The Artistic Life

Dandelion Princess

Leader and Protector of the Dandel People
Character Sheet:





Art Group/Jock/Prep: (Depending on your group fill out the option designated for it below.)

Band Instrument:

Choir Range:

Dance Style: (Pop/Hip-Hop/Jazz/etc.)

Theater Role:

Art Style: (Abstract/Cubism/Pointillism/etc.)

Jock/Prep Team:


Reason for joining activity:



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Alice (Al) Wilde




Junior, 16 (Almost 17)



Art Group:


Dance Style:

Ballet, (but she can secretly break dance/street dance pretty well.)


She’s sarcastic and witty, a little bit flirtatious, but is more of a girl-next-door type than sexy. She often likes to handle situations by simply ignoring them or running away from them. Alice likes to daydream and fantasize about things that could happen in the future. She likes to be silly and make spontaneous decisions.

She’s a total dork. Alice loves video games, comic books, superheroes, and all things media. She’d rather spend a night at home watching a marathon on TV than go out partying.

Reason for joining activity:

Alice’s father was a drunk who killed himself when she was very young. Her mother blamed it on herself, and decided to put all of her energy into pushing Alice as hard as she could into dance. Luckily, dancing has always been something Al’s loved. She has the perfect body for ballet; toned and flexible, graceful for dancing and excellent hand-eye coordination. Al started dancing when she was 6.


After beginning dance, she realized that that was the only way to cope with her problems. She's never had too many friends, so the only thing that got her mind off of her troubles was dancing. Ballet was great, and is her favorite dancing style, but she craved more, so she began secretly practicing street dance. Her mother would not approve.

She had her first boyfriend when she was 15, and they dated until very recently, when he broke up with her for a cheerleader. Al deals with that by what else? Dancing. c;


She's a hopeless romantic.



Talen Bridges




Junior, 17



Art Group:

N/A (He's a football jock.)

(But he secretly loves playing the guitar.)


He's the kind of typical jock/womanizer guy who rules the school on the outside. But on the inside, he likes artsy girls better than the cheerleaders that fawn over him constantly. He just wants to be accepted for who he is, not being the quarterback of the football team.

Reason for joining activity:

His dad is the football coach.


His dad has constantly pushed being athletic on him. They often don't get along, and that's when Talen decided he was going to pick up the guitar in spite of his dad. He ended up loving it, but none of his friends know. He likes football, don't get me wrong, but he's more interested in music than anything. He's been living in this town for as long as he can remember, and he's always been one of the popular kids. His mother left them last year, and he's still healing.


He just wants an artsy, intelligent girl to like him for him, not some fake cheerleader.

I'd like to reserve a spot for a girl in band please :3 I already wrote one character tonight before guard and I really don't have time for another hahaha. Oh and

1) Your signature gif's so fabulous.

2) I made a roleplay about touring for the summer in DCI so from one band geek to another, if you'd like to join I'll reserve a spot for you *nudge nudge*
Name: Amber Rose

Gender: Female

Grade/Age: 11th (Junior), 16



(sorry it's big!)

Art Group: Marching band :)

Band Instrument: Flute

Personality: Amber is pretty quiet around those she doesn't know, but she is more than accepting to anyone who is friendly towards her. For the most part she is sweet tempered and loves to smile, but if provoked, she can get angry quickly. This usually can end up in violence if she gets upset enough. But most of the time, Amber is happy and vivacious, and can get very giggly when in the mood. She annoys many of the popular crowd, though she tries not to act like it matters to her. She is good at seeing the bright side of people, however, and many people like how she seems to understand what they are going through.

Reason for joining activity: She loves music more than anything, and marching band is her obsession.

Bio: Amber leads a normal life. She lives with her mother and younger sister, Emily. Every day and night is music. Amber plays piano as well as flute, and is constantly writing pieces for others or herself to play. Her grades in school are average, thought they could be better if she had more time.

