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Fantasy The Araal Campaign | Characters

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Colton Mackeroy
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[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Age:



Squire (formerly)

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:



[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Strength:






Magical Affinity:

Sword Skill:

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Personality:
Colton is a hard working young boy who, while it seems like hes afraid of everything, is very bold. He takes his honor as a squire much more serious and his obedience to his master is unwavering. Hes not the most courageous or brave person out there but does show some of these qualities, which is why when his master told him to hid when they were attacked it hurt his pride, and whats more his master died during that ambush because Colton had his holy sword, causing Coltons honor to be stained as well.


People who say hes too small
rain storms
Mushrooms (Allergies)

Seeing his family die

Colton like many young men of Calaes was born as pretty much a nobody because he wasn't born into one of the 51 original families. He was a poor kid living in Abrey but him and his parents got by on what they had, his father working his hands to the bone as a fisherman and his mother staying home to care for his brothers and sisters. When Colton became 10 he decided to work with his father to make some extra cash for his family. One day a noble man from the family Vincent showed up with a small following of soldiers in Abrey. The man was suppose to be the next heir to become the leader of his family. Dispite his stature that placed him above others the man was kind, and enjoyed helping the people. He was surprised to see a 10 year old boy working hard rigging up a boat and began to ask his father some questions. The man asked him if he would like to join him at his side to become his squire and eventually one of his knights, which would place his family in a higher standing and given him and them a better life. The boy accepted without hesitation.

Colton traveled with the group for about 4 years, going all over the world on diplomatic missions and such. Aside from his training he often had to practice speaking in other languages for diplomacy, gather firewood, cook, polish armor and weapons, and carry his masters holy sword Balmung. One day while traveling on the road him and his group of soldiers was attacked by some kind of bandit gang. Colton happened to be carrying his masters sword and because they were heavily out numbered his master drew another sword and told Colton to run and hide. Colton did as commanded with the holy sword in hand. He hid for what seemed like days. Eventually he mad his way back to where they had been attacked, finding his master among the corpses. He began to travel back to his home town after that, carrying a holy sword that was too heavy for him to use properly.

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Magitek:
Holy Sword Balmung: Said to be capable of destroying buildings with its most powerful stroke which is a high density energy blast that can cut through just about anything. The sword uses high density energy blasts but is very powerful on its own. Though very powerful Colton cannot use it properly because of his lack of strength so he keeps it on his back or strapped to a horse, wrapped in white cloth to hid its value from on lookers.

Two small daggers more suited to his size and strength

Agatha Reigate
Agatha Reigate

R&D Armored Weapons Division Cpl. Reigate, ‘Bullseye’




Sarathal Military Sharpshooter, R&D Specialist

A woman of 5’7” bearing short, curly brown hair. She doesn't cut a particularly intimidating frame, and is often usually beside the taller Telford, who isn't even that tall either. His broader frame, however, sort of makes her seem just a little bit more smaller than she is. She is usually in military office wear, sporting a dark grey suit and skirt combination. She speaks in a telling rural accent.

The heart to Marylebone’s brain. Calm, level-headed, and generally pretty non-descript, Agatha Reigate comes off as extremely normal next to her sociopathic boss. She’s hardworking, and meticulous, and does her best to try and get theoreticals into her brain, even though she is better suited for technical operations. She was described as rather warm-hearted initially, but ever since she has started working with Marylebone, she has changed, especially for these past few weeks. She has since exhibited some traits that Marylebone possesses, such as his cold, analytical mind, and his willingness to step over others to achieve his goal. When confronted, she dismisses this as just her teacher rubbing off on her a little too much, complete with a nervous laugh.

As a person, she’s certainly more sociable than Telford, and, in fact, is his face when he needs to interact with the outside world. He sends her to public events that he is supposed to take part in as his representative, and, even if he is present, leaves her to do the talking. She comes off as fairly earnest, and there is a hint of her upbringing as a farmgirl from her accent, though she tries extremely hard to try and hide it. Nowadays, however, her tone has somewhat dipped to Marylebone’s level- emotionless, flat, and cold.

Working with Lt. Marylebone
New weapons
Operating new weapons
Lime sorbet
Mashed potatoes

Lt. Marylebone
Bitter foods

Agatha Reigate grew up with a rifle in her hand. When she wasn't plowing the fields with her family, she was off hunting with her father in the forests with a Roessand 40. Bolt-action operation became muscle memory to her by the time she was 14, and she would spend time tinkering with her rifle as well. This affected her life choices when she turned 17. Instead of pursuing a proper education and a life as a normal citizen of Sarathal, she decided the join up in the most powerful military force in Araal, only just so she could experience the modern weapons available to the military.

She was considered creme de la creme of her cohort. Too book dumb to question orders, but capable enough to handle a rifle and even come out on top of her cohort during live-firing exercises. She knew her way around a gun, and when asked why and how she earned such capabilities, her answer was quoted as being ‘practice and hardwork’. She caught the attention of Lt. Marylebone of the R&D division during one of his infamous strolls, and he requested for a transfer for her to the R&D sector after noting her knowledge of a weapon purely through technical operation than through books. Cpl. Reigate was not pleased, of course, by Marylebone’s actions, but took the opportunity anyway, since it meant experiencing new tech and armaments first hand. She would go on to be acquainted with FSgt. Carwelt later, who, too, caught the attention of the officer, and both would then tolerate Marylebone’s whims from then on. Cpl. Reigate would also be credited to improving the chambering of the Roessand 43R rifles, as well as locating a kink in the production of the Lindfield submachine gun line which had rendered them inoperable and unreliable, upon which the gun was then redesigned and reissued to special operations members.

After Lt. Marylebone’s excursion, Cpl. Reigate has changed somewhat. Perhaps it was because Marylebone was always beside her that no one really noticed, but Reigate seems to have picked up on Marylebone’s…less respectable personality traits and habits. At the same time, she seems to also have picked up on a lot of his knowledge as well. The student does take after her teacher, it seems.

Lt. Marylebone: Her acting superior. She has been designated to ensure that Lt. Marylebone doesn't either betray Sarathal, or go off and die by himself.

FSgt. Beddo Carwelt: Colleague and fellow under Marylebone's command. Out of ranking superiority, she respects him quite a bit, and feels slightly awkward when trying to refer to him in a friendly way, probably due to her experience in the military.

Sharpshooter: Almost as good as a sharpshooter as Lt. Marylebone himself. Where as Telford relied on calculations and meticulous thought, Reigate prefers to use her instincts and guts.

Technician: Though lacking in book smarts, Reigate is gifted in the technical area, and is capable of operating, taking apart, and reassembling any sort of complicated machinery and weapon after studying it for a few seconds, minutes at most. She is credited for her contribution to the improvements of the Lindfield submachine gun’s firing speed, as well as aiding in designing the double-cannons for the Gracilis.

Roessand 43R: A standard-issue bolt-action rifle for Sarathal riflemen. It has no modifications or additions to it, and chambers 7.62x54mm rounds.

Varl 2v : A stick grenade. Its injuring distance is about 15m, with a fatality distance of 5 metres. Simple, but devastating. Developed by Varl Jevon.

Varl AM-v: A stick grenade. Codenamed ‘Evil Eye’, when it detonates, it releases a bright flash and a loud bang, not unlike a flashbang. However, unlike a standard issue flashbang, the Evil Eye saps all magic from the nearby area of about 15m radius, rendering all magic users unable to utilise magic, blinded, and helpless.

Vampyrictis: A strange stone she carries around. It glows with a dim, incandescent light, but it doesn't seem to do much. It reacts weakly to magic, but starts to glow intensely when around the preternatural. Other than an early warning sign, it doesn't has any use beside that...or so it would seem. She has been entrusted with one by Marylebone, probably as a misguided attempt to tell her that she is vital to his operations.

Type-2 Magic Nullification Prototype Mantle: Codenamed ‘Eraser’, the Magic Nullification Mantle is a state of the art anti-magic cloak used by Sarathal infantries and self-defense units. Type-2s are one of the first few experimental mantles issued by the R&D. There are currently only 100 in circulation, and are extremely resistant to magicks as a whole, boasted to have about four times the usual resistance that of a Type-1 Eraser, capable of nullifying even elder magicks. It was created by amplifying the coatings used on their airships and tanks and soaking the mantles in these coatings. It is currently still in its experimental stage, and is extremely costly to make. Though Reigate was issued a Type-1 black one, she now wears a similar one to Telford’s, namely a white Type-2.

