The Artistic Life [Inactive]

Dandelion Princess

Leader and Protector of the Dandel People
Katie91011 submitted a new role play:

The Artistic Life - Theses are the lives of artists just trying to make it though high school.

You're all students at North Strauss High in Strauss, Indiana. Home of the Knights! Your school colors are blue, silver, and gold. (Three cheers for made up places!)
It's early October.

It was already enough as it is trying to make it through high school with jocks and preps picking on you and your friends all the time but it's even...
Read more about this role play...
@jewlia @QuixoticKitten @touchthesky77 @Mariah @Pitch Black @ColaGirl4Life @Chromeo413 @Highlander

It's Monday, October 3rd (Sorry, Mean Girls reference;
I so had to.) It's currently lunch time. The lunch room seating is the stereotypical seating; everyone is with whatever group they are associated with. Homecoming campaigns are coming to an end and everyone is voting for homecoming king and queen on the stage in the front of the lunch room. The student government president, Landon Peterson, just made an announcement basically begging everyone to vote, "Everyone PLEASE remember to vote for homecoming king and queen! We want to make sure that the results as fair as possible! VOTE!"

(You may start whenever!)
Vyktoria sat in her normal seat at one of the tables in the corner, poking at whatever food she had grabbed at random with her fork. "Yeah yeah yeah, whatever." She gave her own silent answer to Landon's plead. She honestly didn't care much for Homecoming, let alone voting for whatever popular crowd member would beg for the rest of their life that they were their school's king or queen. It was a low chance that Vyktoria would even be going to the, what she thought was a bland American school tradition.
Kyle walked around the cafeteria handing everyone sodas with a "Vote for Kyle" on each of them. He felt pretty confident that he was going to make homecoming king but his ex-girlfriend wanted to ruin him since he broke up with her right after a football game. Kyle made his way over to the cheerleaders table to offer them a soda, unfortunately as a response, the whole team elected to pour milk on top of his head. Kyle wiped the milk from his face and walked away, whining under his breath, "My hair..." He forced a smile on his face and sat at the table of dance students, setting the sodas on the table to keep the milk from dripping onto them, "All of you are going to vote for me, right?"
Poppy sat with her notebook open at the usual table. "Let's see..." She murmured, ignoring the world around her. She was trying to figure out her next video idea. She put one up every week if things went well and she was fairly popular, inching her way up so she had a mind-boggling number of subscribers. She didn't really care about homecoming, no one would notice anyway if she didn't vote. She looked back at her notebook, tapping her pen on the the paper. She decided on doing her "Pop the Question" thing where she answered viewers questions about herself. She pulled out her phone and tried to find some good questions, still ignoring the lunchroom hullabaloo.
Lydia looks around not sure of where to sit, once again. There wasn't going to be much time for her to vote but it's not like she knew who anyone was anyways. "I should probably write The Queen on the ballot," Lydia snickered. She didn't know the theater kids well enough and she didn't know who was on the soccer team so there went her chance of sitting with those kids. The girl that had confronted her in the locker room and wasn't anywhere to be found. Lydia sighed and took a seat by this girl who was sitting at a table in the corner. "Hello, I'm Lydia," She smiled and held her hand out to the girl.
Vyktoria's eyes flicked over to the girl who took the seat next to her, holding back a sigh, she put on a smile. "Hi, Name's Vyktoria." The girl nodded, shaking Lydia's hand. "You must be new here. Everyone chooses against sitting with me." Vyk shrugged, returning her eyes to her plate and resumed poking at it with her fork. "American food confuses me..." The Russian chuckled a bit, gently nudging her plate away from her.
At the front of the cafeteria, Cameron looked perplexed at the list of people on this ballet. He had no idea who any of them were, just a list of faceless names. He looked over his shoulder, glancing back at the theater group, wondering why he hadn't stayed in his eat. Kyle, as it said on the beverage sitting on every table, seemed like a nice enough kid, however Cameron didn't know anything about him. Still, he was the only name he recognized, and that campaign tactic had at least gained a vote from him.

"You're voting for Kyle?" asked a quiet voice to his left, and Cameron's shoulders immediately tensed.

"Could be...," Cameron replied, icy eyes lifting to find his brother's looking at him with this innocent hope in his eyes, making it apparent that he really didn't care who Cameron was voting for.

"Well, I-," Jeph started, only to be cut off.

"Leave me alone, alright?" he growled out, before crumpling up the ballot and dropping it to the floor, to bitter against this Kyle for convincing him to get up here to actually vote for him anymore. Cameron turned around and made it to the theater kid's table in record time, seating himself across Poppy, looking particularly ornery this lunch period.