Other: She likes Talen, and has for a while, but has never thought he would notice her.
Name: Catalina (Cat) Sparks

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Hailee-Steinfeld.jpg.1043d776c1afecf684191faba676badd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13212" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Hailee-Steinfeld.jpg.1043d776c1afecf684191faba676badd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Grade/Age: 9th (Freshman), 14 years old

Art Group: Marching Band

Band Instrument: Trumpet

Personality: Catalina is a "newbie" at the high school and is very quiet. She doesn't have many friends and would rather curl up with a blanket and her laptop and talk to her online friends on Tumblr. She's a big outcast but a prodigy with her trumpet and immediately wins over the band teacher's attention, forcing the other exceptional band students to have a dislike for her. Through all that, however, she's hoping to making at least one best friend who understands her and supports her. :)

Reason for joining activity: Catalina's father is a very well-known trombone player, her mother is a world-class violinist, and her older brother is in a famous band as the lead guitarist. Due to her family's musical genes, Catalina is amazing at the trumpet and was ecstatic that her new high school offered band, something her middle school didn't have. Besides, her mother wouldn't have it any other way.

Bio: Due to her obsession on Tumblr, Catalina is one of the most Tumblr-famous people around, but nobody knows. She's an internet superstar, with YouTube videos of her and her trumpet playing and rantings getting over 1 million views, and she's anonymous and takes a fake name and look (her fake name is Annie) to make sure nobody realizes that the shy Catalina Sparks is really a star online. She is introduced to music all the time at home, and as a child she was dragged around to all her parents' and 26-year-old brother's concerts, so she's really familiar with the music business. She's hoping to get her way to the top in band to make more friends since she's incredibly shy, but it only brings meanness to her from older band members.

Other: Catalina has never been invited to a friend's house before (because she was such an outcast) and looks forward to making a few new friends and enjoying that aspect of having friends. She's always wanted to be in a relationship with a guy. Catalina has never had a full conversation with a boy around her age before (if you exclude her brother and cousins) because she gets too shy before she can even say a word.

(P.S. I am a new role-player, so sorry if I stink at this!)



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Vyktoria Drake




Sophomore/16 years old



Art Group:


Choir Range:



Vyktoria is an odd person. Her passion is singing and her goal is to be a singing voice for a Disney character, something she's wanted since she was a child. Vyktoria loves being in any type of musical or Broadway-type setting, as she says it gives her more experience in the world of acting and singing alike. Though when it comes to being a social butterfly, Vyktoria is failing in that category. Even though she's in all of these musicals and choir classes, she's never found the courage to chat anyone up. She does have a small group of friends that she talks to occasionally, but she wouldn't say they were her BFFs either.

Reason for joining activity:

To branch out more into her singing career and possibly make more friends along the way.


Vyktoria Drake was born in a small, significant town in the middle of Russia, which leaves her with a bit of a Russian accent. Her mother had left when Vyk was only three, so she doesn't have much recollection of her. Living with her father until the age of 14 in her little Russian hometown, it was her Father's untimely death that sent her to America, to live with a distant aunt Vyk had only met once before. After hearing her niece singing around the house one day, Aunt Serena sent Vyktoria off to attend North Strauss High.

Vyktoria is a bit lost on some of the American rituals and customs, so she does get confused often, especially now that its around homecoming week.



Damon Knight






(FC: Colton Haynes)


Art Group/Jock/Prep:

Jock - He plays 'Defensive Lineman' for the football team.

Jock/Prep Team:

Jock Team!


Arrogant ~ He thinks if he wasn't around most people would be lost.

Inconsiderate ~ Damon never really thinks about others feelings when he opens his mouth which he tries to work on.

Great Listener ~ Despite having the whole 'Jerk Jock' thing going for him, he is used to listening to other people's problems.

Charming ~ Damon is like this around most people; especially girls.

Loyal ~ Damon isn't the cheating type though there are moments he messes up and forgets this.

