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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯


The Robot Roleplayer a.k.a Zendrek
Character Sign up sheet and Groups to Join!

Here is the Character Sheet and also the list of accepted characters and what groups they are in:

The Fauna Royalty

@Kayzo - Mao

@The Mythic Dragon - Feros Kilian

@Kayzo - Megumi

@Wild Born - Jani

@SummerWolf - Ryke

@theglassangel - Laiea

@RubyRose - Lyre Altaira

@JessBeth - Aine Golden

@StoneyJr - Larentia Shikari

@JessBeth - Yin

@TheHappyPikachu - Inutsuki

@Archdemon - Silver

@NightCasterZ - Jakob

@IceSolstice - Ren

@Marcel Alexandross - Teal

@OceanBunny - Vinny

@Hawkeye - Clint

Name: (First and Last name.)

Age: (How old are you?)

Gender: (Male or Female?)

Species: (What kind of Kemonomimi are you? What kind of robot are you?)

Aura: (Can you control elements? Can you heal people? Can you perform telekinesis?)

Occupation: (This is optional so you can put none as well, do you work as a chef, fisherman or blacksmith?)

Affiliation:(This is optional so you can put none as well, Are you just a Guardian or are you a part of Arkhaios?)

Personality: (What is your character like?)

History: (Your character's story.)

Sexuality: (Heterosexual or something else?)

Crush: (Who does your character like?)

Appearance: (A Picture of your character and maybe some description about his appearance.)

Other: (Anything else that should be mentioned?).

Here is a description of each group if you wish to join! (First come, First serve!):

The Fauna Royalty:

Descendants of the first Kemonomimi who founded the Kingdom of Fauna, they basically rule the kingdom and run it. They also do their best to keep the peace and are quite popular with the citizens as well. The Fauna family are known for their great power in Aura.

The Guardians of Aura:

A Group of Guardians whose Combat skills and Aura have been trained to protect the Kingdom of Fauna from threats and other deadly beings. They are also responsible with the protection of the Fauna Royalty and the citizens of Fauna from all harm. They wield many different kinds of weapons ranging from swords to spears and other tools.

Arkhaios Guild:

The term Arkhaios means "Ancient" in greek. This group is interested in human history and has traveled the land of Fauna in search of human artifacts and anything else that they can find. They are most specialized in human history however many believe that humans are just rumors.

Sapient Brotherhood:

A Secret Society of Human Worshipers who believe Humans to be immortal and godly due to their technological advancements. They have interests in recreating the technology that the humans once had, in order to conquer the Kingdom of Fauna.

The Robot Survivors:

Thousands of years have passed and Humanity is extinct. The only sentient life that comes from that age is a combination of circuitry and computation. These robots are worn out and old however still possess some memories of the year 2113 before the "End of the world" depending on what state you are in. You are quite old and are not as in good shape as you use to be.


Anything you want to discuss about, please do it

on the OOC Thread.

Thank you
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Character Sheet Entry


Name: Arona Iris

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Swift fox Kemonomimi

Aura: Telepathic Messaging (The ability to use her Aura to send messages to other people telepathically.)

Occupation: Archaeologist/Explorer

Affiliation: Arkhaios Guild Member

Personality: Arona is a curious, bubbly and hyperactive kind of person, she's always looking forward to seeing new things but can get a bit too overexcited about everything even if it's something that doesn't seem too interesting but she is always seeking to learn something new every day.

History: Arona has always been interested in studying about the human race. She joined the Arkhaios guild about two years ago to further her studies in human history and ever since then, she has been exploring the land of fauna in search of human artifacts. Her most prized possession is her ancient rusted "metal statue" that she found in death valley.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: Open~

Other: She sometimes takes random naps.


Name: Horatio

Age: Presumably around Fifty Thousand years old

Gender: Masculine Programming

Species: Endurable Unit Model 900

Aura: None

Occupation: None

Affiliation: Arkhaios Guild

Personality: Horatio is a stoic, calm and patient one, he does not ask any questions unless he completely feels the need to know the answer to them. He does not have much of a personality but he enjoys doing simple activities such as reading, tinkering with hardware and talking to his friend Arona at times.

History: While on an expedition to find the rumored lost gems of death valley, Arona stumbled across a large crevice in the middle of death valley. She ventured down into the crevice and discovered that there were plants growing down here. While exploring the crevice, she saw a cave and what appears to be a "metal statue" lying in front of the small cave. Arona was very excited about her find and brought it back to the Arkhaios guild to show it to her guild members while also examining it. Horatio was accidentally activated by Arona's Aura and ever since has been good friends with each other.

Sexuality: None at the Moment

Crush: None

Other: He seems to have no memory of his past.

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|General Information|

  • Alexander

|Biography of Alexander|

  • Alexander has a calm demeanor. He does what he is told and does it to the best of his abilities. His loyalty for his master does not falter and even if it were the world against his master, he would not think of doing anything but serving him. This can be a fault of Alexander's, especially if used against him. He doesn't speak very much, if at all. If fighting comes up, Alexander will never be the first to attack. He will only do so after being provoked by something or someone else attacking him. Besides these traits, Alexander can not feel emotions as he was not programmed to be able to do so. This does mean, however, that he bases what he does off of what he can say is right or wrong based on how most other's determine either.