Jeph took a moment to write in his vote, looking through the list of names and uncertain who he wanted to vote for. Unlike Cameron, he actually talked to people. This one had just been through a bad break up and really deserved it, but he knew it'd been this other person's dream since Freshman year. After what seemed like forever, he finally cast his vote, turning around to leave. Jeph paused, turning back again to pick up the crumpled up sheet of paper with a vote for Kyle and a little question mark beside the name of all the girls. Jeph snorted, sliding the abused sheet of paper into the box before, at long last, returning to the dance student's table.

"Just did, actually," he replied to Kyle, giving him a pat on the back, and despite knowing that band members weren't likely to win these sort of things he ended on "I hope you'll get plenty more." He sat down in his seat at the table, looking around at all the little sodas on the right of every tray, "Oh, and thanks," he added, tapping the edge of the can with his fingernail, offering a friendly smile to the band student.

"...Did someone pour milk on your head?" he added after a moment.
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Poppy looked up as Cameron sat down at the table. She normally would have said 'hi' at the least, but he didn't look one bit pleasant. So instead she settled for a friendly smile before looking back at her notebook of ideas. She learned that when Cameron looked that way she shouldn't say anything. Besides, if she looked like he was she would want people to leave her alone too. Flicking through twitter, she saw some people already sending her questions, so she looked through them to see if she could find really good ones to answer.

Damon & Conner

Conner tapped his pencil as he looked down at the small piece of paper set out in front of him on a table that was set in the front stage of the cafeteria. "I don't really recognize any of these girls so..random pick maybe?" Of course Conner voted for Damon to be 'The Homecoming King' but he was having trouble picking 'The Queen'. Damon was probably only nominated because he was on the football team and a jock for that matter.

Damon popped a grape in his mouth as he threw away the trash on his tray and set the tray on-top of the trash-can as he noticed Conner and began to make his way over to the front stage of the cafeteria.
"Your just now voting?" Damon set his hand on the small table as he stood close by Conner and viewed the small paper over his shoulder. "Who you voting for?" Damon grinned as he saw a check-mark next to his name. "Of course." He muttered under his breath. "I'm still deciding on who to vote for as the queen." Damon snatched the pencil from Conner's hand and gently pushed him out of the way as he began scribbling on the small piece of paper. "Well how about you vote for who I voted for, huh?" Conner leaned against the table as he folded his arms. "Okay and who would that be?" Damon set the pencil on the table and lifted up the ballot so Conner could read it. All the names of the girls were crossed out and replaced under them was the name 'Conner O'Riley'. With a grin Damon slipped the paper into the box then wrapped his arm around Conner's shoulder. "There, not like we'll win but whatever. I just like the idea of voting for you rather than some girl who's been dying to be homecoming queen." Conner laughed slightly at Damon's remark as they walked away from the table and headed for a table filled with art nerds though, of course, Damon would go over to his jock friends right after his boyfriend was seated.

Lydia giggled, "I can't see why anyone wouldn't want to sit with you...By the way, American food confuses me also," she smiled softly but brightly. Vyktoria seemed nice enough, she wasn't from around here like Lydia so they did have something in common. "Where are you from?" Lydia spoke quietly, with the occasional word being unheard.
"I'm from some small insignificant town in the middle of Russia, lived there until I was about 14 then moved here after my father died." Vyktoria shrugged, unscrewing the cap to her water bottle and taking a quick sip. "Most Russians don't miss Russia. But I'd move back there in a heartbeat." She said, setting her water down lightly and screwing the top back on, turning her attention back on Lydia.
Happy birthday to me

Juliette rolls, slapping the screeching alarm clock beside her and tugging the covers over her head. School is the last thing on her mind today.

A quiet knock on the door causes Juliette to peek out from the sea of covers towards the distant lighthouse that is her father. His light brown hair sticks up in tufts on his head, one hand rubs his jawline as if this could dissipate the rough stubble that had appeared overnight.

'Morning Sweetheart' his voice is thick with the effort of holding in emotion. 'Happy --'

'No Dad.' Juliette cuts him off between words, looking up into her dads big, sad, blue eyes.

It's been seventeen years since my mothers death.

Juliette gestures for her father to come sit on the bed. When he does, she pulls him down so his head is on the pillow and curls up to his chest. So many years he'd tried to make today a special day for his daughter. Juliette folds into her father, feeling his chest tighten and release as the tears begin to flow down his face. Deep sobs wrack through his body, sounds that only come from a broken man. They stay like this until the school bus horn cuts through the atmosphere, seeming to remind her father that he's the adult. Juliette sits up, kissing her fathers cheek and pulling herself off the bed.

