The Atlantic's Jaw

... Here's another:

"Hello," she replied softly, relaxing her vice-like grip on the strap of her rifle. "Are you, uh, being recruited as well?" she asked as she tucked her hair behind one ear.

the 's' in she after "well?" should be capitalized as well.
I know that here we're all mature and only critiquing things here, but this is only going downhill guys. I think it would be best if we just continued role playing and take the opinions of those and make our writing better, instead of scrutinizing others by claiming it as an attack. I'm not saying you guys did that, but still, just be mindful of how you say things. This is a great RP! Let's be friends and enjoy each others company and critiquing! And I don't mean to be the overprotective mom here, but yeah, whaddya say? I know you're adults but blah blah blah, this is only getting worse.
i apologize for causing strife within the group! it wasnt my intention to at all 
i have work in the morning so i need to go now; i hope your nights go well!
Night! I'll be done with my lad by the time you get back from work (I'm guessing) so you'll have a new partner tomorrow
I actually at the beginning of this RP I forgot to add 2 jobs/ranks. So now there is 2 more spots.
A heads up, like braxnond mentioned, I will also be taking more time to simply post. If anything, I may be able to deliver 1-2 posts a day. In all honesty however, expect only 1.
guys don't leave without me ;-; my perfectionism is getting in the way of me finishing! on a side note, I read all the replies and for some reason I read all the voices with a Scottish accent 0.O
Just asking, but, shouldn't there also be a cook of some sort?

And, I don't know if I should respond so quickly.
Could I still join this? I've been looking for a pirate rp, but could never find an active one.
Look for the open spots on the front page of the Sign up page. All the ones that say open, you can apply for.
Woah guys, slow down. I can't reply to all of you at once! I guess I'm just so popular HM! *notes sarcasm*

Kidding tbh :P

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