The Arran Chronicles - Lore


This thread will contain the lore for the in-game universe. I will continually expand on it, but the most important things for character creation will be covered in the first few paragraphs. Arran is a kingdom on a narrow peninsula of land. At the southern end is the Royal Demesne, the lands ruled directly by the king of Arran. At the centre of this land is Highcastle, a vast, fortified city that serves as the capital of the realm. The crest of the royal family is a golden crown with a golden sword through the centre on a field of navy blue. The Royal Demesne is densely populated, well developed, and has a well built and maintained system of roads. To the north of the Royal Demesne is the Duchy of Grathom. Grathom is a lush and green land full of farmland, forests, and meadows. The duke/duchess of Grathom rules from the sprawling city of Forest Redoubt. The crest of Grathom is a prancing golden stag on a field of forest green. North of Grathom lies the duchy of Skymarch. Skymarch contains the vast Stormpeak Mountains, a range of tall mountains that separates most of Arran from the mainland. There are only a handful of passes through the mountains, all but one of which are controlled by Skymarch and guarded by castles. Skymarch's capital is the mountaintop citadel of Eagle's Redoubt. The crest of Skymarch is a white tower atop a silver mountain on a field of sky blue. The Barony of Passwall is a small territory controlling a pass in the western end of the Stormpeak Mountains. The independent barony was created only recently as a result of a dispute between the duke/duchess of Skymarch and the king/queen, the intent was to prevent Skymarch from having sole control of overland trade. Tensions and bitterness still exist over this dispute. The centre of the barony is the small town and castle of Passwall. The barony's crest is a black crenellated wall on a field of red. The duchy of the Jagged Plains is a huge swath of dry and arid territory north of the Stormpeaks. Of little use for farming, the Jagged Plains subsists mostly from trade with other nations. The duchy's capital is Knight's Harbour, a port city at the mouth of a wide river that serves as a major hub of trade. The crest of the duchy is a black ship on a field of gold. The final independent fief is the Narrow Coast. The Coast is a narrow strip of coastline in the north of Arran. The area is somewhat well developed, but lacks the resources of larger fiefs. The fief's capital is the port city of Redman's Harbour. The crest of the count/countess of the Narrow Coast is a golden chain on a field of violet. All these fiefs are directly subordinate to the king/queen, although the monarch has little direct power over the vassals of his vassals, which is often a point of contention.

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