Reason for joining activity:

His father made him though he actually enjoys football.


Damon lost his mother at a young age of eight. She died in a car crash on impact when she collided with another vehicle. Damon was a momma's boy though after his mother's death his father didn't take it easy and spent most of his time sorrowing about his late wife rather than taking care of his only child. Damon spent most of his time locked up in his room as a child until one day his father put him in a football team; he never figured out why his father did but once he started playing his father seemed happy so he kept it up. Damon's life revolves around making his father proud which he is always determined to do. Nothing is more important.


Bisexual and currently dating Conner O'Riley.



Conner O'Riley






(FC: Jack Harries)


Art Group:

Advanced Art

Art Style:

Favors 'Abstract Paintings'


Naive ~ Conner often trusts people blindly, no matter who they are; he's just too friendly.

Optimistic ~ Conner isn't the type to frown much; he always thinks of the bright side of things rather than the negative.

Modest ~ He doesn't think of himself highly or special in any way.

Gullible ~ Let's just say he's easy to fool and take advantage of.

Impatient ~ Hates waiting. Especially when he's excited.

Reason for joining activity:

His mother owns an art studio and was intrigued by art at a very young age.


Conner was given birth to by a beautiful woman who's husband ran off with there neighbor. Conner grew up most of his life with a single mother who took care of him well. His mother was an artist though she wasn't really famous; to make money she invested in an art studio and began giving art classes to the young & determined. Conner began painting seriously around the age of twelve; he was determined to get better and even began reading about different art styles in books.

Currently his mother, Edith, is in the process of getting married to a man who owns a great company that voices young painters into the art world. The man has three sons who are into 'the arts' as well though they have different categories of arts they like such as singing, dance, and acting. Soon they will be his step-brothers though Conner isn't so fond of it even though he seems optimistic about it on the outside. It's always been his mother and him so he's not used to the idea.


Homosexual and currently dating Damon Knight.

I'm gonna make some more if that's okay :)

Name: Isaac Hoffman

Gender: Male

Grade/Age: Sophomore, 16



Art Group: Choir

Choir Range: Tenor

Personality: Isaac is very quirky and is generally very outgoing. He's not the charmer type, but he still tends to attract the girls' attention. He loves music more than anything, and also loves to play guitar. He is not interested in a girlfriend, but if someone came along, he may make an exception. He is slightly afraid of getting close to anybody, because of some dark experience in his past that he never mentions.

Reason for joining activity: He loves to sing more than anything

Bio: Isaac lives with either of his divorced parents at different times. He has a younger sister named Avery, and an older brother, Landon, who is off at college. His life is fairly normal, but a dark secret from his past often gets in the way of his mind and work, and his grades are generally low.

Other: He's not looking for love, but he secretly hopes someone will come along...

Name: Jason Haddock

Gender: Male

Grade/Age: Senior, 18



Art Group: Dance

Dance Style: Breakdancing and hip-hop

Personality: Jason is rather cocky, though he seems to have many friends and is well liked around the school. He enjoys making others laugh, but has a bad habit of pulling pranks on other students or teachers. He is easily the troublemaker of the school, never gets higher than a D in her grades, and is considered a hoodlum. He has a soft side though, but not many people have ever seen it. It would take someone special to break his outer shell.

Reason for joining activity: He discovered his talent for it when he was younger, and has been dancing ever since.

Bio: No one knows about Jason's family, though he's let slip that one of them is in the hospital. His mother, the only relative of his left alive, is slowly dying of cancer and may pass away soon. He takes care of himself, thus getting into trouble, but he is always praying and wishing that his mother would stay alive.

Other: Looking for a girl who can understand what he's going through...

Yay! :)


Kyle Sumner




Senior, 17

Art Group:

Marching Band

Band Instrument:

Trumpet/Drum Major




Kyle may at first come off as a little bit self-obsessed due to the fact that he's in love with his hair but he tends to care about the people he loves more than he does himself. He doesn't react the best when under pressure and has a tendency to become really awkward. He's a hopeless romantic and will take any opportunity to give a girl a heck of a time on a date.

