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Fantasy The Adept


The Infinite Being
Read the rules in the overview tab first (I will know if you do not read them)





Eye Colors:


Kingdom of Origin:


Other Skills:


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Name: Thomas Eberheart

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Eye Colors: Grey and Dark Blue

Adept: Stealth. He moves with unnatural silence and can be hard to detect even if someone looked strait into his face. He cannot disappear right in front of someone if they know he is there.

Kingdom of Origin: Bandar

Personality: Thomas isn't much of a people person. He doesn't know how to work with people very well. He is used to a life of luxury and tries his best to live comfortably. He is a bit of a kleptomaniac and is a pretty good thief. He enjoys causing a trouble as well.

Other Skills: Climbing, knives, stealing, horseback riding, and archery.

Bio: Thomas has no recollection of his real parents. He was found out on the street as just a baby. Presumably, his parents didn't want it public that they had produced an Adept. He was taken to the Kings palace where he was raised. The king calls him his son, but it is public knowledge that they are not biologically related. It was not hard to discover what his adept was, seeing as he'd keep disappearing without trying. Because of this, the king commanded that he was to be trained as a spy and assassin. There is a lot of blood on Thomas's hands, but he doesn't care. The public has been led to believe that his adept is in writing, which another Adept has to make it more convincing.

Lately, Thomas has been sneaking out in search of some excitement. It is through this that he found an Adept group struggling to survive. He uses some of his wealth to fund them. He has been thinking bout leaving the king for several years, but this is his first real opportunity. He is still unsure about whether or not he will go through with it or not.

Other: He has a pet wolf named Alfa. He also has a bit of a crush on Harley and has watched her preform many times, though from a vantage point where no body knew he was there. As or right now, only the higher-ups and a few upper-level Adept (such as Aurara (@Ch3rryBlossom28) and Ethan (@Ronin Ezekiel)) know his real adept. He wants to tell Harley, but isn't sure how she'll react.
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Name: Harley Rae

Age: 20

Gender: female

Appearence:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/unnamed.jpg.6fccea3b4135f815a5bbf8fab402c632.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128685" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/unnamed.jpg.6fccea3b4135f815a5bbf8fab402c632.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye Colors: green and blue

Adept: Harley is incredibly flexible and she is able to bend her body in ways that no one else can, at one point people thought she didnt have bones but that was proven wrong when she broke her arm.

Kingdom of Origin:Bandar

Personality: Harley's personality depends in whether she is performing or not. When she is performing is is bright and cheerful and never stops moving, she will climb onto people's laps and laugh and talk and acts like everyone's best friend. When she is off stage so to speak, she is a quiet down to earth girl who prefers to watch people instead of being in the lime light. She is incredibly clever and retains everything she sees and hears.

Other Skills: Harley is a brillaint cook but doesnt get to cook often. She is fond of horses but she is too afraid of riding. She is talented when it comes to identifying poisons and how to counteract them.

Bio: Harleys parents were well known in their community and when Harley was born they were quiet ashamed and disgusted at what she was. They put up with her until she was six because by then everyone knew what she was and they wanted to save face. Once they found out what her adept was, the king decided to keep her as the court jester and his personal entertainer during meetings. She knows of his "son" Thomas but hasn't ever really officially meet him as he is hardly arround when she is performing.

Other: she often sees her parents consulting with the king along with her elder brother who is not an adept.

I rate your post 10|10 :D



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((Ahh dangit, my internet cut out while I was trying to post this and now someone has an incredibly similar character. Um I don't really have time to right now, but I can completely rewrite a new one if you'd rather. "" Sorry.))

Name: Ashton/Ashley (Ash) Kraighn

Age: 17

Gender: Male, though he passes as a female.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Ash.png.077dc256df70b748cb5e7350edcc6d4f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128693" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Ash.png.077dc256df70b748cb5e7350edcc6d4f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye Colours: Red/Blue

Adept: Lying/Deception. His talent extends far enough that he could convince people that he wasn't even born Adept.

Kingdom of Origin: Hasa

Personality: Ash is the sort of guy to wear his heart on his sleeve, he is easily overwhelmed and a bit of a pushover.

Despite that he is light-hearted and happy the majority of the time, he does what he can to make those he cares for happy.

He feels constrained by his ability, he needed it to do well where he was (basically to be able to stay with his parents) but he himself dislikes lying in all forms, he would much rather people were honest with themselves and those around them.

Coupling with his appearance he is quite meek and doesn't know how to deal with large amounts of attention from others. He doesn't mind being referred to either as a female or male, and lets anyone use either so long as they are not using it to insult him.

Other Skills: Due to his upbring, he is talented in traditionally female jobs such as cooking, sewing and cleaning.

Bio: From his birth, Ash was disliked from his parents. They had lived a fair ways away from the nearest major town, and when they found out they were having a child, they were ecstatic. But when he was born his mother was instantly disappointed, she had wanted a daughter. Ash's father, being weak-willed, had been convinced by his mother that they were going to be having a girl, and because of this even he was upset by the newborn. Still they cared for him, even if they had made the decision to abandon him somewhere the nearest town was a good half days travel at a rushed pace and leaving the child to the wilderness was too mean for the couple to bear.

