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Fantasy The Araal Campaign | Characters



The Paladin
And here's the character thread. I'll let you know if it's approved or if there's any tweaks I wanna see made. Please note that I don't want any real life photos for appearance. Anime/drawn only. Also keep in mind that what I do with your characters will be strongly influenced by what your character is. What their current situation is, what their backstory is, where they're from, who they are, etc etc. So this is one of those roleplays where the background is actually pretty important since the more you give me to work with, the more I can make plots to push you guys forward. Of course if all you care about is the reactions the world has to your actions, then you don't need to worry as much. Lastly, just another reminder that you don't need to worry too much about limitations. Go ham. Don't go TOO ham, as there is a limit where you're too OP. But be creative, and be outgoing. You can use anything the setting provides for your character. So don't get bogged down by the notion that you need to make some low-level wanderer or something.

And just because it seems to be the cool thing to do, here's a template that probably nobody will follow anyways.

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Veronica Roseanna Tatianna Constintina Von-Eddenburgh III
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  • 864d66191481297fe90a2ff1e0a5ce0f3d4b9ffd_hq.jpg
[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Age:



Former Princess/ Traveler/ Killer for Hire

Hair Color:
Platinum Blonde

Eye Color:

Skin Color:




Waist: 32in
Hips: 38in
Bust: 44in

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Strength:






Magical Affinity:




[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Personality:
Veronica use to be a kind and benevolent princess who was kind and compassionate to her people. She use to eat with her people, hold feasts in their honor when they made an accomplishment, and fight along side them in battle. She would hold her people in the same respect as she did any nobility of the world. She is said to still possess some of these qualities in that when shes more or less normal she can be kind and compassionate, even showing generosity, mercy, and bravery for others in some situations. She is even said to be fun to be around as she enjoys drinking at taverns and partying with the patrons. But Veronica Suffers from PTSD and general insanity most of the time. No one is quite sure what drove her to have these mental illnesses whether it was the six months of torture, the Magitek mutations that changed her body, the half halted process of a lobotomy, or seeing her families head on pikes after finally escaping from hell itself and knowing that she had lost everything. After that she became a killer for hire/ Mercenary because besides being a princess the only other thing she was good at was warfare and in all honesty what country would let a deranged psychopath join their army. When fighting she exhibits psychopathic and deranged qualities such as constantly smiling, general enjoyment, laughing, enjoyment of causing pain, and enjoyment of being given pain.


When people piss her off
When people call her insane
When she is denied something she wants
When people realize who she is

Fears Being Tortured again, though its not crippling the crack of a whip with still frighten her.
Fear of Fire/ hot metal
Not really a Fear but she has Ptsd which is set off by sounds of war (horns, clashing of metal, ect) and all of her other fears

Veronica grew up in the Kingdom of Realgis in the capital of Thrall as the heir to the Von-Eddenburgh family and to the throne. Realgis was a contry that exsited outside of the continent of Araal that was known for its beautiful architecture from city to city, its expansive mountain range, Rain forests, hot climates, exquisite cuisine, and its military. The country was ruled by a monarch who consisted of the king and queen of the country and the two princesses. As well there was the grand order of knights who had just as equal of a say as the King, and a council of city elected politicians who had and equal of a say as the King, basically giving the army and the people a chance to voice their opinion on the country and go in the direction that they wanted, though it was very uncommon for the either of these groups to disagree with each other. This was mainly because the king was a kind a benevolent ruler who sought out peace for his people but was wise enough to show strength to his enemies when it needed to be shown. The countries military strength was unparalleled in their part of the world as the country prospered over many kingdoms, never destroying them completely but taking enough from them so they knew fear and submission, so that they could live out their lives in peace but know well enough not to attack Realgis.

Veronica Roseanna Tatianna Constintina Von-Eddenburgh Third of Her Name, Princess and Heir to Realgis, Knight of the Grand order, and Hero of Venusevilla was her full title by the age of 18. She was trained since ten years old in marksmanship, archery, swordsmanship, spearmanship, and vehicles of war because after her father died she would become heir to the throne of Realgis and thus the commander of the army like her father, leading sieges to show their enemies that they were not to be messed with. At the age of seventeen she lead a siege against the countries enemy known as the country of Venusevilla which took 4 months, most of which was said to be the journey to bring the army there, as the capital of the country was said to be taken by the army in one night, under the command of Veronica. At the age of eighteen she was knighted as one of the knights of the grand order earning her right to voice her opinion of the cities affairs rather than just being born into them.

When she was 19, in the dead of the night the neighboring country and Realgis's closest allies attacked the capital, their plan of attack made it seem like they were planning the attack for months at a time, as they attacked the weak spots in the city and took down the guard. Veronica was awoken in her bed and kidnapped before she even had the chance to grab a sword. For 6 months she was taken prisoner and tortured daily, as it seemed that their siege had ended in failure as they were pushed back when the counter attack started. Veronica could her sounds of war horns every now and again, but if they were the sounds of her kingdoms people fighting for her they never seemed to reach her. At some point she was even branded (literally) as a slave to the king and queen. After the 6 months the torture suddenly stopped, when she seemed mentally broken, like she couldn't take no more, and she didn't know why. About a month after that they began some experiments on her, testing blood type, taking cell counts, and other stuff that seemed fairly harmless. After about a moth of monitoring her they began experiments using technology, science, and magic to produce magitek mutations in her body. She was a test subject for them to see if they could make a perfect super soldier.

The first mutation they did was to give her a resistance to pain, which burned away her pain receptors. The pain from the mutation was worse than being stabbed a millions times over for her, she felt like she was going to die from just the pain throughout the whole process. The continuing mutations were just as bad if not worse, so it was somewhat lucky for her that the first mutation they had given her was the pain resistance one, else she probably would have died many times over during the processes. Luckily for her they decided to end with a lobotomy, erase her mind so that they could control her, make her the perfect super solider for their armies. But by whatever chance someone had made one of her restraints too loose and she broke free, killing all the scientist that had been working on her.

She escaped the laboratory, travelling for months to get back to her home. When she arrived she got her answer of why the torture had stopped when it did. The neighboring countries banners hung from the walls of her home city. Her mother and fathers heads, as well as all the grand order knights and the politicians of the cities heads decorated pikes outside of the wall. Her sisters head was no where to be found, though Veronica believed she had been killed as well, as even mad men had the decency to not behead a child. After that she stole the armor of her ancestors from inside the castle and began travelling the world and became known as a insane and deranged killer for hire, known as the berserk Knight. Some people believe shes some kind of made up myth or legend and no one is exactly sure what drove her insane, but for her none of that matters, all that matters to her now is killing for the fun of it. She some how made her way to Araal over the past 3 years.

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Magic Abilities:
Veronica has no magic affinity and thus cannot use magic

Magitek Mutations:
A combination of Technology, science, and magic. These mutations are mainly used in practical medicine, but the kind that had been used on Veronica was a kind of newly developed Magitek Mutation that had been banned in many countries, it pushes the limits of the mutations to the point of nearly killing someone, but with higher reward. The mutation Performed on Veronica are:

Enhanced Eyesight/Dark vision:
A combination of chemical formula consisting of keytones, amino acids, and amines along with reinforcement magic, darkvision spells, and enhancement magic which caused the eyes to mutate resulting in better and increased vision along with dark vision for sight in the night. Side effects included turning the eyes yellow in color from her original blue eye color.

Elastic Muscle fiber weave:
A combination of a hydrocarbon based polymer combined with proteins and amino acids pumped into an acid bath that burned away the first layer of skin along with reinforcement, strengthening, enhancement, and healing magic which gave the muscles an elastic polymer fiber weave allowing for increase strength in smaller volumes of muscle similar to veronica's, or a massive amounts of strength in large muscle volumes. side effects included changing the hair to a platinum blonde from her original blonde hair.

Increased Stamina/ Endurance:
A mutation using Vitamins like B12 and drugs similar to caffeine that increase energy as well as basic solution combined with amino acids that were pumped through the cardiovascular system around the heart with applied electrical stimulation from magic along with enhancement magic with the result of increase her stamina and endurance. Side effects were unknown and may have been what caused her insanity to set in.

Illness/ Poison Resistance:
A mutation that targets the white blood cells specifically using some kind of magic targeting system. Involves a strong acid bath below the head where lipids and enzymes are injected into the acid and absorbed into the skin which bond to the white blood cells strengthening them and increases their ability to fight off illnesses to the point where the mutated person doesn't notice the disease and also has the effect of giving them the ability to battle off most forms of poisons. The mutation is assisted by enhancement and healing magic. Side effects include removal of all hair (except on the the head as it sin't bathed)

Pain Resistance:
A mutation that involves a strong base bath with involves no healing magic but is considered the least painful of all the mutations. The mutation slowly burns away the pain receptors in the skin and is assisted by a magic the causes the pain receptors to be permanently destroyed, so that they are never regenerated by healing magic. Side effects unknown and may be the cause of insanity.

Healing factor:
A Mutation that targets the platelets specifically using a magic targeting system. The mutation uses a combination of chemicals and imbuing healing magic within the platelets to super charge them in a sense. The magic is not perfect and and does not make healing instant but a wound that may take around a week for a normal person to heal may heal in half the time for someone who undergoes this mutation. Side effects from animal subjects were a shortened lifespan.

Partial Lobotomy:
A lobotomy had been begun to performed on Veronica using magical means instead of the common means used. The process was meant to turn her into a obedient soldier who could be controlled by her captors but someone slipped up and loosened one of her bonds. She was able to break free mid process and she killed everyone. The effects of this process were halted part ways into it and she never became the obedient soldier that she was suppose to be, so what effects it had are unknown and could be the reason behind her insanity.

Invelis Intuneric: The magitek armor of her homeland that she stole from the castle after it had been taken over. The armor is basically a normal set of armor that uses magic to compress itself into a single plate. The armor itself is enchanted to fit the user and its self regenerating, basically meaning if damaged in any way it will repair itself over time, though only is its in its compressed state. The origin plate of the armor is attached to a body suit that Veronica wears under hear clothing and fits snugly between the shoulder blades. The armor is in no way special aside from its previously listed properties as it it is just normal armor that can be broken and has its weak spots like normal armor.

Buster sword: Veronic carries a fairly advanced Buster sword that acts as a regular buster sword but can split into several different components, which include 2 daggers, 2 sword breakers, a straight blade sword, and a broad sword.

Spear: A fairly normal spear with a hollow metal shaft that can be compressed, for ease of transport.

Sheild: A spring loaded retractable shield that works on a locking mechanism that can be released from the inside of the shield. Additionally there is another strong spring that pushes the sheild back to its locked position using another locking mechanism that can be released from the inside. The shield is painted is with the symbol that use to don Realgis's banners of war which is seemingly painted in blood (its actually a paste made from cherries).

As a princess she studied many languages including those of neighboring countries
Fairly skillful on horseback
Can fly airships (though who would trust her to do that huhuhu)

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Kalani Ligaya Roxas

Lani, Kally




Noble / Combat Medic (For awhile) / Aimless Traveler (Recently)

-Fields / Wildlands
-Sunny Days
-Bar Brawling

-Muggy/Humid Days
-Math & Related Reports
-Cleaning up Blood & Unconscious People

-Loss of freedom

- Horseback Archery
- Marksmanship training
- Wind Magic
- Healing Magic

- A rifle that conducts her own magic to work
- Cash, she dipped with quite a bit of the royal pocketbook
- Clothes and some traveling necessities
- Her Horse, "Ephemeral"
- An old rucksack that seems to have been magically enhanced to hold quite a bit without effecting the carrier

Playlist Linky:
Kalani Ligaya Roxas - YouTube

Physical Strength:







Magical Ability:

Kalani is more than a bit of a troublemaker. Adventurous would be the nicest way to put it, but she has a horrible habit of poking her nose into things that have nothing to do with her. Doesn’t matter if you say you didn’t want her opinion as she’s more than ready to give it out unrequested. In general she’s under the belief that just telling people to change or fix something about themselves is enough and doesn’t understand when people react badly to that.

She’s a really clear person as she wears her heart on her sleeve. It’s easy to tell when she likes a person simply by the proximity she allows. An easy arm over the shoulder or elbow to the side is how she shows her own feelings. Still she’s rather dense herself and will default to the belief that she is well liked and wanted around, even when there is physical evidence otherwise. Don’t expect this clueless gal to be catching on quick.

Generally if you want her to do something you’re gonna need to make it worded like its something she wants to do. Things such as ‘because I said so’ or ‘But it's for the good of X’ aren’t going to work against her in the slightest. If she feels that it’s something that will require her to get committed to something she’s just as likely to bounce. She’d much rather be causing mayhem in the local tavern than going off on a fool's errand. Above all else she’s going to make sure she lives to see tomorrow.

Kalani is the 6th child of the head of the house of Roxas, one of the 50 houses of Calaes. As the sixth child she was far more of a backup than anything else. Whatever it was there was always someone more suited. Diplomacy? Not a chance she was in no way agreeable enough for such a task. Fighting? She was good but she was in no way ready to fight in a war. Leadership? Heaven forbid, while she wasn’t stupid she was by far not taught enough to handle the responsibility even if somehow the sixth child was needed.
As a result she had quite a bit more freedoms than the elder kids of her family did. She would frequently wander off and get into scruffles with the staff’s kids. Whenever she was outside of her lessons she’d be collecting names and problems. In that she solved problems and created new ones. While people had mixed feelings for the child they all agreed she was by far the most likely to get them fired if she was ever left out of sight too long. The girl had an unfortunate curious detective streak and coupled with her aptitude for magic it was almost a job title in itself to keep her in line.
While Kalani grew up as a unlikely backup plan her parents were soon immensely glad that they’d had a legion of kids as the second, third, and fourth in line for the position all died in the war against Sarathal. Suddenly she was third in line for head of house and being invested in. While for some that was a great blessing, Kalani just wanted to prepare for war not believing in the slightest that this was the end of the conflict.
Rather than fall in line with the increased etiquette classes Kalani immediately started to increase her own training in both magic and fighting. Well you could say it was classes, or you could call it street brawling with drunks. Eventually the her parents got her into proper lessons for fighting and magic use thinking it would lesson her tendency towards making a scene in the lower districts.
It did not.