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Name: Silvion Laefalla


The Silver King

The Forgotten King

The Caged Bird

Species: Elf? (Unseelie/Fae)

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Occupation: King of the Winter Court


An androgynous male, standing at 5’7. He has fair skin and long pale, blond hair with pupiless silver eyes. He has a ethereal look to him.
(I’ll get a pic up just need to finish drawing him)


Silvion always has a gentle smile on his face and treats people with utmost kindness. He is always looking to help people despite being oppressed by his wife the Mad Queen. He often goes out on his own, disguised as an elf to help people in need outside of his kingdom. He finds enjoyment in helping people and the only thing he asks in return is that they become his friends. To him making friends makes him happy because friends don’t lie, cheat, harm or work against him. He always looks to cheer people up and watch their demeanour brighten, though because of his kindness he is easily to lie to and be manipulated.

But this is to mask his true personality, a master manipulator.

Silvion grew up in a society with a completely twisted set of morals. Slavery is common there, along with murder, sabotage, and oppression. Every horrible act is seen as normal and completely legal if the person can get away with and not murdered themselves. Silvion as the prince of this twisted kingdom grew up with the set twisted world views needed to accommodate it. He loved his kingdom with every fibre of his being and desired at all costs to add to it by any means necessary. He discovered that acting like a naive fool made people drop their guards making it much easier to manipulate them. Silvion sees everything in the world as two things. Things that are his and thing that are not his. Silvion is a man obsessed with one thing and will do horrific acts to feed his obsession. Possessive and obsessive with a desire to bring everything under his control, truly a twisted man.

  • His kingdom
  • Everyone in his kingdom
  • People joining his kingdom
  • People with Strong Wills
  • Gaining control over people


  • People leaving his kingdom
  • People going against his kingdom
  • His kingdom being destroyed
  • Being given food


A mysterious elf names Silvus who seems to want to help people in need, though seems to lack understanding in some common customs. He says that he’s from a small town and is seeking adventure.

Silvion grew up as the prince in the extreme violence in the domain of the Winter Court, the Unseelie Kingdom. With assassination attempts common he adapted to it all by minimizing his presence and disappearing from politics. He manipulated events in the background, setting up situations to fall in his favour. No one, besides his father, knew of his actions. Silvion seeing his father, the King, as a hindrance to his growing obsession Silvion set up his father for execution. The excuse was that he was fraternizing with the Summer Court and was trying to gain more power from them. The Winter Court looking any excuse for getting rid of the King, to gain more power themselves, quickly started targeting the King. With the King gone Silvion was crowned, the Winter Court rejoiced at an easily manipulated fool taking the crown. Silvion perfectly acted his part and married an insane, bloodthirsty Noblewoman to act as his shield. The Queen had no idea of his personality until they were married, when he revealed how much of her free will she gave up to him over the years of her trying to sweet talk her way to into his bed. With a shield in place he looked to start expanding his kingdom.

Some time later, Silvion developed the habit of looking for opportunities for expansion outside of his kingdom disguised as an elf.

  • Queen Iylfry: She is Silvions wife but Silvion uses her as a political shield. She unknowingly gave up her free will to Silvion. She is powerful in combat and holds a terrifying reputation as the Queen. People see her as a tyrant no one can win against but, unknown to them, Silvion set up all those situations. Iylfry is terrified of Silvion but is very submissive to him and is unable betray him.
  • The Winter Court: They see Silvion as a submissive, forgotten figure head that is oppressed by the Queen. A Caged Bird meant only to sing for the Queen.
  • Blessings: Can bless people with effects varying from doing more damage to being able to breath underwater. To make the blessing more powerful it has to come with a curse.
  • Curses: Can curse people with effects varying from moving really slow to having a crippling fear of money. To make a curse more powerful it has to come with a blessing.
  • Deal with the Fae: If a person makes a promise or deal with him, Silvion can enforce it making it unbreakable. If they break it they receive a permanent curse.
  • Don’t Accept Food from Fae: If someone eats or drinks food that Silvion made, it makes them very susceptible to his suggestions. If the food is eaten in the Fae Lands, they can never leave and will eventually become Fae.
  • Lying
  • Acting
  • Negotiations
  • Manipulation
  • Singing
  • Art
  • Cooking
  • Expensive Pendant: A mysterious pendant that only other Fae recognize.
  • Plain clothing: He really does look like he’s from the country.

Don’t know how old he is considering time is a lot different in the Fae Lands.
Name: has no birth name or racial ones.
Nicknames/Alias: Locals have taken to calling him Drak because he looked like some sort of dragon knight.(does not actually have dragon DNA yet.)
Species: hybrid of a good deal of current world creatures and a bit of magical manipulation.
Gender:none does not reproduce with another.
Age:new born barely a few weeks old.
Occupation: drifter/hunter
Appearance:a tall well built teenager not muscle bound but not overly skinny. covered head to toe in scales and large scale plates. looks every much like a knight but covered in a bark like brown tissue instead of metal. currently it has four long spear like spider legs from its back. they can be used for combat or mobility. its eyes are reptile like with slit. it for the most part is human shaped. easily passing for one with its spider like limbs folded behind it wearing a cloak over itself. but as soon as the hood comes off it would become obvious he wasn't.
Personality: Curious, instinct driven, tends to be bold, does not understand rank or titles. sees most things as either predators, prey, or property. Will not go after things he knows are predator or property without reason. prey animals like deer, rabbits, lizards, and other animals no one would miss are fair game.
Likes: finding new lifeforms and learning from them.
Dislikes: being attacked, being denied new lifeforms right in front of him, and being somethings prey.
Fears:too young to really understand most fears besides rational ones.
Backstory:the creation of a wizard who is seeking to start a war. has no idea of this. its "mother" abandoned its "egg" in the woods hidden as she was recaptured. its race is currently a slave race soon to be slave army.

Relationships: few beyond the village it is in being tolerant of it because it brings in good meat, hides, and other things from its hunts. its main "friend" of sorts it currently sees him as more of a pack mate then understanding friends. is the hunter who raised him after finding him stumbling around the woods moments after it was born.
Evolution on a sped up scale being his primary. it understands very little of its abilities as of this moment. it has a basic understanding it can make blades, hammers, spears, and a projectile attack from its chest. it has nearly millions of possibilities once it is exposed to more ideas and lifeforms. it is limited in its use though as it takes physical energy to change. it can not change form without cost or effort. extreme speed, maneuverability, and physical strength. has no magic ability at all. it is evolution incarnate. taking the best of many animals abilities.
has decent skill in hand to hand as well as basic hunting tools such as knives, short swords, javelins, spears, and bows. has decent skill with its natural body as well. seeming to instinctively be able to use anything its body can produce. basic understanding of how to make a living as a hunter.
hide shorts, cloak, short blade, a small amount of local currency, harness for storing tools and hunting gear.
has a lingering distrust and dislike of mages, wizards, and anything to do with magic. it doesn't understand why. its a parting warning its "mother" gave to it.
Name: Levi Robinson
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Occupation: Former knight, currently an adventurer and mercenary for hire.
Levi is cold and often doesn't open up to people except for when she's drunk. She's all talk, and often doesn't act on the risky words she says. She's very sensitive when she is questioned about her past or almost anything that has to do with her personal life. She gets attached easily to the point where even though a person might not find her annoying she makes herself believe they do, and then she breaks away from them. She gets in her own head too much and is very unconfident about almost everything. All of her personality changes when she has alchohol. She's not very noticeable so she's able to get herself multiple drinks without getting caught. She has a competitive personality so she refuses to stop doing something until she wins.
-People who try to engage with her
-Being objectified
-Being looked down upon
-Being forgotten
-Settling down
-The dark
-Large people, buildings, and creatures
Levi grew up in a warm household until the age of seven, both her mother and father loved her dearly until they died of the plauge. Levi chose not to move to an orphanage but instead to fend for herself. She learned the ways nature and humans from a young age observing everyone around her. She learned that in order to survive for as long as possible she needed to stand alone. She does have one sister that is alive currently, but she chooses not to contact her after she decided to run off and marry a prince. She had wanted to be a knight from a young age, but the rest of the knights shut her out due to her gender. She understood that she could no longer stay in her kingdom and has decided to roam ever since. She occasionally will get hired for jobs because of her excessive experience and practice as a knight. Her father taught her how to wield a sword and her mother taught Levi good manners and morals which she will always live by.
-Levi is exceptionally good at wielding her sword. Giving her the ability to fend off an exeptioal amount of enemies. The only thing she can't defend herself again is magic or things that are very large.

-She's no light weight when it comes to drinking and can take almost anyone in a drinking game because of her competitive personality.

-She's very good at observing and following. She's able to spy in on conversations and just no someones daily life. She can mold herself into her surroundings, so if she's at a palace she can act well mannered, but if she's at a bar she can act drunk on the spot making her easy to talk to.
-A large sword she always takes with her it's always sharpened and ready for an attack.

-Her armor, she took this from her old job as a knight so it has her old kingdom's seal.

-A small bag filled with hair ties, money, a bar of soap, and her gloves so she doesn't get cold.