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Hidden Fauna








A strong healing aura




Fauna Royalty


Hidden is generally a pleasant person to be around. Social, he always loved to meet someone new. A bit humble, thinking himself to be no better then that guy over there. Intelligent, not rushing into things blindly. Calm, not one to get riled over a small dispute. Yet, despite these traits, Hidden has a backbone. He can and will defend himself and those he cares for whenever possible and hopefully without physical action.


Waiting for the other Fauna.


Pansexual, heteroromantic




Hidden is 6' 5" that weighs in at 150 lbs. He had angular features, a pale complexion, and bright hazel eyes that retain light golden flecks. Hidden has a large pair of eagle like wings, talon like claws on his boney hands, and the fur covered paws of a lion for his feet. His tail is like that of a the big cat, quite long with a brown tuff of fur. It has the same golden color as the fur along his feet. The fur runs up his legs and part of his torso where it blends with his wings and skin. His hair is a stark white and a bit long though not enough to cause vision impairment.

Hidden usually dresses in robes and cloth like garments, usually with a long loincloth like front due to cloth pants being too hard to maintain with fur.

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Name: Eternal Intelligent Archive of Science and Technology (EI)

Age: over 50,000

Gender: Designed to be female

Species: Robot Gynoid

Aura: none

Occupation: none

Affiliation: Robot survivors

Personality: EI is rather calm and tends to see things only though the lens of science seeing the idea that the planet was ever out of balance as a complete misunderstanding of what happened. She tends to be doubtful and harsh towards anything that is not scientific; even if it is shown to her she will never call anything magic. When she is not cold and harsh, seemingly deadest on erasing every last ounce of wonder from everything, she is rather calm and sometimes even kind. She has great interest in learning almost any confirmed fact she can and clearing up superstition, so that knowledge which she sees as the key to understanding can be attained.

Bio: EI was built just before the world of humans started to fall, by a man she only calls her father, given he made her to resemble his daughter, as an archive to save the knowledge of humanity for he felt the end was near for a completely different reason than why it actually came. Her father made sure she would last using every last bit of his wealth to build a bunker that would last "for eternity" and he filled it with lesser robotic servants to make sure the bunker would be maintained along with the "sleeping" EI.

Well the end came and it went and the lesser robots did their job, they defended the bunker and the sleeping EI and they made sure it stood the test of time. Still time took its toll on them some stopped functioning but all lost bits of their memory and rewrote them as they talked it over to the point they didn't remember why they maintained the bunker and the "sleeping "girl. Time kept passing and in time they started calling her their sleeping queen and they lost more and more of their number and the bunker started to deteriorate, but by that time they only knew they had to make sure the "queen" was safe.

Fifty thousand years have come and gone and now all that is left is one barely functioning robot to maintain his sleeping queen for a reason unknown to him. Still despite everything falling into ruin Ei has been faithfully maintained so that she looks basically just the same as she did when she was first made minus a few chips here and there. Still this cannot last in time this final servant will fail and who can say what will happen when he does.

Sexuality: asexual

crush: none


Name: Casper Feynhardt

Age: 23 (Birthday: August 29)

Gender: Male

Species: Ram kemonomimi

Aura: Visual Illusions (Cannot be touched/heard/tasted/smelled, if one person can see it, then everyone can, the bigger the illusion/the less energy he has, the fuzzier/foggier it looks [At normal energy levels, the fuzziness begins to be noticeable when it's anything bigger than he is])

Occupation: Second-In-Command to the Guardians of Aura

Affiliation: Guardians of Aura

Personality: Calm and soft spoken, but not shy. He has a deep respect for the kingdom, and anyone with an authority, probably to a fault. Will overlook questionable commands/actions if they're coming from a 'reliable source' (Not "This thing is wrong, but because it's coming from a higher power, I'm not going to say anything", but "I thought this thing was wrong, but coming from them, it must be right!"). Has a hard time understanding anything outside of that mentality. However, he’s not a ‘my-way-or-the-highway’ type of person, and wants to keep peace and make friends, so he will be kind regardless, even though he might try to get others to see his way. He isn’t too adventurous, not doing anything too risky if it isn’t part of his job. He joined the Guardians to protect the people, not for the thrills.

History: Has a brother, Rumdarjun. (A member of the Brotherhood who is probably going to be played by Pretzel Heart at some point) They were close as children, but as they grew older, their changing mentalities drove them apart. Casper's deep love and respect for the kingdom and its government made him want to serve and protect it, but put him at odds with his brother.

A fairly unremarkable childhood, he wanted to serve the kingdom from a young age.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush: None yet!

Appearance: 5'5", Ram horns about the size of his head (he hangs sweaters from them when nobody is looking), thick fluffy white hair, and yellow-eyes with a faraway stare. Looks just a bit young for his age. When deep in thought, he looks like he's trying very hard not to laugh at something.

Other: Knits sweaters in his spare time.

Ugly-holiday-sweater-worn-by-your-local-librarian-year-round-level sweaters. If you are friends, he will knit one for you, probably. (He won't be too deeply offended if you don't wear it, though, just don't throw it out.)


Caius Amadeo Fauna.






Basilisk, King of Serpents.




The Fauna Royalty.