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Anastasia Gallahan
[div class="base"]
[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Age:



Mage/ Cafe worker

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:




Waist: 26in
Hips: 33in
Bust: 38in

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Strength:






Magical Affinity:

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Personality:
Anastasia portrays two sides of what seem to be two completely different coins, her true persona and her fake persona. Her fake persona is kept for her family excluding her brother. Her main personality traits in this case would come off as kind, submissive, obedient, and traditional. Being the second in line to receive the rights to be the heir to her families name and have the position reserved for her family on the council Anastasia's father wishes to marry her off, and thus her family sees her as more of an object than a person. But to her family she tends to watch her tone and be kind and courteous showing them the upmost respect hoping that if her brother we to slip up she would be given the seat which her family has held for the last 200 years. Her real persona how ever as show with her friends mainly, but also towards her brother. She comes off as sarcastic, happy-go-lucky, flirty, scheming, and risk taking. She mainly supplies her brother with a bombardment of sarcastic and pretty much down right mean comments during the times when they are alone, making fun of everything he does and says, as even though he is the chosen heir to the seat on the council she is far more superior and well-learnt as a mage than he could ever be. She pretty much hates him and her whole family for how they treat her and how they choose her brother as a more suitable heir. She tends to take risks with her magical endeavors, experimenting with new techniques, reading from old spell books, applying previous knowledge to new things, and doing down right dangerous things in the pursuit of learning more and becoming better at magic.

The major events that had major effect on Anastasia's life were the death of her mother, the point which her father picked her brother as the next heir to the name and seat, and the gala where she was going to be married off and introduced to possible suitors. The death of her mother was one of hardship and sadness. While her mother when her mother died from illness it felt like Anastasia's whole world had crumbled, more literally so than figuratively. Her mothers side of the family seemingly disappeared forever, so she had aunts and uncles and even grand parents who no longer spoke to her, or looked at her as a family member. Her fathers side of the family began scheming at that point on what to do with Anastasia, her father became harsher and more involved in his work and decided to take traditions of the family more seriously. Which lead to the second event in her life which was her father choosing her brother to lead the family because he was a man who was strong and could keep the family name going, despite the obvious difference in levels of magical aptitude. This seemingly lead to the hate for her brother and father. When she was 16 she was at a gala where she was introduced to other young mages around the city, some foreign princes, and just some nobles. This was when she was told her family wanted her to marry so that they could for alliances outside the country or with other mages, which lead to the hate of her family. Also she works a weekend/ evening job in a cafe, which her father had gotten for her, which she hates.

Practicing magic
Letting loose
Hanging out with friends

Her brother
Her father
Pretty much her entire family
Her job

Living a life full of regrets
Dying without following her dreams
Not loving the man she one day marries

Family History:
The Gallahan family history goes back around 600 years but is only really important within the last 300 or so. The Gallahan's we originally a group of priests and priestess but secretly they practiced magic and used those abilities to become exorcists in the name of their god. They existed in and country where god was their savior, all the people worshiped god, and god would strike all evil from earth. So naturally magic was considered evil and people in the country were banned from practicing it. Practicing magic was a crime punishable by death in many forms, for example on a cold night they might burn you at the stake to warm the whole village. The Gallahan's believed that nothing is truly evil until made evil, and the all evil must be counteracted by an appropriate good. So to counteract the evils of the night the Gallahans to to magic which they believed was a gift from their god. Eventually they were found out and many of they were killed by some of them managed to flee to Velhellyiah where the culture was much different and there was no religion to follow. They still continued their traditions, wearing their robes during ceremonies, praying to their gods, reading from their gods text. Over the years some of their traditions died off though the traditional robes stuck around for ceremonies and old crumbling prayer books still sat in some of their libraries, though their magic remained pretty much the same, though they made some many to their knowledge. About 200 years ago they gained a seat on Vysoria's council and were considered some of the most well learnt mages in the city. Ever since the seat has been passed down to the best mage (usually male) in the family from generation to generation.

Anastasia's Direct family tree including her sibilings, her parents sibilings and their children, her grand parents and great grand parents on the Gallahan side (doesn't include great uncles/ 2nd cousins, 3rd cousins, marital grand parents):

Anastasia was born into the Galahan family as a twin. Her and her brother, Edward, got along well when they were younger. When she was young she loved her family including all of her aunts uncles and her cousins. She often played with her cousins Leila and Madison who still lived in town and were only year older and younger than her respectively. Her older cousin Lincoln, who lost his parents before she was born, often baby sat her. As a kid she use to be afraid of her grand father Ezekiel who was pretty much a mean old man with a heart of stone, he didn't seem to love anyone and he didn't really care for anyone either. Their family had a lot of internal problems but none of them really bothered Anastasia. When she was young she showed great interest in magic and was always better than her brother which lead to her brother picking on her a lot. Often she would help her father and mother with experiments and even though they loved both of their children to them Anastasia was had their favor to take the family seat on the council of mages once her father was ready to relax and retire. When she was about 8 her mother began to feel Ill. Finding out that she had a terminal disease and that the doctors could do nothing but keep her alive and feeling relatively well for the remaining months was hard on her father and both her and her brother. Her father turned to the old prayer books and traditional ways looking for a cure while Anastasia experimented endlessly to find a cure, though a young girl her age was well enough equipped to even come close to a cure with magical means.

In the end her mother died a peaceful death in her bed, which is when Anastasia's world came crumbling down. After that her father seemed to fall into some kind of despair, going into the traditional aspect of their magic, constantly working, and never paying her and her brother any attention. Soon after that her father made his decision on who would take up his seat when he retired, picking Edward of her. Despite her arguments and points she made her fathers decision was final, choosing to continue the family name instead of giving the seat over to the families best mage, it was almost as if old man Ezekiel was whispering in his ear telling him what to do. Apparently no one in the family argued the choice, only Lincoln expressed that it was the wrong choice, which pretty much went no where. After that it seemed like everyone around her began scheming, treating her like an object now that heir had been chosen, like they were trying to figure out what to do with her to make the best of their situation, form alliances and stuff. Her only solace was Lincoln who told her to do what she wanted to do, and not listen to anyone else. Eventually though when she turned sixteen her father, and his new wife whom she hated with a passion, invited her to a Gala. Reluctantly she went and socialized with many sons of well known mages as well as some foreign princes and some men of noble title. After the ordeal her father gave her a list of names with faces, some of which she had talked to. He told her she had two years to decide which one she wanted to marry. By then she knew that it was pointless to try and argue or run away from her family, so she reluctantly smiled and went along with it.

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Magic Abilities:
Anastasia is a mage of many talents experimenting with different fields of magic and different abilities:

Alchemy: He main form of magic has a touch of science involved and involves mixing different ingredients mixed with her own mana to provide a wide array of effects:
Oils: A mixture of different ingredients that act as a weakening drug of some sort for different creatures
Magic bombs: These may sound like some sort of magitek item but they are basically pouches of crushed powders that explode with magic and no ignition source, offering a wide range of effects. Some may cause floods other may be lightning based, others may cause weakness in creatures.
Potions: The typical healing potions, potions of stamina, potions of vitality, that sort of thing.

Exorcist Magic: Magic specific to killing non-humans, evil beings, and any threats to the holy god. Or that's at least what it was intended for. Now its more about self preservation, taking down enemies, and experimentation.
Flames of purity: While fire is the devils only friend exorcists use flames of purity a blue variation on normal fire magic, normally burns just as hot but for some reason its more potent to non-human and evil creatures.
Air palm: A form of wind magic that surrounds the palms in dense air that can be launched forward and used for hand to hand combat.
Blessing: A strengthening spell that gives someone more vitality, seems to do damage to the un-dead though.
Hydromancy: Water magic that controls pre-existing water. Used for purifying as water can was away the sins of evil or just blast it away with high pressure.
Salt magic: A form of earth magic used to control salt, which is said to be harmful to some creatures.

Oneiromancy: Dream reading. A simple spell to see into someones dreams can do much more than that but may reveal something about the persons fears, hopes, and so on for the purpose of aiding them. They must be willing and not resist for it to work properly though some oneiromancers are strong enough to force their way through an unwilling mind. Its considered a joke with in the magic community that oneiromancy is an important study but it has its application.

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Full name: Tharraleos Polemistis

Nickname: Tharr (mainly used by allies)

Age: Just under 400 years old

Species: Vardia Griffin (mutated)

Gender: Male

Minor height: 3 feet,4 inches

Minor weight: 260 pounds

Major height: 5 feet, 8 inches

Major length: 12 feet

Major weight: 700 pounds

Sexual orientation: Asexual

Occupation: Tharr partakes in a number of fighting tournaments yearly and earns a good amount of prize money. He also frequents work as a bodyguard, usually giving protective aid to higher ups like royalty or politicians.

Alignment: True Neutral

Dominant paw: Ambidextrous

Primary language: Greek

Diet: Carnivorous

Residence: Tharr has no consistent living situation. He primarily finds shelter within the mountain range of whatever region he's in. During his time making these places his temporary home, he becomes a protective guardian of sorts for the area, shielding it from harm.

Hobbies and talents: Training his mind, body and soul for combat occupies a majority of his time. Aside from battle, he is quite the skilled poet, often converting his experiences throughout his life into poems of various types. Tharraleos is an adept yoga practitioner. It keeps his mind and spirit clear and is a crucial component of his training among other meditative practices.

Likes: Tharraleos prides himself in excellent hygiene, and this is most evident in his love of extended bathing. Whatever areas of clean, natural water he finds among his travels are almost always visited. Aged wine is his other luxury of his and enjoys a wide variety of such on an almost day to day basis. Even more evident is his affinity for travelling. Tharr is in constant search of adventure whether to seek worthy combatants, or simply a change of scenery to further his wisdom.

Dislikes: Weak or inexperienced opponents irritate Tharraleos to the point of boredom. He also despises losing a battle only if he didn't try with all his might. Modern technology is also something he despises, although this may pass much like it has with previous advancements in technology. Phones, computers and anything of the like are useless tools for Tharraleos and while he does have the ability to adapt to them quite easily, he prefers to ignore them entirely.

Personality: Despite his affinity for combat, Tharraleos is rather amicable towards many issues, occasionally to the point of apathy. He is habitually unconcerned with the problems of others simply out of sheer disinterest. Tharr is a stubborn beast who believes his way of approaching things to be ideal. It is not easy to change his mind, just as it isn't easy to convince him he is wrong or he should care about a particular issue. He’s largely content to let the troubles of the world pass him by and doesn’t bother with issues other than his own. Tharraleos feels at peace with himself and will assist those who grasp his intrigue to the best of his ability. He however, is still mostly indifferent with the entire perspective compared to his objects of interest. He overall does what’s necessary for survival and holds little care for anything at all.

If Tharr has spent an abundance of time in one place, restlessness will likely ensue and he will yearn for the opportunity to travel. He has a desire to see the world and experience its mystery. Tharraleos seldom has a destination and revels in the journey itself above all else. He often has trouble maintaining focus and interest on a single topic. He commonly multitasks and gets bored quickly unless the subject appeals to him enough. It’s difficult to anger him as he takes very few slights to heart.

Notwithstanding his docile nature, Tharraleos will lash out swiftly, violently, and with intent to end the problem for good if provoked. He has a very clear sense of ownership, property, and commitment with notable emphasis on these traits. Breaking a vow to a him is often an unforgivable offense. Undeniably honorable, he lives his by his words and this designation holds great merit. He is extremely confident, though in a more stoic and less outspoken manner. Although he has a strong sense of self-worth and may express it in a particularly abrasive form of self-righteousness.

He has a natural warrior-like mentality, preferring to fight stronger opponents rather than weaker ones and generally shows reluctance to fight those he considers weaker than himself. Taking one’s life is often perceived as an act of humility as he harbors no jurisdiction on an individual's life. Although this is bypassed under certain circumstances or if it's simply the only option. Tharraleos has incredible amounts of courage, both physically and mentally. That being said, he has the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation with no problem. He can easily face physical pain, hardship, death, or threat of death. He acts rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement. Tharraleos is not one to usually take the role of leader. When applicable, he more enjoys being the backbone or enforcer of a group. If this position is given to him and he has no other option than to accept, his natural born leadership is shown. This is when his fondness for impassioned speeches is seen to boost the morale of his followers and to bestow them his immense knowledge.

Physical description:


As a result of a genetic mutation, Tharraleos is a composite creature with two semi-autonomous lion bodies making up his frame. The result of this is a bipedal (minor) torso attached to a quadruped (major) body where the head would normally be. He is a large, majestic and robust warrior, sporting a very toned physique throughout that's built to mostly supplement power with a deceptive amount of agility and flexibility. Despite nearing four hundred years of age, he has the appearance of one in their late twenties or early thirties. Tharr's fur and feathers are almost always very well groomed, which gives the former a plush and downy appearance with the latter more streamlined for aerodynamic resistance. Pampering himself to such a degree has a most favorable hidden purpose. Derived from his metamorphosis, each individual feather has gone under natural painstaking reinforcement growth over many years for varying purposes while still serving their intended functions. While they are soft to the touch and flow in the lightest of breezes, their density rivals steel and notably heavier, though the added weight is hardly an issue for Tharraleos.

Both bodies have hardened skin and covered mostly in medium length, tan colored fur on a primarily feline frame. Excluding this is his head and neck in which white plumage is covered throughout. Perched on the sides of his head are a pair of wide, slightly pointed and erect white feathered horns that give him an additional foot in height and have a slight outward curve. These reach a foot and a half in total length. These lighter colored feathers are contoured and protect him from the elements. Bony and angled ridges are seen protruding just above his eyes that give Tharr a perpetual scowl. His eyes are mostly avian in appearance and function, blinking upwards as a result. He possesses black, round and large pupils with yellow irises and the sclera hidden below his eyelid. A piercing and rigid gaze is the expression these eyes primarily convey. His nictitating membrane can be seen on the inner corners of his eyes. Mostly translucent in appearance, this third eyelid sweeps horizontally across the entirety of his eyes and offers additional protection. This serves to moisturize his eyes or to clear debris while not hindering vision.

His beak has a cream colored cere with bright gold making up the rest and a pronounced hook forming at the tip. A pair of ovoid nares are visible at the base that lead to his respiratory system. Thin gaps are faintly visible along the middle of the top and bottom of this protrusion. Tharraleos’ mandibles are naturally a set of quadrants and can flare open further for a more ranged bite. Dwelling within his rostrum is a pink, elongated and triangular forked tongue with longitudinal ridges. These ridges serve to guide food down the throat. There is also an adjustable hole in the tongue that closes in the midst of swallowing. It also acts as a vent that lets in variable amounts of air to increase the entry of air to the lungs during flight. It additionally grants increased airflow for temperature regulation during days of searing heat.

Hidden with his bill is a series of protractible twenty eight feline teeth. Four molars and eight premolars are his carnassials. They're a highly effective, self-sharpening slicer and is his primary source to chew food. Seven inches in length are his four notable fangs in place of canine teeth. These have two layers; the inner pushes the teeth halfway out and used mostly for expressiveness, the outer extending them to full length. Between his fangs are twelve much smaller incisors that are arranged in the middle of his beak and are utilized for increased grip on prey. While his teeth are unsheathed, Tharr has the inability to close his bill fully until he retracts them. The teeth are also arranged in a way that they are evenly dispersed between the four parted sections.