A semi-clean 'The black parade' t-shirt lounges on the end of her bed and she pulls it on along with black skinny jeans and black boots. Juliette scampers to the bathroom, washing and applying thick black eye make-up to her soft white eyelids. She stares into the mirror, searching for signs of her mothers presence in her face. Purple eyes stare back, glittering hues of silver and violet in the morning light.The contrast is stunning. Next a hoard of bracelets rattle up her arms covering angry memories that lurk there. Her mothers locket never left her neck. Juliette nods at herself in the mirror, ready to face what's left of the hardest day of the year. It's already nearing midday, having not been in a hurry to dress. Juliette slips her patch covered satchel over her shoulder and grabs her car keys.

* * * *

Walking through main office of school, Juliette instantly gets a detention for being half a day late.

Happy birthday to me.
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Kyle smiled at the sound of Jeph's replie, "Well, I'm one vote closer to the crown." He looked at the table and started tapping the rhythm to the marching show subconsciously. Eventually,Kyle looked at the milk drop down from his hair and let out a sigh that turned into a forced laugh. "Yeah, pissed off ex...I suppose breaking up with Addi at a football game wasn't quite the best idea," Kyle glanced back at the prep table to get flipped off by half the team, "She has half the team cheer wanting me dead." He let out another sigh and ran his hand through his milk drenched hair. He stands up and wipe more milk out his face, "I'm going to try and find something else to change into...I'll see you later Jeph." Kyle got up from the table and walked out the lunch room.
"I'm sorry to hear about your father..." Lydia spoke softly then picked up her voice again, "I think I feel much the same...I love the UK too much. Though I'd choose a new town to live in, I don't think I can handle all this different culture." Lydia laughed a little and then looked at her food, "I came from a small town. Beverly, Yorkshire." She takes a bite of of her food and widens her eyes as she tastes it, "Oh my goodness! This much salt should be illegal!"
Juliette, having finally escaped the angry wrath of Mrs Parker on reception, finds a corner out of teachers sight and slides down the wall. She possesses no interest in going into the hot, smelly cafeteria and attempting to choke down the insanely salty mush that is served there.

After spending only a moment slumped in the corner, Juliette notices a tall boy bounce up the stairs from the cafeteria. Milk drips from his brown hair and runs in streams over soft peachy cheeks and onto his sweater. "Do you need a hand?" Juliette calls, watching him confusedly look for the body that her voice had come from "Down here, in the corner"

His eyes melt when they notice her, hard glimmering sapphires becoming a cloudless sky on a sunny day. Juliette feels a twang in her stomach, like a cocoon of caterpillars had become butterflies inside her. Looking away bashfully, she rummages in her bag and tosses him a towel, she'd missed gym class today anyway.
Placing the towel on top his head, Kyle started to scrub every millimeter of his hair in effort to get all the milk out his hair. After a minute or so with only so much success, Kyle took a seat by the girl who had tossed him the towel. He slightly smiled at her and let out a quick thanks before pulling a comb and mirror out his pocket. "I haven't seen you around before," Kyle spoke in a monotone voice as he tried to comb his hair to at least a presentable style that'd last him though the rest of the school day. He sighed and set down the comb and mirror after failing to get his hair to work with him. A few more seconds passed before he spoke again. "I'm Kyle," he directed his attention towards the girl. Kyle put on a smile for the girl despite the fact that he was just drenched with liquid dairy product.
Suppressing a giggle, Juliette watched him scrub the liquid from his hair. His smile was the plastic sort reserved for social situations such as this, Juliette feels a strange yearning to witness his true smile.

"I'm new and socially awkward, not the greatest mix for meeting people." Juliette burbles pleasantly, pretending not to notice his false pretence. "I'm Juliette, nice to meet you Kyle"

She wiggles towards the wall, making room for him in the small corner leaving them touching but not squished uncomfortably. His body is warm, and real, unlike the distant seeming faces that pass her by most days, few even acknowledging her existence. It's nice to have someone to take her mind off things, especially today. Juliette, for once, decides not to push aside to desire to befriend or even love this boy, who knows, maybe things were looking up afterall. After a short pep talk from her concience; Juliette holds out a hand towards him, bangles softly jangling as she does so.
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"Juliette," Kyle spoke her name softly as if he was making a mental note about the name. After all, he did believe that the name was lovely and beautiful; he'd be kidding himself if he didn't say that he name fit the girl only perfectly. Kyle scooted towards Juliette letting his arm brush up against her's and it was for only what seemed like a half a second, when Kyle felt a wave of goosebumps ride a shiver that waved up his arm.

Now, smiling gently, Kyle shook her hand, noticing how well her hand had fit in to his. Her hand was warm which got Kyle to hold on to Juliette's hand just a little longer than normal as an effort to warm up his hand which was freezing even though the school had been fairly warm today.