Reason for Joining Activity:

Kyle's fathers have surrounded him with music since his adoption. It's become part of his life. Though he constantly finds himself having to choose between singing in choir, acting in theater, and playing in the band, there's just something about creating music from such a lifeless object that attracts him to the band.


Kyle was adopted right after his birth, due two his birth mother feeling as if she too young to raise a child on her own. She left him to be raised by a gay couple. Though Kyle has always been bothered with the thought of not knowing his mother, he continues to look up to his fathers as he did when he was young. When Kyle was 5, his parents had adopted a girl named Emma when she was less than 4 months old. Kyle instantly took a liking to Emma as has always made sure he was the best big brother he could be to her. Starting in middle school, Kyle decided to join the school band as a trumpet player and the school drama club. As school progressed, he began to learn piano, guitar, and percussion then set his dreams on becoming a famous singer. In high school, Kyle continued to stay in band. He made it his goal to become drum major of the marching band. Because of his ambition, he succeeded. Now, he tries to juggle his AP classes, family, a job, homecoming king campaigning, and multiple clubs that's he's involved in all while preparing for college for despite the fact that he doesn't exactly want to graduate yet, or at least until he makes an impression that lasts.


Kyle had just broken up with the captain of the cheerleading team.

(Might as well make a character for myself, right? x3)






17-year-old Senior



Art Group/Jock/Prep


Dance Style

Contemporary, but he dabbles in hip-hop and animation.


Generous - He's been known to give his lunch to an elementary school buddy for all five years, never minding and simply munching on the snacks. This trait followed him into high school, and he's constantly helping people. He's not just generous, but helpful. He's almost always the designated driver, but that has more to do with the fact that he's never been able to hold his liquor well, and tutors several people after school. With Jeph, all you have to do is ask, when mentioned around the school, he's usuall got the title of 'the nice guy'.


Affectionate - He's een cuddly around his friends, always blowing kisses to anyone who doesn't mind. Jeph loves people, and he wants everyone to know. Still, he has boundaries, and never tries to push them. Certain people he does little more than punch their shoulder.

Impulsive - It's easy for him to get frustrated, and while he rarely raises his voice, he'll call you out on your crap if you provoke him enough. Jeph's a sweetheart, but he won't hesitate to do a 360 and get a little informal.

Flirty - Jeph's a huge flirt, always will be. Sometimes he doesn't even know he's doing it, and that can get him in trouble whenever he's taken. He's always trying to sweet-talk his way into recieving one thing or another, but sometimes he just thinks he's being friendly. When he's drunk, he turns into this flirty mess, which has lead to far to many one-night-stands at the end of weekend.


Reason for joining activity

His mother was a dancer, from the age of 3 she'd been dancing all her life, up until a spinal injury left her in a wheelchair. Jeph inherited her love for the art and practices daily, avoiding bullies with backflips.


Jeph's the son of a lawyer and a dancer. Up until the age of 12, they were living the life as well-off middle-class, then a nasty divorce split him apart from his father and brother. They took everything, the house, the cars, leaving them with generous child support and the family dog. Still, child support and disability isn't enough to pay the bills, and Jeph mowed every lawn on the block that year. He got his permit the day he turned 15 and 1/2, and set out for real work rather than odd jobs around the neighborhood, and spends every hour he can at work. Currently, he's working at the local market in the center of town, sweeping the floors and charming customers, and the local ice cream parlor, getting a 10% discount on everything in the store. Between school, work, and dance he's juggling quite a bit. He's one of the busiest seniors, which he likes, but everyone needs a social life, right? Well, that's where it all started. Jeph had decided to leave every weekend free, getting everything that needed to be done during the week so he can do as he pleased over the weekend. He started out partying where he could, then getting invited to clubs and raves. Now, he always finds himself in those dark corners, reaching out and asking if anyone wants to feel even
better. He sells, and isn't even sure he'll need his second job if the cash keeps coming in the way it is. However, he samples the product far too often to keep his life going in the right direction. He's beginning to worry, remembering the drug lessons they've been drilling into his skull since 5th grade, but every time he still convinces himself a little hit won't hurt.