An abundance of russet pelage loops around and connects to the bottom of his neck feathers that hangs from his shoulders and forms a dense, overly tufted mane of fur covering the breadth of his chest. It ends at a point at the middle of his stomach with streaks of blonde and black present throughout. His large and powerful paws have five digits each, including a dewclaw that provides extra grip on prey. Though this thumb-like digit is not opposable, resulting in an alternate way to handle everyday objects. Soft, load bearing brown pads are present on each paw, including digital pads on all of his digits, palmar pads on his palms and carpal pads for added traction. Hidden within his paws is a natural weapon for him. Protractible claws can be unleashed from all digits at any time and are five inches in length. As a result of extensive refinement, the claws of Tharraleos are not only as sharp as a knife, but have sturdiness that prevents breakage.

A pair of dense and durable wings with thick black feathers on both sides protrude from the major body's shoulder blades. With an outstretched span of 40 feet, they fold along his sides with bottoms ending just before his tail feathers when not in use. Multiple layers of small, contoured, plumage make up the base with much larger flight feathers outlining the bottom. Twelve primaries attach at the metacarpal and phalangeal bones at the far end of each wing that are responsible for forward thrust. Sixteen secondaries hang from the ulnas that are necessary for lift. A much more elongated band of six tertiaries arise on the brachial region and are not considered true remiges. They aren't supported by attachment to the humerus bone. These true tertials act as a protective cover for all the folded primaries and secondaries. His unique physiology allows them to be used as fully functioning extremities; stretching, extending and manipulation of his plumage as coils and digits to interact with items of interest.

The neck, chest and forelimbs of his major body are lined with black feathers. The legs have a more avian constitution with a heavily reinforced, golden yellow tarsus starting just below his knees. The feet of these limbs are a same colored pair of four digit anisodactyl talons. The hind toe can freely rotate forward and backwards to place itself beside either of the outer digits for varying purposes. The front position is best suited for running, climbing and combat while flight and prehension get most use with it facing back. Gold scutes are present on the anterior surface of the metatarsus. Long, curved and black claws protrude from each deeply clefted toe. His hind legs are furred and retain a feline build like the majority of his body. The digittrade nature of these talons and paws results in him walking mostly on his toes with the posterior part of the feet raised. A lion tail juts out from the rear of his body with a length of six feet, eight inches. In place of a tuft of fur at the tip is series of tail feathers that are wedge shaped and extend four and a half feet out. The rectricies themselves have been crafted to yield bladed properties and are white colored with a black covert at the base. This avian portion of the tail can also fan out to the sides in the form of a semicircle. This appendage aids in balance and frequently shifts about.

His mannerisms are no different from birds and cats, though his movements when in motion are equine-like with minor and major bodies nearly acting as rider and steed respectively. This is primarily seen with a four-beat walk following a set sequence and alternating between having three or two feet on the ground. The "neck" of his major portion moves in a slight bobbing motion to maintain balance. Other gaits include paces, trots, canters and gallops.


Enhanced Condition: A masterpiece of biological engineering, Tharraleos possesses prime physical and mental condition.

He's capable of vast amounts of strength as well as the ability to run up to fifty miles per hour in open terrain. Most notable, given his brutal, bestial fighting style and raw strength, with which he can crush stone with his bare paws and talons. His layered defenses provide excellent protection from most kinds of attacks and his durability allows him to withstand great amounts of force. He also showcases a notable amount of dexterity and awareness of his various limbs and is able to seamlessly coordinate their movements effectively. His legs can be used to send him leaping incredible distances, covering frighteningly tall heights or vast expanses and landing without harm. Furthermore, he can suffer prolonged amounts exhaustion before succumbing to the fatigue. Even so, he can function on low amounts of power, allowing him to operate for an extended amount of time and remain collected through stressful or painful situations. Tharraleos has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing him to maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to. The extent of this is so great that in Tharraleos' perspective, the world around him appears to temporarily flow at a much slower pace than normal.

He has an extremely well developed sense of balance and can precisely control his movements and muscles, making him unable to be uncoordinated. He can only fall over when physically uprooted or pushed, though most times he can land on his feet. Through much practice, Tharraleos can root himself on even the most unstable of surfaces and can fight at seemingly impossible angles and positions. Also with ample training, he has learned to bend and twist his body far beyond the normal limits of physiology, although still only from the joints. His joints, muscles, tendons and physiology in general is modified to allow him to perform near-boneless looking contortions without stress or damage and stay in any position he chooses as long he needs to without effort or strain. This gives his minor body much freedom and a wide range of motion, being able to lean and twist in various ways with forward motions being less restricted. That being said, with a combination of balance, strength and flexibility, Tharr is able to mostly straighten his entire body out. From here, he can either stand upright on his rearmost legs to allow bipedal locomotion. Walking like this feels unnatural in spite of its ease though this linear stance has some benefits. He's quite acrobatic as well despite his size and Tauric frame, being able to dexterously perform a wide variety of flips and somersaults.

He has immense memory and other mental capacities, allowing thinking on several different levels at once and while multitasking. He can remember great volumes of information and can recall a vast majority of the details of his experiences. Because he has existed for countless years, he possesses great wisdom: deep understanding and realization of concepts, people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgments and actions in keeping with this understanding. It often requires control of his emotional reactions so that universal principles, reason and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions. His genius level intellect; harbors exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, and originality. He’s become adept with higher mental faculties, better calculation skills, greater reasoning skills, and superior learning capacity.

Battle Cry: Tharr is able to roar with such thunderous force that it can cause vibrations with his ferocious vocal cords. It begins with the piercing screech of an eagle and transitions into the booming roar of a lion. The force of the bellow is strong enough to damage hearing, cause fear, paralyze foes or cancel out opposing attacks.

Enhanced Vision: Tharr's eyesight is comparable to other avians, though it can act as a sort of telescope, allowing him to further increase his vision by up to eight times at will and see with great clarity from remarkable distances. Using this will cause his pupils to gradually increase to nearly twice the size. His eyes also allow him to perceive his surroundings in the darkest of areas as if they were under light. Once the night vision is activated, his irises don a greenish hue. Both of these sight enhancers can be switched on and off instantly with a simple blink of his eyes.

Predatory Instinct: An innate sixth sense that has enabled him to become a master of hunting and tracking. Numerous factors of a situation can be discerned that makes him superb at pursuit and capture. This includes what move a foe will make, their destination (if within proximity or enough knowledge is available) as well as how to effectively cause prey to fall victim to him in combat/pursuit.

Flight: While a crude and clumsy flier when compared to the far lighter and more aerodynamic bodies of birds, Tharraleos is capable of sustained flight with soaring speeds averaging ninety miles per hour. It takes significant effort to get off the ground and is best accomplished from a height he can jump from, and then flying by his own wings takes a great deal of energy, and so he stays aloft by gliding through updrafts and thermals like a bird of prey rather than through beating his wings. While it's nigh impossible to sustain lift with just his wings alone, he can hover about in place for a short time through taxing flaps. He can make use of the built up momentum for a lethal dive, potentially reaching speeds exceeding three hundred miles per hour. Tharr has an enhanced lung capacity that grants him the ability to adapt to high altitude environments. He is able to withstand extremely high or low air pressure and isn't disoriented or deprived of normal breathing capacity by it as well as high wind friction, accompanied by an innate immunity to vertigo or fear of heights. He has learned to master control of flight and can perform a range of graceful aerobatic maneuvers with ease.

Climbing: With various limbs of his, Tharraleos is able to climb and otherwise move nimbly on angled or vertical surfaces. This is as long as he can gain a hold of it and keep his balance. This provides most usefulness during ground travel or to scale vast mountains when his flight isn't an option.

Aerokinesis: Tharraleos has limited control over the element of wind. With a hefty flap of either of his wings, he can create and launch razor sharp, crescent-shaped constructs of wind from the air around the feathery appendage. These cover a wide area and are known to cut through metal, but their range is subpar and it takes some time for it to be unleashed. His tail can release identical projectiles, only they are a third the size, can be launched at four times the rate, and only deal a fourth the damage. Using his enhanced lung capacity mentioned above, he can release a cone shaped torrent of wind from his beak. The reach of this is rather far and the most it would accomplish is knocking an opponent off balance for a short time.

Geokinesis: Much like the element of wind, Tharraleos has very little control over the element of earth. By using his formidable strength, he can send a paw or talon to the ground with enough force to create fissures with a maximum radius of fifteen yards. Narrow tremors can be made for more precise attacks. This same process can be used while climbing to sculpt a landmass or to slice large chunks of rock clean off a surface to create avalanches or rockfalls.

Fighting style: With an abundance of individual combat experience between bipedal and quadruped forms over most his life predating his mutation, Tharraleos’ dual-bodied frame yields a unique method of fighting he has highly potent mastery over. He specializes primarily in short and mid ranged tactics. Moreover, he has learned to utilize his added beastly traits to maximum efficiency. The dagger-like horns atop his head hold notable piercing strength and are backed by powerful neck muscles for maximize puncturing. His beak can send forth a barrage of quick and deadly pecks in addition to a lethal bite using his formidable fangs. These fangs, while not as keen as his molars, are perhaps one of his most deadly means of attack and are as sharp as a blade, able to break through bone with little effort. The claws sheathed within his quartet of paws can be rather deadly with his great proficiency and strength behind each slash. His taloned feet are remarkably powerful and prehensile, able to grasp things with alarming strength, speed and accuracy. The claws of these avian feet are dense and lethal; the hind toe targeting vital areas of prey while they're held immobile by the front toes. The end of his flight limbs can twist into a makeshift fist for bludgeoning opponents with about as much force as an actual punch. They can also be used defensively by wrapping around his body for protection and offensively by lashing the feathered fists forth with speed, power and notable range. These wings can support his weight on the ground with their resilience that gives them evasive purposes as well. His tail feathers while folded act as a blunt instrument comparable to a lead pipe while flaring them out makes them a keen slicing tool much like a razored fan. Both are effective with broad, wide angled swings of his tail.

He is an analytical and strategic genius, allowing him to swiftly and thoroughly examine his opponent's combat style through even the faintest of movements and reacts accordingly. He can quickly understand an opponent's method of thinking and combat style. Once he understands his opponent's strategy, he's able to find their flaws and weaknesses and gain the upper hand with little effort. Tharraleos can create strategies and plans several steps ahead of his foe, making it seem as if he has a sense of precognition. He is able to elaborate complex plans and strategies and apply them to combat. He has a refined balance of offence and defense which he can fluently lean towards one or the other depending on his opponent. He commonly begins a battle defensively, primarily focusing on blocking, evading and enduring a number of attacks. This is his way of studying an opponent's tactics and to discover a potential weakness. Once the weakness is found, he begins an unrelenting assault with unyielding force, typically by chaining together a series of attacks in rapid succession using his wide array of appendages that give foes little time to recover.

Overall, Tharraleos is a highly disciplined and exceptionally adept combatant who's well aware of his body's limitations. He’s able to fight at seemingly overwhelming odds with ease and is a very capable warrior on the battlefield, decimating foes with near supernatural finesse.

Weaknesses: His most glaring weakness is his massive size, making him easily targeted and maneuvered around by smaller and faster opponents. He's also extremely prideful, which can make him overconfident, overlooking possibilities he really, with his experience, should have seen. Therraleos is also a strictly close range fighter and possesses no magic or ranged abilities. Moreover, his natural armor does have its limits and can fade over time or with a strike with sufficient strength, His much more crucial bipedal torso only accounts for a third of this resilience and is much more susceptible to attacks. Equipped with only his body's natural tools, Tharraleos’ applications while in combat are rather limiting and can be taken down rather easily if he's careless.

Backstory: Tharraleos hails from a warrior race of Griffins with the ability to shapeshift. Naturally bipedal, this in truth acts as a suppressant for their much larger and powerful quadruped forms. A somewhat rare and elusive mutation can blend these traits together, nullifying their ability to transform and disfiguring them in various ways. Often creating Tauric monstrosities, they were seen as vastly capable on their own with strength fittingly between the 2 forms. Two and a half centuries passed of a relatively simple life. As Tharraleos began to finally age, his body reversed this process and went back to its prime as he began to undergo the mutation of his kin. For a rather unpleasant one hundred years he gradually morphed into the beast he is in present day. While he initially viewed this change as a curse, this mindset altered once it reached its conclusion and became rather fond of what he became after realizing the power he now possessed. Perpetually honing his strength, he now searches a fitting usage of his prowess.
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Full name: Tharraleos Polemistis

Nickname: Tharr (mainly used by allies)

Age: Just under 400 years old

Species: Vardia Griffin (mutated)

Gender: Male

Minor height: 3 feet,4 inches

Minor weight: 260 pounds

Major height: 5 feet, 8 inches

Major length: 12 feet

Major weight: 700 pounds.

IQ and intelligence: 215. Despite this, he has never had much formal education. His IQ has come from his centuries of existence and knIowledge he has acquired throughout his extensive life. Since he has lived across the world for many centuries, he has mastered numerous different languages as a result

Sexual orientation: Asexual

Occupation: Tharr partakes in a number of fighting tournaments yearly and earns a good amount of prize money. He also frequents work as a bodyguard, usually giving protective aid to higher ups like royalty or politicians.

Alignment: True Neutral

Dominant paw: Ambidextrous

Primary language: Greek

Diet: Carnivorous

Residence: Tharr has no consistent living situation. He primarily finds shelter within the mountain range of whatever region he's in. During his time making these places his temporary home, he becomes a protective guardian of sorts for the area, shielding it from harm.

Hobbies and talents: Training his mind, body and soul for combat occupies a majority of his time. Aside from battle, he is quite the skilled poet, often converting his experiences throughout his life into poems of various types. Tharraleos is an adept yoga practitioner. It keeps his mind and spirit clear and is a crucial component of his training among other meditative practices.

Likes: Tharraleos prides himself in excellent hygiene, and this is most evident in his love of extended bathing. Whatever areas of clean, natural water he finds among his travels are almost always visited. Aged wine is his other luxury of his and enjoys a wide variety of such on an almost day to day basis. Even more evident is his affinity for travelling. Tharr is in constant search of adventure whether to seek worthy combatants, or simply a change of scenery to further his wisdom.

Dislikes: Weak or inexperienced opponents irritate Tharraleos to the point of boredom. He also despises losing a battle only if he didn't try with all his might. Modern technology is also something he despises, although this may pass much like it has with previous advancements in technology. Phones, computers and anything of the like are useless tools for Tharraleos and while he does have the ability to adapt to them quite easily, he prefers to ignore them entirely.

Personality: Despite his affinity for combat, Tharraleos is rather amicable towards many issues, occasionally to the point of apathy. He is habitually unconcerned with the problems of others simply out of sheer disinterest. Tharr is a stubborn beast who believes his way of approaching things to be ideal. It is not easy to change his mind, just as it isn't easy to convince him he is wrong or he should care about a particular issue. He’s largely content to let the troubles of the world pass him by and doesn’t bother with issues other than his own. Tharraleos feels at peace with himself and will assist those who grasp his intrigue to the best of his ability. He however, is still mostly indifferent with the entire perspective compared to his objects of interest. He overall does what’s necessary for survival and holds little care for anything at all.