As the spirit of the Basilisk runs in his veins, Caius’ Aura is concentrated in his eyes. Without even channeling, his stare is transfixing enough to capture attention and reflect whatever emotion he is feeling into whoever is unlucky enough to make eye contact. With his Aura, however, Caius’ stare becomes a poison, able control its targets neural perceptions. What this means is that Caius’s can make someone feel extreme pain, or take away any feeling whatsoever, through a glance. While their physical body will remain unchanged, the mental perception alone can be crushing, and even by just using this power in the tiniest, almost untraceable amounts, he can sometimes manipulate people into his bidding (for example, if someone isn’t using the right detergent on his cravat, he might use a tiny amount of pain while lecturing them to make sure they get it right the next time). His power can only work through direct eye contact, however, so it can only work on one person at a time, maybe more if they were standing close enough to each other (by direct eye contact we mean that, if someone were covered from head to toe in cloth, or even standing behind a transparent screen, they would be unaffected). Also, if a third party were to intervene (as in pushing the victim out of Caius’ eyesight), the spell could be broken and wears off relatively quickly (as in a matter of seconds).

Often found wearing a very serious, withdrawn expression, Caius is the type of person to firmly say the most ridiculous things without twitching a lip or blinking an eye. A self-proclaimed “Dandy,” he is very precise about his physical appearance, manner of dress, and speech. Caius will often go to extreme lengths to follow his unwritten “Gentleman’s Code,” and appeal to what he deems a “higher sense of fashion.” Because of this, he is very interested in human culture, and frequently demand sto speak to Guild members about any discoveries they might make involving ancient human fashion. He is also a bit of a Libertine, believing “desire,” as a part of nature (something that kemonomimi are inherently born with), can never be considered “wrong.” Therefore, he can seem childish or spoiled, making sometimes outrageous demands and thinking himself perfectly within his rights to do so. However, he always remains true to his Gentleman’s Code. Due to his instinctual animalistic programming, he has a distinct hatred for all things resembling or related to weasel / mongoose kemonomimi, as these are the only natural enemy of the Basilisk. However, even though he will do his very best to distance himself from such creatures, as a member of the Fauna Royalty, he recognizes that they are his subjects and are due some order of rights...just as long as one of his siblings handles them. As a leader he is very forthright and proud, having no problem asserting himself or reminding others of his authority. His decisions are often brash, however, or just make sense to no one but himself. Since he is stubborn it can be hard to persuade him that he is wrong, unless appealing to his “Gentleman’s Code.” However, he is not completely incompetent or selfish, and does often think about his country and people, even if in the wrong light. He is a firm believer in structure, the type of person who would laugh at terms such as “social mobility,” and thinks that high-cultured arenas of thought such as Libertinism should be reserved for those of means who can afford it. Finally, since he has a rather nasty vain streak, he is often caught staring into mirrors, as if entranced by his own beauty, and makes to have one always nearby.

As a member of the Fauna Royalty, Caius has always taken himself very seriously, and was a bit of a solemn child, keeping to himself and studying extensively. While born with the name “Amadeo,” after becoming fascinated with legends about an ancient and great human general, he rechristened himself “Caius.” Starting out as a royal with the purest of intentions, he felt constantly stifled and held back by the systems of bureaucracy and a long line of advisors and siblings also jostling for a say in how to run their kingdom. Because of this he slowly became increasingly childish, wanting to gain attention and have his voice be heard. This is probably also where his affinity for flashy clothing stems. As time passed, he began to think that maybe it didn’t mattered if he fought to try and make beneficial changes for his country, and came to realize that there is a logic to the status quo, and large, over-reaching plans of social reconstruction would only create a different social hierarchy, rather than equilibrate it. Although very astute and “by the book” as a child, he became much more comfortable with his own desires, and doing anything to make them come about. After all, as someone born into the highest station in the land, he felt that it was partially his birthright to do so.

((More to come and changes to be made based on kings and things and the how the other siblings turn out))


He likes all pretty things. Because of his more Libertine views, he wouldn’t restrict himself on anything when it comes to achieving his desires.


It could be anyone, as long as they’re not a mongoose.


A proper Dandy, Caius is always at his best dressed and most refined. His hair is the color of river clay, and while some of his advisors have told him that maybe its styling isn’t the most fashionable choice, it has only made him more resolute never to change it. While his eyes are a sharp gold, when channeling his Aura, they seem to be intensely dazzling, making it even harder for someone inflicted to look away. His skin is uncannily smooth, which he is very proud of, giving the feeling of a snakes’ scales when stroked the right way, and is a medium-colored tan. The one thing of his heritage that he does get embarrassed about is his long, wavering tongue which has a habit of peeking out whenever he gets overly emotional. Because he finds it ungentlemanly, he tries to keep it tucked away most of the time. His canines are a little sharper and skinnier than normally found in mammal-based kemonomimi as well.


He loves to eat roasted birds.
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Name: Mao Springs

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Fox

Aura: Mao has a cheerful Aura that allows her to heal wounds and sicknesses. While she can heal many things, there are something's she cannot. Fatal diseases, fatal or near fatal wounds, etc. Mao works as hard as she can to become strong enough to heal anything.

Occupation: Healer

Affiliation: The Guardians of Aura

Personality: Mao has a very cheerful and enthusiastic personality. She tries to find the good in bad things, and is always very gentle. She's a very selfless person, always putting others lives in front of her own, taking care of others before herself even if they aren't hurt as bad. This is a good thing for her as well as a bad. It encourages her to do better and help others, but might one day result in her own death.