He's never really decided if he was straight, or bi, or what, but doesn't really care. He'll flirt with anyone that catches his eye the right way. He hasn't had much luck yet with a consistent, solid relationship in awhile, he get's nervous at the thought of dating.

He's also Cameron's younger brother. Despite seeing the kid all over school, he misses him dearly.

Name Cameron


He's an 18 year old Senior



Art Group/Jock/Prep


Theatre Role

Actor, but sometimes he'll step back and work in lighting


Callous - He's cold, even to his brother he rarely sees anymore. You'd think he would've taken the opportunity at school to see his brother as often as possible, but he wants very little to do with him, nor their mother. He gives people an uneasy feel with his glaring, and only ever responding if he believes it's worthwhile to speak with you. He ignores people often, and only ever speaks in drama class.

Confident - He isn't narcissistic, but everyone believes him to be with the way he treats people. He's able to walk through the halls with his chin up, taller than most and able to simply look over everyone's heads. It's hard to extract his intrapersonal thoughts, but if you can manage it he isn't ashamed of being himself in any way.

Witty - He despises sarcasm, but is constantly dishing out equally insulting phrases. It seems to be the only time he bothers to speak.

Irritable - Do I even have to mention the obvious? He makes it apparent that you're annoying him, which almost everyone does, in the first few minutes.

Nervous-Wreck - On the inside, if you crack the exterior, you'll notice that he's full of anxiety, but manages to walk on with this cool facade, as if unbothered by anything. He's extremely vulnerable to stress, only able to really unwind when he performs, taking on another persona.

Awkward - When stressed, he's a stuttering, clumsy mess. He tries to play it off and denying it, avoiding this as often as he can, but it's inevitable for the usually poised boy.

Reason for joining activity

'...extremely vulnerable to stress, only able to really unwind when he performs...'


Cameron is Jeph's elder brother, becoming a bit of a protector at a young age, fighting off elementary bullies and helping him through any of his problems. Cameron really just tried to be the best older brother he could be, up until the big divorce. When the parents split, so did the children. At first, it wasn't weird, but then all Jeph ever talked about was mom this, mom that, and seemed to depend on Cameron to fix this problem, as he'd fixed every problem before. Cameron's chronic anxieties began here, feeling both at fault for the split, and as if he'd let down his brother for not bringing them together. Stress is an interesting concept, which can convince people that the wrong option is the only option, like ignoring your brother for the next six years, avoiding him where you can and treating the rest of humanity exactly the same. He's isolated himself, but just needs a helping hand.


He'd probably tell you he's Asexual just to get you to leave him alone, but he's actually pans.
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Poppy Innes







Art Group/Jock/Prep: (Depending on your group fill out the option designated for it below.)


Theater Role:

Actress and she helps with costumes


Poppy is quiet more than she is loud. However if she likes you, you get to see the fun, slightly weird side of her. She loves to laugh and sometimes gets in the mood for using a ton of puns. She is also a dedicated person who never seems to run out of energy to do what she needs to and what is expected of her. With all her energy, she makes it look like nothing bother her, but usually it's the little things that make her upset.

Reason for joining activity:

She just needed something that could get her noticed and she found it.


Poppy is the middle child of seven children. Yep, number four. She is also the only girl, but she 'doesn't act like a boy'. Did she mention she is the shortest out of all of them too at her barely 5'0? However those who know her know that she can hold her own in an argument if she is adamant on the topic. She is often overshadowed by her younger and older brothers, seeing as they're always in trouble, so she needed to be able to have something that let her say 'here I am!' That turned out to be theater.

