The Art of War


Lord of the North

Rules (Must Read!)

1.) Please read the Lore section. It has the list of available races and nations.

2.)No OP characters (in relation to applications as well as in-game). Keep it simple, there will be plenty room for character development during the story.

3.) My word is law. I know this sounds harsh, but it is necessary in order to keep things running smoothly, and with as little drama as possible.

4.) Put some effort into your posts. I'm not expecting perfection, but try to have proper grammar and spelling.

5.) Keep it real. I know that this is a fantasy setting, but still, no rainbow-spewing pink unicorns.

6.) Have fun, and feedback is appreciated, as this is my first role-play.

7.) Follow all RPNation site rules.



Age (18+):




Physical description (picture):

Weapon of choice:


Character history:

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My App:

Name: Marcus Kiliana

Age (18+): 21

Gender: Male

Race: Calee

Nation: The Empire of Helcar

Physical description: 6' 3'' and heavily built.


Weapon of choice: A somewhat beat-up, yet well taken care of army issue halberd.

Personality: Dedicated, and with a somewhat hot-headed approach to most things, Marcus enjoys cracking a good joke with the members of his cohort.

Character history: Marcus grew up in one of the many legion camps that dot the breadth of the Empire. His father, Atilius Kiliana, was an Auxilia posted to Legio XXI Rapax, in Syrecusea. When he was a young cub, Marcus would always sit up on the high moors and watch as the Legion went out on their monthly maneuvers near the Rivan border. His fondest wish was to one day join the legions, as an Auxilia of course, as he was not a citizen yet, and fight for the Empire, maybe even see some elves, or those Turugs down south. Years later, at the age of 16, Marcus joined up with the newly formed Legio XII Parthica, as a Ferrous Auxilia. Five years later, and now, coming back from a campaign in Ilithia, Marcus has finished up his first tour of duty with the legions, and now has to choose what to do next......
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Name: Sven Char.

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Magnë

Kingdom: Kelare

Physical Description:

Weapon of choice: A battle axe, single handed, shield, and a broadsword strapped to his back.

Personality: Char is always a rather happy person. And loud, he's not a quiet man. And if you give him a mug of any alcoholic beverage, his happy and loud nature only gets amplified, and somewhat messy. But when in battle, the battle rage of his kind takes over, and he is like a boulder pushed downhill.

History: Not much is known of a normal magne life. So I'm not going to get into that. Instead, I might decide to tell you about the reason he isn't in his kingdom. The reason he is not there sis rather simple. He didn't pay his taxes. Taxes make the world go round, unless you can't pay them. They your world comes to a screeching stop. So, with the magne equivalent of the IRA coming after him, he bolted and left the country. Now he's trying to scrape enough money together to pay the IRa and return to his country.
Name: Elora Rovano

Age (18+): 19

Gender: Female

Race: Elven

The Ilithiän Confederacy

Physical description (picture): 5'9, willowy

Weapon of choice: Long-bow, a short sword or two

Personality: She is very quiet and stern, like most elves. She is actually considered mischievous by most of her family.

Character history: She was fortunate enough to be in one of the seven clans that survived when the humans moved in. When she saw the elves that escaped from the ruined clans, she vowed to become a warrior. Her mother was unhappy, but her father and older brother trained her so she could eventually join the legion.

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Name: Athis Roan

Age (18+):20



Nation:The Free Cities of Alera

Physical description (picture): 6ft with a strong medium build.


Weapon of choice: A crude iron weapon known as a war cleaver. (Blade length 4ft handle length 1ft)


Personality: Athis has been called many things, most aren’t complements, but for all the things he is he has never been known as a coward. Once hired Athis can be counted on to deliver results or die trying. (Clearly the latter hasn’t happened yet.)

Character history: Athis was taken on as a squire for a band of roving conscripts after being abandoned at a young age. Since then he has been trained in the art of combat and earned his freedom from the group of mercenaries. Athis has been roving the land for the past four years now slowly making a name for himself as a hired blade.

Other: And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods?

