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Futuristic The Adventures of the Ulster and her Crew, both Legal and Otherwise


Okay, so, some info to get you started with your CS. There are no aliens, first of all, and I don't know how I feel about androids or cyborgs, PM me if you really really want to be one and we can discuss it. Text descriptions of realistic pictures are preferred, though anime pictures are allowed if you absolutely cannot find anything else you like. Our crew will be a sort of band of rogues, so characters who are very rich or famous, or are currently in any organisations like militaries or corporations wouldn't make much sense in the story, think Firefly or Cowboy Bebop, misfits, rogues, etcetera.

Edit: Ack! Forgot a template for your CS. Here ya go.




Skills (ie. engineering, piloting, etc.):

Equipment (ie. any firearms, tools, or gadgets):

Background (feel free to make it long and detailed):

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.):

Description or Picture:

Another Edit: Also, the RP will begin with the formation of a new crew for the Ulster, so you don't have to work that into your character background.

Yes Another Edit: By the way, colony worlds still have their planet's base gravity, so if you're from Mars, you'll be adapted to the surface gravity, about one third that of Earth, and thus be weaker physically than humans from high gravity worlds. In extreme cases, this might involves canes/crutches/other means of assisted movement when on higher gravity worlds.
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? Scooter ' Scotterr ' Richy ?

  • tumblr_mbjkt39HVf1qkg3a3o1_400.jpg


    Scooter ' Scotterr ' Richy





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Okay, now that I've finished the model of the Ulster for the lore thread. I'll type up my own CS. Looking good so far, people!

Name: Cecilia Tanner

Age: 32

Sex: Female

Skills (ie. engineering, piloting, etc.): Piloting, navigation, basic engineering, basic gunslinging

Equipment (ie. any firearms, tools, or gadgets): A refurbished Sig Sauer P220 that she keeps in a leather hip holster.

Background (feel free to make it long and detailed): Cecilia was born on Ishtar Terra, one of the floating tower cities on Venus. Her father was an important lawyer, and her mother was an accountant for one of the corporations that had established themselves on Venus. Soon after Cecilia's birth, her mother retired so that she could spend all her time with Cecilia and her older brother. Cecilia was a rather difficult child, mainly owing to her unconquerable urge to explore. To her, the swirling masses of yellow and orange clouds of her homeworld beckoned to be probed for all the secrets they might hold. Her parents insisted that she receive a college education, despite her desire to go out and see the universe. After a four year education in astrophysics that she thoroughly hated, she joined a surface prospecting team. She spent five years working daily on the harsh surface, scanning the planet for ore. When she was twenty eight, her everlasting itch to explore all things unknown made her bored of the surface. She took a job as a cargo hand on one of the giant rigid airships that plied the yellow skies of Venus, moving goods from city to city. Eventually, even the beautiful skies of Venus proved too small for her, and she signed aboard the crew of the SS Argent Arrow as a navigator. Eventually, she ended up on a certain earth spacedock in need of a new ship to work on.

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.):

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 117 lbs on Earth (106 lbs on Venus)

Build: She has a rather skinny and lithe body, which helps with navigating the cramped quarters of the various vessels she has served on. This, her somewhat below average height, and her fairly flat chest give her overall figure a somewhat boyish look.

Description or Picture: She is very pale, since she spends most of her time on space ships or stations, so gets very little sunlight. Her features are rounded and soft, with a gently curving jawline and a somewhat weak chin. She has a small, slightly upturned and flat nose. Her lips are fairly average, with a very slight cupid's bow. Cecilia's ears are quite narrow, and her lobes are small and almost, but not quite, attached. Her almond shaped eyes are a deep blue, the colour of Earth's oceans as seen from space. Her hair is a dark shade of burnt umber, and is very clean and soft, at least, it would be soft and silky if she didn't usually keep it shaved or close cropped, which she does for convenience in microgravity.
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Name: Dallas Milton