She started when she was in middle school with musicals, but found she likes plays more. She still loves exploring things that could get her seen, even though she often remains quiet. It was her sophomore year that she also decided to make a YouTube channel as a side thing. She hadn't told anyone that she was proficient with computers and editing software, but her family saw when they found one of her videos. She doesn't let her channel distract her from her commitment to the club.


She has a crush on Jeph and hasn't told anyone. Well, she's mentioned it on her channel, but refers to him as 'the guy' most of the time.

Lydia Middleton




Sophomore- 15



Art Group:


Theater Role:

Minor Characters/Make-Up crew.


Lydia is rather quirky and bubbly around people she knows well. Though she does get nervous and beings to hide from other when she's around new people, she always manages to make others laugh. Lydia is almost oblivious to American culture even though she spends a lot of her time on the internet. She doesn't react very well to awkward situations and usually won't play things off smooth even though she tries to. She's very spirited when it comes to holidays even if it isn't a traditional English holiday.

Reason for joining activity:

She was caught singing and reciting lines from Wicked in the locker room shower and a theater member jumped to get her to join Improv. "Theater sounds fun...Wait, don't you want to know my name?"


Lydia is from Beverly, Yorkshire, New England. She has always been outspoken and lover looked throughout school. She lacked friends and commonly spent her afternoons alone in her room playing her guitar. Though Lydia had few friends, she was very well loved by both her friends and her family (which included her older sister, older brother, and 2 younger brothers, her mom, and dad). But aside from her family, Lydia faced bullying throughout the school years. Since she was 7, girls would pick on her and call her names of all kinds. Eventually the bullying stopped for about a year when she was in 8th grade when she became the school's star football (a.k.a. Soccer) player. One day, there was a huge championship game, Lydia had the ball and was heading straight for the goal but then she tripped and the other team took the ball and made the winning score. After that, Lydia earned nicknames like “Clutzy” and “Clutzilla” and a few others...Eventually the girls began to point out everything about Lydia's imperfections. Lydia, who wasn't the best at making friends in the first place, eventually became worse at making friends and became extremely insure. She now just about disagrees with anyone who says she's prettier than ugly. Around the end of her 9th grade year, her father had gotten a job that required them to the States. Though she is just settling in, she's set on exploring more her talents and making new friends though theater.


Lydia has only attended North Strauss for about a week and a half. She's also determined to make the soccer team and remake a name for herself.

(Okay...Since I made Lydia, I was intending to start tonight! yay! So I'm going to go write the introduction and we can start!! WHOO!!)
Character Sheet:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.ec8858b5a03308a5b5b637ab3a0bdde2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13416" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.ec8858b5a03308a5b5b637ab3a0bdde2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Juliette Holme

Gender: Female

Grade/Age: Junior/17

Appearance: Juliette has long, dark hair and very pale skin. Her eyes are large and a rare hue of purple due to a mutation she was born with. She is 5ft10 and weighs a little over 10st. Juliette mostly wears band shirts and skinny jeans, with chains and bracelets that jangle when she moves, which is a lot.

Art Group/Jock/Prep: Advanced Art

Art Style: (Abstract/Cubism/Pointillism/etc.) Expressionism

Personality: Juliette is fun to be around, rarely seen without a smile on her face despite the constant jibes from others about being a 'freak' or 'emo'. She is also strong and able to stick up for herself. Surprisingly, she hasn't made any friends since joining the school in September but is hoping that that will change when she starts her art class. Juliette uses music as an outlet, eventhough she has very little musical talent, she enjoys wailing along to a good My Chemical Romance track every now and again. Most of her true feelings come out in her art work, which is sometimes quite dark showing that she isn't as upbeat as she often acts.