If Tharr has spent an abundance of time in one place, restlessness will likely ensue and he will yearn for the opportunity to travel. He has a desire to see the world and experience its mystery. Tharraleos seldom has a destination and revels in the journey itself above all else. He often has trouble maintaining focus and interest on a single topic. He commonly multitasks and gets bored quickly unless the subject appeals to him enough. It’s difficult to anger him as he takes very few slights to heart.

Notwithstanding his docile nature, Tharraleos will lash out swiftly, violently, and with intent to end the problem for good if provoked. He has a very clear sense of ownership, property, and commitment with notable emphasis on these traits. Breaking a vow to a him is often an unforgivable offense. Undeniably honorable, he lives his by his words and this designation holds great merit. He is extremely confident, though in a more stoic and less outspoken manner. Although he has a strong sense of self-worth and may express it in a particularly abrasive form of self-righteousness.

He has a natural warrior-like mentality, preferring to fight stronger opponents rather than weaker ones and generally shows reluctance to fight those he considers weaker than himself. Taking one’s life is often perceived as an act of humility as he harbors no jurisdiction on an individual's life. Although this is bypassed under certain circumstances or if it's simply the only option. Tharraleos has incredible amounts of courage, both physically and mentally. That being said, he has the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation with no problem. He can easily face physical pain, hardship, death, or threat of death. He acts rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement. Tharraleos is not one to usually take the role of leader. When applicable, he more enjoys being the backbone or enforcer of a group. If this position is given to him and he has no other option than to accept, his natural born leadership is shown. This is when his fondness for impassioned speeches is seen to boost the morale of his followers and to bestow them his immense knowledge.

Physical description:

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As a result of a genetic mutation, Tharraleos is a composite creature with two semi-autonomous lion bodies making up his frame. The result of this is a bipedal (minor) torso attached to a quadruped (major) body where the head would normally be. He is a large, majestic and robust warrior, sporting a very toned physique throughout that's built to mostly supplement power with a deceptive amount of agility and flexibility. Despite nearing four hundred years of age, he has the appearance of one in their late twenties or early thirties. Tharr's fur and feathers are almost always very well groomed, which gives the former a plush and downy appearance with the latter more streamlined for aerodynamic resistance. Pampering himself to such a degree has a most favorable hidden purpose. Derived from his metamorphosis, each patch of hair and every individual feather has gone under natural painstaking reinforcement growth over many years for varying purposes while still serving their intended functions. While they are soft to the touch and flow in the lightest of breezes, their density rivals steel and notably heavier, though the added weight is hardly an issue for Tharraleos. This means, in essence, he's constantly equipped with a natural, all-encompassing armor and helmet so long as he upkeeps them.

Both bodies have hardened skin and covered mostly in medium length, tan colored fur on a primarily feline frame. Excluding this is his head and neck in which white plumage is covered throughout. Perched on the sides of his head are a pair of wide, slightly pointed and erect white feathered horns that give him an additional foot in height and have a slight outward curve. These reach a foot and a half in total length. These lighter colored feathers are contoured and protect him from the elements. Bony and angled ridges are seen protruding just above his eyes that give Tharr a perpetual scowl. His eyes are mostly avian in appearance and function, blinking upwards as a result. He possesses black, round and large pupils with yellow irises and the sclera hidden below his eyelid. A piercing and rigid gaze is the expression these eyes primarily convey. His nictitating membrane can be seen on the inner corners of his eyes. Mostly translucent in appearance, this third eyelid sweeps horizontally across the entirety of his eyes and offers additional protection. This serves to moisturize his eyes or to clear debris while not hindering vision.

His beak has a cream colored cere with bright gold making up the rest and a pronounced hook forming at the tip. A pair of ovoid nares are visible at the base that lead to his respiratory system. Thin gaps are faintly visible along the middle of the top and bottom of this protrusion. Tharraleos’ mandibles are naturally a set of quadrants and can flare open further for a more ranged bite. Dwelling within his rostrum is a pink, elongated and triangular forked tongue with longitudinal ridges. These ridges serve to guide food down the throat. There is also an adjustable hole in the tongue that closes in the midst of swallowing. It also acts as a vent that lets in variable amounts of air to increase the entry of air to the lungs during flight. It additionally grants increased airflow for temperature regulation during days of searing heat.

Hidden with his bill is a series of protractible twenty eight feline teeth. Four molars and eight premolars are his carnassials. They're a highly effective, self-sharpening slicer and is his primary source to chew food. Seven inches in length are his four notable fangs in place of canine teeth. These have two layers; the inner pushes the teeth halfway out and used mostly for expressiveness, the outer extending them to full length. Between his fangs are twelve much smaller incisors that are arranged in the middle of his beak and are utilized for increased grip on prey. While his teeth are unsheathed, Tharr has the inability to close his bill fully until he retracts them. The teeth are also arranged in a way that they are evenly dispersed between the four parted sections.

An abundance of russet pelage loops around and connects to the bottom of his neck feathers that hangs from his shoulders and forms a dense, overly tufted mane of fur covering the breadth of his chest. It ends at a point at the middle of his stomach with streaks of blonde and black present throughout. His large and powerful paws have five digits each, including a dewclaw that provides extra grip on prey. Though this thumb-like digit is not opposable, resulting in an alternate way to handle everyday objects. Soft, load bearing brown pads are present on each paw, including digital pads on all of his digits, palmar pads on his palms and carpal pads for added traction. Hidden within his paws is a natural weapon for him. Protractible claws can be unleashed from all digits at any time and are five inches in length. As a result of extensive refinement, the claws of Tharraleos are not only as sharp as a knife, but have sturdiness that prevents breakage.

A pair of dense and durable wings with thick black feathers on both sides protrude from the major body's shoulder blades. With an outstretched span of 40 feet, they fold along his sides with bottoms ending just before his tail feathers when not in use. Multiple layers of small, contoured, plumage make up the base with much larger flight feathers outlining the bottom. Twelve primaries attach at the metacarpal and phalangeal bones at the far end of each wing that are responsible for forward thrust. Sixteen secondaries hang from the ulnas that are necessary for lift. A much more elongated band of six tertiaries arise on the brachial region and are not considered true remiges. They aren't supported by attachment to the humerus bone. These true tertials act as a protective cover for all the folded primaries and secondaries. His unique physiology allows them to be used as fully functioning extremities; stretching, extending and manipulation of his plumage as coils and digits to interact with items of interest.

The neck, chest and forelimbs of his major body are lined with black feathers. The legs have a more avian constitution with a heavily reinforced, golden yellow tarsus starting just below his knees. The feet of these limbs are a same colored pair of four digit anisodactyl talons. The hind toe can freely rotate forward and backwards to place itself beside either of the outer digits for varying purposes. The front position is best suited for running, climbing and combat while flight and prehension get most use with it facing back. Gold scutes are present on the anterior surface of the metatarsus. Long, curved and black claws protrude from each deeply clefted toe. His hind legs are furred and retain a feline build like the majority of his body. The digittrade nature of these talons and paws results in him walking mostly on his toes with the posterior part of the feet raised. A lion tail juts out from the rear of his body with a length of six feet, eight inches. In place of a tuft of fur at the tip is series of tail feathers that are wedge shaped and extend four and a half feet out. The rectricies themselves have been crafted to yield bladed properties and are white colored with a black covert at the base. This avian portion of the tail can also fan out to the sides in the form of a semicircle. This appendage aids in balance and frequently shifts about.

His mannerisms are no different from birds and cats, though his movements when in motion are equine-like with minor and major bodies nearly acting as rider and steed respectively. This is primarily seen with a four-beat walk following a set sequence and alternating between having three or two feet on the ground. The "neck" of his major portion moves in a slight bobbing motion to maintain balance. Other gaits include paces, trots, canters and gallops.


Enhanced Condition: A masterpiece of biological engineering, Tharraleos possesses prime physical and mental condition.

He's capable of vast amounts of strength as well as the ability to run up to eighty miles per hour in open terrain. Most notable, given his brutal, bestial fighting style and raw strength, with which he can crush stone with his bare paws and talons. His layered defenses provide excellent protection from most kinds of attacks and his durability allows him to withstand great amounts of force. He also showcases a notable amount of dexterity and awareness of his various limbs and is able to seamlessly coordinate their movements effectively. His legs can be used to send him leaping incredible distances, covering frighteningly tall heights or vast expanses and landing without harm. Furthermore, he can suffer prolonged amounts exhaustion before succumbing to the fatigue. Even so, he can function on low amounts of power, allowing him to operate for an extended amount of time and remain collected through stressful or painful situations. Tharraleos has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing him to maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to. The extent of this is so great that in Tharraleos' perspective, the world around him appears to temporarily flow at a much slower pace than normal.

He has an extremely well developed sense of balance and can precisely control his movements and muscles, making him unable to be uncoordinated. He can only fall over when physically uprooted or pushed, though most times he can land on his feet. Through much practice, Tharraleos can root himself on even the most unstable of surfaces and can fight at seemingly impossible angles and positions. Also with ample training, he has learned to bend and twist his body far beyond the normal limits of physiology, although still only from the joints. His joints, muscles, tendons and physiology in general is modified to allow him to perform near-boneless looking contortions without stress or damage and stay in any position he chooses as long he needs to without effort or strain. This gives his minor body much freedom and a wide range of motion, being able to lean and twist in various ways with forward motions being less restricted. That being said, with a combination of balance, strength and flexibility, Tharr is able to mostly straighten his entire body out. From here, he can either stand upright on his rearmost legs to allow bipedal locomotion. Walking like this feels unnatural in spite of its ease though this linear stance has some benefits. He's quite acrobatic as well despite his size and Tauric frame, being able to dexterously perform a wide variety of flips and somersaults.

He has immense memory and other mental capacities, allowing thinking on several different levels at once and while multitasking. He can remember great volumes of information and can recall a vast majority of the details of his experiences. Because he has existed for countless years, he possesses great wisdom: deep understanding and realization of concepts, people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgments and actions in keeping with this understanding. It often requires control of his emotional reactions so that universal principles, reason and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions. His genius level intellect; harbors exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, and originality. He’s become adept with higher mental faculties, better calculation skills, greater reasoning skills, and superior learning capacity.

Tharraleos has an expert level regenerative healing factor. Lesser and moderate wounds heal nigh instantaneous. Critically and fatally damaged cells can regenerate, preventing scars. Damaged nerves can be repaired to some extent and cellular senescence is drastically reduced, granting his halted aging. Near immunity to disease, toxins and drugs is also given. If blood loss is survived, entire limbs can eventually be restored if given the needed time. At worst, Tharr can be reduced to just his minor body and head. So long as his brain and minor heart stay intact, his whole body can be restored; taking a century's time at most for full recovery.

Battle Cry: Tharr is able to roar with such thunderous force that it can cause vibrations with his ferocious vocal cords. It begins with the piercing screech of an eagle and transitions into the booming roar of a lion. The force of the bellow is strong enough to damage hearing, cause fear, paralyze foes or cancel out opposing attacks.

Enhanced Vision: Tharr's eyesight is comparable to other avians, though it can act as a sort of telescope, allowing him to further increase his vision by up to eight times at will and see with great clarity from remarkable distances. Using this will cause his pupils to gradually increase to nearly twice the size. His eyes also allow him to perceive his surroundings in the darkest of areas as if they were under light. Once the night vision is activated, his irises don a greenish hue. Both of these sight enhancers can be switched on and off instantly with a simple blink of his eyes.

Predatory Instinct: An innate sixth sense that has enabled him to become a master of hunting and tracking. Numerous factors of a situation can be discerned that makes him superb at pursuit and capture. This includes what move a foe will make, their destination (if within proximity or enough knowledge is available) as well as how to effectively cause prey to fall victim to him in combat/pursuit. Tracking down others is fruitless by various means, ranging from scents to footprints. After prolonged experience, he can follow tracks that are days or even weeks old. It is entirely possible for him to reconstruct prior events using his senses alone. By hunkering his body to its lowest point and suppressing his footsteps, Tharr can be somewhat stealthy, though this has mixed success and generally fruitless.

Flight: While a crude and clumsy flier when compared to the far lighter and more aerodynamic bodies of birds, Tharraleos is capable of sustained flight with soaring speeds averaging ninety miles per hour. It takes significant effort to get off the ground and is best accomplished from a height he can jump from, and then flying by his own wings takes a great deal of energy, and so he stays aloft by gliding through updrafts and thermals like a bird of prey rather than through beating his wings. While it's nigh impossible to sustain lift with just his wings alone, he can hover about in place for a short time through taxing flaps. He can make use of the built up momentum for a lethal dive, potentially reaching speeds exceeding three hundred miles per hour. Tharr has an enhanced lung capacity that grants him the ability to adapt to high altitude environments. He is able to withstand extremely high or low air pressure and isn't disoriented or deprived of normal breathing capacity by it as well as high wind friction, accompanied by an innate immunity to vertigo or fear of heights. He has learned to master control of flight and can perform a range of graceful aerobatic maneuvers with ease.

Climbing: With various limbs of his, Tharraleos is able to climb and otherwise move nimbly on angled or vertical surfaces. This is as long as he can gain a hold of it and keep his balance. This provides most usefulness during ground travel or to scale vast mountains when his flight isn't an option.

Aerokinesis: Tharraleos has limited control over the element of wind. With a hefty flap of either of his wings, he can create and launch razor sharp, crescent-shaped constructs of wind from the air around the feathery appendage. These cover a wide area and are known to cut through metal, but their range is subpar and it takes some time for it to be unleashed. His tail can release identical projectiles, only they are a third the size, can be launched at four times the rate, and only deal a fourth the damage. Using his enhanced lung capacity mentioned above, he can release a cone shaped torrent of wind from his beak. The reach of this is rather far and the most it would accomplish is knocking an opponent off balance for a short time.

Geokinesis: Much like the element of wind, Tharraleos has very little control over the element of earth. By using his formidable strength, he can send a paw or talon to the ground with enough force to create fissures with a maximum radius of fifteen yards. Narrow tremors can be made for more precise attacks. This same process can be used while climbing to sculpt a landmass or to slice large chunks of rock clean off a surface to create avalanches or rockfalls.