Age: 31

Sex: Male

Skills: Negotiations, Gunfighting, , Smuggling, Basic Engineering

Equipment: Old .38 revolver, a battle rifle he smuggled off of his old ship


Dallas Milton was born in space. His home was a little rustbucket of a cargo ship they liked to call the Ol' Splendid, owned by a seemingly-average couple who also ran a little smuggling business on the side. He spent most of his life in low-grav flying from one world to another, learning how to talk people down for a good price and how to keep things that didn't need to be seen unseen. Their business was a lucrative one and the family finally settled down quietly on Mars the year Dallas turned 17. But, of course, a born spacer could never stay groundside for long. At the age of 23, Dallas became a USCA officer aboard the SS Steadfast. His reasoning? Free food, free beds, the rights to boss people around and the chance to see the world, for free.

But, that wasn't going to last long: the smuggler's blood in him ran too deep (some might even say he has a slight case of kleptomania). While going on his fourth year, now a First Lieutenant, Dallas was suspected with stealing military equipment and selling them off-ship. He fervantly denied the accusations, but the evidence was slowly mounting. Sensing the end of his career and impending court-martial, Dallas found his way off the ship at the first port they docked and dissapeared, but not before stealing a crate of weapons, one of which he kept as a souvenir.

Eventually, Dallas found work as a mercenary gun-for-hire and had been one for until now, where he found himself back on the spaceports of old Earth, looking for a job.

Physical Characteristics:

Height: 6'2

Weight: 121lbs (on Earth)

Build: Tall and lanky, but muscular due to constant exercising otherwise he'd crumple under Earth's enermous 1 G

Description or Picture: A spacer through and through, his frame is the telltale tall and gangly of a man who has lived in low grav his entire life. He is pale, due to lack of sunlight, with sharp features and a sly smile. His hair is dark orange and styled into a tight military mohawk. His eyes are wolfish in appearance and a steely grey in color. There is a scar on the corner of his mouth and another the stretches across his left cheek: old battle scars. Dalton likes to keeps his beard short, for that rugged rogue look.
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Name: Margaret 'Mar' Shaw

Age: 33

Sex: Female

Skills: Engineering (mechanical, electrical, electronic), EVA, H2H combat (boxing), basic weapons training.

Equipment: Customised EVA hardsuit (servomechanisms for high grav work, additional gold plating for prolonged EVA, left wrist-mounted diagnostic/hacking tool/computer, right wrist-mounted ark welder), various tools (multitool, Stillsons, adjustable spanner, etc.)

Background: Born in megacity London into a family of literature professor and architect, Mar was abandoned by her purist parents for having situs inversus (a congenital condition that causes organs to be mirrored from their normal position). Never aware of her apparent freakiness, Mar grew up in a homeless community, relying on her wits and general scrappiness to survive. As she turned 16, her wanderlust drove her to join RAF to be trained as a mechanic. Life in a military disciplined her a little, yet it was never enough to erase her rash and flamey attitude. At 22, her initial contract ended and three years running RAF Brize Norton boxing champion and skilled specialist Chief Technician Shaw turned her eyes to space. After eleven years of hopping jobs from servicing mining rigs on Mars and surface walkers on Venus to ice mining on Titan and comm array maintenance in the rest of Outer Sol with some occasional work on salvage vessels in Sol asteroid belt, Margaret received word from her old RAF mates about a freelance crew being raised up back on Earth. Longing for the companionship and camaraderie the military used to provide, she finally returns her gaze to Earth.

Physical characteristics;

178cm (5'10")

Weight: 63kg (138lbs)