Reason for joining activity: To express herself

Bio: Juliette was born and raised in Evansville, Indiana, but with unemployment in the area rising and the risk of being made redundant looming, her father decided to leave before they had no other choice. So now, in a new town, Juliette and her dad are trying to make a new start for themselves. Daniel, her father, had always planned to protect his daughter from the badness in the world, but after holding his purple eyed little girl for the first time, he knew that would be impossible. Juliette never met her mother and Daniel never had chance to properly grieve her loss with a newborn in the house. Now, 17 years later, Daniel is lonelier than ever and Juliette is the freak of the town. How long before they have to talk about the elephant in the room?

Other: Has a rare condition known as Alexandria's genesis.



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Sorry this took so long to get up...gah color guard. *sigh* We've been getting ready for our first weekend out so I'm quite busy.

Name: Teagan Devita

Gender: female

Grade/Age: sophomore/sixteen

Art Group/Jock/Prep: She's in the band but divides her time between the band geeks and the preps.

Band Instrument: mellophone/french horn (please excuse me for my lack of knowledge about the instrument...I'm a woodwind xD )

Jock/Prep Team: She plays midfielder for the lacrosse team *whoop*

Personality: If you viewed Teagan between lacrosse conditioning and band rehearsal, you would almost see two different people. Both teams know her as loud and outgoing, though in different ways for each. In the band, she is constantly making puns and is the one who can always put a smile on your face, no matter what. She shows a passion for animated movies and good books. Around the lacrosse girls, she tends to act more like one of them. She makes snarky comments and puts others down to make herself look better. She would never be caught dead in the locker room with a book. However, in both groups she is hardworking, loud, occasionally scatterbrained, and always loyal.

Reason for joining activity: She's played lacrosse since she was old enough to walk, so it was just a natural instinct for her to play it in high school. She joined marching band because she needed a fall sport and her parents pushed her into it.

Bio: As soon as Teagan was old enough to walk, her parents had a lacrosse stick in her hands. She started out in a kid's clinic, then was moved up to a U9 team by her coach when she was only six. Her parents always wanted the best for her, both on and off the field. Along with playing lacrose, they also started her on trumpet when her school started offering lessons. Through fourth and fifth grade, she always tried her hardest to be good at both. At the end of fifth grade, her hard work paid off when she made a regional club lacrosse team and also first chair for her county's elementary All County Band. In middle school, she was introduced to the french horn by her band teacher and it was love at first sight. She started it and never looked back. However, she was stil focused on lacrosse. At her games, she saw coaches from the high school watching her play and marking on clipboards. Immediately when she entered high school, she was given a starting position. She hadn't planned on doing band, but her parents pushed her into it and she ended up having the time of her life. She spent her freshman year balancing intense hours of conditioning with relentless mellophone practice, and it was rough on her. She knows that eventually, it will come down to choosing between band and lacrosse, but she's still not ready to make that choice.

Other: She's lesbian and is currently single *nudge nudge*. However, the lacrosse girls don't know anything about her sexuality.
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Ariela Rabin







Ariela on the left with her friend Noa at camp.

Art Group:





Ariela is an imaginative person with a capacity for humor, even when it may be in bad taste. She is highly knowledgeable and opinionated about movies and television, and she can be a bit eccentric with the trivia. There are few things that really upset Ariela, but when under stress, she can be prone to violent and vulgar outbursts.

Reason for joining activity:

Ariela has always had a passion for cinema and the ability it has to tell a story.


Ariela was born of a former Mossad agent and an English traveler of Indian descent. Soon after she was conceived, her parents eloped to the States. She grew up in Strauss with a typical Jewish-American upbringing, learning Hebrew and Yiddish alongside English. These language skills came in handy, as Ariela spent many summers on trips to Israel with her family as they visited friends in in the military. These trips were always a fun experience for her, as they allowed her to visit beaches, see Israeli films, and - in her adolescent years - learn how to use a few firearms. She came to befriend some of the soldiers training at the camp - including her pen pal Noa - and more than once offered to share their stories with others. This was the beginning of her interest in cinematography, and she first joined the Film Club in her sophomore year.