-She always wears a long sleeved top, but just incase she does bring a cloak with her.

Name: Uria File
Nickname: "Get a job"
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Occupation: N/A

A self-serving airhead. Be they involving campus politics, or techno-fetishist invasions, Urie isn't troubled much by the affairs of the world. Life is short, and hell if she'll let the threat of bullet holes and oppression get her down. Er. Yeah. Basically, she doesn't care much about anyone's safety and is only interested in satisfying her whims. She supposes that she just prioritizes personal happiness over annoyingly stressful causes and ideals, but she doesn't think too hard on it. So neither should anyone else, probably.

An endlessly reincarnating mage who doesn't retain any memory of her past lives, other than knowing how many times she's died so far. Uria File has lived a pretty average life as a Velian until late. School. College. Drinking. Courting. So on and so forth, it's boring and unimportant.

Oh. She also flunked out of that second one.

Uria is someone who always has (and probably always will) seemed a little lost, in both the literal and metaphysical sense. Working hard to meet society's expectations has never been a talent of hers, and neither has it been an interest. Apparently, knowing that you've died 47 times already does a number on your desire to develop a social camouflage; So being a wandering, good for nothing bum suits her just fine, even when it's raining.

Mostly, Uria just wanders from town to town in search of something good to do. Be that learning about cattle farming, bullying some village kid out of his lunch, or killing some annoying flirt, depends on the day. 'Average life' backstories never stop being hard to write.

Most people just think she's a frustrating jerk.

Pettycraft. That's what her classmates used to call Uria's particular approach to magic. Basically, she turns the dial on all those annoying things that schoolyard bullies do at age eleven, up to eleven. Or at least as high as she can get it.
  • Winding - A mixture of elemental and mental magic that at once forces all of the air out of an opponent's lungs, and forces their airways shut momentarily. So, just like it says on the tin, it winds you.
  • Rock Throw - She throws a small rock really hard. Bone breaking hard.
  • Made You Look - She sends a blast of electricity up through the target's nose with a flick, then passes it up into the opponent's brain to stun them.
  • Pocket Sand - She throws a handful of dirt, dust or sand at you, and then has to home in on your eyes.
  • Fist - She punches good. Especially when aimed at your upper arm.
Deadless - Not Deathless. Uria dies just fine, but is always reborn into the world at some point within the following year. She doesn't retain any memories other than the knowledge of her 'death count', so it's not really worth much. Maybe the person in charge of her karmic cycle is a moron, or maybe the first her cast an immortality spell wrong. Doesn't really matter at this point, either way.

She's a frustratingly talented mage who's put together her magical catalogue through a combination of observation and 'needing it', despite never paying attention in her classes and using her desk as a second bed. In spite of that, she shows a complete inability to use magic in 'dull' ways. So long as its seemed interesting to her at some point, Uria can generally figure out how to 'magic something up' within a good few attempts, but even things as basic as a fireball or a lightning bolt still elude her.

A toy octopus that feels way too real.

She thinks that Velhellyiah is a stupid name and wants it changed.
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    Thalia Hussain





    Thief/ Weapons collector




Nyrallavi Xhenzaeris
(Pronounced "Near-ah-lah-vee Shen-zaye-err-iss")

NICKNAMES: Sen, Nyr, War, Thirteen
TITLES / HONORS: Thirteenth Paragon of War (former)
GENDER: female
AGE: 172
OCCUPATION: monster hunter, mercenary, badass for hire

5’8” with a lithe, well-muscled build, with virtually no body fat. She is the type of woman who looks like she could break bricks on her abs. Her eyes are a pale red and almost look pink at times. She has long, messy white hair, usually “styled” in a loose, frizzled mane and caked with dirt and grime, or twisted into dreadlocks. She has sharp, angular features and often looks angry, even when she smiles. The warpaint and numerous scars and tattoos on her pale skin strike an imposing image, even when she doesn’t mean to.

Her armor and attire have changed drastically over the years. She started as a snot-nosed kid swinging a sword too big for her, then joined the city guard and went through a clean, shiny, plate armor phase. After her mother was killed, she traveled the wilds and went through a loincloths and leather phase. After becoming the Paragon of War, she went back to plate armor, but clearly didn’t give a damn about keeping it polished and shiny anymore. Today, she’s somewhere in between, often wearing scraps of rusty plate and chainmail, mixed with bits and pieces of tribal garments. However, she has never worn A’ethe’s official colors --white and blue-- or their insignia, and probably never will.

In a word, savage. Sen makes loose cannons look safe. She is always spoiling for a fight or seeking her next challenge. For her, it’s not about winning or losing. Some of her favorite fights are the ones she lost and it’s not fun until she bleeds. While she isn’t cruel or unnecessarily mean, she can be brutally honest and has no social filter. Sleeps when she is tired. Eats when she is hungry. Shits where she pleases. Most people think she is an idiot because of how simplistic and temperamental she can be. But, in truth, Sen is actually quite intelligent, but chooses to follow her gut instead of thinking things out. She is a creature of instinct, more like a wild animal than a civilized person. Civilization is overrated.

  • A good fight
  • blood, sweat, hard work
  • bladed weapons
  • being outmatched
  • animals and nature

  • weakness / cowardice
  • bullies / authority figures
  • backing down or retreating
  • people who overthink things
  • firearms

  • never finding her limit
  • being forgotten

Nyrallavi grew up in the bustling capital of Altamura. Even in those days, the city was an overcrowded, crime-ridden hellhole. At least, that’s how she remembers it. Her father was an alchemist and almost always away on business. He plied his trade in the far reaches of A’ethe instead of the capital, where mana was thin and resources for practicing alchemy were minimal. Her mother, however was a very skilled healer, whose magic was needed in Altamura. The cramped living conditions and growing crime rate made injury and disease an all too common occurrence in the city.

But she didn’t take after her mother. Despite the woman’s attempts to train the girl in the ways of a healer, Nyrallavi would rather defend the weak than patch them up afterwards. Eventually, she gave up on the defense part and went full offense, seeking out the biggest, meanest mother fuckers in town, just so she could punch them in the face. In her neighborhood, she was known as “Sen,” an ancient elvish word for “storm.” It was cute, at first, the little girl unafraid to square up with gangsters, murderers, and thieves. Being a healer’s daughter had its perks. No matter how many times she got knocked down, Sen always came back for more. She was fearless.

Sen joined the city guard at only eighteen years old, mostly because they got tired of arresting her for doing their job and figured she might as well be on the payroll. And also because she was making more enemies than she could deal with alone. They knew it was only a matter of time before she joined a gang or started one of her own, so they recruited her into theirs. The crime rate dropped as she rose through the ranks, eventually reaching the level of vice captain. But a wild animal in uniform is still a wild animal. Sen cleaned up the streets the way a tornado might. She was creating a powder keg situation and it was only a matter of time before Altamura’s worst retaliated.

She was 23 years old when her mother was found raped, murdered, and butchered. Sen knew who was responsible for the crime, but was not allowed to participate in the investigation or arrest. When she later discovered her peers failed to apprehend the suspect, she went mad with rage. It took ten guards to subdue her. Three of them lost limbs and a fourth was left in a coma for a week. She should’ve been confined to a cell or swung from the gallows for this, but instead was discharged, exiled from the city, and sent to live with her father.

She spent the next couple of decades roaming A’ethe, studying combat, weapons, and martial arts. By this time, Sen had already mastered numerous weapons and styles, but now that she was away from the city, she discovered a whole new world. Combat was the only thing that could sate her anger and she began to fixate on the idea of being the strongest warrior: the Paragon of War. Normally, a savage like her wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a paragon, but times were changing. Sen continued fighting and challenging A’ethe’s greatest warriors to build up her legend. Through the political machinations of others, she was called back to Altamura in 894 to face the current Paragon.

The political tide was turning against the Council of Paragons, most of whom were in favor of keeping A’ethe’s borders closed. Sen was merely a tool to take down War. Not that she cared. To her, a fight is a fight. And returning to the city meant possibly finding the asshole who’d killed her mother. When the day of the duel for Paragon came, she held nothing back. The Paragon of War was no pushover, but Sen butchered him in front of thousands of spectators. Thirty years of exile had changed her into something unrecognizable to the people who once respected her as vice captain. In an unprecedented turn of events, she was awarded the title of Paragon of War at only 54 years old, but was immediately sent to prison for her earlier crimes.

An acting Paragon of War took her place on the Council, while Sen stewed in a cell. Through the iron bars, she watched Altamura transform into a flying city. While the physical renovations took place, reforms also cleaned up the streets and forced out the criminal elements. Although she initially hated her replacement, he was ultimately the one who brought her mother’s killer to justice in 902, a task that should’ve been beneath the station of paragon. She knew he did this for her and acknowledged that making peace was one of the many responsibilities of the Paragon of War. Sen officially forfeited the title to him that same year.