Answer:Making Coin
Name: Ragna Sigfrid

Age (18+): 22


Race: Magnë

Nation: The northern fortress of Kelare

Physical description: Tall with a muscular frame

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/the_winter_s_claw_by_vegacolors-d660ojb.jpg.f8cd5384e5f5e62afb954562cecd4af9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60330" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/the_winter_s_claw_by_vegacolors-d660ojb.jpg.f8cd5384e5f5e62afb954562cecd4af9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon of choice: A flail that is supposedly constructed of enchanted ice that seems to have a durability similar to tempered steel. The legend of this flail dates back to the First Era, but none have proven said legend.

Personality: Like most Magni, Ragna has a proud and fierce demeanor, with a touch of sophistication over her Berserker brethren. She is disciplined and trained for battle, with an unwavering devotion to trample over her foes and ensure victory. To many, she was an inspiration on the battlefield. Magni warriors followed her courageous onslaught during the battle of Novindus. Fear has no hold on this warrior.

Character history: Being born in the harsh extremities of the Northern nation of Kelare, Ragna was destined to be a disciplined and fearsome warrior. And as daughter of the army's chief, it was more than expected for her to one day lead the Magni army to bend the other nations to bow before their King. Every day, Ragna trained with her father in their year-long winter. Her gruesome 20 years of training had earned her the privilege of bearing their army's greatest treasure; the Flail of the Northern Winds, a weapon only a true warrior of the North may wield. The next step was to name Ragna as the new chief of the Magni army. However, that day had never come...

After returning home from a hunt for food, Ragna was given the dreaded news her father had perished, with no body to be found. And only days after being given this information, the King's son, an arrogant and brash man had been chosen as the successor of Ragna's father. Given her enraged state, she was led to believe that her father's death was an assassination, an order of the king due to jealousy of the chief's bravery and adoration of the warriors. After gathering news from an 'inside informant', it was discovered that the King was making his way to lead the Magni army to recruit more soldiers, where they will eventually move to invade Helcar, home of the human nation. Ragna fled her home, riding to the Empire of Helcar to join their ranks where she hopes to exact revenge on her father's murder and stop the tyrannous dictator of Kelare..

Ragna owns and rides upon her battle companion, Verja, a fearless Sabre-Tusked Boar who will always follow its owner and friend into any battle.

  • Seeing a shield as a sign of weakness, Ragna bares an arm-guard on her right forearm to occasionally block an incoming attack but moreso used to bash in the skulls of her foes.
  • Although a stalwart combatant, Ragna is not heavy and could easily be knocked off her feet by those brave enough to get into her range of attack.
  • Using mostly her brute strength and war tactics to decimate her foes, well-executed magic and a wall of archers may prove to pose a challenge for her.
  • Ragna's coined phrase: "Pain is an illusion."



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Name: Kallysta Mai

Age (18+): 23

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Nation: Novindus

Physical description (picture):


Weapon of choice: Kal prefers to use a two handed longsword, though also uses daggers and knives

Personality: Kal is quiet and timid, though she's a hard worker and willing to make sacrifices for others. She's quiet intelligent, though soft spoken.

Character history: Kal's history is unimpressive. Raised by her parents in a small house with 6 siblings, Kal became interested in forging, and so spent much of her time as a child reading in his shop and watching him work. When she was about eight, her father helped her make her first forgery, a very ugly, crudely made length of steel, intended to be in the likeness of a sword. Kal played with it as a child, never receiving training in swordsmanship, though by refining it through the ages and increasing its weight and length, she built up her muscles. Kal is fairly tall for a female human, standing at 5'9, and is definitely taller than the rest of her siblings. Now that she's older, she's been venturing out more often and even taking long trips away from home.

Name: Daire (Pronounced Di-re)

Age (18+):



The Ilithiän Confederacy

Physical description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Daire.jpg.da6f05dce3e2059af620cb7da1ab28ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Daire.jpg.da6f05dce3e2059af620cb7da1ab28ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon of choice:

Daire is quiet, but he's not shy. He just prefers to observe rather than speak. His quick wit and loyalty are his strongest qualities, but he tends to overthink things and do things impulsively.

Character history:
Daire lived a sheltered and boring life until his early adulthood. He was the only child to his overprotective parents, and more or less ran away when he turned 16. Since then he's been doing odd jobs to get by. Upon seeing the "Adventurers Wanted" post, he has been making his way steadily towards Isca to join.



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Name: Elena III

Age (18+): 20

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Nation: The Free Cities of Alera

Physical description (picture):


Weapon of choice: A plain retracting old wooden staff

Personality: Patience has always been her best temperament besides her observational skills.

