The Assassin's Calling - Open & Accepting


One Thousand Club
In the year 1867, in the large city of Hyacinth, a new royal family was introduced, much to the displeasure of a group of bitter... Assassins. They've proved to themselves that the new royals, the Nateham's, are horrible, treacherous and arrogant idiots who do not know how to run a country. It's a simple excuse to kill them, really. They've already managed to murder the father, eliminating the male heir, except for the brother [that they don't know about], hoping to give themselves less to work with. A mother and a daughter are left, the more "vulnerable" of the family. Currently, Mrs Nateham, the mother, is the queen, and the next target for this group of ruthless killers.

Character form:





Description: [Picture or written]

Small background information:

Any background in fighting: [Necessary for assassins]

Other: [Likes, Dislikes, etc.]

If you want to be a royal [Mother or brother], please PM me the character form before posting so I can approve. Don't have too many assassins and if we could incorporate some civilians, that'd be nice!


1.) Listen to the GM (i.e., Me).

2.) Keep it somewhat clean, I mean, naturally, it's assassination, there's gonna be gore and blood, but don't go overly detailed with the guts spilling out and stuff, ok? Also, don't swear too much.

3.) 3 line minimum! This is paragraph style.

4.) If you cannot reply for a certain amount of time, please contact me and anyone else your character(s) are conversing with.

5.) Character limit of four, if you want to create new characters, kill a couple off. [Cuz that's gonna be hard. xD ]

6.) Have fun with this, despite its gory nature.

So, uh, yeah! Join this thing. I'll post mine shortly. 
Name: Katherine Nateham

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Assassin/Civilian/Royal: Royal

Description: She's quite tall, approximately 5.11", a sallow complexion with piercing green eyes and dark, raven hair, and an interesting sense of style or the time, mainly focusing on the brighter colours like red and green, along with white rather than black to lend to her complexion.

Small background information: Katherine's family, before finding out about their new-becoming royal status, lived in a small town called Narcissus a couple-hundred of kilometres away from Hyacinth, and unbeknownst of how lucky she would become, as to being an heiress of a kingdom, she was quite selfish, and some of that has grown through over the years, and some of it remains

Any background in fighting: She's had a small amount of training in archery.

Other: She plays viola.
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well, why not? this seems like an awesome rp. 
Name: Matthew Locking

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Assassin/Civilian/Royal: Civilian

Description: Average height for his age, brown eyes that transition into hazel sometimes, rather athletic, a bit pale, dirty blonde hair.

Small background information: ( er... i'll put this in later... )

Any background in fighting: He isn't really into fighting, although he as experience with armour.

Other: He helps in his father's armoury workshop.

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