Build: Athletic

Description: After spending years in space/low-g worlds, Mar lost some of her impressive boxer muscle mass. Her frame is now more agile than buff, which only helps her navigating cramped crawlspaces of commercial vessels. Her short raven hair is fashioned into a wide greased back mohawk, leaving the back of her head and temples shaved. Her facial features are rather elegant and somewhat posh. She has a tattoo under her clavicle - Chf. Tech. AB+.. About ten cm lower than that (where her heart should be), there is a small scar from a puncture wound with burned edges, approx. 1.5cm in diameter. She is never seen outside of her her quarters/crawlspaces without her hardsuit, precisely attuned and adapted to her form and style over the years. It looks a bit worn-out and of dirty dark yellow colour. Breastplate is decorated with intricate floral design (red roses and wines mostly). 'Shaw' is spray painted in generic white stencil font on the back of the suit. Outside of that, she can be seen wearing a rather generic orange jumpsuit, rolled down to her waist, she is usually covered with straps of tool harnesses, belts, torch lights mounts, etc. She can often be seen with an e-cigarette.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3e12438f_img62369365311899178911.jpg.24f14d5f1a4d4d058783f043391fdde0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67831" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3e12438f_img62369365311899178911.jpg.24f14d5f1a4d4d058783f043391fdde0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Maximilian Vandy

Age: 43

Sex: Male

Skills: Expert Gunslinging, Cooking, Hand-to-hand combat, explosives and Melee weapons.


-Ancient Samurai Sword he stole

-Dual 9mm Pistols

-Gerber Mark 8 Combat Knife

-Bag of spices and cooking utensils/supplies

-Old .357 Magnum Revolver



-Flat Cowboy Hat

-Box of Toothpicks

Background: Maximilian is from Earth, Italy to be Precise. He was born in Rome, in the slums to a mother who was a whore and his father was killed when he was a baby by a local mob. Maximilian did manager to get education though, due to some laws in Rome. He excelled in school, surprising for being a street rat. With his mom being a prostitute he had accustomed to cooking and living on his own in his small, shack of a house. During Middle school he focused more on cooking than education, even dropping out of school for a short period of time. He began to drift from his mom and hanging out with the wrong sort of people. Learning how to fight with his hands and even training with knifes and swords.

At the age of 17, he witnessed the murder of his, not so close mother. Even though they weren't close it took Max over the edge and he murdered the people that had took him in and had been his friends for some time. He finished up high school, Graduating with the highest scores in his class. He didn't have a single friend while finishing high school, being quiet and hated by the other students.

When he graduated he left Rome and wandered around Italy, doing various jobs and even cooking at some restaurants. At the age of 21, he joined a local Mercenary band that still worked on Earth, doing the Jobs that police couldn't handle in the Mega-cities of Earth. While he was with this group, they taught him how to use a gun and how to hone his Sword and hand-to-hand skills for free, in return he became there cook too. A win-win for Max, honing most of his skills while with them. He made a bit of a name for himself while in Rome, but soon left when yet again, his family had been killed. The Merc group he had joined were wiped out by yet again a local mob(Hmm. Coincidence?) So, at the age of 27, he saved up his money and ventured out into the stars.

While wandering the solar system, he joined some Merc groups, ran a brothel for a while, joined a pirate group that liked to rob clothing companies. He continued to do jobs here and their until he settled down on Mars at the age of 32. There he met the love of his life, Maria, the soon got married, bought a house and even had a little girl. Sadly, it didn't last, while visiting Earth, Maria and Max's daughter were killed, Maria raped in front of Max. Thus unleashing his inner rage, most would just go crazy and kill everyone, but Max went back to his Rome and decided to be a vigilante, which he did until he was 39, when he was almost killed by a leader of a mob. The same Mob that killed his dad and mother. He soon left Earth once more in search of work, doing anything to get money. He eventually wound up back on Mars, looking for work.

Physical Characteristics:



-Max has a athletic and lean body. Pure Muscle.

Description or Picture: Max is a giant of a man, with a lean and athletic build. He has a rather nice tan, for someone who was in a space ship for a lot of his life. He has a small and roundish nose. His jaw is very noticeable, looking as if it could cut through steel. His ears are rather smallish for his size but would suit an average person. He has a well black beard with some grey hairs popping up in it. He has combed back, black, and medium length hair with strands of grew in it. He has a scar going over his right eye, the length of his face. His eyes are a glazed over and soulless brown. He has a small mouth with small lips, when he shows his teeth they are pearly. He has long arms and legs with large smooth hands.