Fighting style: With an abundance of individual combat experience between bipedal and quadruped forms over most his life predating his mutation, Tharraleos’ dual-bodied frame yields a unique method of fighting he has highly potent mastery over. He specializes primarily in short and mid ranged tactics. Moreover, he has learned to utilize his added beastly traits to maximum efficiency. The dagger-like horns atop his head hold notable piercing strength and are backed by powerful neck muscles for maximize puncturing. His beak can send forth a barrage of quick and deadly pecks in addition to a lethal bite using his formidable fangs. These fangs, while not as keen as his molars, are perhaps one of his most deadly means of attack and are as sharp as a blade, able to break through bone with little effort. The claws sheathed within his quartet of paws can be rather deadly with his great proficiency and strength behind each slash. His taloned feet are remarkably powerful and prehensile, able to grasp things with alarming strength, speed and accuracy. The claws of these avian feet are dense and lethal; the hind toe targeting vital areas of prey while they're held immobile by the front toes. The end of his flight limbs can twist into a makeshift fist for bludgeoning opponents with about as much force as an actual punch. They can also be used defensively by wrapping around his body for protection and offensively by lashing the feathered fists forth with speed, power and notable range. These wings can support his weight on the ground with their resilience that gives them evasive purposes as well. His tail feathers while folded act as a blunt instrument comparable to a lead pipe while flaring them out makes them a keen slicing tool much like a razored fan. Both are effective with broad, wide angled swings of his tail.

He is an analytical and strategic genius, allowing him to swiftly and thoroughly examine his opponent's combat style through even the faintest of movements and reacts accordingly. He can quickly understand an opponent's method of thinking and combat style. Once he understands his opponent's strategy, he's able to find their flaws and weaknesses and gain the upper hand with little effort. Tharraleos can create strategies and plans several steps ahead of his foe, making it seem as if he has a sense of precognition. He is able to elaborate complex plans and strategies and apply them to combat. He has a refined balance of offence and defense which he can fluently lean towards one or the other depending on his opponent. He commonly begins a battle defensively, primarily focusing on blocking, evading and enduring a number of attacks. This is his way of studying an opponent's tactics and to discover a potential weakness. Once the weakness is found, he begins an unrelenting assault with unyielding force, typically by chaining together a series of attacks in rapid succession using his wide array of appendages that give foes little time to recover.

Overall, Tharraleos is a highly disciplined and exceptionally adept combatant who's well aware of his body's limitations. He’s able to fight at seemingly overwhelming odds with ease and is a very capable warrior on the battlefield, decimating foes with near supernatural finesse.

Weaknesses: His most glaring weakness is his massive size, making him easily targeted and maneuvered around by smaller and faster opponents. He's also extremely prideful, which can make him overconfident, overlooking possibilities he really, with his experience, should have seen. Therraleos is also a strictly close range fighter and possesses no magic or ranged abilities. Moreover, his natural armor does have its limits and can fade over time or with a strike with sufficient strength, His much more crucial bipedal torso only accounts for a third of this resilience and is much more susceptible to attacks. Equipped with only his body's natural tools, Tharraleos’ applications while in combat are rather limiting and can be taken down rather easily if he's careless.

Backstory: Tharraleos hails from a warrior race of Griffins with the ability to shapeshift. Naturally bipedal, this in truth acts as a suppressant for their much larger and powerful quadruped forms. A somewhat rare and elusive mutation can blend these traits together, nullifying their ability to transform and disfiguring them in various ways. Often creating Tauric monstrosities, they were seen as vastly capable on their own with strength fittingly between the 2 forms. Two and a half centuries passed of a relatively simple life. As Tharraleos began to finally age, his body reversed this process and went back to its prime as he began to undergo the mutation of his kin. For a rather unpleasant one hundred years he gradually morphed into the beast he is in present day. While he initially viewed this change as a curse, this mindset altered once it reached its conclusion and became rather fond of what he became after realizing the power he now possessed. Perpetually honing his strength, he now searches a fitting usage of his prowess.

I'll start off by saying I don't mind the overall concept. But, in short, your character's a mary sue and would need to be toned down. I don't mind overpowered characters in the RP, but they still need flaws, weaknesses, and general areas of imperfection. Your character is a super genius surpassing the greatest minds ever known to history. He's insanely strong while also being insanely fast. He has Deadpool/wolverine levels of regeneration. Can fly, can almost go spiderman on vertical surfaces, can read people to such an extent that he can basically predict the future in relation to their actions. Has natural built-in armor with his steel-feathers/fur.

It's all just too much. The weaknesses you give aren't really weaknesses either. His massive size isn't a weakness because he's got near-precognitive intuition and reflexes that allow him to see the world in slow motion coupled with insanely fast move speed and flexibility. Even with his big size he can still just dodge incoming attacks. And the few attacks he can't dodge can be protected against by his fur/feathers. And the even fewer attacks that actually hurt him just get regenerated.

Overall, if you wanna be the wise warrior gryphon, that's fine by me. But you gotta tone him down since as it stands he's just a mary sue who can do anything and has no substantial faults or weaknesses.
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[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Name: Aoka Oni
Aliases: Snow Witch

[div class=fyuriheader] Stats[/div]
Magical ability:

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills[/div]
Ice barrage:
Wailing Cry:
Water Control:
Cloud Control:
Cold Touch:

[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2] Aoka Oni
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
Age: 122

Gender: Female

Species: Yuki-Onna

Occupation: None

[div class=fyuriheader] Personality [/div]
Aoka is a soft and kind person, gentle and pristine. She has a hard time standing up for herself and will almost always agree with others rather than form her own opinion. She is a great caretaker, and has many skills to comfort humans and creatures alike.

[div class=fyuriheader] Backstory [/div]
Aoka doesn't remember much about her childhood or even what some would consider early adult-hood. She stays secluded to herself in the colder regions of the world in small homes. She has a tendency to move around a lot in these areas, as her social skills are extremely low and any social interaction puts her off. Of course, this meant some people would interact with her time to time, and seeing her ice powers and the way she always nervously acted they claimed she was a witch-- Since her kind is very rare.

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills [/div]
Her kind are gifted with magical abilities dealing with the colder side of elements. If it's snow, ice and even water she can usually get around to manipulating it. Though, as her alias implies, she does best when handling snow and blizzards.

[div class=fyuriheader] Fluff [/div]
Likes: Snow, Blizzards, Cold, Bunnies.
Dislikes: People.
Fears: Being seen as a monster.
Theme: Monsters
[div class=fyuricredit]code by Fable Fable [/div]
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I'll start off by saying I don't mind the overall concept. But, in short, your character's a mary sue and would need to be toned down. I don't mind overpowered characters in the RP, but they still need flaws, weaknesses, and general areas of imperfection. Your character is a super genius surpassing the greatest minds ever known to history. He's insanely strong while also being insanely fast. He has Deadpool/wolverine levels of regeneration. Can fly, can almost go spiderman on vertical surfaces, can read people to such an extent that he can basically predict the future in relation to their actions. Has natural built-in armor with his steel-feathers/fur.

It's all just too much. The weaknesses you give aren't really weaknesses either. His massive size isn't a weakness because he's got near-precognitive intuition and reflexes that allow him to see the world in slow motion coupled with insanely fast move speed and flexibility. Even with his big size he can still just dodge incoming attacks. And the few attacks he can't dodge can be protected against by his fur/feathers. And the even fewer attacks that actually hurt him just get regenerated.

Overall, if you wanna be the wise warrior gryphon, that's fine by me. But you gotta tone him down since as it stands he's just a mary sue who can do anything and has no substantial faults or weaknesses.

It's always so humorous seeing how exaggerativ people interpret Tharr's abilities. It sounds ultra dramatic in the character profile, but he's actually quite limited. Yeah he's deceptively quick, but even with that and his cognitive analysis, you can only move a body like that so quickly. More often than not he'll manipulate where he gets struck because that coat of his can only take so much damage. Comparing his regeneration to those characters is absurd. They can recover from brain cells within what, days? Meanwhile it'd take Tharr years to regrow a simple arm. Even with all these in consideration, all he can do is punch, scratch and bite you. It's all really a means of defense against the mages, gunslingers and swordspeople with a much more extensive arsenal than him.

The weaknesses correlate to this. With a limited and basic moveset, the drawbacks follow. Like, do I need to add a cooldown to punches or something? 'Cause that's about the only type of things that can really be applied. I'm all down for suggestions regarding reasonable weaknesses. I could tone down his IQ or omit that section entirely. Other than that, I hope this sheds some perspective on this character. He's not the Godly omnipotent master of everything his profile suggests. It's mostly for entertainment, anyhow.
That point is irrelevant. You're referring to his average soaring speeds, which I've extensively detailed how crude and awkward of a flier he is. I was more pertaining to movement speed. He's still bound to the laws of physics, so even with how I describe things in his bio, he's not gonna be able to do much evading. He's much more of a blocker/parrier anyways.
It's always so humorous seeing how exaggerativ people interpret Tharr's abilities. It sounds ultra dramatic in the character profile, but he's actually quite limited. Yeah he's deceptively quick, but even with that and his cognitive analysis, you can only move a body like that so quickly. More often than not he'll manipulate where he gets struck because that coat of his can only take so much damage. Comparing his regeneration to those characters is absurd. They can recover from brain cells within what, days? Meanwhile it'd take Tharr years to regrow a simple arm. Even with all these in consideration, all he can do is punch, scratch and bite you. It's all really a means of defense against the mages, gunslingers and swordspeople with a much more extensive arsenal than him.

The weaknesses correlate to this. With a limited and basic moveset, the drawbacks follow. Like, do I need to add a cooldown to punches or something? 'Cause that's about the only type of things that can really be applied. I'm all down for suggestions regarding reasonable weaknesses. I could tone down his IQ or omit that section entirely. Other than that, I hope this sheds some perspective on this character. He's not the Godly omnipotent master of everything his profile suggests. It's mostly for entertainment, anyhow.

How you phrase things can drastically change how powerful they seem. But I get where you're coming from, so I'll go through the things I feel aren't needed for your concept of the wise old warrior gryphon.

1: I'd remove mention of IQ, this one's mostly just for impression. But just say he's smart and wise and leave it at that. Also the whole "he can read people and predict their moves" is going to be dependent on the situation and the opponent. Against some rookie? Sure, why not. But against a skilled opponent not so much.

2: Regeneration, I'd like this one just removed outright. There's no need for it. You're already big, beefy, fast, and strong. You don't need to be healing bullet wounds in a few seconds. It doesn't offer any fun interactions in RP and it's not necessary for your concept.

3: To continue off the regen, I want you to remove the whole "fur as dense as steel" bit. You can actually keep that for the feathers, but the fur is just normal fur. This way he essentially has a helmet on and chest armor, and he can use his wings as a shield. But he's still vulnerable to attacks and has to actually defend himself.

4: "It is entirely possible for him to reconstruct prior events using his senses alone." I'd like that one removed as well.

5: Lastly, I want you to drop the 80mph run speed to like 40-50. Flying speed is fine, but the run speed should be slower.

With these changes made I'd be fine with the character.
Okay. Nixed the IQ, regeneration and the senses tracking thing (meant to remove that part of the ability anyway). The other request I implore we keep the same. This armor like coat is something given through a mutation and meticulously retained through frequent upkeep. I just don't see it making sense within the lore of the character and the species that the fur would be excluded from this. If it's really that imperative I change it to where it dictates his inclusion, I suppose I can consider it
Okay. Nixed the IQ, regeneration and the senses tracking thing (meant to remove that part of the ability anyway). The other request I implore we keep the same. This armor like coat is something given through a mutation and meticulously retained through frequent upkeep. I just don't see it making sense within the lore of the character and the species that the fur would be excluded from this. If it's really that imperative I change it to where it dictates his inclusion, I suppose I can consider it

I mean, lore can say whatever you want. And the whole upkeep thing is fine, it's just limited to the feathers. Makes more sense that way anyways since feathers are large and cover a wide area, fur are just thin strands of hair that'd be parted by any attack anyway. Like, stack a punch of nails as tightly packd as possible and then swing a sword at them, the nails wont stop the sword, the sword will just move them out of the way. So it makes no sense for the fur to act as armor anyways. Limiting it to the feathers not only makes more sense, but actually gives dynamic play instead of just being a passive "You can't hurt me without major attacks". His vitals are covered and his wings offer him shields to cover the unprotected areas, that's far more interesting and interactive than just passive protection everywhere.
Lore can be subjective, yes. Certain details can be given great merit though. What if this natural defense stems from Nemean Lion ancestry? That's why I state it would be weird if the fur wasn't included. But for simplicity's sake I'll comply and restrict it to the plumage.
Lore can be subjective, yes. Certain details can be given great merit though. What if this natural defense stems from Nemean Lion ancestry? That's why I state it would be weird if the fur wasn't included. But for simplicity's sake I'll comply and restrict it to the plumage.

Well, gotta remember, this isn't set in earth, this is entirely fantasy. So I could just as easily say Nemean Lions are house cats commonly found as pets lol. But, if all those changes are made then consider your gryphon approved.
Telford Marylebone

Telford Marylebone


R&D Armored Weapons Division, Lt. Marylebone, ‘White One’








Sarathal Military Sharpshooter, R&D Specialist


A man of 5’10”. He sports black, slicked-back hair, a stubble on his chin, and a scar across his right cheek. His expression is often one of a slight, indecipherable smile. He is usually seen in his military uniform, with a white cloak over his shoulders.


Perhaps the best description of Telford is ‘ubermensch’. He certainly exhibits such behaviour- he rejects the societal norms and operates on his own moral code. He sees everyone as simply another tool in the works; women, men, or anything in between do not interest him in that way, and he only cares if he can use their strengths for his works. He is dedicated to his craft, and little else spark a fire inside of him. He also sees his deployment as a sniper as ‘mental acuity training’ and ‘physical ability confirmation’, and feels nothing when he pulls the trigger. There is little to nothing that fazes him, as if he already knows how everything will pan out, and is rarely, if ever, surprised.

Telford is known for his meticulous planning as well. As his secretary puts it, he has a Plan B for his Plan Bs, and a Plan B for that Plan B. Safe to say, the man leaves no stone unturned, and leaves nothing to chance. He ill makes a strategist, however, as he is not above sacrificing many, including himself, to ensure a plan works. That having been said, presenting him with a challenge does brighten up his day.

There is little else to say of the strange man, for he has no love for this world, nor does he have hatred for it. Socially, the man is incapable of handling a conversation unless it is about the newest weapon in development, and even then, acts like an encyclopedia. He only speaks with inflections when pondering on good suggestions or questions, which are often rare, judging by his standards. If someone does pique his interest in such a way, then it is a momentous occasion, and he will see them in as ‘actually pretty interesting’, and will bother remembering their faces. That brings forth another matter- Telford does not remember the faces nor names of those whom he thinks are unimportant to him. To this date, he only remembers the face and name of his secretary, and the face of his superior. Even then, he tends to get Cpl. Reigate’s name wrong.


Telford has an obsession with weaponry and design, and seems to enjoy that. There is little else he seems to ‘like’, per se. He seems to respond favourably when discussing modern weaponry, however, and it is actually advised by both his higher ups and his secretary to read up on Sarathal’s arsenal first to get on his good side.