History: Mao began her Healer training at age 12, when she first discovered her aura, and her passion of helping people. She trained for 11 long but enlightening years, ad was assigned to assist the guards, as they seemed to get hurt the most.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: None at the moment, but wouldn't mind finding Someone

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  • image.jpg
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Appearance:[/URL] 5'5", Ram horns about the size of his head (he hangs sweaters from them when nobody is looking), thick fluffy white hair, and yellow-eyes with a faraway stare. Looks just a bit young for his age. When deep in thought, he looks like he's trying very hard not to laugh at something.

Other: Knits sweaters in his spare time.

Ugly-holiday-sweater-worn-by-your-local-librarian-year-round-level sweaters. If you are friends, he will knit one for you, probably. (He won't be too deeply offended if you don't wear it, though, just don't throw it out.)
Karcen said:
Name: Eternal Intelligent Archive of Science and Technology (EI)
Age: over 50,000

Gender: Designed to be female

Species: Robot Gynoid

Aura: none

Occupation: none

Affiliation: Robot survivors

Personality: EI is rather calm and tends to see things only though the lens of science seeing the idea that the planet was ever out of balance as a complete misunderstanding of what happened. She tends to be doubtful and harsh towards anything that is not scientific; even if it is shown to her she will never call anything magic. When she is not cold and harsh, seemingly deadest on erasing every last ounce of wonder from everything, she is rather calm and sometimes even kind. She has great interest in learning almost any confirmed fact she can and clearing up superstition, so that knowledge which she sees as the key to understanding can be attained.

Bio: EI was built just before the world of humans started to fall, by a man she only calls her father, given he made her to resemble his daughter, as an archive to save the knowledge of humanity for he felt the end was near for a completely different reason than why it actually came. Her father made sure she would last using every last bit of his wealth to build a bunker that would last "for eternity" and he filled it with lesser robotic servants to make sure the bunker would be maintained along with the "sleeping" EI.

Well the end came and it went and the lesser robots did their job, they defended the bunker and the sleeping EI and they made sure it stood the test of time. Still time took its toll on them some stopped functioning but all lost bits of their memory and rewrote them as they talked it over to the point they didn't remember why they maintained the bunker and the "sleeping "girl. Time kept passing and in time they started calling her their sleeping queen and they lost more and more of their number and the bunker started to deteriorate, but by that time they only knew they had to make sure the "queen" was safe.

Fifty thousand years have come and gone and now all that is left is one barely functioning robot to maintain his sleeping queen for a reason unknown to him. Still despite everything falling into ruin Ei has been faithfully maintained so that she looks basically just the same as she did when she was first made minus a few chips here and there. Still this cannot last in time this final servant will fail and who can say what will happen when he does.

Sexuality: asexual

crush: none


StoneWolf18 said:


Hidden Fauna








A strong healing aura


Fauna Royalty


Fauna Royalty


Hidden is generally a pleasant person to be around. Social, he always loved to meet someone new. A bit humble, thinking himself to be no better then that guy over there. Intelligent, not rushing into things blindly. Calm, not one to get riled over a small dispute. Yet, despite these traits, Hidden has a backbone. He can and will defend himself and those he cares for whenever possible and hopefully without physical action.


Waiting for the other Fauna.


Pansexual, heteroromantic




Hidden is 6' 5" that weighs in at 150 lbs. He had angular features, a pale complexion, and bright hazel eyes that retain light golden flecks. Hidden has a large pair of eagle like wings, talon like claws on his boney hands, and the fur covered paws of a lion for his feet. His tail is like that of a the big cat, quite long with a brown tuff of fur. It has the same golden color as the fur along his feet. The fur runs up his legs and part of his torso where it blends with his wings and skin. His hair is a stark white and a bit long though not enough to cause vision impairment.

Hidden usually dresses in robes and cloth like garments, usually with a long loincloth like front due to cloth pants being too hard to maintain with fur.

MrLlama said:


|General Information|

  • Alexander

|Biography of Alexander|

  • Alexander has a calm demeanor. He does what he is told and does it to the best of his abilities. His loyalty for his master does not falter and even if it were the world against his master, he would not think of doing anything but serving him. This can be a fault of Alexander's, especially if used against him. He doesn't speak very much, if at all. If fighting comes up, Alexander will never be the first to attack. He will only do so after being provoked by something or someone else attacking him. Besides these traits, Alexander can not feel emotions as he was not programmed to be able to do so. This does mean, however, that he bases what he does off of what he can say is right or wrong based on how most other's determine either.

Welcome to the World of Gaia! You are all accepted!
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Malin Freirlin Fauna

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Dragon

Aura: Malin's Aura gives him control over all four of the elements, though he is only really good at controling air. Though Malin can manipulate the elements, he can not create that element, there must be a source of said element around, hence why he uses air so well.

Occupation: Being The Fauna Prince Is a full time job.

Affiliation: The Fauna Royal Family

Personality: Malin can be fairly... stuck up. He makes it known when he doesnt believe that someone is on his level. Often times he will make backhanded comments that he doesnt necessarily intend to be mean, but theare anyways. Other than those qualities Malin is a pretty interesting character. He can come off as a bit over zealous at times, but he usually has good intentions... usually.


Sexuality: Bi-Curious, though not sure.

Crush: Malin doesn't really have a crush, as he doesn't feel there is anyone worthy of having that title.