While both of her parents speak with heavy accents from their respective birthplaces, Ariela has a simple middle American accent.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.cbad0942d90a6f0d31250c420a846f06.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.cbad0942d90a6f0d31250c420a846f06.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kiara Starr

Gender: Female

Grade/Age: Senior/17

Appearance: Kiara is leader of the preps, queen bee and sporting princess of the school, her appearance matches this, pristine golden curls, framing a slender face. Big blue eyes are subtly adorned with smudgy black eyeliner and plump, kissable lips tinted pink. She's tall and athletic yet provocatively curvy in a way non of her followers can match.

Art Group/Jock/Prep: (Depending on your group fill out the option designated for it below.) Prep

Jock/Prep Team: Lacrosse, Netball, Volleyball, Cheerleading

Personality: Kiara is your classic b*tch. Rich, stuck up and hiiiiiiigh maintenance. Nothing is too good for her. She demands attention of all, and in return gets veritable worship from her followers of wannabes and barbie girls. She likes to have things, expensive, rare, gorgeous things that most can only dream of owning. She's not the sluttiest of her group, but definitely the most sought after when it comes to the gentlemen of the school.

Reason for joining activity: Keeping her rank at the top of the social pyramid and equally as important to her is her figure.

Bio: Kiara is top dog. She demands nothing less than power over everyone worthy of her attention, being captain of the Lacrosse, Netball and Volleyball teams with which she keeps in shape. God forbid any calories could creep onto her plate, which would never occur due to her carefully handmade meals prepared by her families personal cook. Despite her obsessiveness with being queen bee, Kiara isn't completely self centred, sparing enough time to maintain high maintenance friendships and fleeting romances with the football team. And now, everything is coming to it's peak, the title of homecoming queen is up for grabs and she expects nothing less than to get it, at any cost. Except recently, her size 6 jeans burst open and her breakfast seems to be making an unwanted appearance every day now. She can't be pregnant... That would ruin everything.

Other: She is an only child, and rarely sees her rich parents.



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Name: Elle Bexley

Gender: Female

Grade/Age: 17, young senior

Appearance: My profile picture

Art Group/Jock/Prep:


Personality: Elle is the quiet girl who sits in the back of the classroom doodling all period with her headphones in. She keeps to herself and she's comfortable that way. She's really shy and a bit cynical, which usually causes her to kamikaze every relationship she's ever had. She believes she's better off alone, and plans to stay that way. She is very pretty, but she doesn't really care about boys or dating, she has too much to worry about, though she is really dying for someone to care enough to break down her walls. She's very intelligent and besides film her favorite subject is math. She has a very dry sense of humor and can often be found rolling her eyes. If you ever got close enough to know her you'd find she's really sweet and selfless. She pretends to be this bad ass punk, but deep down she's a scared little girl.

Reason for joining activity: When Elle was a kid she was pretty much left to tend herself while her mom and dad fought (loudly) downstairs. She didn't make friends easily, she really didn't have anyone to talk to. So she started making "movies" about moms and dads that loved each other and perfect families. As she got older her films expanded into a different point of view, a more expository type of film. Right now she's working on a film about how everything basically ends and usually ends badly.

Bio: Elle was born into a seemingly perfect family; Mom, Dad, baby girl, and even a house with a white picket fence. The picture of perfection. But what everyone didn't know was that Daddy drank and Mommy yelled. And Elle, well Elle just tried to stay out of their way. Everyone just assumes because they're the pretty, rich family that everything is fine just fine, tell that to the bruises on her Mother's arms. Elle started drinking when she was 14, at first just to help her to sleep over the noise, and then she couldn't stop. Now she's struggling with the pressure to give the best film of her life, get a full ride scholarship to NYU, pretend that everything is perfect at home an that she doesn't drink herself to sleep every night.


She's a teddy bear pretending to be a grizzly bear.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.ec870d024dcea3b6a007a9865660f1c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.ec870d024dcea3b6a007a9865660f1c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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