Telford is aggravatingly arbitrary when it comes to these kinds of things. His mood swings may dictate he suddenly lash out at anyone who was just asking for advice. He has, however, listed repetitively to anyone who cares to listen that he despises sycophants and idiots. It’s still quite hard to pin what and who exactly he sees as sycophants and idiots. He also hates socialising, leaving that job to his understudy.

Even at a young age, Telford was nothing short of unsettling. Whether it was his eidetic memory, or his blank stare, or a combination of both, as a child, Telford was described as creepy. Rather than bother with people, he pored over books, focused on extending his knowledge rather than his social reach. His parents did not grow concerned, but they did, however, worry of his future. What was a strange child like him going to do in the future? Telford did not care for it. Instead, he utilised his intellect to drag himself up the social ladder, his intelligence earning him a reputation amongst his peers. He was never seen as a popular character, but his intellect was not something to be scoffed at. It isn't exactly clear when he started exhibiting his ubermensch tendencies but it was noted that prior to attending the military academy, he had already a reputation of brushing off ‘sycophants and idiots’ in a rude, dismissive tone, and was nearly hated by a good lot of his classmates. It wasn't very clear either why he picked to join the military. Perhaps it was just that he was quite interested in the Sarathal military’s armory, and wanted to delve further into that world. Perhaps he saw their weapons, and thought to himself that he could improve on them.

Telford attained grades of flying colours in the military, and was placed in command school, where he claimed the first place in an interclass marksmanship competition. It was here when he was famously quoted that he saw shooting was just an exercise in his mental acuity. Telford later refused a place as a commander, choosing instead to pursue a career in the R&D department. During this time, he was rarely in his office, and disappeared often to follow other units out to take notes on their procedures and their strategies. His reasonings were, as always, never clear, and it infuriated his higher ups to no end. However, he had never actually done anything wrong, and his later contributions to the Sarathal military strength cut him a lot of leeway. It was in this time he gained two subordinates- FSgt. Beddo Carwelt and Cpl. Agatha Reigate, both of whom have sparked his interest, to a point where he bothers to remember their names and faces. It was also during this period when he developed the Populator tanks, and the Mobile Fortress itself, the Gracilis, further strengthening Sarathal’s reputation as the most powerful military strength in Araal.

In the past year, however, Telford suddenly grew obsessed with magic, seeing it as an illogical existence. There had been reports of immortal, impossible beings roaming Araal, and he could not stand such inexplicable phenomenons. He needed to know what and how magic worked. Utilising a recently unearthed mineral which he dubbed Vampyricite, he and his subordinates left HQ for an expedition, and there were no reports during their absence, only the occasional message that confirmed that they were alive. After they returned, Telford seemed giddy at his results, and locked himself in his quarters. Ever since that day, Telford has not exited his personal quarters, relying on food delivered by his subordinates, and only opening the door to either of them. He corresponds to the higher ups through them as well, and his constant updates of the Fatalis project keeps them satisfied enough to leave him alone.


Cpl. Agatha Reigate:

An R&D specialist alongside Telford. She is his understudy, and is almost as good a crack shot as he is. She accompanies him wherever he goes and serves as his secretary. Her prime duties include acting as his spotter, ensuring he doesn't stick his head out too far, filing his work, and handling the socialising for him. She is perhaps one of the few persons he sees as worth remembering.

FSgt. Beddo Carwelt
An R&D specialist under Telford's command. More or less Telford's heavy, Telford grants Carwelt the honor of his trust, and his duties include accompanying Reigate in her own duties of ensuring his safety when he's out in the field. He is also one of the few persons in Araal to have their face and name to be committed to memory.


Sharpshooter: A supernaturally gifted marksman, Telford is capable of showcasing his skill without a scope on his standard-issue bolt-action rifle. He is capable of taking out a target across 700 metres in forested areas with his rifle. He has proven himself capable of hitting even fast-moving targets without issue. His analytical mind’s processing speed is comparable to a modern-day computer, and his finger on the trigger is just as swift.

Camouflage: Part and parcel of his training as a sniper. He is extremely meticulous when it comes to hiding in plain sight. Though his antics are certainly hilarious at times, and almost petty, he isn't known as a ghost for nothing.

Genius: The designer of one of Sarathal’s greatest marvels, the Gracilis, Telford is currently working on its next incarnation- the Fatalis. He is also credited for sending in blueprints of what is now Sarathal’s current focus in military production: the Populator, what is supposed to be the common tank of the Sarathal military. He is well-read and well-learned in many subjects and disciplines, and seems to have the retention of a bottomless bowl, and still he seeks to better himself.

Roessand 43R: A standard-issue bolt-action rifle for Sarathal riflemen. It has no modifications or additions to it, and chambers 7.62x54mm rounds. It has been Telford’s first and only weapon for many years in service, and it has served him well.

Varl 2v : A stick grenade. Its injuring distance is about 15m, with a fatality distance of 5 metres. Simple, but devastating. Developed by Varl Jevon.

Varl AM-v: A stick grenade. Codenamed ‘Evil Eye’, when it detonates, it releases a bright flash and a loud bang, not unlike a flashbang. However, the Evil Eye saps all magic from the nearby area of about 15m radius, rendering all magic users unable to utilise magic, blinded, and helpless.

Notebook: A leatherbound book with his scribblings and design notes for his future projects. In it, the topics are focused on his current pet project, the Fatalis. Within these pages, however, there are also notes on harnessing magic power for something called the Smilodon, a weapon to surpass all weapons. When mentioned, he only laughs at it, as if this was nothing more than a joke.

Vampyrictis: A strange stone he carries around. It glows with a dim, incandescent light, but it doesn't seem to do much. It reacts weakly to magic, but starts to glow intensely when around the preternatural. Other than an early warning sign, it doesn't has any use beside that...or so it would seem.

Type-2 Magic Nullification Prototype Mantle: Codenamed ‘Eraser’, the Magic Nullification Mantle is a state of the art anti-magic cloak used by Sarathal infantries and self-defense units. Type-2s are one of the first few experimental mantles issued by the R&D. There are currently only 100 in circulation, and are extremely resistant to magicks as a whole, boasted to have about four times the usual resistance that of a Type-1 Eraser, capable of nullifying even elder magicks. It was created by amplifying the coatings used on their airships and tanks and soaking the mantles in these coatings. It is currently still in its experimental stage, and is extremely costly to make. Telford’s own Eraser is white in colour.

The mobile fortress. A slow-moving giant of a tank designed for defending key areas, direct assault, and raining down hellfire and brimstone on targets. Towering over the Populator at 10.5m, and twice as long as it is tall, Gracilis is the only ‘super tank’ currently in service. It is coated with thick anti-magic coatings, rendering anything short of a powerful physical blow useless against it, and even then, it isn’t designated as a ‘fortress’ for naught. It is equipped with six 7.62mm machine guns, a twin-barrelled 250mm cannon, and four rocket launchers, allowing it a wide range of abilities.

Maryle-6 ‘Populator’
A common tank utilised by the armored division of the Sarathal military. It is 6.69m in length and weighs about 24 tons. It has only just been developed, and a good 700 of them are sitting pretty, ready to be deployed. They are cheaper, faster (approx. 30mph), but ultimately quite soft in terms of defenses, given only minimal amounts of anti-magic coating, enough to prevent magicks from flinging them around. Still, being covered in hard steel is better than nothing, especially if it is packing a 75mm cannon and a 7.62mm machinegun. There are heavier armored versions available as well, which, though not able to rival the Gracilis in terms of defenses, are monsters by their own rights. There are a few customised Populators lying around the R&D facility, appropriately called Tank Destroyers, where the turret was exchanged for one of a larger calibre and fitted onto a non-moving but stable frame, allowing it to fire powerful anti-armor shots to penetrate whatever defenses. Though these sacrifice mobility, they also pack a huge punch, and are supposedly to be used for supporting infantry units.

An improved version of the Gracilis that Telford is still working on. Based off the Gracilis, it seems to be another fortress destroyer/mobile fortress. Little else is known about it.

A pet project that Telford treasures above the Fatalis. It seems to be a medium-sized tank, larger than the Populator, with what seems to be a strange turret seated atop it. There is little information about it otherwise.

Cpl. Agatha Reigate
A farmgirl who took up a rifle and joined the Sarathal Military. During one of his ‘tours’, Lt. Marylebone acknowledged her ability with a rifle, and showed surprising interest in the fact that it wasn't brainwork that led her to be extremely proficient with a rifle, but honest-to-goodness hard work. After noting that she, too, had a great interest in weaponry, Lt. Marylebone took her in as an understudy. Her contribution to the R&D have been quite fortuitous, her designs having improved the chambering of the Roessand rifles as well as the rate of fire of the Lindfield submachine guns, with just as efficient production value.
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Name: Ajax Vern
Species: Kalashtar
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Occupation: Artificer/nomad
Appearance: (above)
Personality: While often seen as cold or heartless, Ajax simply has a hard time gauging and expressing his emotions. Situations involving high emotional tension may cause Ajax to become quickly overwhelmed. He prefers to see the world in terms of problems and solutions, which may make some interactions less than comfortable.
Likes: Solutions, craftsmanship, conviction, his work
Dislikes: Paradoxes, misunderstanding, organized religion
Fears: not knowing what to do, not having the answer, never building his magnum opus

Backstory: Ajax was born in a religious community near Velhellyiah's border. In this place, the use of arcane magic was seen as a divine gift and the ability to use it was held by nearly the entirety of the population. Spellcasting was seen as a kind of prayer. Ajax was raised under the assumption he was a psionic sorcerer, one born with inherit magic ability in the school of enchantment. Yet try as he might as he grew up he was never able to learn any spells, though he had to admit there was a part of him that didn't want to. Personally, he didn't like the idea of spellcasting. It didn't sit right with him and whenever he tried to do it himself he felt like he was trying to be something he wasn't. However, his mother's expectations growing with each passing day, and the village beginning to shun him for being magicless, young Ajax needed to think of something.

One day, Ajax's village was visited by a band of traveling merchants. Desperate for improvement, Ajax found a relic among their wears that housed a great deal of arcane knowledge. The merchant had warned that most were unable to connect with the relic, but after seemingly studying Ajax for a moment relented and did not accept payment for the relic. Confused yet grateful, Ajax went to study the relic, his psionic abilities allowing him to properly attune to the cortex.

The relic contained knowledge of a form of magic that Ajax had not known existed: artifice, the creation of magic based items and relics. the boy was enthralled and poured over the relic for weeks before he finally attempted to apply his findings. As he worked, he felt more fulfilled than he ever had reading spellbooks or attempting spellcasting. It was as if he had found his calling. Overcome with excitement, he attempted to show his invention, his form of magic, to the village and his mother, hoping to garner the respect he had been denied most of his life.

He was immediately exiled on a charge of blasphemy.

Most people would break down and give up at this point. But spite is one hell of a motivator. So Ajax wondered, using his newfound skill to solve problems wherever he went as often as possible. It was less about caring about people and more about practice. The relic continued to supply him valuable knowledge in artifice. To this day he wonders, eventually learning that he was a kalashtar, a being with natural psionic ability. What is interesting is that Kalashar are known to be incapable of dreams. Yet every so often Ajax will get a flash, not necessarily in his sleep, but any time his mind is vacant. The flash is of an artifact, that much is certain. But as soon as it comes, it vanishes. Ajax has no idea what this artifact is, what it does or what it looks like. He only knows one things, one day he must build it, his magnum opus.

Relationships: Nothing specific, however he is known by rumors in the towns he has visited.

Powers/abilities: As a Kalashtar, Ajax naturally has basic psionic abilities
  • Telepathic communication - he can speak into someone's mind and temporarily give them the ability to speak back the same way. This is NOT full telepathy. Ajax cannot read minds, he can only speak to them.
  • Psychic discipline - Ajax is naturally resistant to psychic influence, though this does not make him immune.
As an artificer, Ajax can create magic artifacts and relics that can manipulate magic. That said, his magic ability is solely dependent on his arsenal.

  • Cortex of Artifice - Relic containing vast knowledge in the field of artifice (works a lot like a holocron from Star Wars)
  • Seeker's Spark - A sapphire ring containing an array of abilities/spells meant to supplement the need for a workshop or forge
  • Dawn-walker's coat - Long coat that absorbs sunlight, basically making the wearer photosynthetic, reducing the amount of food needed to survive
  • Fire bolter - A small device reminiscent of a firearm that launches a bolt of flame, used mostly for self defense
Aesveria Ghwenhvyr Quaeliss

TITLE: Paragon of Quantum Countermancy
GENDER: female
AGE: 288
OCCUPATION: trader, diplomat, scholar, mentor, scientist, mage, elitist socialite

5’11” tall, slender build with subtle curves. Unblemished porcelain complexion. Her eyes are an extremely pale shade of turquoise and can look blue or green, depending on lighting. Also sometimes wears a pair of dainty, square-framed reading glasses. Straight, silver hair spills over her shoulders and down to her waist when left undone, but is usually gathered up in a loose bun with pins and ribbons. Would probably be described as very beautiful, but cold, like she doesn’t give a shit about anyone.

Arrogant. Extremely arrogant. Aesveria thinks very highly of herself, to the point of being delusional. She often comes across as rude and condescending, but kind of grows on you after a while. Most people either instantly dismiss her as a bitch or put up with her bullshit long enough to find it strangely charming. The latter are bestowed the immense honor of being her friend, at which point she takes as much pride in them as she does herself. Insulting her friends, students, or acquaintances is like an insult to Aesveria herself. With age, she finds herself becoming far more attached to these people than she’d rather be.

To most people, she can seem very lazy and idle. Despite her rural upbringing, Aes has the elegance and grace of one who has lived her entire life in the lap of luxury. She deeply enjoys being at leisure, as she feels it frees her mind to ponder the vagaries of existence. In truth, she spends more time lounging around than actually studying or performing experiments. In her opinion, she’s so smart she can solve complex issues just by thinking about them; the experiments and such are just to prove to lesser minds how right she is. If there is a couch, bed, or pile of comfy pillows in the room, she’s there in an instant and you had better bring her tea or alcohol (or both) immediately after, or things will get ugly, stupid.

  • Teaching and/or mentoring others
  • Telling you how wrong you are
  • Telling you how right she is
  • Telling you how wrong you are, again
  • Scienc-y, nerdy things
  • Drinking in the middle of the day
  • Soft, shiny, and/or cute things

  • You
  • Being told what to do
  • Crowds (it’s like “you” x100)
  • Dirt and/or dust
  • Stupidity
  • Animals, unless they are small, fluffy, and hygienic
  • Being touched or looked at (again, crowds)
  • Sweating, heat, anything involving manual labor

  • Having her magic taken away or limited
  • Not knowing things; always wants to be the smartest person in the room
  • Old age; would sooner die than become old, decrepit, or senile
  • Boredom (mostly because she’s afraid of what an idle mind can do)

Aesveria was born in a relatively small rural village on the tiny island nation of A’ethe. Like most Sky Elves, both of her parents were mages, during a time when alchemy was in high demand. Alchemists could turn mundane materials into valuable resources, enabling A’ethe’s growing population to continue to thrive on an island that should not logically be able to sustain them. Unfortunately, this didn’t take into account one major limiting factor: mana. With mana, the elves could make anything they needed… except mana itself.