Malin is about 5'9 and weighs roughly 300 pounds despite his lean build. He has a pair of golden dragon wings, but they aren't large enough to cary his weight. They'reretractable just like his dragon talons..

Other: Malin has always dreamed of being the hero of the story, and hopes that he gets that chance someday. When he isn't being taught his school lessons by his tutor, or learning human history, he loves sneaking to watch the royal guards train, hoping to be at their level one day.

As added protection, Malin's skin can harden and turn into scales, which change color depending on what element he ismanipulating/contacting. Malin's eyes also change color.​
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Kayzo said:
Name: Mao Springs
Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Fox

Aura: Mao has a cheerful Aura that allows her to heal wounds and sicknesses. While she can heal many things, there are something's she cannot. Fatal diseases, fatal or near fatal wounds, etc. Mao works as hard as she can to become strong enough to heal anything.

Occupation: Healer

Affiliation: The Guardians of Aura

Personality: Mao has a very cheerful and enthusiastic personality. She tries to find the good in bad things, and is always very gentle. She's a very selfless person, always putting others lives in front of her own, taking care of others before herself even if they aren't hurt as bad. This is a good thing for her as well as a bad. It encourages her to do better and help others, but might one day result in her own death.

History: Mao began her Healer training at age 12, when she first discovered her aura, and her passion of helping people. She trained for 11 long but enlightening years, ad was assigned to assist the guards, as they seemed to get hurt the most.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: None at the moment, but wouldn't mind finding Someone

Accepted but....I can't see the IMG
Name: Mary Fauna

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon

Aura: Fire

Occupation: Princess

Affiliation: Fauna Royalty

Personality: Mary is a kind and caring princess, who loves her people, and will do anything to protect them from harm. She sometimes sneak out of the castle, so she can visit her people in secret, and is very clumsy when she does leave the castle. Mary doesn't get angry very easily, and when she does get angry she is very scary.



Crush: N/A


She also has wings

Wearing her dress:

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Name: Hakuman "Haku" Kedisi

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Nekomimi [Van Kedisi Breed]

Aura: Body enhancement. The ability to enhance her own physical abilities such as strength, speed, defense, etc to overwhelming extents. She can do so up to the extent of increasing her all abilities up to 20% and sometimes even up to 50%, but she can only maintain that state for a limited amount of time, and receives harsh backlash when used.

Occupation: Leader of Xī Fāng Bái Hǔ

Affiliation: Xī Fāng Bái Hǔ (The name of the Gang)

Personality: You can say her temperament is much similar to a cats as well, such as her love of fish, fear of water, etc. Unlike her age, she still has a childish nature. She has no self control, and does what she wants, acting spoiled. Is easily distracted and tends to not listen to others. Having always been the top in her area she has a mindset that she could do whatever she wants.

History: "Because I'm strong, I can do anything."

As she was born she had always been the strongest around, always being the top. Because of this she has become quite the confident and oblivious individual as most of the things she's owned someone has gotten it for her, so she hasn't really gone out to the real world. She had no worries. Living her life lazily like a cat, she breezed through life defeating anyone who had opposed her. She lives her life in freedom, and has never thought of such troublesome things like territory, money, or power. She'd rather go bathe in the sun, take naps, and eat fish.


She is attracted to fish and only fish. She is oblivious to anything else.

Crush: Does fish count?




She likes fish, a lot.

Accepts fish bribes
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Aaron Dellis

"A true smile is the only smile that counts, and a lifetime with a day without a smile, is a lifetime wasted. That is why I am a entertainer."


Name: Aaron Dellis




Grey - He can transfer mental problems from one person to another, the other usually being himself, which makes him seem masochistic, since he can give it to someone else rather than himself.His aura turns darker every time he uses it , and it works when he touches the other person physically.


None at the moment

He HATES seeing others sad, doing anything and everything to see a smile on someones face, or at least not a frown. He is quite selfless in this aspect of his personality, again going back to his aura power, making him again seem like a masochist. Aaron also may seem slightly off, meaning insane sometimes, which is understandable considering how his healing power works, which isn't really healing, more like transferring. Back to his personality, he is magnificent in acting although he is not a actor, at least for a living. He pretends to be happy and usually is seen smiling, even when he is in pain (Both Mentally/Physically) when he is with people. His smile quickly disappears if you manage to see him alone.

He is usually honest, although he speaks in riddles when he does speak the truth, or at least the truth he doesn't want to admit it.He looks up to his father, and sometimes quotes him when his own words are 'off'.


He was literally born around a circus, his father being the ring leader of the previous generation of Noah Ark's Circus. He pretty much followed in his father's footsteps, as he did so he went crossed paths of the older singer, Lyre. He always respected him as a person, as he does with his audience. Aaron isn't really used to preforming without him, since both of them had grown up together in the circus. His father taking him to the circus when he was 5 years old to watch his shows, he honestly loved it, he enjoyed the atmosphere. His favorite person/people in the circus were the clowns, the ones who made people laugh at him and made others laugh on their own. A few years past until he was 8 year old, which is when his mother left him and his father when the circus started to fail and didn't rack in enough profit. Aaron started to 'act' around this time, his father kept what he could from him, but he knew, he might have been eight however he knew that it was just his father and him in his family now.