She was not released until 905, nearly five years into Altamura’s Grand Tour. She immediately left the country to explore the world and seek new enemies and styles to master. Despite orders from the Council not to bear arms in any large-scale conflicts, Sen joined numerous skirmishes amongst noble houses and clans, and even allied with Calaes during the Great War. She joined the front lines and earned a reputation for brutality, often dying her hair and armor red with the blood of her enemies. This was partly to hide her Sky Elf heritage and partly for intimidation. Regardless, her open participation in the war earned her a full ban from A’ethe and revocation of citizenship.

Zephyrion Lorkhan: The fourteenth Paragon of War. He and Sen are about as different as fire and ice, but she respects him immensely (although she would never openly admit it). His cool-headedness resolved the Sea and Sky Incident without bloodshed. He is a very skilled swordsman, but repeatedly denies her requests for a duel. Due to her political status as an exile, he is not required by custom to accept them.

Aesveria Quaeliss: A lesser paragon who was the mastermind behind Sen’s return to Altamura and subsequent ascension to Paragon of War. She and Zephyrion were the only ones who visited her while in prison. Aes and Sen both participated in the Great War, against A’ethe’s wishes, with Aesveria fighting on Velhellyiah’s side and Sen on Calaes’s, but only Sen was punished. They have stayed in touch ever since, usually via letters, and try to get together every couple of years.

Challenger’s Embrace: Sen likes to fight so much that her physical attributes increase based on the strength of her opponent. This is actually a remnant of her healer training and activates subconsciously. When facing someone physically stronger or faster than herself, her muscle mass and reaction time will increase and attempt to match theirs. This can cause physical damage if pushed too far, but usually allows her to even the playing field and go toe-to-toe with opponents far larger or more agile than she should be able to. Her pain is numbed in the heat of battle and afterwards, she heals slightly faster than most. Most wounds will close with a good night’s rest, if dressed properly, and broken bones mend in a week or two, once set.

Right Hand of Ruin: Sen’s hands are deadly weapons. Literally. She can cut through anything she touches, like a living sawblade. (Despite the name, she can do this with either hand, not just the right.) This is her signature spell and can also be channeled into any weapon she holds, turning even mundane items like broomsticks and pipes into deadly cutting implements. Unfortunately, this causes the item to corrode and degrade very rapidly. With a metal object, she can usually get in two or three slashes before it breaks; with wood or other weak materials, she’s lucky to get in one. And the mana required usually makes it pretty obvious when she’s doing it; any enemy with the tiniest bit of sensitivity to magic can see it coming from a mile away.

Exceptionally skilled in hand-to-hand combat and nearly all melee weapons. Sen is mostly known as a sword user, especially large two-handed swords and longswords, but this is due to personal preference, not skill. She is just as deadly with shortswords, knives, spears, pikes, halberds, broadswords, maces, and more, and has invested a great deal of time in rare or niche weapons, too.

Sen hates firearms, but has practiced with rifles, revolvers, and shotguns. Oddly, she actually likes bows and crossbows. She exclusively used a bow for nearly ten years, just for the hell of it. Her aim is mehhhhh, but her rate of fire is eerily high. Can’t aim? That’s fine, just sling enough arrows downrange until you hit something. She is one of the few people capable of using a bow to lay down suppressive fire.

Animals avoid her. This isn’t so much a skill as an… observation. Sen doesn’t know if this is out of fear or respect, but wild animals seem to walk a wide berth around her, as if she’s an apex predator. She hasn’t been attacked by a wolf, bear, wildcat, or such for a very long time. Domesticated animals, on the other hand, seem visibly shaken by her. She makes horses skittish and house cats’ fur stand on end. Makes escort jobs and camping a piece of cake, though.

Swords. Lots of swords. Sen always travels with a sack full of swords, due to her tendency to break them. She doesn’t get attached. Most are low quality, cheap weapons, often pilfered from defeated adversaries. She sometimes picks a favorite and tries to stick with it, but they always end up broken or mangled within a few weeks, at best.
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Name: Larua Dewdrop

Nicknames/Alias: Grandmother, Itsy Bitsy

Species: Arachnid

Gender: Female

Age: 908

Occupation: Nomad

Contrary to her age, she looks to be in her early twenties. However, with her height being only 4’4, she’s often mistaken for a child.


As an arachnid, Larua narurally prefers solitude over the company of others, living as a recluse for the last decade or two. She doesn't dislike people, nor is she averse to conversation, given that she makes an effort to be talkative around others. Rather, she's simply stuck with age old habits of keeping to herself. When she does talk, she’s very soft spoken, her words almost reaching a whisper, just barely loud enough to hear. She also possesses an elegance and grace rivalling the noblility of most other races, coming off as a refined lady. Still, she has no qualms about munching on a dirty, half eaten corpse if she sees one.

Although she doesn't discriminate when it comes to food, Larua is generally quite meticulous and calculating. She pays careful attention to the positioning of her webs and her surroundings, eyeing everything from the pottery to the cobwebs in the corner of the room.

- Alcohol
- Bugs
- Meat
- Mushrooms
- Forests

- Bright lights
- Banal char- people, such as herself
- Deserts
- Fire
- Sunny days

- Wildfire

For the arachnids which place great importance on age and experience, Larua is something of a legendary figure. She’s the third oldest arachnid to ever live, and the oldest currently alive, being commonly referred to as the Grandmother. Technically speaking, she didn’t achieve very much in her 600 years of life, with no record breaking feats, but she’s well known and respected nonetheless.

Due to her parents deaths, she became independant from an early age. Her mother was killed by her own prey, and she ate her father because he wasn’t bringing back enough food. It was around this time that she began her training to become a connoisseur of toxins, consuming conspicuous mushrooms and reptiles without regards to the consequences. Her life can basically be summarised with “surprisingly, she survived.”

At the age of 24, she had her first child, a daughter who would never know her father, for he was cannibalized. After raising her firstborn to independance, she spent the next 400 years roaming the continent and honing various skills until she found another mate. Being especially fond of this one, she chose to eat him alive instead killing him first, so that they may spend more time together. Once she raised her second, more successful child, she returned to her aimless wandering, living with no greater goal in mind.

- Firstborn daughter, deceased.
- Her son, and several grandchildren she has yet to meet.

Zindarin Pyromancy - An ancient branch of fire magic which specializes in area control and defence. It allows for the creation and manipulation of fire over a wide distance. Larua may enter a heightened state to see and hear through normal fire or any fire she's created within 3 km, able to use the fires like surveillance cameras, and may manipulate the fire she is currently seeing through. Additionally, Larua is able to engrave 3 types of runes. Type 1, upon activation through the user's magic power, lights the engraved object on fire, type 2 causes passive emanation of heat, while type 3 fireproofs the object. Type 3 will not cancel out type 1, rather, the object will continue to burn without taking damage from the flames.

Vision - Unlike the majority of arachnids who mostly rely on their feelers, Larua also possesses incredible eyesight and night vision. Her eyes are also much more sensitive to light, causing her pain when exposed to bright lights.

Spiderweb - Larua is able to produce special webs through her spinnerets. Elastic, sticky, virtually weightless, and stronger than steel, it’s her primary weapon. It can be woven to form articles of clothing, with the web’s properties making them some of the best light ‘armor.’ Still, no matter how well it does against physical attacks, it’ll do little to ward against fire.​

Toxin Resistance - While arachnids already possess a certain level of immunity to minor poisons, Larua takes it to the next level. She regularly consumes toxic substances, and has been doing so her whole life, granting her partial immunity to even the most deadly toxins. As such, she's unaffected by the venom of most fellow arachnids.

Venom - Larua’s venom is unique, taking after what she eats. However, rather than instantly killing like one might guess, it’s nonlethal, instead causing mild paralysis, numbness, dizziness, and extremely vivid hallucinations. Those affected will experience hallucinations of all kinds, including auditory ones, with the features of those around them becoming distorted.

- Climbing
- Gymnastics
- Marksmanship
- Swordsmanship
- Sewing&Weaving

- Enchanted arming sword with enhanced durability, engraved with type 1 and 3 runes.
- Recurve bow

Larua is the only Arachnid who practices cannibalism.​
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Name: Tieryll Esz Livyria Vernstol

Nicknames/Alias: Lord Daywalker

Species: Dhampir

Gender: Male

Age: Was born sometime before Daemadar Velaeris

Occupation: Unemployed/Wanderer

Appearance: A 6’2 male with long black hair, red-yellow eyes and a blue full-body tribal tattoo that also covers half of his face. (I will draw him. I’ll post a pic when I finish)

Personality: He is a laid back, casual person who likes to have fun. He dislikes unnecessary violence but once he gets into a fight he enjoys it. Due to his immortality he makes it a rule to not form close bonds with people but he likes friendship, so he often breaks his own self imposed rule. Tieryll is kind but due to his former status and his own history he doesn’t consider himself kind. He has plenty of patience because of his old friends who had very eccentric personalities and is a bit of jokester. He is shameless when is comes to humour and loves teasing people, especially uptight people. He has a weapon obsession and loves to look at peoples weapons, usually a person’s weapon interests him more than the person themselves. He feels extremely guilty and thinks he’s at fault for the massacre of the vampire clans and does his hardest to not think about what happened.

