The Artistic Life [Inactive]

When Teagan walked into the bathroom, Kiara froze, wobbling on a tightrope line between holding her stomach in and pretending she was examining a mole or confiding in her. She went for the first option, poking an invisible spot on her stomach and turned away from her friends cheery wave. Kiara pulled up the elastic waisted skirt, noticing it almost fitting comfortably when she sucks her stomach in. She turns, glancing at Teagan, sudden desire to tell her part of her problem. Or perhaps just showing her is enough.

Kiara watches her friends face mould into confusion and then shock as she pulls up her shirt and stops holding in her stomach. Tears brim in her eyes and her mouth quavers like a small child.

"You have to help me"
Teagan looked blankly at Kiara. It was strange, seeing her lacrosse captain who was normally so fierce break down and cry. The good part of her wanted to reach out and help, but another part resisted. How many times has Kiara been rude to me? Told me that I need more practice, or that she doesn't like what I'm wearing? Teagan thought for a moment. Too many to count. She looked back at the captain, scared. Kiara seemed in no mood to be snarky, but you never knew with her. Whatever she was crying about, if Teagan told anybody, she'd be dead. Her popularity she had gained from lacrosse would be gone. She sighed, and looked into Kiara's eyes, "What's wrong?"
There's a moment of silence. Kiara wonders if she had been over reacting. Maybe it's not that noticeable. Then again, Teagan had never seemed as obsessed with body figure as the others, perhaps she doesn't scrutinize as hard either.

"I'm pregnant" the words tumble out of her lips, falling into the silence and leaving only a dry mouth and twisting stomach. Tears slip down her face, she rests her hand on her stomach and slides to the floor in resignation. Karma's a bitch, she thinks resentfully, but surely I didn't deserve this.
Teagan stared blankly at Kiara. There's no way - no. Her shock, however quickly morphed to anger. There was no way she was going to sit there and be sympathetic for Kiara. The captain had been rude to her too many times to count. Now was her time to get back. Not now though, she thought. I'll have to wait. Maybe until lacrosse tryouts - or maybe I'll just happen to be around Coach's room today. She couldn't let Kiara know what she was planning though. Trying to appear calm and nonchalant, she asked, "How did this happen?"

{mentioned: @MyFishToldMe }
Kyle let out a small chuckle and took a second to collect his thoughts before replying to Juliette's question. "My girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend. She's not exactly over our break-up that's all." Kyle smiled reassuringly and runs his hand though his hair once again. "So I have a question for you now," He shifts a little in his seat, "Why have you been chilling out in this corner?" ((Sorry about my absence...And my short reply...)
Julliette laughs, cringing a little in sympathy.

"Damn, picked the wrong bitch to mess with" she bites her lip, slightly regretting speaking but also not caring. She twists a strand of dark hair out of her face and studies his angled face for a moment, the way that the over-bright fluorescent lights seem to enhance his skin tone instead of washing it out. She lets her eyes meet his before muttering "I kinda lack in the friend department" she smiles warmly, not feeling sorry for herself as some might "as in, I don't have any"
Ariela looked at her camera's screen and zoomed in a bit to find a group of particularly catty young ladies gossiping and giggling in apparently hushed tones - though even at a shout, little would be heard over the buzzing drone of incomprehensible voices which permeated every inch of this acoustically resonant hall. The assumption that they were hushed came only from the stances in which they sat - leaned forward and with an ear occasionally turned inward. Every now and then, one or more of them would point in the direction their glances had been finding themselves. Turning the camera slowly, Ariela followed their line of sight to the table that had been designated de facto as that to which the "band geeks" were resigned. She shook her head lightly, zooming the camera back out while still settled upon the scene.
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