There was a slow decrease in actors, and slow decrease in money that the circus was making, he was mastering his fake smile at this time. His father on the other hand was getting depressed, mainly because of the situation of the Circus and Aaron's mother walking out on the two. This is when he found out about his aura accidentally, which was light grey at the time since he hadn't used it before, when he grabbed his father's hand when he was ten years old to make HIM go see the circus again, when that happened he saw everything, every depressing thought his father had and took it. When the 'transfer' was complete, he said to himself, "Don't worry dad, let me take the memories away, you don't need to burden yourself. I'll take the baggage." Which was surprising to him, considering first how wise it was, and that he promised that.

More time passed, the bad memories his father has now his instead, he started to take part in the circus. It usually helped with the depression that his father had, starting to fill in for his father as the ringleader. The popularity of Noah's Ark was increasing rapidly, which was good for business, his father said it was because of the 'new faces' referring to the 'new generation' which composed of Lyre and himself. Although, he does believe the older members have a great part to offer to the circus. He started to take the Ringmaster role, while his father stayed at home to relax, he found it a little boring so he started to teach himself magic tricks for the audience to enjoy and have their jaw dropped. He starts with classic ones, and then goes on to more creative ones that were special for his own circus.


N/A (PM me please)

(Added this because the picture is in black and white, hope it is fine.) He stands around 5'9, a fairly average height, and is usually seen in a suit with white gloves when he is preforming, when he isn't he changes into more casual attire such as a t-shirt and some jeans. He keeps a clock with him at all times. His hair color is dark brown, while his eye color is even darker, the shade getting close to black. His skin tone is fair.His bunny ears are around 6 inches and are on the outside white





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Yunn said:
Not done.
Name: Hakuman

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Nekomimi [Van Kedisi Breed]

Aura: Body enhancement.

Occupation: Leader of a gang in the West.

Affiliation: Xī Fāng Bái Hǔ (The name of the Gang)

Personality: She's an exact representation of a cat.

History: wip.

Sexuality: She is attracted to fish and only fish. She is oblivious to anything else

Crush: Does fish count?



Other: She likes fish, a lot.
Welcome to the World of Gaia! Do finish up the History if you can please!
[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]

Aaron Dellis

"A true smile is the only smile that counts, and a lifetime with a day without a smile, is a lifetime wasted. That is why I am a entertainer."


Name: Aaron Dellis




Grey - He can transfer mental problems from one person to another, the other usually being himself, which makes him seem masochistic, since he can give it to someone else rather than himself.His aura turns darker every time he uses it , and it works when he touches the other person physically.


None at the moment

He HATES seeing others sad, doing anything and everything to see a smile on someones face, or at least not a frown. He is quite selfless in this aspect of his personality, again going back to his aura power, making him again seem like a masochist. Aaron also may seem slightly off, meaning insane sometimes, which is understandable considering how his healing power works, which isn't really healing, more like transferring. Back to his personality, he is magnificent in acting although he is not a actor, at least for a living. He pretends to be happy and usually is seen smiling, even when he is in pain (Both Mentally/Physically) when he is with people. His smile quickly disappears if you manage to see him alone.

He is usually honest, although he speaks in riddles when he does speak the truth, or at least the truth he doesn't want to admit it.He looks up to his father, and sometimes quotes him when his own words are 'off'.


He was literally born around a circus, his father being the ring leader of the previous generation of Noah Ark's Circus. He pretty much followed in his father's footsteps, as he did so he went crossed paths of the older singer, Lyre. He always respected him as a person, as he does with his audience. Aaron isn't really used to preforming without him, since both of them had grown up together in the circus. His father taking him to the circus when he was 5 years old to watch his shows, he honestly loved it, he enjoyed the atmosphere. His favorite person/people in the circus were the clowns, the ones who made people laugh at him and made others laugh on their own. A few years past until he was 8 year old, which is when his mother left him and his father when the circus started to fail and didn't rack in enough profit. Aaron started to 'act' around this time, his father kept what he could from him, but he knew, he might have been eight however he knew that it was just his father and him in his family now.

There was a slow decrease in actors, and slow decrease in money that the circus was making, he was mastering his fake smile at this time. His father on the other hand was getting depressed, mainly because of the situation of the Circus and Aaron's mother walking out on the two. This is when he found out about his aura accidentally, which was light grey at the time since he hadn't used it before, when he grabbed his father's hand when he was ten years old to make HIM go see the circus again, when that happened he saw everything, every depressing thought his father had and took it. When the 'transfer' was complete, he said to himself, "Don't worry dad, let me take the memories away, you don't need to burden yourself. I'll take the baggage." Which was surprising to him, considering first how wise it was, and that he promised that.

More time passed, the bad memories his father has now his instead, he started to take part in the circus. It usually helped with the depression that his father had, starting to fill in for his father as the ringleader. The popularity of Noah's Ark was increasing rapidly, which was good for business, his father said it was because of the 'new faces' referring to the 'new generation' which composed of Lyre and himself. Although, he does believe the older members have a great part to offer to the circus. He started to take the Ringmaster role, while his father stayed at home to relax, he found it a little boring so he started to teach himself magic tricks for the audience to enjoy and have their jaw dropped. He starts with classic ones, and then goes on to more creative ones that were special for his own circus.