  • Alcohol
  • Friends
  • Relaxed people
  • Good Weapons
  • Learning about magitek
  • Humour

  • Bad weapons
  • Unnecessary violence
  • Those who lack a sense a humour
  • Overly long and fancy names (including his own)
  • Titles
  • Drinking blood
  • Hot sunny days

  • Losing those he cares about
  • Failing to protect his friends
  • People knowing who he is
Tieryll was born a Dhampir, a half vampire, making him ostracized by his own race. But he was determined to get recognition and with a lot of hard work became the head of the vampire clan, Daywalker. In his society there are four vampire clans, Daywalker, Moonzenith, Hellwake, and Dreamfall. Each clan has its own specialization. Moonzenith was known for their offensive and their overall magical abilities. Hellwake was known for their ability to shapeshift into a stronger form, usually into magical creatures. Dreamfall was known for their dimensional magic. Finally, Daywalker was known for their durability and weapon mastery. To become the head of the clan making them a vampire lord, they must be the strongest vampire in the clan. Tieryll had a natural advantage in the durability aspect due to his human ancestry. He could survive in sunlight and didn’t need to drink blood to survive. It came with a weakness though, he had almost human durability and regeneration. But as Tieryll aged his durability and regeneration became stronger and stronger. Finally he was able to ascend to clan head and his dreams of recognition were accomplished.

Sometime passed and Teiryll became known as the greatest blacksmith and his magic weapons were renown. Eventually, his title was over taken by Daemadar Velaeris making him obsessed with his weapons. It often irked him that he couldn’t get his hands on one of the elf’s vaulted weapons to study it and also felt sorry for the weapons being eternally cooped up in a vault. When he heard of the holy swords he became even more obsessed with Daemadar and started to idolize the new greatest blacksmith. Tieryll’s idolization never stopped him from trying to retake his title making him view Daemadar as both his idol and rival. It saddened Teiryll that Daemadar was a bitter man and that they only ever knew each other through reputation, never meeting in person. Even so, Teiryll was mournful when the bitter blacksmith passed and decided to let the blacksmith keep the title of ‘greatest blacksmith’. Teiryll, still to this day looks forward to the time when he can make a weapon that surpasses the holy swords.

One day Tieryll saved a young boy named Valin from some other sadistic vampires. The young boy, not knowing his saviour was a vampire, became the best vampire hunter in history. Through a domino effect, that Teiryll started, the vampire clan were faced with a great threat and grew suspicious of each other because of how efficiently Valin hunted them. Fearing one of the other clans was a traitor, the hostilities grew between them. This caused a big war between the clans and weakened them all enough for the clans to wiped out by Valin. When the Hellwake clan were wiped out, Moonzenith and Dreamfall went into hiding. Dreamfall left for other dimensions and never come back. Moonzenith barricaded themselves in thousands of magical barriers practically making themselves their own magical realm to live in isolation. All of the Daywalker clan were wiped out except for Teiryll. Valin had found out that the saviour he idolized was the very species he hated. He didn’t have to heart to kill Teiryll so he sealed the Dhampir away. A long timed passed before the seal weakened enough for Teiryll to wake up. He only has been awake for a few weeks and is absolutely clueless about the new technologies and recent history. Beating up some bandits and taking their money he heads to the nearest town to get drunk enough to forget his new reality.


  • Lord Dreamfall, Atrylla: She has the appearance of a young girl and is a very whimsical air headed person. She gave Teiryll a dimensional storage ring as a gift when he ascended to clan head. She travels between dimensions often, coming and going as she pleases. It is unknown if she was even aware of the situation between the vampire clans. She had a friendly relationship with Teiryll and both of them teamed up to tease Zelthin.
  • Lord Moonzenith, Belorne: She is a woman who lives life like it’s her last day to live and is prone to doing crazy things on a whim. Belorne rules her clan with an iron fist and kills anyone who defies her. She and Teiryll were drinking buddies but Teiryll often bemoaned her violent ways.
  • Lord Hellwake, Zelthin: He was the youngest of the clan heads and determined to earn the respect of his fellow Lords. Zelthin was uptight, overly serious, and straight laced. Tieryll loved to tease him and and drive him up a wall. This made Zelthin get aggravated at the mere mention of Teiryll. Zelthin respected Tieryll’s abilities but he hated his personality. Zelthin was the only Vampire Lord to die in the vampire massacres.

  • Daywalker: As the head of the clan know for durability, Teiryll has high durability and regeneration
  • Dimensional Ring: Tieryll crafted his own armoury of magic and non-weapons and keeps them all stored in a dimensional ring.

  • Master blacksmith and Master arcane blacksmith
  • Weapons Master (except magitek)
  • Horrific at anything related to magic and magitek, he’s so bad that it is its own skill.
  • Tieryll’s Armoury
  • Atrylla’s Dimensional Ring
All of the Vampire lords had tattoos denoting their status as Lords. Tieryll’s is the blue tribal tattoo.
Does not have a clue on how to use magitek and will accidentally break it if he is given some

abbe7131c4f21f9a6e2f4e5de57c4f5f.pngFrancesca Holloway

Francesca Rath Holloway

Asset Reclamation & Liquidation Division, Inquisitor Holloway; Y’Velia Rath




Asset Reclamation & Liquidation

A half-breed of a shura and a human, Holloway seems to have gained more traits of her human bloodline than her shura one, lacking the height and the build of a shura. However, she bears the telling trait of a shura, namely that she has four arms. She is about 5’9” in height, and, though not particularly apparent, she’s quite sinewy. She sports amber hair as well as amber-brown eyes. The right side of her face is scarred, and the corresponding eye is also damaged and is unlikely to recover. She opts to keep it shut rather than to invest in an eyepatch on account that she finds eyepatches ‘ruin (her) image’.

Affable is one word. Francesca Holloway is perhaps one of the nicer Sathal operatives to step onto the field. Polite, light-hearted, and generally selfless when it comes to helping others, she comes off as extremely amiable. It is rarely an act as well- she genuinely does like helping others. Though she, like every loyal Sathal, despises magic and is against its existence, she is also one of the few Sathal who would discard their beliefs for just a second to help one of the magic scum who roam the lands. That is, unless her orders state otherwise. Even then, she prefers to handle things diplomatically, and seeks to end most conflicts by talking. Her duties, after all, don't usually include taking out people, but to reclaim or destroy lost technology and information. As long as people stay out of her way, she’s not likely to draw. She honors her word.

That having been said, depending on one’s perspective of the Empire, she can be perceived as either obstructively evil or loyally good, or vice versa. Francesca takes her job seriously. Yes, she would prefer if things didn't end in bloodshed, yes, she would love it if her obstacles were nice enough to set down arms so they can talk, but if her orders were to put someone down, either because they could compromise Sarathal’s safety or because they hold information that could do just that, then there are no two ways about it- she would just have to act on her orders. She tries her best to be reasonable, but she is not one to leave a job incomplete.

Some of her colleagues have noted that, despite her disdain for magic users in general, she is very interested in magitech and the theories behind the functions of both magic and magitech items. She is surprisingly well-learned in the applications and usage of magic, though one may chalk this curiosity up to simply a need to win half the battle.

As a person, Francesca is described often as snarky and witty, but also extremely evasive and covert, using her snark and wit just to cover up her actual intentions. She fancies herself a comedian, and utilises levity to lighten the mood or to set a non-threatening image for herself. She is also positively giddy when it comes to handling or seeing new tech, magic or not. Most who have never heard of her or seen her before will probably identify her as a complete kook who thinks making puns is the pinnacle of comedy. Even those who have heard of her reputation as one of the ARL operatives won’t think twice about thinking ‘who is this clown?’ when she makes her first impressions. Only those who have seen her go wild can find any respect in them to give her, because that samesaid clown can easily slice up anyone within sword’s reach into ribbons before they can so much as say ‘But that wasn't funny.’.

New toys from R&D to fiddle around with
New tech
Velhellyiah wine
Sathal beer

The opposite of cooperation
Receiving orders to kill personnel
Receiving orders to destroy tech instead of reclaiming them

Turns particularly pale at the mention of ghosts, and gets spooked easily. After all, she can’t put a ghost in a headlock, or drop them down for a backbreaker. Their existence is just illogical! That’s gross! She wants nothin’ to do with it.