He is always in his signature leather blazer and pants with boots and leather gloves on. He has his sunglasses on at almost all times, not letting many people see his eyes. He has his samurai sword sheathed on his back and his two 9mm pistols on his hips with a strip of magazines across his chest with the occasional grenade. He also is wearing his signature black flattened cowboy hat and has a toothpick in his mouth at most times.
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Name: Jason "Shade" Grimm

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Skills (ie. engineering, piloting, etc.): Expert hand to hand and stealth, master slide of hand tricks, lockpicking (manual and digital), trained in general weapons as well.

Equipment (ie. any firearms, tools, or gadgets): twin shock batons (effects similar to the stun baton from Tales from the Borderlands), lockpick set built into his stealth suit, stealth suit.

Background (feel free to make it long and detailed): Jason met Mr. Grimm at a street side performance in the lower city of New York. The child became mesmerized by the magician's tricks and thus spent half a day staring at the show. When the crowd finally dispersed Mr. Grimm noticed Jason still standing there. Knowing that the kid's parent would've shown up by now, the man waved the kid over. When he made sure no one else watched, Mr. Grimm took off his hat and showed the kid the insides. Jason had never seen so many wallets and hand purses in one place. With a wink and an invitation, so began years of misadvantures between Mr. Grimm and his new apprentice, Jason.

But all good things must come to an end, and when the old magician decided to retired, he did so without telling Jason. So one day the thief woke up to an empty room, with a note saying "Abite ergo tua fortuna" on it, he knew he'll never see his old master again. Still Jason kept the last name of the master thief, and began reach for his own fortune in the stars. Soon he discovered that assassination wasn't much different than the usual heist he committed and expanded his fortunes across the board. After completing a series of contracts the relatively young man found himself between work once more, and decided to relax a bit before diving headfirst in business once more.

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.): 5'11", 160lbs, lean but muscular (like a swimmer).

Description or Picture:

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Name:Lin Donovan



Skills: Medical graduate,pilot,robotics

Equipment (ie. any firearms, tool or gadgets):Taser,Medical mask and supplies,Titan-ium knife(super hard man made metal 50x harder than normal titanium) small pocket sized robot that playes music(he also talks to it,don't ask him about that)

Background (feel free to make it long and detailed):Lin was a military pilot and worked for a very influential company on phobos(Mars moon)he prefers to keep that information to himself and got the knife as a parting gift from said company.He Doesn't really care for his own past he rather just leave it where it is.Now just moves around trying to see and experience new things.

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.):6'0,160 pounds,fit,black hairs but prefers hats

Description or Picture:
Name: Eliza Fairbanks

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Skills: Eliza is a skilled hacker, no computer system is safe from her! She is also rather charismatic, and can lie and bluff convincingly.

Equipment: Her PDA is complete with a full hacking suite, she keeps an electric stun prod hidden on her person at most times.

Background: Eliza was born out of wedlock to a con artist in the slums of the London Megacity. From a young age, her skill with technology and computers emerged, and her father soon began to utilise them in his schemes. They managed a stable living, between him fleecing wealthy tourists and her hacking her way into money transfer terminals. Maybe her father conned the wrong big shot, maybe she hacked the wrong account, or maybe they were just getting too wealthy off the money of others, whatever the cause, a police crackdown separated her from her father and drove her off the planet. The young shill slash hacker soon found her way onto one of the orbiting space docks, looking for any way possible to get far far away from the law enforcement that hounded her.

Physical Characteristics: Though physically weak and unimposing, her real assets are her charisma, wisdom, and natural intelligence. The universe had granted her a pretty face, a melodic, clear voice, and a quick wit. She uses all of these to her advantage, seeming to be all at once charming, innocent, and sly. Her small, skinny body would never take her very far in a brawl, but, should her wits prevail, she would likely never have to face one.

Description or Picture: Eliza is about 157 centimetres tall, with a skinny, frail body and fragile looking limbs. She has a fair complexion, with dark blue eyes, and wispy brown hair that she keeps at a moderate length, but pulled back into a ponytail. A smile almost constantly graces her face.

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Name: Richard Ueda

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Skills: Salvage Engineering, Servey, Actuarial Studies. Ueda specializes in determining what is of value and if it is worth the risk to take. He also understands engineering principles enough to apply them in simplistic circumstances or assist others.