Aes’s generation wasn’t the first to see this problem, but they were the first to tackle it head on. Magical efficiency became the new norm. The best mages weren’t the ones casting huge, flashy spells to show off their power, but the ones who could do a lot with a little. In her formative years, Aesveria was more like a scientist than a mage. She studied the natural properties of things to see what made them tick. Physics, mathematics, chemistry, metallurgy; she devoured all of it in an effort to understand the levers and gears upon which the world turned, all so she could bend them to her will.

Over time, she began to develop a unique style, as most mages do. Her particular spellcasting technique became known as “quantum countermancy,” the act of using magic to countermand or overwrite the quantum state of a thing. She based this on her theory that all matter or energy can be quantized as discrete values and those values can be altered using mana for far less cost than trying to alter something on the macro level. Doing so requires a deep understanding of the subatomic composition of whatever the mage is trying to affect, but Aesveria was confident she was smart enough to figure it out. Right.

Convinced that she was onto something big, she wrote a thesis on the subject and submitted it to a top university in Altamura, seeking funding and recognition for her achievements. Sadly, it was promptly dismissed as, “a bunch of pretentious, high-minded bullshit. Please remove head from ass and resubmit.” Aesveria would’ve become the laughing stock of the academic community, if anyone had known who she was. Instead, she was just another nobody with big ideas and nothing to show for it. Refusing to abandon the path she’d laid out for herself, Aesveria spent another fifty years studying, experimenting, and honing her craft.

She traveled the country performing magical acts to show what she was capable of. The one that finally got the attention of the university’s top scholars was what became known as the “Lemonade Experiment.” She went to cafes and street vendors in Altamura performing this trick, which was done by conjuring a portal. A drink, usually lemonade or some other simple mixed beverage, would be poured into one portal and its contents --lemon juice, pure water, and granular sugar-- would emerge from secondary portals. It was all done by altering location vectors of each subatomic particle, thereby sorting them into different places.

The “trick" seemed very simple at first and many mages attempted to replicate it. Some even succeeded. But the way they did it required exponentially more time and effort than Aesveria’s version, which could be done in a few seconds with very little mana, using portals to automate the process. After a few months, students and faculty were discussing it in classrooms and dorms until, eventually, the school’s board of directors called Aesveria before them to perform the experiment, hoping they could debunk her as a fraud, illusionist, or charlatan. What followed was a seventy-two hour marathon of rigorous academic debate where she successfully defended her theories before some of the greatest minds in Aethe’s magical community.

At only 125 years old, Aesveria was awarded the title of “Paragon of Quantum Countermancy.” But this was a bittersweet victory. It was a branch of magic most of her peers either knew nothing about or felt was a passing trend. On one hand, she would probably never have to defend her title. On the other, it was like being king of a mountain no one knows exists. But that was all about to change. By this time, the resource crisis was nearing critical mass and popular opinion was shifting toward opening A’ethe’s borders to the world. If her own people wouldn’t acknowledge her greatness, there was a whole world out there that would. The momentum of history was in her favor.

Although Aesveria didn’t have a seat on the Council of Paragons, even the voice of a lesser Paragon still carried weight. She became a very vocal supporter of deactivating the country’s magical barriers. But elves are slow to accept change. Aesveria spent half a century teaching and studying at Altamura University before the Council finally began to change its mind. She was allowed to join one of the advance parties sent out into the world. Using illusion magic, these small parties of Sky Elves disguised themselves as other races so they could survey the mainland and report back to the council.

When the decision was made to open the borders and convert the capital city into a flying symbol of peace, Aesveria, along with most other Paragon-level mages, was selected to aid in the project. She made major contributions to the levitation spells that keep Altamura aloft and stable. Once the city embarked on its Grand Tour, she joined as an aide to the Council of Paragons, and even participated in some of the meetings with world leaders, particularly the Velian mage nobility. She has since settled into relative obscurity, but has maintained her connection to Velhellyiah’s mageocracy and academic institutions. Today she gets by as a tutor to young mage nobles or as a consultant to various universities and schools.

Aesveria uses spells that alter quantum states, affecting change on the subatomic level. In theory, she is capable of altering anything from physical traits like chemical composition to dynamic traits like velocity, acceleration, kinetic energy, or static forces like friction or gravity. In practice, no one has actually managed to harness even a small fraction of these potential applications. Due to the curse of all Sky Elves, Aesveria finds her magic is growing in power, but narrowing in scope as time goes on, so she likely never will.

She is most well-known for her teleportation spells. Aesveria weaves rings of mana-fueled light which read and rewrite the physical location of every particle that passes through them. Doing this manually would be nearly impossible, due to the mental strain, but using the rings automates the process. They act almost like disposable pieces of magitek. Creating them requires complex hand gestures and they work best when the destination is within her direct line of sight. Teleporting something far away or on the other side of a wall is possible, but takes longer to set up. This ability works best on items with a very simple composition. Exotic materials can sometimes get lost in translation, becoming distorted or damaged. Souls would be classified as “exotic materials.” She has attempted the teleportation of live subjects and it can be done, but requires a far more specialized ring, tuned to the live cargo’s individual attributes.

Other uses besides teleportation are also possible. By altering velocity instead of location, Aesveria can create rings that accelerate or decelerate whatever passes through them. She uses this to make barriers (deceleration) or to turn mundane projectiles into deadly kinetic penetrators (acceleration). Lastly, she can create what she calls an ouroboros, a group of teleportation rings nested within one another, forming a sphere or gimbal. An oroboros is basically a portal eating its own tail(s) and is the only spell she has ever created specifically to use as a weapon. It is inherently unstable and anything devoured by it will become trapped in a loop of chaotic particle collisions, causing an explosion. The force of the blast depends on the size of the ouroboros and what is fed into it.

Very knowledgeable in the fields of physics, chemistry, and magical theory. She can ramble on about this stuff for hours, to anyone willing to listen. It usually sounds like nonsense to the uninitiated.

Uncanny spatial awareness. She can read trajectories very well. For someone with almost no formal training with bows or rifles, she’s actually a decent shot and even did some rangefinding for artillery crews during the Great War. (She remained in Velhellyiah during the early years of the conflict, despite A’ethe’s firm stance of neutrality.)

She is a trained fencer. This is about the only sport she has ever taken an interest in, admittedly only a passing interest. Her skill would be considered slightly above average, but she’s rusty. Hasn’t had a match in decades.

Hidden talents include singing and baking sweets. She can bake cakes and cookies that are to die for and is rumored to have the voice of an angel… but good luck ever getting her to do either of those things.

Memento Mori: an ornamental rapier. Its thin, needle-like blade is made of what appears to be blue stained glass with a silver basket hilt and ornate gold inlay. The sword is mostly ceremonial, but the blade has undergone a form of alchemy that locks it out of time, making it impervious to damage, age, or wear. In truth, it merely ages very slowly. Damage done to it centuries ago will eventually catch up to it. It is said that its creator struck its glass blade against a stone immediately after the enchantment was complete. Someday, this sword will shatter. No one knows when. It was a gift from her old friend, the previous Paragon of War, who saw it as a symbol of the frailty and preciousness of life.

Cipher Arcanis: Aesveria’s reading glasses are a form of magitek that allows the wearer to see mana. These are commonplace in some mage schools, but usually look like bulky googles. Hers have been fashioned into stylish reading frames and modified to not work when worn by her, because she can already see mana without them. They are a useful tool for teaching beginning mages or explaining things to those with no magical talent... or just something neat to show off at parties.
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Well, gotta remember, this isn't set in earth, this is entirely fantasy. So I could just as easily say Nemean Lions are house cats commonly found as pets lol. But, if all those changes are made then consider your gryphon approved.

I bring those mystical cats up because of their nigh impenetrable pelage that sort of negates your previous point about fur lacking the essentials to be fortified. But I digress. I'm assuming I can't have Tharr wear a set of armor over his torso? It'd be rather uncharacteristic for such a wise old warrior to knowingly leave such a hole in his defenses. I suppose it's something that can be overlooked, but I figured I'd inquire first.
I bring those mystical cats up because of their nigh impenetrable pelage that sort of negates your previous point about fur lacking the essentials to be fortified. But I digress. I'm assuming I can't have Tharr wear a set of armor over his torso? It'd be rather uncharacteristic for such a wise old warrior to knowingly leave such a hole in his defenses. I suppose it's something that can be overlooked, but I figured I'd inquire first.

You can wear whatever you want as long as you can find something that fits. It isn't the defense that was the issue. It was the NATURAL defense that was the issue. Dude had too much going on by himself. It's one thing to pick up items to cover up weaknesses as best you can, it's another to just have no weaknesses to begin with. It's that sort of thing.
[class=base] background:rgba(255,255,255,0.50); border-left:10px solid #272E40; border-top:10px solid #272E40; width:90%; height:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px [/class] [class=Hana] border:5px solid #272E40; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; [/class] [class=tag] Background:rgba(255,255,255,0.1); border-left:5px solid #272E40; padding:5px; font-size:15px; color:#FF2424; [/class] [class=firsttext] background:rgba(255,255,255,0.2); position: relative; height: 200px; overflow: hidden; padding: 5px; [/class] [class=secondtext] width:100%; padding-right:145px; height:100%; overflow-y:scroll; font-align:justify; font-width:bold; [/class] [class=top] border-top:5px solid #272E40; color:#000000; [/class]
Bran Griffin
[div class="base"]
[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Age:



Story Teller/ Traveler/ mage for hire

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:



[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Strength:






Magical Affinity:

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Personality:
Bran is a bit of an excitable character with a serious side. Bran grew up in the Primal Haven and was taught a bunch over his 400 year life. Given that he is now exploring the world as the story teller he feels a sense of duty and honor in his title, considering that it meant that he would be responsible for the next life span of knowledge that his people would acquire. Though while this was true he is also very modest about his importance and enjoys exploring the world for his own sake as well. He is quite excitable when it comes to new things, especially technology and magitek that he had not seen before, the story teller before him recording history about 100 years before he went out. He tends to talk to people with respect and is very kind unless you are hostel towards him. He tends to be a bit of an introvert, as while he feels he can trust most people its better safe than sorry until you get to know them a little better. His curiosity can get the better of him though as he tends to go out of his way to find out what something is or discover new things.

New Technologies
New products
Company of friends

Mean People
Fish (taste)
Foul smelling substances

Not living up to his duties
Really loud noises

Species Attributes:
Primals are a an old species going back to a time when the earth was first created. They are mainly like humans but they have several animal like attributes that they are born with such as fangs, claws, or a sharpened senses of hearing and smell. While it can be said that they have very good instincts and can follow their base instincts they all possess the ability to think for them selves and a lot of them grow to become quite intelligent. They have also been blessed with a kind of immortality, similar to a vampire where they wont die as long as they eat but they can still be killed, though in less complicated ways. Normal wounds will kill Primals and they can die to illness but they will never die of old age. Additionally where Primals live is a huge secret for their race, apparently its a magically sealed haven that can only be found by Primals. Every so often a primal will leave this haven to explore the world, making humans think over the years it is some kind of tradition for their race. They aren't wrong in saying that, every so often a primal will be selected as a story teller, meant to venture into the world and record events, books, songs, and stories from their times adventuring, meant to be used as knowledge for the race that they cant get from with in their haven. everything is recorded in magic books they have with can store data that is read or heard by its owner, and its exact limits are unknown.

Born as a primal no matter how old he got Bran was always treated as a youngling. He had always been interested in the outside world and wanted to explore it. Bran spent his time studying mainly, learning new magics and gaining a knowledge of the world around him so that one day he may leave the primal Haven. His mother and Father supported him in his endeavors but they knew that the only way for him to ever explore the outside world was to become a story teller and travel the world collecting knowledge for his people, which was both a very tedious and dangerous task. Bran knew this as well and worked hard to become the next story teller. Having thousands of years of knowledge to read through seemed to keep Bran busy because when you live for eternity a couple hundred years go by fairly quickly. every book he read brought him closer to his goal of exploring the world, and when the previous story teller came back when he was just a young lad at 300 he knew it was only a matter of time before someone was selected to be the next story teller. Over the next 100 years he far surpassed most of the other close candidates to be the next story teller in both his knowledge of the world and his magical ability and strength incase anything went wrong. Then on the night of the selection process he was not selected to be the next story teller, as someone older and just as knowledgeable. Though soon after when he was due to leave he fell ill with a terminal virus and died, which left Bran with being the only other suitable candidate.

So Bran set off on his quest leaving the primal Haven behind, knowing he wouldn't return in another few hundred years, and would roam the world gathering knowledge for his people so that they could grow and prosper. Bran was amazed by the advances in technology that had been made since the last story teller had been out into the world and was fascinated by many things. He was robbed on the road once which lead him to be wary of strangers and becoming more introverted especially around people he doesn't know. He tends to travel from city to city now become familiar with their layouts, and mainly site seeing and exploring new types of technology, much to his excitement and curiosity. He also does some mage for hire work when he needs money for food and other luxuries.

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Magic Abilities:
Bran uses nature magic;
Vines: Vines grow up from the ground or from trees restraining opponents
Root: Launches tree roots from the ground to hit or peirce
Pit fall: Uses roots to dig out collapse the ground under an opponent
Natural growth:Causes plants and trees to grow around the user at a fast rate.

Body abilities:
Bran has qualities similar to an animal because hes a primal;
Enhanced smell: enhanced sense of smell similar to a dogs
Enhanced hearing: enhanced sense of hearing much like a dogs
Hawk Eyes: Enhanced eyesight
Claws: Finger nails are harder and sharper than a normal humans, capable of even cutting someone with enough force
Teeth: Teeth are sharper and pointier similar to a wolf/bear/dog/ect

Carries a staff made from some magic wood, seems to enhance his abilities a bit when using it. Also has his magic book which records all he reads and hears automatically.