Rath Daedalus / Rath Holloway: Her father, a shura. He finds it difficult to emulate and express his feelings to his family, but genuinely cares for both his wife and daughter.

Emily Holloway-Tucson: Her mother, a human. More emotional than her husband, she expresses herself much better than him.

Increased Strength: Due to her shura blood, she has above-average strength for her size. Though she is weaker than most shura purebloods, she can easily match most adult men in strength.

Ambidextrous: She is the shura equivalent anyway, being able to operate all four of her arms skillfully for writing, combat, and multi-tasking in general.

Brawler: With four arms and enhanced strength, Francesca can handle an army of mooks herself, and is more than a match for any lone mage in hand to hand combat, particularly because she can punch someone extremely hard in at least two places at the same time. She opts for a much more brutish combat style that seems to incorporate judo and aikido and pragmatic strikes and kicks. Her sheer strength allows her to put her throws and grapples of either mentioned martial art to good use, and their generally non-lethal and submission-based approach make them perfect tools for her purpose, namely to just toss a resisting target to the ground and keep them there. It doesn't, however, mean she doesn't throw in a few particularly vicious kick once in a while.

Melee Combat: Well-versed in quad-wielding any weapon available to the Sathal military. She specializes in a highly flexible combat style that turns her into a dervish of bullets and blades on the field, allowing her to quickly dispatch threats, and stall the best of the best. Again, her four arms give her a huge upper hand in confrontations, allowing her to just simply overpower a lone foe with numbers, even if she is, by nature, weaker than them.

Superhuman Reflexes and Agility: What she lacks in strength, when compared to her shura brethren, she makes up for it with startling speed and reflexes, honed by experience, showing capabilities such as deflecting bullets. It is perhaps due to her shura blood that allows her to spring about the battlefield- her comparatively diminutive size allows her to use all her muscles without fear of collision into obstacles.

Temeritus-32: Also known as the T-32. It is a commonplace six-shot revolver in the Sarathal military that chambers .44 rounds. It is only issued to officers, but it has a reputation of making its way around the military. Francesca has two.

Lindfield-6a: A working prototype of the improved submachine gun line. Previously a wreck of a gun which jammed often and, as a result, had to be recalled, an Agatha Reigate managed to work out the kinks with the original Lindfield-6 design and turned it into a working automatic and compact gun, designed for storming enclosed spaces. Due to the previous version’s reputation, it is still under testing phases, but Francesca has procured one for herself. It is small enough to be carried and shot with one hand, and more skilled users can control the recoil with one as well. It has a capacity of 32 rounds.

Backsword: A single-edged sword common amongst most infantry soldiers. It has since been almost entirely replaced with firearms, but pockets of soldiers still prefer the backsword over combat knives. Francesca’s unique backswords are lined with anti-magic coating, allowing her to cut through magic, as it were. She usually carries two of these swords.

Type-2 Magic Nullification Cloak: Also known as the ‘Eraser’. Francesca’s own unique cloak is dark navy blue in colour.

Shura is the term referring to a race of tall, four-armed beings roaming the world of Tennim. They are not local to the Araal continent, and instead hail from further west, from a land called Greystone. Their culture has a primary focus on strength, though time, and their slowly fading xenophobia, have since dulled this focus. It was customary for shura youths to have to go through exceedingly difficult tests of strength several years ago, but that has been almost phased out, now instead replaced by a more celebratory rite of passage that, at most, requires the youth to wrestle an adult to the ground.

Shuras are most known for their two sets of arms and their enormous strength, and they often tower over other races, with their tallest standing at about nine feet. Their genes are also known for being exceedingly dominant, and any hybrid child they have with another race will sport their four arms, immense strength, height, or any combination of the three. Shura, however, are also known for their lack of mana entirely. This trait is one of the most prominent dominating genes in a shura. Anyone born of shura blood, even if one parent is capable of magic, will be unable to harness magic, and their children will never be able to do so. Shura blood carries with it longevity as well, and the oldest shura hybrid is capable of living up to 180 years. Pureblood shura can live up until 300.

Traditional naming conventions exist for the shura culture, though this has also mostly remained only as part of tradition. Many shura today opt to have a more ‘normal’ sounding name, but retain their traditional names for use within the family. Male shura names are more simple and clear cut, simply having their given name and their father’s name. Previously, they sported their clan’s name, as well as a clan’s ranking, but since their community has long done away with ranking, a male’s last name no longer exists. Female names still carry on the clan’s name, in the form of a letter. For Francesca’s case, it is ‘Y’, for Yuvon Clan. This letter is followed immediately by their given name, separated only by an apostrophe, then their father’s name. In a poetic way, the male carries his own name forth, while the female carries her clan’s name.

The shura as a whole, have progressed past their primitive times by a lot, comparatively, and have gone past their walls of clans and solitude. Nowadays, many shura seek their living outside of Greystone. Some have taken to the seas to find other prospects overseas, found love and life elsewhere, and settled down there. Though certainly brutish and loud in nature, the stereotypical shura is also loyal to a fault, and are likened to big, friendly giants.

They are, ironically, somewhat shunned, if not outright avoided, in some magical communities due to their magical sterility, and many are advised against procreating with shuras just for the fact that their blood is so anti-magic that future generations could be polluted.
Name: James
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Occupation: Exoskeleton Pilot
Likes: Technology, Mech suits (who doesn't?), Adventure, Combat.
Dislikes: Magic (Sees it as inferior), Long Range battles, Heights (Or as he calls it, a fear of gravity),
Fears: Elves (Finds their seemingly endless calm and collected appearance quite creepy), Being alone... again, Giant ****in spiders (lol).
Skills/Talents: Skilled mech pilot. Extremely aggressive, Great at offensive and defensive missions.


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Name: Nero Nakamura

Nicknames/Alias: The One-Eye Pirate / Captain

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Occupation: Retired Soldier/ Fisherman

Appearance: Nero is 6’3” sporting a small beard, an eyepatch on his left eye, wearing his casual clothes of a t-shirt and normal pants.


Personality: “Captain as a person he a caring captain who gives the life for his crew, he is a lazy person, in off time just go fishing. Almost never angered during joy of battle he gets the adrenaline from fighting. The only time he is angry when he is not in the fight, anyone disobeying, and pickled foods. He never seems sad he always upbeat, I guess the only time he was, his Lieutenant was lost during a battle the only thing we found was the tags” report LTJG Sara Watkins

Likes: Fish, Cigarettes, and Drinking

Dislikes: Missing out on a good fight, people not following his orders, and pickled foods

Fears: friends dying, and losing everyone

Backstory: “Born in Xine with an absent father. A mainly in a portside town under the Demonym of Calaen, Order of Understanding against Sarathal, While he was growing he was a reckless boy and trained under an old pirate of unknown origins. Fighting dirty and using cheap tricks to gain an advantage over his opponent. In terms of using weapons he just uses Calaen Magitek Deflector, Standard Cutlass, Calaen sea pistol, and unconventional uses of alcohol and a lighter. Join the army at the age of 15 in the naval 23rd sea fleet, in the Great war for 4 years and continued service for another 11 years, 1007 took shrapnel from a explosion from ramming a ship, on board the ramming ship survived and getting minor wounds, but has fragments of wood embedded in his left eye. Gain a great amount of wealth from his achievements even rewarded by the King of Calaen. This man is Captain Nero Nakamura also known as The One-Eye Pirate. Location of this man is Unknown. Rumors are that he is located in the hometown of Xine and is the occupation of a fisherman.” file “CAPT Nakamura”

Relationships: No relationships

The user can deflect incoming attacks.
Armor: The user or an item can be covered in Graphene.
Electric: The user can emit electric currents. (lethal and non-lethal)
Song Blade: A Magitek blade that follows the user commands.
Magitek Implant: It grants the user sight, night vision, thermal vision, heart rate control, and detect magic.
Wraith: The user is covered in a cloud of smoke.
Power Combos:
The combination of Electric and Armor make the user emit heat
Tesla Arc: The combination between Electric and Song sword make the weapon arc with the user
Drunk to the bone:
Numb to pain (when intoxicated)
Standing on one leg: Weapon strikes become faster and unpredictable (when intoxicated)
Easy to read: Increase hearing and smell

Skills/Talents: Astrology, Swordsmanship, well shot, Patience, Close quarter combat, Pyromaniac, Explosive specialist, Nimble, Combat medic and Sea Pilot.

Items: Weatherproof Lighter, Magitek glaves, Cigarette box, Cutlass, bottles of alcohol (6), eight pairs of cloth gloves,4 Magitek devices, hunter knife, and Standard issue Calaen sea pistol (45. Ruger mark 3)


  • has a high melting point, similar to that of the diamond. In order to melt graphite, it isn't enough to loosen one sheet from another. You have to break the covalent bonding throughout the whole structure.