Elena wouldn't mind start small talks with strangers. Loves to listen to stories and the nature itself.

Her main weakness is her physical strength especially when it is needed.

Character history: Little is known about Elena's origin besides being an orphan left in front of a door. She grew up as the third 'Elena' (earning the III last name) assistant to apprentice of a famed veteran mage of the a free city of Alera. Ever since childhood she has been tasked from simple ingredient gathering to "errands" that mostly endangered her life. Despite the dangers of it and her frailty, luck has been her ever life saver. Until she was about to get taught of proper magic, her master died due to a mysterious illness. Now having complete freedom and enough resources she decided to do what she always wanted: to travel the realm and learn each place and culture's stories and history. She has actually no plans of becoming a magic dweller, it's just coincidental that she can channel and it is her only means of defense even though she sucks at it. As much as possible she maintains a mercenary get up and hides being a magic dweller as much as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble in her journey. Unbeknownst to her there is actually nothing to worry about besides her being paranoid and excruciating slow magic casting time .

Name: Dez Kurast

Age (18+): 23



Helcar Empire

Physical description (picture):
Tall, muscular, and heavily scarred. Easily towers over other humans.


Weapon of choice:
Zed, the Anima Blade possessed by the soul of its master's twin brother

Dez's tribal origins means he is unaccustomed to many of the formalities of civilized folks. He is blunt and to the point, and will always speak for what he believes in, and will openly call out those he either likes or dislikes, but rarely speaks more than he needs to.

Character history:
The Kurast tribe is one of a few living in the northeast islands of the Helcar Empire, an archipelago of swamps and dense jungle that are largely ignored by the rest of the world, and have thus maintained many cultural practices that could be seen as backward or barbaric. One such practice is their treatment of identical twins. Kurast religion claims that all men's souls carry a purpose, a function that they are granted from birth. The rest of their lives are spent discovering, and then fulfilling, that purpose. But when two are born as twins, they are known as Sem'anima, or "half soul", destined to pursue twin paths to a single purpose. Both brothers, their names, Dez and Zed, mirror reflections of one another, were taught both the art of the spell and the blade as both brothers were trained in ancient, secret magics and blade techniques passed down generations. The two brothers learned well, until their time came.

All Kurast children must undergo the Adventum, the ritual that invokes their coming of age. For most, it is a simple thing: The boy or girl shows to the tribe that they have found their purpose, and the tribe welcomes them as an adult member. But when Sem'anima come of age, their ritual is different. In order to claim his purpose, Dez would have to take the full soul for himself. And so, two brothers would duel to the death for the right to the soul that they both shared. After a terrible, grueling battle, both brothers roaring with a primal, animalistic rage driven by nothing more than the desire to survive... Dez emerged the victor, as Zed lay slain.

Serving his purpose in death as in life, Zed's spirit was ritually fashioned into an Anima Blade, a sword that would grow in power as Dez did, allowing his magic to channel through it like another limb, like it was a part of his body. Wielding spell and sword, Dez left his tribe to pursue his path in the warring world outside of the jungles, as the battle drums heralded the dawn of a new era.
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Name: Andrack Thellmar

Age (18+): 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Nation: The Empire of Helcar

Physical description (picture): 5’ 11’’ Medium Built
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_23-42-15.png.5693d55f2540045b78f0fe5e06255ac7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_23-42-15.png.5693d55f2540045b78f0fe5e06255ac7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon of choice: An old Crossbow for the far fights, an axe for getting messy.

Personality: Dry and realistic, though not without wit nor ambition. Never being trained as a proper fighter, he prefers to stay out of harms immediate reach and provide support from behind the lines (or underneath them).

Character history: Andrak was the fourth child of five in a wealthy merchant family. He had stood out amongst his siblings for having the least interest in family politics, choosing instead to apply himself to more scholarly pursuits such as literature and mathematics. When a small rebellion broke out in a nearby province, Andrack begrudgingly enlisted as an engineer in the local militia to avoid being drafted into the infantry. While his works on fortifications were less than sterling, he gained enough skills in the few skirmishes he served in to know how to wield a weapon, throw up a barricade, a dig a ditch.