N/A (PM me please)

(Added this because the picture is in black and white, hope it is fine.) He stands around 5'9, a fairly average height, and is usually seen in a suit with white gloves when he is preforming, when he isn't he changes into more casual attire such as a t-shirt and some jeans. He keeps a clock with him at all times. His hair color is dark brown, while his eye color is even darker, the shade getting close to black. His skin tone is fair.His bunny ears are around 6 inches and are on the outside white






Welcome to the World of Gaia!
Name: Ciel Reve

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Falcon

Aura: Ciel has the ability to manipulate fire.

Occupation: Commander

Affiliation: Guardian of Aura

Personality: Ciel takes his job as a commander and guardian seriously as he strives to ensure a relaxed environment for his subordinates and commander. However, by no means does he encourage slacking off he expects everyone to give their best to protect the kingdom of Fauna. In his mind it's important that the guardians enjoy the peace that their kingdom is experiencing when they can in order to remember what they're protecting. After all how can someone defend something if they don't know what is at risk. This peace and happiness is the most important thing in the world to him, and if his life must be put on the line to protect it then he will gladly make that sacrifice.

When he isn't working as the subcommander ofthe guardians he prefers to take things at his own pace. His personal philosophy is to enjoy the moment since you never know what might happen next. That is why people can often find him laying around while basking in the sun and enjoying the wind whenever he can kind find the time. Nevertheless, he instantly switches gears when his kingdom is in need of him and the guardians.

History: Born to a family of traveling merchants Ciel never stayed in one place for too long. Because of this life style, Ciel learned to live in the moment, since you'll never know what tomorrow might bring. After meeting so many people, while traveling with his family, he grew to appreciate the peace that the Kemonomimi, and eventually left his family to join the guardians. Ciel knew that this what he had to do if he wanted to safeguard the peace he loved. However, this decision had one drawback in that he may never see his family again considering they never stayed in one place for long.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: None currently



Other: Whenever he buys something Ciel always attempts to haggle down the price as much as possible.
Unlucky said:
Name: Ciel Reve
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Falcon

Aura: Ciel has the ability to manipulate fire.

Occupation: Commander

Affiliation: Guardian of Aura

Personality: Ciel takes his job as a commander and guardian seriously as he strives to ensure a relaxed environment for his subordinates and commander. However, by no means does he encourage slacking off he expects everyone to give their best to protect the kingdom of Fauna. In his mind it's important that the guardians enjoy the peace that their kingdom is experiencing when they can in order to remember what they're protecting. After all how can someone defend something if they don't know what is at risk. This peace and happiness is the most important thing in the world to him, and if his life must be put on the line to protect it then he will gladly make that sacrifice.

When he isn't working as the subcommander ofthe guardians he prefers to take things at his own pace. His personal philosophy is to enjoy the moment since you never know what might happen next. That is why people can often find him laying around while basking in the sun and enjoying the wind whenever he can kind find the time. Nevertheless, he instantly switches gears when his kingdom is in need of him and the guardians.

History: Born to a family of traveling merchants Ciel never stayed in one place for too long. Because of this life style, Ciel learned to live in the moment, since you'll never know what tomorrow might bring. After meeting so many people, while traveling with his family, he grew to appreciate the peace that the Kemonomimi, and eventually left his family to join the guardians. Ciel knew that this what he had to do if he wanted to safeguard the peace he loved. However, this decision had one drawback in that he may never see his family again considering they never stayed in one place for long.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: None currently



Other: Whenever he buys something Ciel always attempts to haggle down the price as much as possible.
Welcome to the World of Gaia! So you are Captain of the Guard right? because Second in Command is taken Sorry D:
"Ni-hi-hi-hi. You say Aura can solve everything. Sure... Puff! And all problems are gone. Except there is no Aura that can solve foolishness."

Name: Giss Blackrat

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Rat

Aura: None. Couldn't use aura since birth.

Occupation: Arkhaios Guildmaster.

Rumored to be a wicked magician (he is actually something like a scientist or historian).


Guildmaster. Lots of weird rumors about him are going around the guild. Neither Guardians of Aura or Fauna Royalty favour him much, but received advice from Giss a number of times.


Giss is short and skinny, hence he is often mistaken for a kid. His messy grey hair is long enough to completely hide his rat ears. The eyes are bright red, they tend to ominiously glow in the dark. A large rat-like tail is attached to his body, It is about as long as Giss's height. He prefers to wear dark robes of rough cloth, always with a long black scarf on his shoulders covering everything up to the nose.

Overall he looks like an evil person.


You know how humans used to scare naughty children with bogeyman? For a lot of Kemonomimi, Giss is exactly that kind of existence. Although he wouldn't be chased away if he entered a town, he would still receive lots of piercing glares.

The first impression that Giss usually makes is... terrifying. Even if you forget that he looks like someone who could ambush you at night and steal your wallet, his manners are similar to that of a wicked magician. The way he laughs, the way he talks, everything makes him look scary. And yet, he has never hurt a fly in his life.

Giss prefers to avoid conflict. Normally he is not concerned about the matters of other people, but if he can save a life - he will do it.


For some reason, Giss was born Aura-less. He was inferior to other children. Giss's parents thought of him as a cripple. Perhaps, because of that young Giss became interested in the laws of nature. Even if Aura was out of his reach, he believed that the same results could be achieved without it. It was soon that others started to whisper behind his back "That rat is using the craft of Humans! The magic that once destroyed the world!". But they couldn't stop Giss. At some point Giss had to leave the town, even his parents became terrified of him.