  • has a soft, slippery feel, and is used in pencils and as a dry lubricant for things like locks. You can think of graphite rather like a pack of cards - each card is strong, but the cards will slide over each other, or even fall off the pack altogether. When you use a pencil, sheets are rubbed off and stick to the paper.

  • has a lower density than diamond. This is because of the relatively large amount of space that is "wasted" between the sheets.

  • is insoluble in water and organic solvents - for the same reason that diamond is insoluble. Attractions between solvent molecules and carbon atoms will never be strong enough to overcome the strong covalent bonds in graphite.

  • conducts electricity. The delocalized electrons are free to move throughout the sheets. If a piece of graphite is connected into a circuit, electrons can fall off one end of the sheet and be replaced with new ones at the other end.
Magitek Implant NMI (Neuro Magic Interface) The Implant is directly connected to the brain helping to access the nervous system of Nero Magitek eye is made by a gone friend that was brilliant in the Magitek development during Nero injury he made him an eye.

Magitek EED (Emergency Evac Device): The device is an Evac device that used failed stealth missions by using smoke that covers the user present disappear to magic another type of sense the smoke has magic, smell and loud when in use which gives the user to disappear.
Magitek EE (Electro Emitter)
This device emits electric current that electrocutes an opponent by having the user as the user as the conduit and releasing the charge or use to shock to opponents than elimination. The device uses electrical charge from having to use kinetic energy from spinning from the MDS and the CBA which gives energy from impacts
Magitek MDS (Mimic Defence Blade): A Magitek weapon that is some sort of Familiar but has the lack of responding just listen to the user and the commands can be set to follow the user voice in song or command hence the nickname "song blade" the Magitek itself is a weapon but has modified to fit Nero eye to command by looking and thought.
Magitek CBA (Carbon body Armor): A device is a prototype that makes the user invincible to physical attacks but not internal damage the device has an unlimited time of use but the device need a source of carbon to feed off and the device is not covered by the same material the user has 2 hours of uses until it eats the skin and body of the user.
Magitek AAS (Anti-artillery shield): A device that can deflect incoming projectiles which includes magic. The amount of force the that can be Deflected amounts to a canon ship firing a standard round (42lb, flies 1,700 mph) and takes 2 shots to make the Magitek recharge. The flaw takes at times to recharge (1 hour 34 mins), the only way to increase the recharge rate to input direct mana, plus to add it can only be deflected so the user can still be blinded by a bright light and an impact explosive that touches the wall can create a small hole for 3 minutes. The way the projectiles are deflected is the device creates different air pressure around the user that would side off the dense air. The limited radius is only 10 feet but can be overridden go over 50 feet but destroys the Device.

Sea Breeze: Nero Nakamura own personal attack ship, packing six cannons that rip through 20 inches thick of armor and loading 152mm Ap shells, Magitek AASD (Anti-Artillery Shield Defence) same as the AAS but takes a large amount of power to run the machine and takes great amount of energy to use, and Harpoons used as an anchor or a tow hook. Top speed of the Sea Breeze is 60 Knots (69 Mph) and speed boost of 270 knots (317.58 mph) and holds five 5 cabins, 3 bathrooms, 1 kitchen,1 Captain room and a storage room located in the rear of the ship. The thruster of the ship is a four-turbine that shoots out water faster than a propeller. The ship has a special device called the Phantom
Phantom: Another Magitek device that uses water to transmute to a vapor that only works on board the ship creates a mist hiding the ship. The radius of the mist is 5 miles. Can only work in cool climate areas.
Davy Jones Locker Xel Xel
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Name: Nero Nakamura

Nicknames/Alias: The One-Eye Pirate / Captain

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Occupation: Retired Soldier/ Fisherman

Appearance: Nero is 6’3” sporting a small beard, an eyepatch on his left eye, wearing his casual clothes of a t-shirt and normal pants.


Personality: “Captain as a person he a caring captain who gives the life for his crew, he is a lazy person, in off time just go fishing. Almost never angered during joy of battle he gets the adrenaline from fighting. The only time he is angry when he is not in the fight, anyone disobeying, and pickled foods. He never seems sad he always upbeat, I guess the only time he was, his Lieutenant was lost during a battle the only thing we found was the tags” report LTJG Sara Watkins

Likes: Fish, Cigarettes, and Drinking

Dislikes: Missing out on a good fight, people following his orders, and pickled foods

Fears: friends dying, and losing everyone

Backstory: “Born in Xine with an absent father. A mainly in a portside town under the Demonym of Calaen, Order of Understanding against Sarathal, While he was growing he was a reckless boy and trained under an old pirate of unknown origins. Fighting dirty and using cheap tricks to gain an advantage over his opponent. In terms of using weapons he just uses Calaen Magitek Deflector, Standard Cutlass, Calaen sea pistol, and unconventional uses of alcohol and a lighter. Join the army at the age of 14 in the naval 23rd sea fleet, in the Great war for 4 years and continued service for another 11 years, 1007 took shrapnel from a explosion from ramming a ship, on board the ramming ship survived and getting minor wounds, but has fragments of wood embedded in his left eye. Gain a great amount of wealth from his achievements even rewarded by the King of Calaen. This man is Captain Nero Nakamura also known as The One-Eye Pirate. Location of this man is Unknown. Rumors are that he is located in the hometown of Xine and is the occupation of a fisherman.” file “CAPT Nakamura”

Relationships: No relationships

Deflect incoming attacks
Drunk to the bone:
Numb to pain (when intoxicated)
Standing on one leg: Weapon strikes become faster and unpredictable (when intoxicated)
Easy to read: Increase hearing and smell

Skills/Talents: Astrology, Swordsmanship, well shot, Patience, Close quarter combat, Pyromaniac, Explosive specialist, Nimble and Sea Pilot.

Items: Weatherproof Lighter, Cigarette box, Cutlass, bottles of alcohol (6), eight pairs of cloth gloves, Magitek deflector, hunter knife, and Standard issue Calaen sea pistol (45. Ruger mark 3)


Couple things, nothing major. But the Order of Understanding (otherwise known as The Great War, basically a world war against Sarathal) was 15 years ago as of the RP's time. So for him to have fought in it for 4 years he would have had to join at 11. While this is 1800s-style setting, even that's a big young for a soldier. You should up his age to like 35 if you want him to have served in the war, especially since you said he joined at 14. Other than that the only thing I'm curious about is what a 'Deflector' does in a bit more detail. It deflects attacks, I get that, but is it limited to projectiles? Does it deflect magic? Is there a limit to it? Just stuff like that.

Other than those two things it looks fine.
Couple things, nothing major. But the Order of Understanding (otherwise known as The Great War, basically a world war against Sarathal) was 15 years ago as of the RP's time. So for him to have fought in it for 4 years he would have had to join at 11. While this is 1800s-style setting, even that's a big young for a soldier. You should up his age to like 35 if you want him to have served in the war, especially since you said he joined at 14. Other than that the only thing I'm curious about is what a 'Deflector' does in a bit more detail. It deflects attacks, I get that, but is it limited to projectiles? Does it deflect magic? Is there a limit to it? Just stuff like that.

Other than those two things it looks fine.

I finished fixing the age and the explanation of the magitek device and added Nero pirate ship. What's a pirate without his pirate ship.
I finished fixing the age and the explanation of the magitek device and added Nero pirate ship. What's a pirate without his pirate ship.

Remove the rockets from the ship and make the current top speed a sort of 'limited use super boost'. I don't mind if it's normal cruising top speed is higher than normal ships, but that's a bit excessive. 250mph's fine for a "kick on the nitros" sort of thing, though. Make those two changes and you're good to go.
Remove the rockets from the ship and make the current top speed a sort of 'limited use super boost'. I don't mind if it's normal cruising top speed is higher than normal ships, but that's a bit excessive. 250mph's fine for a "kick on the nitros" sort of thing, though. Make those two changes and you're good to go.
I threw it down to 60 knots which is 69 Mph
I threw it down to 60 knots which is 69 Mph

Still coulda kept it as a turbo-boost. Also you didn't have to drop the mist down to 3 miles, you can see a long distance at sea. But either way you're approved and good to go.
Sauphira Isla el Syranon

ALIASES: The Siren of Sarathal, The Sapphire Queen, The Blue Devil
SPECIES: Mermaid
GENDER: female
AGE: presumed to be mid- to late-30s
OCCUPATION: terrorist, rebel leader, cult leader, pirate

In her natural form, Sauphira looks more like a lamia than a mermaid. Other than her bright blue hair, eyes, and nails, she is (mostly) human from the waist up, but her lower half sports a 15’ long serpentine fishtail, covered in shimmering blue scales. When she adopts human legs, she is a more manageable 5’7,” but is still quite heavy --that fishtail has to go somewhere, after all-- weighing in at about 280 pounds. She has delicate facial features, framed by a pair of feathery, fin-like protrusions where her ears should be. She sometimes grows horns as a natural defense mechanism, but few people have ever seen them and lived to tell the tale. She is slightly thicker and more voluptuous than most mermaids, with a more prominent bust and wider hips, and is an exceptionally powerful swimmer, even by mermaid standards, despite her injury.