Equipment: Binary Star Shipping Company ID Card, Credentials and Computer.

Background: Ueda comes from humble beginnings. His father was a labourer who constructed the foundations of luna colonies. He worked hard to send Ueda to university, where Ueda studied engineering and later commerce and actuarial studies.

Ueda interned for a year with Binary Star Shipping Company, the second largest freight company in the galaxy. His job was primarily to accompany BSSC's salvage missions and assist the technicians and engineers to assess the value of wrecks. Later, he became a salvage planning manager, estimating the potential value of derelict space craft and determining whether they should be salvaged and in what order. This was when Ueda began to notice a correlation between the value of wrecks and the number of surviving crew members. Highly profitable wrecks were often being held off record until the remaining crew must have expired, leaving reduced claim to any cargo and parts. Distressed by the idea that his company might be implicit in the deaths of various space crews, Ueda turned to a senior manager. There was a brief internal investigation, during which time Ueda was transferred to another department. He hitched a ride on a small freight ship to a colony on a different moon.

During the flight, the small skeleton crew complained of engine troubles. Ueda offered to help and was sent to check over some cargo which could be related. Despite the oddity of the claim, Ueda followed the instruction. He was reviewing the manifest attached to a crate when an explosion shook the ship. Emergency doors slammed shut, sealing Ueda off from the fore section of the ship, including the cockpit and life-support. He watched through a porthole as the escape pod left without him.

Left to die in the cold ship, Ueda dug through the cargo and engine room of the ship, desperate to survive. He found enough food to survive for three weeks, during which time the oxygen content of the air in the large space slowly dwindled down.

When the crew of the Ulster found him, Ueda was barely conscious, suffering the effects of carbon dioxide poisoning and smoke inhalation from the fires he had made to keep himself warm.

After a brief recovery Ueda decided that he needed a change of pace, and to hide. He convinced Cecilia of the value he could be to the ship and their crew.

Physic: Slight, malnourished. 5'10", 120lbs.

Description: Ethnically Asian. Keeps his black hair short. No tattoos or piercings. Typically wears poorly maintained business dress.

(@ToteMaus Hows that sound? Also, left to myself, I'd like it if he had been very recently rescued)
Looks good! I think we can start now. Just letting you know, it may be a while until you are rescued, depending on where you intend for the ship to be, since I have a planned course for the story. Anyway, when ready, write up intro posts like the ones already up for the characters remaining from the first runs.
Hi, you knew I was gonna post :D I'm back, mind if I join this rag tag crew?

Charlotte (Charlie) Gardner


General information

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Home: Earth

Physical Characteristics:

Charlie has short, wavy hair which dusts the top of her shoulders. Mousey brown, she always found it a bit boring, so she brightened it up with a few shots of brilliant blue. She’s short, coming in at 5’2 but packs quite a punch, so don’t let her small stature fool you. She weights 8st, so is an average build for her height, but beneath the tanned skin from so many childhood days spent under the sun at school, ripples sinuous muscles. She has a warm smile which brightens up a heart shaped face, where two deep blue eyes are centre piece above a button nose. Here, navigation glasses tend to be balanced, giving her a well-read look.

Her high cheek bones give her a perpetual pixie, mischievous look which makes people simultaneously drop their guard and raise it, wanting to trust her sweet persona which she presents. However, there's always a hint of her wicked smile which constantly puts people on edge, as they are always waiting to see what she's got up her sleeve next. Of course, most of the time they don’t actually have to worry.

"The word "most" is key here"

Her clothes are always relaxed, with loose combat trousers and tight black tops being her daily attire. She’s also got at least one comic book close to hand, or a single pen tucked neatly behind one ear. Even if tech makes things easier for her, she likes to work stuff out when tinkering, by pen and paper, resulting in numerous ink stains to decorate her clothes and colour her skin.

Humor is key to her personality along with a healthy dose of sarcasm, but most people find her easy to get on with and relax. On first glances, its hard to see that she's a thrill seeking, secret romantic and sweet girl.