Giss used to be quite a loner at that time, but he would always help there where Aura was useless. Treating rare diseases or making lands fertile again, his knowledge saved the lives of many Kemonomimi. But this much couldn't cure the reputation of someone who practised "evil" Science.

A portion of those whose lives were saved by Giss came to believe that the source of his wisdom were the texts of ancient Humans. Gradually more and more Kemonomimi embarked on the search of the artefacts of the all-mighty ancients. Thus, "Arkhaios Guild" was formed with Giss Blackrat as its center. Even though the latter denies ever agreeing to this matter.

Sexuality: Straight. Probably, not the type to easily fall in love.

Other: Combat is not his forte, but being a rat makes his legs quite powerful. Probably useful for running away.
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SubSonicSausage said:
"Ni-hi-hi-hi. You say Aura can solve everything. Sure... Puff! And all problems are gone. Except there is no Aura that can solve foolishness."
Name: Giss Blackrat

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Rat

Aura: None. Couldn't use aura since birth.

Occupation: Arkhaios Guildmaster.

Rumored to be a wicked magician (he is actually something like a scientist or historian).


Guildmaster. Most of the guild members have never met him. Neither Guardians of Aura or Fauna Royalty do not favour him much, but received advice from Giss a number of times.


Giss is short and skinny, hence he is often mistaken for a kid. His messy grey hair is long enough to completely hide his rat ears. The eyes are bright red, they tend to ominiously glow in the dark. A large rat-like tail is attached to his body, It is about as long as Giss's height. He prefers to wear dark robes of rough cloth, always with a long black scarf on his shoulders covering everything up to the nose.

Overall he looks like an evil person.


You know how humans used to scare naughty children with bogeyman? For a lot of Kemonomimi, Giss is exactly that kind of an existence. Although he wouldn't be chased away if he entered a town, he would still receive lots of piercing glares.

The first impression that Giss usually makes is... terrifying. Even if you forget that he looks like someone who could ambush you at night and steal your wallet, his manners are similar to that of a wicked magician. The way he laughs, the way he talks, everything makes him look scary. And yet, he has never hurt a fly in his life.

Giss prefers to avoid conflict. Normally he is not concerned about the matters of other people, but he can save a life - he will do it.


For some reason, Giss was born Aura-less. He was inferior to other children. Giss's parents thought of him as a cripple. Perhaps, because of that young Giss became interested in the laws of nature. Even if Aura was out of his reach, he believed that the same results could be achieved without it. It was soon that others started to whisper behind his back "That rat is using the craft of Humans! The magic that once destroyed the world!". But they couldn't stop Giss. At some point Giss had to leave the town, even his parents became terrified of him.

Giss used to be quite a loner at that time, but he would always help there where Aura was useless. Treating rare diseases or making lands fertile again, his knowledge saved the lives of many Kemonomimi. But this much couldn't cure the reputation of someone who practised "evil" Science.

A portion of those whose lives were saved by Giss came to believe the source of his wisdom were the texts of ancient Humans. Gradually more and more Kemonomimi embarked on the search of the artefacts of the all-mighty ancients. Thus, "Arkhaios Guild" was formed with Giss Blackrat as its center. Even though the latter denies ever agreeing to this matter.

Sexuality: Straight. Probably, not the type to easily fall in love.

Other: Combat is not his forte, but being a rat makes his legs quite powerful. Probably useful for running away.
Welcome to the World of Gaia!


Vera Soven






Dwarf Lanternshark


Ability to manipulate & solidify water to an extent, helping with movement and other daily tasks.


Member of the Arkhaios Guild


Arkhaios Guild


Vera’s personality is a bit muddled. More often than not, she’s exceedingly intellectual. Having knowledge on subjects she can’t remember learning about yet wouldn’t think twice about correcting you. Not so much for the learning opportunity, yet for the pure humor of comical reactions. Vera is also quite serious, yet that doesn’t mean she hates sarcasm. Trust me, it’s used often.

Then we have a bit of a difference. Vera can be immature, having to making that joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, as mentioned above. Not often, but when needed she won’t hold back a retort in this manner. A tad antisocial. Not wanting to get involved with unnecessary social interactions. But, once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. This make Vera a bit harder to “get used to” than others. Learning how to deal with Vera is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.


Her parents had passed at the age of three due to a common predator, not hard to imagine considering their species. She was soon put in an orphanage where she met <TBD>. He was at the age of 6, arriving a year earily. Despite a strong dislike towards one another in the beginning, they soon took to one another, becoming extremely close friends. Then, when <TBD> was of age to leave, three years before Vera, he stayed and assisted with various chores until she could join him. Adopting the same last name, they are currently “Siblings” and members of the Arkhaios Guild.







Vera is only about 6” inches in length, quite average for her species. Other then that she resembles the picture quite well, other than being female. She doesn't wear any clothing due to the thick, armor like hide covering her upper chest and breast area.


Her “brother” Is portrayed by @RubyRose

Name: Jani Bigelow

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Species: Wolf

Aura: her aura is very unique, though it has no known name she has the rare ability to control another's body and mind through singing...she calls it being a Conductor but its a dangerous and highly feared ability

Personality: Brave, strong, kind, funny, mischievous, playful, reckless

History: (she doesn't remember)

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: N/A


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