Sauphira is missing her right arm. It was severed just above the elbow. She almost always wears a prosthesis, usually a long glove or gauntlet, and can use water magic to form a skeleton of ice and surround it with water to mimic a limb. The ice also helps numb the lingering pain in her stump. Its movement and function is almost indistinguishable from an ordinary arm and is actually physically stronger than her left, especially when fitted with a metal gauntlet or armor. However, the injury still limits the forms she can shapeshift into, as mermaids cannot regenerate lost limbs. And it goes without saying that anti-magic literally leaves her short-handed.

Soft-spoken with a quiet, calm demeanor. Those who don’t know her might even think she’s shy. But one look in her eyes will quickly correct that error. Sauphira’s gaze appears dispassionate or even bored at times, but her eyes reveal glimpses of intense fury burning beneath the surface. It is as if she exists in a constant state of silent rage, hidden beneath a thin veil of calmness, which can break at any moment. She is not known for violent outbursts of anger, preferring instead to swallow her wrath, savor it, and retaliate at the perfect time and in the perfect manner. No slight is left unanswered, no vengeance unsated, no enemy unscarred. Some might say anger and obsession have consumed her. She would argue that she has adapted to thrive on them.

Patience is her greatest asset. Sauphira isn't afraid to wait months or even years to see a plan come together. She is a calculating tactician and consumer of information, who firmly believes that knowledge is power and refuses to ever be found powerless. Her network of spies feed her a steady stream of seemingly irrelevant and anecdotal information. Even when she's not pouring over reports, she keeps her nose buried in books, maps, charts, graphs, anything that can give her an edge. Her asocial nature ensures she will never be seen as a charismatic leader, yet she has amassed a loyal following. She is not only ready, but willing to die for her beliefs and that conviction inspires respect from her allies, and fear from her enemies.

Very little is known about the life of the notorious mermaid known as Sauphira Isla el Syranon. Even her name is likely a fabrication. She was probably a former member of the Sapphira clan, a small merfolk colony that once lived along the northern coast of Velhellyiah, near the port town of Lares. The naval base there was bombed into a smoldering crater by Sarathal in 993, scattering the local merpeople. Like many other merfolk colonies in that time, the Sapphira clan was either killed off or dissolved into other neighboring groups. It no longer exists today, at least not as a unified whole.

Her surname, “Isla,” is a generic name given to any clanless merfolk. It is usually only a temporary title, used by migratory or nomadic merfolk as they look for a new home, not something to be adopted as a proper name. In rare instances, it can be applied to exiles. It literally translates as “island,” but in their native tongue has other connotations, such as “adrift,” “lost,” or not part of a larger whole, in much the same way Sauphira Isla is generally not seen as part of the larger mer community. She and her followers are not well-liked amongst their kin.

As a criminal wanted by most of Araal’s major nations, Sauphira is something of a boogeyman, whose story varies widely depending on who is telling it. But a few key points remain the same. She is believed to have been born shortly before the Great War. Merfolk aren’t known for aggression and generally keep to themselves, but the global conflict and the effect it had on the mer population is likely the spark that turned Sauphira into an enemy of mankind. Her first recorded attack came in 998, when she sank the merchant ship, Kyr’s Bounty. Piracy was quite common in the early postwar years, but this attack stood out because the pirates were merfolk, led by a blue-haired female captain. Nearly a dozen more attacks followed and, by the end of the year, the name Sauphira Isla was seared into the collective consciousness of every sailor in Araal.

By the turn of the century, she had been accused of everything from basic looting and pillaging, to human sacrifice, torture, kidnapping and even rape. She ate a live human baby in front of its mother. She brutally sodomized an entire crew. She even drowned a helpless kitten for mewling too loudly. Whether these accounts were true or not, the reports of her savagery became increasingly outlandish as time went on, until eventually the attacks stopped… but the stories did not. Sarathal and, later, Velhellyiah, Calaes and others seized on the legend of Sauphira Isla as propaganda. Men enlisted just to purge the waters of this menace. When the frequency of attacks began to decrease, they declared victory. But, in reality, she had simply changed tactics.

Indiscriminately lashing out at any human ship she could find wasn’t yielding the desired effect, so Sauphira retreated into the shadows and took a stealthier approach, building a large network of hidden terrorist cells to strike at her enemies at sea and on land. She adopted the honorific el Syranon, which loosely translates as “of Syra” or “Syra’s Chosen,” officially declaring herself to be a disciple of the sea goddess. Now her battle against the humans wasn’t just her battle, but a divine crusade, ordained by the gods, with hundreds of devoted followers willing to die for their beliefs. This is also when she began constructing her personal flagship, Leviathan.

The story of Sauphira has only become blurrier as time goes on. For example, numerous captains claim to be the one who cut off her arm, while most civilians believe she chopped it off herself as a sacrifice to the gods. She is often blamed for the sinking of ships, especially by Sathal sailors, who seem to hate her more than most. Her legend has even made its way onto land, where she and her followers are regarded as boogeymen lurking in disguise, preying on unsuspecting victims. She basically gets blamed for everything vile and despicable in the world. The most recent batch of rumors has put her at the center of an anti-mageocracy uprising in Velhellyiah. Numerous sources have accused her of selling magitech weapons to the rebels and have even claimed she can give power to non-mages through some kind of demonic pact.

Divine Aquamancy: Sauphira can control any water she is in contact with and move it at will. Most merpeople possess a natural talent for this form of magic, but she is particularly adept at it and claims this is a gift from the sea goddess, Syra. This magic only works if she is touching the water and is strongest when using clean saltwater. Mud, swamp water, sewage, etc are harder to control.

Still Waters Run Deep: Sauphira can use still water as a means of fast travel between two points. By diving into one body of water, she can emerge from another, familiar body of water. This works best if the water is clean, relatively free of ripples or waves, and very deep, but even a puddle can suffice for short-range travel.

Holy Water: Via long sessions of meditation and prayer, Sauphira can turn ordinary water into an enchanted elixir, which serves as a base stock for potion-making. It will enhance whatever mundane substance is dissolved into it. Even if left unused, this holy water will slowly accumulate mana over time and can be aged like wine to increase its potency. She stockpiles it aboard the Leviathan and in hidden safehouses and caches all across Araal and keeps a few vials of it on herself at all times.

Waterborn: Through an elaborate and dangerous ritual, Sauphira can give magical power to those who have none… for a price. The victim is drowned in holy water and reborn as a mage with water in their veins. Biologically, these “artificial” mages share more in common with the undead than with living humans. Syra will claim their soul when she feels their usefulness has been exhausted, turning the victim’s body to water. They are gifted with magical power and can learn spells quicker and more easily than most, but live with the knowledge that death can come at any time.

She is a polyglot, capable of speaking and understanding most of the popular languages of Araal, and her telepathy usually allows her to glean meanings from unfamiliar tongues, even when she isn’t entirely sure what someone is saying.

Although she rarely engages in combat, Sauphira would be described as a fierce, calculating, brawler, who hits surprisingly hard. But, like most merfolk, she lacks the respiratory stamina for a prolonged fight. She is arguably more dangerous in her true form, as her snake-like fishtail is more agile and unpredictable than legs, and ensures she never loses her footing.

Sauphira is naturally right-handed, but has trained herself to do most things equally well with her left, for obvious reasons. Would probably be considered ambidextrous, with a slight rightward bias. Her favorite weapons include spears, staves, and tridents, but she is a decent shot with a rifle or pistol, as well.

Leviathan: Sauphira’s flagship, a sunken Sathal dreadnought that has been resurrected and converted into a submarine. It is an older ship, likely from very early in the Great War, or before it, and was heavily damaged by fire. The upper decks are mostly gone. Sauphira and her crew basically took the empty shell and hull, gutted the damaged bits, and built upon it. Only the upper portion of the submarine has air; the lower half, where the crew works, is flooded. Considering her crew is entirely composed of merfolk, this isn’t a problem.

The Leviathan almost never surfaces. It spends much of its time hugging the sea floor. Sailors who have seen it and lived to tell the tale describe a dark, whale-shaped silhouette in the water. It can release floating mines and has deck-mounted cannons, but using the latter would require it to surface. Sauphira and her crew usually use water magic or ramming as their first line of offense. However, the Leviathan is more of a mobile command post than a warship; she would rather avoid engaging in battle, if possible, and usually just dives away from danger or dumps mines while retreating.
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