The Arena [Inactive]

Kiro Akira

Kagura's Yarn
Kiro Akira submitted a new role play:

The Arena - Arena

Warped to different dimension
Appearance change slightly

Arena based

No guns

Medieval style weapons

You began your day as any other average person would, it went as planned and everything had seemed perfect. But that was before you went to sleep. As you slept a small light emitted through your window and engulfed you pulling you from your bed. It was quiet and harmless but as you awoke you would open your eyes to a new world. (Choose your starting place. Explanation of the "world" will...
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Kiro continued his day as usual, went to school drew a couple of pictures and came home. It was as simple as that, he wasn't the best student in class, actually he was more of a nobody in the school. He sat by himself at lunch, walked home by himself. It was the same stuff every day and the weekends were just as bad, he sat around and just drew things he wanted to see.

After making it home, Kiro flipped his shoes off and headed for his room. When he made it to his room he did his homework and began to work on finishing his drawing before laying down to go to bed. IT was a long day and had only been eight pm, and he just wanted to get the day over. An hour had gone by before he eventually dozed off after staring at the ceiling thinking about what he was going to do the next day.

Squinting to the blinding light that over took him he shielded his eyes sitting up slowly covering his eyes. "Mom, close the curtains please?" He spoke aloud as if she was actually there. "Mom?" He spoke once more and opened his eyes squinting once more leaving his eyes barely open he inhaled deeply breathing fresh air hearing a few birds chirping about. "Mom?" Slowly standing up, Kiro looked to the ground where scorch marks were as if the grass was just lit on fire. Searching his clothes frantically, he glanced to the newer outfit he wore as well as the pendant on his neck. "Where am I? What is this place?" He spoke hoping someone could answer his questions.

Jacob had just gotten out of school , He wasn't the brightest kid mostly known for fighting why ? Because every day he would either get picked on or beat up but he always fought back no matter the odds , One day after school walking home bully and his gang decided to beat Jacob up in the alley behind his house .

After the beating he could barely stand he stumbled home to his Mom which was the only family he had shed always question what happen ? Or Who did this ? It was always the same answer " I tripped mom ! " then he slam his door he laid in his bed closing his eyes .

He hated his life he screamed out of anger " I wish I could just disappears from this place ! " Tears rushing down his cheeks as he threw his pillow across his face shortly after he fail sound asleep before the bright light shinned over his body .

," Mom I don't want to go to school today I hate this place ! " After the light went away he figured she left until the hard ground started to hurt his back and the breeze giving him chills he sat up " What tha ! " He notice rocks in every direction like he was in the mountains . He cut his eyes down seeing a ocean blue like cristal like necklace and dressed in Rob like cloth he was speechless he took a moment to scan the area his eyes full of amazement .

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Walking into his room with a big old grin on his face,Shan fiddled with little rag dolls hanging from his ceiling by nooses."Well that was a lovely day."He said sarcastically to himself and then started rambling about what sounded to be math,science,and random junk that didn't seem to fit but it all had a point. His room was covered in paper and each paper covered in sketches,drawings,notes, and some were pictures he had taken with his camera. Three screens hung from one wall with a desk right below them,a keyboard,mouse,and a stereo sat on the desk with speakers set on the floor on both sides of the desk,even more papers covering them and the desk.His bed was the only clear spot in the room it seemed and sat against the wall across from his desk,it was only a mattress that laid on the floor with his pillow and blanket.As he rambled he had walked over to one of the walls with a pencil trying to find a clear area,after finding one he quickly jolted things down before he forgets and circles it."Gees what a pain,first they have a malfunction with the system and expect me to fix it then completely cut it all off as if they never started the project..."He said to himself and paused everything for a moment,then burst out laughing."Oh their hopeless."

He then went across his room and opened a door to his closet that wasn't easy to be seen at first because of the papers,taking off his shirt he tossed it in a basket in his closet and grabbed a new one. Jumping in bed he leaned down and grabbed a pad of paper and a remote,aiming his remote he turned the stereo on and listened to music as he continued to write. After hours of working around here and there he checked the time and sighed seeing it was getting really late,"Oh well,guess I'll work on it tomorrow."He chuckled and left everything he was doing where it was,then turned his lights off and went to bed.