Only after a few moments Kyle realized that his thoughts had taken over and he had only said her name in reply. "Oh, um," Kyle stumbled over the filler words trying to collect what he was going to say, "Juliette. The name fits you well. It nice to meet you too. I hope you don't mind me smelling of milk." Kyle chucked a little and looked back in to Juliette's eyes.
Juliette's skin buzzes with the electricity of his touch. It's a strange feeling really, definately not one she's familiar with.

"Holy crap, your hands are cold!" The words spill out her mouth accordingly, her other hand clasping over his and gently rubbing to warm them up a little bit. She notice him breath her name under his breath, presumably making a mental note. Juliette flashes a smile, rapidly losing the feeling that this person is a stranger.

She feels the weight of his gaze, his voice sounding slightly deeper than the last time he spoke. It takes a second to realise that Juliette hadn't heard most of what he'd said, too busy trying to tame her pulse and keep some amount of dignity. She's usually a bright person, but never soft and giggly like other girls, and it's not like she's doing a very good job at fitting in or even making friends either, so why was this handsome guy still talking to her? Juliette can't help but wonder.

"Yeah, about the milk thing... Who did you piss off?" Juliette, intrigued , arches an eyebrow, her lips twisting into a little grin as she does so. Glancing up, she can see that he's looking directly into her eyes and prepares for him to realise the oddity.



Wtf, are you kidding me?

She maintained her smile, praying he won't react like that. Maybe he's different.
Teagan walked out of the lunch line, dreading the wince in her stomach that came when it came time to make her choice every day. Sit with the lacrosse team, or sit with her band friends and risk being seen by the lacrosse team? She could never decide, and while she hated hiding her band life, she knew her teammates would never stand for it. They thought it was cool that she could play instruments but to quote them, "No one wants to be seen with the band." She always made somewhat of a poker face when they said that. Sure, the band was a group of the school misfits, but they were her second family. She had gotten used to them and their quirks, but there was no way she would tell that to their captain, Kiara (btw, I know this is ooc but if someone wants to RP as her I would love you forever). Torn, she just stood in the middle of the cafeteria, staring blankly with no idea what to do.
Katie91011 updated The Artistic Life with a new update entry:

Film and Photo Added!

I recently added Film and Photo to the list of art classes. My apologies for all the photo and film artists out there. Well anyways, this is the description for film:


Aside from contributing to the school newspaper, broadcast, yearbook and other medias that the school produces, the film and photography teacher had elected to convince her students to participate in a nationally known photo and film contest and festival....

Read the rest of this update entry...
Kiara bustles into a cubicle of the girls toilets and slams the door locked. The bathroom is deserted, everyone still in the lunch hall presumably, but she still doesn't want to run the risk of being seen. Once safely inside, she pulls her elasticated netball skirt down slightly, rubbing furiously where deep, red, imprints have engraved themselves into her stomach. Her chest tightens, she pulls desperately at the elastic, which is as stretchy as ever, wondering how it got so tight. Her stomach rolls, queasiness rearing it's unwelcome head once more. Kiara touches her enlarged belly, it feels smooth, not fatty, as if someone has inflated it with an air pump. She bites her lip, thinking back to the flat, toned abs she'd possessed not so long ago, which has now been replaced by, well..this! And it's getting worse almost every day. She shuts her eyes, logic telling her that you don't go up two dress sizes in 6 weeks eating no carb, no dairy, dressing free salad and 2litres of mineral water.

This can't be happening.
Still unsure, Teagan headed into the bathroom to eat her lunch in peace. It was easier than making the decision. Her band friends couldn't stand how she acted at lacrosse, and her teammates - well they were her teammates. Walking in, she noticed Kiara, their lacrosse team captain examining her stomach in the mirror. She turned her head, not wanting to start anything, but she knew Kiara had seen her. She looked over and gave a small wave before she sat down to begin her lunch in solitude.

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Ariela sat at a silent lunch table in the corner of the lunch hall, quietly whispering to herself between bites of generic school pizza. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail, and she wore the olive green anorak in which she'd arrived an account of a chill in the autumn air. A fuchsia scarf hung loosely from her neck over the grey v-neck shirt. Her eyes scanned over the notepad before her, her lips silently mouthing the words to herself. On the opposite side of this pad sat an idle camcorder. She broke from her reading only to look around at the others in the cafeteria. She picked up the camcorder, and with a flip of its screen, she pressed the power button before setting it with a face toward the majority of the hall and setting it to record. She flipped to a page in her notepad labeled Documentary Titles. Under the heading and a few scrapped ideas, she wrote in her fuchsia pen, American Idle.

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