After the death of his father, Andrack was given discharge to return home to accept his due inheritance. When he arrived he found only to find the bones of his great house picked clean by his more rapacious siblings. Being left with nothing, Andrack has since sought to put his new skills to good work as a mercenary for hire whilst building his own fortune on the blood soaked battlefields of the world.



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Mathghamhain "Hain" Drest








The Free Cities

Physical Description:

5'7" with a lean, lithe build.


Weapon of Choice:

Well, Hain is definitely no expert on weapons, but he is quite naturally skilled with the spear, and knows his way around scimitars.

He does not own anything but a rusty, worse-for-wear scimitar.


Hain is an average boy. Or at least he considers himself to be that, after all he doesn't stand out terribly, especially with his short height.

But Hain seems to possess some qualities that are perhaps a bit extraordinary.

He is not extremely intelligent and most politics fly right over his head, most likely because he does not even possess a elementary level education and is illiterate, but he is a quick learner and has good instincts after years of functioning in the more primitive quarters of this world. He is hard-working and is the type to work until his hands are bloody and broken and he can barely move. His perseverance is incredible, especially when he has something or someone to work for.

He has little trust for other's and is not easily attached, knowing the dangers of this world, though he is willing to do nearly anything for those he is loyal too. He does not consider himself a brave man, but he is probably braver than he thinks, granted with the right reasons to be brave. There is very little in the mundane world which Hain truly fears.

He has an independent spirit and an odd and simple wisdom a times and is not easily control by those who he knows so not bode well for him or his charges. And most of the things he appreciated in life are simple things that most people could enjoy if they would let themselves enjoy it.

Really, upon first meeting Hain one might think him a bit sheepish and quiet, but all together a nice and polite youth, and yet he might be a little more than that.

Character History:

Hain's life so far has no fantastical twists or turns or world-altering tragedies and triumphs, for an eighteen year old boy his adventures and conquests have just begun.

He was born to Niava and Isa Drest on a humid summer night in the countryside, one of the most remote and uncivilized corners of the Free Cities, in a barn. And there Hain was named the awfully pretentious name of Mathghamhain Drest after a grandfather he would never meet.

He grew up wonderfully, a strong boy who was capable and he spent most of his childhood working the fields in the summers and spring and falls and playing outdoors and snuggling near the fire and listening to his father's stories and his mother's songs in the winters. Though it seemed every few years a new younger sibling was born. Not that the young Hain minded this much, every new sibling was a new playmate to his young mind.

By the time Hain was fourteen he would go into the town to trade goods with his father every month, an event which seven out of his nine younger siblings desperately wished to participate in. The market was where his father contracted a deadly disease though. And the last time Hain had seen his father was at age sixteen before his father had gone to the market place, they had known there was a plague spreading, but they needed food and his father had ordered him to stay behind no matter how much Hain had pleaded with him to go. Within a few days after his father's departure the Drest family was informed that Isa had been quarantined within the city. Only a little over a week later came the news of his death.

The happiness and delusion of Hain's childhood days were over. He was the man of the Drest household and everyday was a struggle to survive with the threat of a large-scale war mounting on the country, long winters, disease, drought, and famine.

By the time he was eighteen his mother had passed away as well as his youngest sister, and his only option was to join Legio IX to earn money.

So leaving behind eight sickly and nearly starved younger siblings, his sixteen year old brother Tiaa in charge, Hain set out trekking to Isca in order to enter Legion IX with only a heavy heart, the clothes on his back, the Legio's ad, and a rusted scimitar.



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Name: Rika Lyselle

Age (18+): 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Nation: The Duchy of Riva

Physical description: 4' 11'' - dainty and petite


Weapon of choice: Scepter

Personality: Rika views the world through the sophisticated eyes of an artist, always looking for beauty in the world. This makes her come across as rather naive, and the fact that she is idealistic to a fault doesn't help, either. She has a thirst for knowledge and a romantic fascination with adventure. She tries to view life as a fantastic story unfolding before her very eyes, though she finds herself observing the events around her rather than taking a stance for herself.

Character history: Rika wasn't born a highborn child, but her family strove to raise its status. In the pursuit of nobility, Rika found herself studying art in all its forms - including the arcane. She truly took to spells and incantations and seeks a cause to apply her knowledge to now that her formal training has ended.

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