[class=base] background:rgba(255,255,255,0.50); border-left:10px solid #272E40; border-top:10px solid #272E40; width:90%; height:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px [/class] [class=Hana] border:5px solid #272E40; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; [/class] [class=tag] Background:rgba(255,255,255,0.1); border-left:5px solid #272E40; padding:5px; font-size:15px; color:#FF2424; [/class] [class=firsttext] background:rgba(255,255,255,0.2); position: relative; height: 200px; overflow: hidden; padding: 5px; [/class] [class=secondtext] width:100%; padding-right:145px; height:100%; overflow-y:scroll; font-align:justify; font-width:bold; [/class] [class=top] border-top:5px solid #272E40; color:#000000; [/class]
Phoenix Constantine
[div class="base"]
[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Age:



Former King/ Knight

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:



[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Strength:






Magical Affinity:

Sword Skill:

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Personality:
Phoenix is a girl who is kind and and benevolent but has a heavy heart. After suffering through her life of going from being hated to thinking she was loved, back to being hated again she realized that no matter where you stand in the world nothing really changes. She originally wanted to make a difference, fight for peace and prosperity, but when she went to war for it she didn't realize that she had taken away what she had wanted to preserve most. She tends to generally be negative and pessimistic, but still tries to hold her head up high for her honor as a knight. She suffers from some forms of depression after what had happened during her life. She tends to bundle her feelings up inside of her, keeping them locked away so no one ever gets hurt by her again, and she shows very little effort to try and find the third wish she wished for herself, feeling that it would end just as badly as it did the first time. As a leader, she was very charismatic and lead her army with a blinding brilliance, showing no fear and fighting with dignity, and while she still shows these qualities its unlikely she will ever lead an army again.

Meeting new people

Seeing People Hurt
Hurting Others

Falling in love again
Her subjects from when she was king

Once a young girl who was born a beggar Phoenix rose from the ashes of her own misfortune and eventually became a king. She was on the street one day and was begging for enough coin to get her some food, and as a child who was small and could hardly be seen it was hard to grab any ones attention, thats when someone tossed an old rusted oil lamp into her lap as they passed by as if it was junk for the poor. When she went back to her shelter, which was just a cardboard box propped against a wall in an alley she began to look through her findings and began to polish off her lamp. Out came a magical genie, who said he would grant three of her wishes, no matter what they were. Phoenix didn't think much of it, almost laughing at the prospect of being able to grant any three wishes, so she wished to be a king, to have a magical weapon, and to be loved. the genie snapped his fingers and disappeared just like that.

For two years it seemed as if the Genies magic had not worked, though it was not as if Pheonix believed in that sort of thing anyways, it was too good to be true with her sat around begging like she was. Then one day a man approached her, he looked her up and down, "Hmm Right hair color, birth mark seems to be in the right place too" He said, leading Phoenix to think he was a pervert. After her running away, or at least trying to before she was stopped by some sort of magic. The man introduced himself as a wizard of a far off kingdom, and that she was the true heir to the throne that was taken over by another king from her father. In what seemed like a fleeting moment her life changed, but was it for the better. She trained endlessly, fighting to become a knight and a king who could lead a revolution. She trained for many years meeting many new people, on of which was named Ronin a powerful knight and warrior, who supported her as her right hand man. She took over the kingdom when she was 18 and became king, but even though the old king had taken the country by force he treated the kingdom better than her "father" had, and thus she was seen as a tyrant by many of her people. Additionally she was given a Holy sword out of the Kingdoms vaults, a weapon that was fairly powerful. She held the sword with great pride as her symbol of knightly hood and kingship, but her own troops began to fear her power. Then she feel in love, and the person she loved loved her back, except that the person she loved was Ronin's Wife, who grew furious after finding out, and tried to kill Phoenix, leading to him being executed for attacking the king. None of it was what Phoenix wanted, and she knew that deep down, to be hated by everyone except the one that loved her which lead to her friend dying, it was never what she wanted. Soon she fell into depression.

After a few years the people revolted at the king, as they felt that she was doing nothing for the kingdom. When the people stood at her gates she gave herself up willingly to them despite her guards protesting. She asked them to exile her so that she may make amends with her mistakes, rather than die for them. The people were reluctant but did agree as she had given herself up willingly. after that she roamed for a while, continuing to be some kind of knight on the road.

[div class="top"][div class="firsttext"][div class="secondtext"]Magitek:
Holy Sword Dynestiarosa: A holy sword said to burn with a brilliant radiance. The sword itself uses fire magic and is fairly powerful though not as powerful as most of its brothers and sister holy swords. The sword catches on fire though it will not burn the user (or anyone gripping its hilt) granting them fire protection.

Name: Ryder White
Nicknames/Alias: Tear
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Occupation: Private Eye
A well-meaning brat, or something along those lines. Ryder definitely isn't the type of kid who respects her elders, goes to class every day, or shares her lunch with the poor kid in class. She is, however, in her own worlds, "someone who fights for truth, justice, and good moral fiber", whatever that's supposed to mean. It'd be a lie to say she was attracted to her current career for any reason other than "it sounded cool", but she's at least gotten herself quite invested in the role. She doesn't leave jobs half-done, and despite her exorbitant fees, she isn't just in it for the money. Both crushing evildoers, and saving blushing brides have some level of inherent satisfaction for her, and she's been known to handle the odd case at a discount, if it resonates with her enough.

Since when were kids allowed to go running around in seedy back alleys without so much as a note on the dining room table?

Parents these days, seriously.

Ryder's family is a wild one, to say the least. Aside from the barebones involved in raising a child, as well as teaching them the Family Magic, there's very little in the way of a parent-child relationship. They very fiercely value independence, and essentially use their magic is a crutch to both free themselves of their mortal bonds as quickly as possible, as well as setting their children up to succeed in the world as fast as they can. Her father left home at 17, and her grandmother at 14 before him.

It's something that definitely worries her mother, as it did her grandfather, but... When your kid is already setting up a business at 13, you can't help but be a little proud of them, right?


The idea of a tween detective is uh, comical, to say the least, but Ryder has a good sense of humor. Despite the derision and mockery that she naturally faced during the opening months of her little business, she buckled down and worked as hard as any White family member ever did. She pushed hard for cases, and eventually, she managed to find someone desperate enough to employ her.

The job was simple enough. Their kid, a boy around her age, had gone missing the week prior and they were both too poor to hire a 'proper' investigator, or for the guard to spare any real time for them. Her investigation took two weeks. Without any contacts or favors built up, her only choice was to hoof it with her own two legs. She scoured their area for anything she could, and eventually found out that he'd gotten himself tied up with some group of bandits.

Violent bandits.

With swords and guns.

So storming the proverbial gates was definitely out of the question. But a dashing rescue, on the other hand, wasn't totally unreasonable. Some missing kid wasn't enough to rile up the guards, but a gang of bandits, on the other hand; That was just the ticket. When mixed in with a couple of tall tales about a planned raid, at least. After a day or two of preparation, they swept through the bandit's hideout with great success, while at the same time, Ryder found the boy an convinced him to go home amongst the chaos.

It was a rough success, but a success none the less. Eventually, news began to circulate about her deeds, and whether for her initially low asking price, or just for the novelty of hiring a kid detective, business began to roll in.

Two years later, her price has gone up and her reputation has flourished, to the point where she's even been hired for a government contract. Though she suspects they're just hiring whoever they can, an opportunity is an opportunity, she took up the job without hesitation, and set off to find the origin of Sarathal's 'Iron Terrors'.

Whatever that meant.


Mr and Mrs White - A pair of dangerously talented merchants. They spend quite a lot of time abroad, engaging in trade deals, but thanks to her independence they have a good relationship with Ryder regardless. They're definitely not the most responsible parents, but hey, that'd be boring, right?



Elementary - Ryder is a talented young lady in the art of deduction. She's quick to piece information together and is generally able to approach cases from a neutral starting point, excluding whatever biases she might have, that could impair her judgment.

Volt 54 - A cheap, off-brand revolver that's as likely to blow up in your hands as it is to put a bullet in someone's side. Definitely not something that someone Ryder's age should be carrying around.
Notebook 04 - A pocket sized notebook that Ryder uses to keep track of her cases, and grocery lists. It's the fourth one she's owned, thanks to either filling up or losing the previous ones.

She runs a Detective Agency named "Morning Tear", though it's actually owned by her father. She charges quite a... healthy fee for her services, but she's built up enough of a reputation to pull in enough customers to justify keeping the shop open. Eventually, she plans to buy the building from her father, or take it on the road.
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Name: Eden Smythe

Race: Human

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Occupation: Thief


Ol' Reliable: His trusty sword. He's had it as long as he can remember. Nothing flashy or fancy, but it never fails to get the job done. (Sometimes.)

4 Knives of varying lengths. He picks them up along his journeys, replacing the ones he breaks and loses frequently.

Pack: A simple pack he throws around his shoulder. Keeps his clothing and valuables, if you can even call them that.

Brown cloak. Keeps him warm, keeps him hidden. It's worn and torn but he wouldn't go anywhere without it.

Eden is an expert pickpocket. A gentle brush or cough is all he needs to distract from what his hand(s) are doing. This is how he makes his living.

His keen awareness of light and reflections allows him to disappear into environments of which he is used to. If all else fails he's damn good at climbing a tree.

Eden has built up a respectful skill in the art of knife throwing. By contrast, he sucks at darts.

Eden is a remarkably skilled musician, although he's never had enough to afford his own guitar. In a better life he would have lived off of the music he created.

Eden is very easy going. He's easy to get along with, and is very trusting, often to a fault. He doesn't take anything too seriously and has a great sense of humor. He has a generally positive outlook on life. He is easily startled, flustered and easy to talk over. He very rarely is able to stick to one path, journey, or group of people. He rather enjoys the security and adventure of change. Few things anger Eden, but a soft spot is his background. he doesn't like to reveal this to others.

Friendly people.
Women. (They are often nicer to him.)

Rude people.
Being cold.
Guns. (Too loud.)

Water. (He can't swim.)
Abandonment. (Often why he chooses not to stay with any one person or group for very long.)

Eden ran away from home at a young age. His father married a noble woman who wanted her own children and nothing to do with Eden. His stepmother soon turned abusive, forcing him out of the house. Living off of his thieving skills Eden preferred a nomadic lifestyle, choosing not to live in one place or with one group of people for very long.

Name: Seyren Menathil II
Nicknames/Alias: The Impaler, the Bloody Baron, the Blood Magus
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Occupation: Judge, Executioner
Personality: Cold, methodical and calculative, Seyren rarely opens his heart up to someone else, if at all. He applies logic and deduction to everything he does, and would apply even the most minute of details will fail to escape his deduction. He does not revel in his harsh, mostly fatal punishments, but will do it if against lawbreakers. Ruthless and unforgiving, he will mete out punishment onto others should he finds them undeserving of mercy. In fact, to him, death is mercy.
Likes: Blood, impaling his foes, Earl Grey tea, reading, meditating
Dislikes: Lies, thieves, bandits, criminals
Fears: Wrong judgment, failure, bats
Backstory: Originally Seyren was born in a regular family in Vysoria, where his father was an officer in the government and his mother a matron in the local hospital. He has an elder brother and an elder sister, both who were promising magus in their own rights. But things changed when his father became a target of a conspiracy, and his parents were subsequently charged in private court for conspiring to overthrow the current regime. Despite the efforts of his uncles Federick and Malthus to prove their innocence, Samantha Menathil and Seyren Menathil were executed with crimes tried onto them, crimes that they had never committed. This event hardened Seyren, his magic shifting from water magic to blood magic, and his mind numb to the proponents of death. Studying and eventually entering the public offices as his father has done, Seyren set out to uncover the several people that were responsible for his parents' death, as well as uncovering the true reason as to why and who were the ones responsible for the crimes slapped onto his parents. Using torture techniques, blackmail and extortion, Seyren quickly closed his grasping hands around the necks of several top officials in the government, and with utter ruthlessness, executed them via impalement. Since then, Seyren held office at the Supreme Court for another decade, executing murderers and hardened criminals who were set for death sentences by impalement, granting him the moniker, "the Impaler". It was in the middle of his 32nd birthday that he stepped down as the head judge of the Supreme Court, resigning himself as an auxiliary official, thus giving him more free time to pursue a slightly more interesting career -- adventuring.
Federick Menathil: Uncle. Retired general, currently in a small town a day's ride to the border of Velhellyiah
Malthus Menathil: Uncle. Magitek developer, currently still employed in Vysoria.
Damien Menathil: Elder brother, married. Residing in the urban part of Vysoria, near where Seyren's manor is.
Sicilia Menathil: Elder sister, married. Residing in the suburban part of Vysoria.
Blood Magic: Excelling in this font of magic, Seyren can weave spells that interacts with blood.
-Haemosiphon: Drains blood in the form of tendrils that snakes outwards from his targets towards Seyren. Drains 10% at most in a single spell, and can target at most 3 targets. Heals Seyren by an equivalent amount.
-Blood Spike: Manifests blood and hardens them into sharp crystals, allowing Seyren to fire them. Can draw blood from his surrounding corpses or wounded living beings to create the crystals. Otherwise, uses his own blood.
-Blood Lance: Manifests blood and hardens into a single, large spear-like crystal, allowing Seyren to launch it. Can draw blood from his surrounding corpses or wounded living beings to create the crystal. If using his own blood, Seyren can ever only make one, as using his own blood would leave him extremely low on blood. Can fracture to form a large amount of Blood Spike.
-Bloodborne: Marks targets with his Blood Mark. Seyren can use his blood magic without their limitations by magically draining blood from marked targets. Haemosiphon drains up to 20% from marked targets.
-Kazikli Bei ~ Territory of the Blood Baron Impaling Lord: Territory magic, Seyren saturates the area around him in a 50ft radius with blood magic by splashing 3 people's worth of blood. Within this territory, Seyren can manifest at most 10,000 stakes and spears of blood to impale his targets. The spears and stakes cannot leave the territory magic, and has a toughness equivalent to a magically-reinforced steel.
-Kazikli Bei ~ Executioner of Blood Baron Impaling Lord: Ultimate magic, Seyren launches several stakes of blood that zones in on an enemy. The stakes need not impale the target completely, as a prick the size of a needle is enough for Seyren to manifest the second part of this magic. Seyren may trigger this magic at any time within 7 days after it had pricked the target(s). Upon triggering, stakes of blood explode outwards from the internal organs of the targets, impaling them from within and executing them. The stakes can then be splintered into Blood Spikes.
Weapon Mastery (Spear): Seyren has undergone extreme training to master the use of spears, and thus is able to use a spear as a seasoned warrior could.
Coercion: Being an official, Seyren is used to the art of words, and thus has a bonus in diplomacy and verbal intimidation.
Knowledge (Law): Being a judge, Seyren has a deep understanding of the law, and has a bonus to understand laws of another nation.
Inquisitor: Seyren is skilled in extracting information from otherwise tight-lipped targets, and thus has a bonus in interrogations and tortures.
Magitek Spear: Doubles as a spear and staff at the same time, this spear has an inscribed magic that will return to Seyren even after thrown.
Blood Vials: Seyren carried several blood vials to substitute his own blood to be utilized as a medium for his magic.
-Seyren is almost always wearing regal clothings of dark blue and black overcoat and white scarf.
-Seyren owns a manor in the heart of Vysoria, with its own garden and pool.
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