  • Skills:

    Charlie makes for pretty decent pilot (She’s only 25 after all) and electrical tinkerer (she just loves taking things apart and making new things from it). She's also picked up a few tricks from the street making her an alright pick pocket and okay at diplomacy, as she's had to talk herself out a few scrapes.


    Charlie has a rather large pistol that she keeps strapped to her belt.

    “I call him lil’ John.”

    Navigation glasses, these a literally small, normal looking glasses, but when you put them on, you realise they link up to the ships navigation system and shows the suggested route which the pilot can follow, if it’s not set to auto that is. It also helps with docking procedures and other moves. Around her wrist, Charlie also carries a portable music player which doubles as a watch. From here, the device connects to some wireless headphones the woman wears while she’s flying.

    “Gotta have some tunes to brighten the trip.”
Welcome back! You can post as soon as you're ready. Sorry about all the chaos with the reboot, I hope everything works out in the end!
Name:Joshua Caine



Skills (ie. engineering, piloting, etc.): Military Trained, Navigation, Communications, Hand to Hand combat, throwing knives

Equipment (ie. any firearms, tools, or gadgets): Pair of old Colt 1911's in hip holsters her carries on him at all times. They are aptly named "Mustang and Sally" as it's inscribed on the pearl handles. A set of throwing knives on his belt.

Background (feel free to make it long and detailed): Not much is known about Caine if anything. Most don't even know his name and he prefers to keep it that way. He's a wanderer just trying to make his way in life. He's stayed off the grid since he was about 16, traveling the galaxy to the farthest reaches any ship could go, going from ship to ship, and working for any mining company or Mercenary organization that would take him. His has a very shady past as he never stays in one place for too long. His time with several mercenary companies taught him all of his combat skills as he is a deadeye with his old Colt 1911's that he picked up from someone who didn't need them anymore. While traveling space he learned Navigation and communications at the age of 16 His day generally includes tagging along on ships without the crew knowing or not asking any questions as he works on the ship to earn his keep and a little coin before getting off at the first starport or colony where he spends his money drinking and maybe spending the night with a nice women before starting over again and either finding a new ship to tag along on or finding a mining or mercenary company that will take him no questions asked.

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.): 6'1 / 185 lbs. / Mesomorphic build / Short Brown Hair / Striking green eyes / 5 o'clock shadow

Description or Picture:


Name: Humbled Servant (Keeps real name a secret)

Age: Unknown, presumably mid-late years

Sex: Unknown

Skills (ie. engineering, piloting, etc.): Medicine, Surgeon, Religious congregation

Equipment (ie. any firearms, tools, or gadgets): Tome, Sacred Chimes, Medical supply bag, bone saw

Background (feel free to make it long and detailed): Born in a colony world, the Servant had little promise of a future in the stars, despite his dream of one day visiting the sun. During a civil uprising, the colony was cut off from its mother empire and left to its own resources. The people quickly began to panic, leading to countless acts of violence and terror. Through it all, The Servant watches in his home until a cult rose from the ashes of the war. The cults teachings were dedicated to the humbling of mankind in the infinite universe and believed in the all powerful Great One, an extradimensional being capable of immense power. The Servant fit perfectly in it, relishing in the idea of interstellar congregation. He acquired a catalogue of medical skills while serving the church throughout the years, caring for refugees and war victims. However, as the embargo was lifted the empire arrived and disbanded the church. Distraught, and now living on his own, The Humble Servant took the next shuttle off the planet while keeping the relics of his cult. There was nothing left for his religion here, maybe somewhere in the stars he could find his Heavenly Father.

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.):

Roughly 6'2"

Almost inhumanly slender, constantly goes on fasts to further humble himself

No notable physical strength

Androgynous voice, nearly flat chest. No way to discern gender

Description or Picture:

Always wears a black robe lined with pictures and descriptions. Despite it's intimidating appearance, she insists it serves to make herself obscure and unnoticeable; another way to humble herself.

Also always wears a featureless facemask. Could be mistaken for a piece of metal with two eyeholes.
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