Opening his eyes he looked confused since his bed felt hot all of a sudden,the sky stretched above him and moving his hand around the ground he could feel sand move softly between his fingers.Sitting up he looked around again and pinched himself just incase,seeing this wasn't a dream he smiled and hopped up to his feet he looked down to a weird set of cloths he doesn't remember changing into."Nice....crazy....but still it is interesting....Hmm?" Then he noticed a necklace with a pitch black crystal on it,it caught his attention for a while and he observed it as he started walking.Then he started thinking of what he had stopped doing last night,switching his attention away from the crystal he then got a funny feeling he was being watched and turned around. Seeing nothing he shrugged his shoulders and carried on as the feeling went away,"Wonder where this is exactly,and how I got here is a good question too..."He smiled."but both questions are pointless if there is nothing to answer them here..."He continued to walked through this desert figuring it was better to take a chance at going on then sitting around and wait for nothing.
Gryphon yawns loudly as she walks into her home, chucking her school bag and duffle bag onto the floor next to the door. Her dark hair whips around her head in a tornado of black sweaty strands. Wrestling had been brutal and her muscles are pulled tight and stiff in her arms. Tournaments are the absolute worst, especially because she is on varsity. Walking up the stairs, she quickly showers and dresses in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She ties her sopping wet hair atop her head in a messy bun and lies back on her bed, eyes drooping, Her stomach is rumbling loudly and she has homework to do, but all of that stuff are the last things on her mind. She pries her violet eyes open and grasps at her desk for a notebook, scribbling down a short paragraph of a story that she is working on. Her eyes slowly droop shut and shes practically unconscious, fast asleep.

Gryphon's eyes flutter open and she immediately alert at the sight of the wide open field. Nothing is near, just plain old grass everywhere. Her bun collapses and her fiery red hair falls in her face. Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. Her hair is black, not red. A heavy weight is on her neck and she looks down, confused. A bright pendant hangs from her neck and she tucks it under her shirt, not wanting to take it off but still disliking that idea of it being visible. After a short struggle, she gets to her feet and takes a few steps, looking shocked as she arrives in a dense forest.
" Perhaps I should .. explore this new dream " He said standing dusting himself off from the rocks beneath his bottom his hair flowing amongst the wind as the breeze swept the area picking small rocks up and throwing them several feet away from there original passions.

Jacob notice his necklace starting to lift from his body and lightly pull in a direction towards the center of the island. " What's this ... maybe whoever owns this thing could give me some answers " He said with a light smirk by this time Jacob had jumped and begin sliding down the mountain towards a large forest a trail of dirt was following behind Jacob as he pretended to surf down the rocky mountain.
Kai was having a ball with few of her friends. Eating and drinking at a dinner since dawn. The night had fallen and music blasted from the owners speakers. Kai and Ron had graduated to a black belt from there previous karate class. For congrats , Kai's foster mom and Ron's father threw them a party. Kai was sitting closer to Ron and her mother , while the father was in the back helping the cook. Their friends all laughed and tried throwing peas at one another , though in the end only two started a small food fight.

The party ended around midnight and everyone began to leave. Kai decided to walk home with Ron since they lived next to each other. It was a peaceful night, and everyone was moving about their business. Ron was telling Kai how he had fun with her, fighting and all. He was about to express his more in depth feeling until Kai stopped abruptly in front of a man. Ron looked back at her , questioning what she was doing. Before Ron could yell out her name, the man swung as he dropped his beer bottle.

Going in for a swing on Kai's end, she quickly noticed a bright white light then a sudden rush of wind. Her eyes forced to close she still swung and planted on her target, so she thought. Opening her eyes once more, her fist was planted firmly against a tree. "..huh" She mumbled before dropping her hand to her waist. Looking around she noticed she was in a field of flowers, and below here was a symbol. Kai looked puzzled as she tried to figure out where she was. There were no landmarks and no people. "...Ron?" She yelled out louder.
Ethan Feist concerto 11 banners were all over the college. Tonight was the big night for Ethan not only did he graduate high school a year early he was holding his first piano concert with his own written music at the university it was 3 pm and alone at the concert hall he practiced his concerto 11 and behind him the curtain which would normally be sturdy swayed as the cables began to buckle. The curtain snapped as Ethan played the grand finale and the curtain covered him "What the hell" Ethan crawled and crawled until he felt something gritty against his hands and legs. Finally out from under the curtain he found himself on a beach the bright sunlight shone on a cloudless hot summer day. "What the hell happened to my clothes" Ethan's tuxedo was gone replaced with a strange garb and a katana. Unsheathing the blade he could not understand how he knew exactly how to use it , He never picked up a sword before but somehow he was confident with his ability and understanding to use it. Looking around he could see a dense jungle walking a while he found a trail through huge stalks of sugar cane.
As a short time passsed, each persons necklace lit up and began to point in a direction towards the center of the island, it was as if they were being pulled towards the center. When everyone made it to the center is when the fun would begin. Upon reaching the building, you would walk between two large double doors and into a large dining hall. Seats would be neatly placed down the sides and at the ends of the table along with a large meal holding almost any meat and food you could think of, from apples to spinach, from steak to hams. The meal seemed fresh as if it were only just placed there moments before you arrive. On a side table there were numerous versions of wine as well as multiple glasses.

