongst dangerous looking people. Stupid Loote, he chastised silently. It's a tavern. At night. Did I really expect to find nice looking people? Unnerved by the silence, he boldly said: "Well, what's goin' on here? Somebody die?"

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