Kiro was first to arrive to the dining hall, glancing around he blinked a few times and took a deep breath smelling the fresh food. Licking his lips softly he glanced around making sure nobody was near and moved over to the feast grabbing a plate and filling it up with various foods. "So much food. They won't mind if I take a bite would they?" He said with a grin and found a seat only to sit down and began eating.
Kai sighed a little as she began to walk forward. The first thing to do was to find civilization. Where to find that she thought. The answer was rather obvious. She had looked up toward a building far ahead. A battle ground perhaps, something of roman time. The name didn't come to mind quicker than she wanted but she knew why. She had lost track of Ron. This unknown place made her dizzy a little , and she could hear sounds in the ground. She shook her head to and fro quickly as she began to jog toward the building far off. The pendant she wore bounced off her collar bone every time her foot landed roughly against the ground. "RON". She yelled out every time she got closer to the building. When she yelled out his name a fifth time the pendant she wore began to glow. Its blue light flashing toward the building she was headed for. "So I was right to go this way. Is Ron this way. "

Kai picked up the pace, a small smile crossed her visage as she busted through the double doors and into a dining hall. Coming to a stop , Kai looked around. Her eyes flickering from side to side as she sniffed the air. Ron's scent wasn't present but something else was. Looking over toward the table Kai saw someone else. "Neh you, where am I , have you seen a boy taller than me with long black hair."
Shan noticed the crystal around his neck pulling and seeing it point in the direction he was walking,with a pout he glared at the crystal."what do you want,I'm already walking that way!" He said starting to argue with the crystal but he didn't stop walking,he just started arguing with himself pretty much knowing the crystal wouldn't talk.

It seemed to take him forever but he finally made it out of the desert and ended up in front of a large build,with a sigh and a cross of his arms he walked over opening the doors and went in. Seeing others already here he smiled," so there are others..."he said to himself as he walked around looking,he wasn't interested in the food though it was odd to him. He hadn't said a word to the others and didn't really plan to,besides they were already talking amongst themselves and he didn't feel like interrupting. Simply sitting down at the table he relaxed in the chair and waited with a smile across his face watching around him, he had a lot of questions of course but other then asking them he would just listen and catch what he wanted to know whenever it'd come.
Ethan walked for a while longer until the necklace glowed. "This is strange" The necklace seemed to point the way forward and Ethan new nothing about why he was here or what he should do so following the necklace was his only guide.

After a long trek he spotted the arena. Ethan walked inside until he saw others. It seemed as though he was the last person to show and seeing all the others he excitedly yelled. "Hey you guys are you here too from I am guessing the real world?" Ethan then stopped his rambling when he listened to the others talk it was indeed true they had all suffered the same strange twist of fate and were now all here. Looking to the girl who was asking about a fellow named Ron, Ethan felt the need to interject "I don't think you're friend is here and if I were to guess I am not exactly sure if we are even on the same planet or plane of existence as our friends and family." Taking a seat Ethan looked at everyone addressing them. "Whatever the reason we are here I am thinking that here is a purpose or else we would not have found each other from the necklace we each seem to wear." Ethan lifted his and pointed at the others. "So the next question is how do we get home?"

Standing up Ethan grabbed a roll and bit down and chewed swallowing he cleared his throat and said. "I'm Ethan by the way pleasure to meet you all."
( xD I was going to wait since I just posted before you but oh we'll ~)

Shan had watched another,trying to hold his laughter in.this one sure wasn't shy,then he addressed himself as Ethan, Common name.he seems to really want to figure all this out here and now, but if he paid more attention around he should have figured out that none of the others knew anything ether. Until someone came that actually knew something for sure they wouldn't get many true answers for all their questions. As Shan was thinking all this through he hadn't noticed he had been staring at Ethan the whole time,though he really didnt care if he was or not.

Snapping his attention away from that he looked around,what a weird place for such a location. An arena,not a place he'd call home but still,it was unusual. Then Shan put more thought into it,arenas were where battles and fights were held for amusement. Then he just got the worst idea," uh oh....we might not be going home...."
((Only issue is half the people that signed up aren't even in the rp <,< Thats why I was waiting to see if anyone would post. I'll be posting shortly.
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