At the age of 4 was when his ability became apparently, his parents were scared at first, but he assured them that he was still their child. At this point it had already become apparent to him that his mother didn't like him so much for his gender alone, and he had hated himself for it at the time, so during his frantic assurances he mistakenly referred to himself as 'their daughter', and both of his parents seemed convinced. Seemed changed.

From that day on he was a girl in their eyes. His mother doted on him now, making him clothes or all sort and teaching him many different things. His father would buy him more gifts when he would trek into town, and spent much more time with him. Even though Ash didn't like lying, he found a comfort in finally having a loving family life.

When he was 16 his mother fell ill, and was given only a short while to live, but the doctor seeing her had mentioned some rare medicine to heal her. He told his mother that he would go out and find it, and return only when he did, but by the half a year it took for him to find the right herb she was long gone. His father had also left the house in his absense, leaving him a note stalking of how it would be easier to live in town now and that if he ever returned it was better he made his own way than to follow an old man who would be following his mother's path soon. In his travels however he had heard of a rumoured group of people, all with mismatched eyes. He decided to track this group down, with nothing but rumours to follow, not even knowing if they truly existed.

Other: Ash has an allergy to dust, so he will typically keep any area he frequests clean in order to avoid a reaction.

He typically wears his hood in a way that covers his eyes.

He sews together toys as a hobby, typically in his travels he would get by by selling these toys in towns he would stop in. Because of this he is rather talented with children.



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SheWhoMustNotBeNamed said:
Name: Harley Rae
Age: 20

Gender: female

Appearence:View attachment 286930

Eye Colors: green and blue

Adept: Harley is incredibly flexible and she is able to bend her body in ways that no one else can, at one point people thought she didnt have bones but that was proven wrong when she broke her arm.

Kingdom of Origin:Bandar

Personality: Harley's personality depends in whether she is performing or not. When she is performing is is bright and cheerful and never stops moving, she will climb onto people's laps and laugh and talk and acts like everyone's best friend. When she is off stage so to speak, she is a quiet down to earth girl who prefers to watch people instead of being in the lime light. She is incredibly clever and retains everything she sees and hears.

Other Skills: Harley is a brillaint cook but doesnt get to cook often. She is fond of horses but she is too afraid of riding. She is talented when it comes to identifying poisons and how to counteract them.

Bio: Harleys parents were well known in their community and when Harley was born they were quiet ashamed and disgusted at what she was. They put up with her until she was six because by then everyone knew what she was and they wanted to save face. Once they found out what her adept was, the king decided to keep her as the court jester and his personal entertainer during meetings. She knows of his "son" Thomas but hasn't ever really officially meet him as he is hardly arround when she is performing.

Other: she often sees her parents consulting with the king along with her elder brother who is not an adept.

I rate your post 10|10 :D
Not exactly what I meant by "rate this post," but it got the point across. Accepted. Also, I added something in my "Other" section for you.
Agirl1107 said:
Name: Shara Eliens
Age: 19

Gender: Male



Eye Colors: Blue and Orange

Adept: The best a disguises. Shara was at a young age good a mimicking what other people looked like though Shara still needs work on trying to sound like the people she is mimicking

Kingdom of Origin: Bandar

Personality: Shara has many personalities since he copies people. Sharas most prominent personality at the moment is a tad devilish, very immature, and all around a pervert.

Other Skills: Shara can make a all sort of clothes. He also knows how to stitch people up thanks to his interest in suing from a young age.

Bio: Shara's Parents wanted a baby girl so badly that they just dressed Shara like one and gave him a girly name. He always thought he was a girl until his parents couldn't take their son anymore and revealed to him what he really was. After running away from home at age 12 out of shame and disgust did Shara realize his adept. After getting caught for petty thievery and mimicking what the chief looks like Shara was taken to the king at 18 and was excited to start working for him. (he is quite the tailor.)

Other: Is almost always mistaken for a girl and he almost always uses this to a his advantage.
What is the extent of her adept? If her face changes shape, then that is beyond the power of an adept. Also, what happened when he was 6?
ridermiyo said:
((Ahh dangit, my internet cut out while I was trying to post this and now someone has an incredibly similar character. Um I don't really have time to right now, but I can completely rewrite a new one if you'd rather. "" Sorry.))
Name: Ashton/Ashley (Ash) Kraighn

Age: 17

Gender: Male, though he passes as a female.


View attachment 286953

Eye Colours: Red/Blue

Adept: Lying/Deception. His talent extends far enough that he could convince people that he wasn't even born Adept.

Kingdom of Origin: Hasa

Personality: Ash is the sort of guy to wear his heart on his sleeve, he is easily overwhelmed and a bit of a pushover.

Despite that he is light-hearted and happy the majority of the time, he does what he can to make those he cares for happy.

He feels constrained by his ability, he needed it to do well where he was (basically to be able to stay with his parents) but he himself dislikes lying in all forms, he would much rather people were honest with themselves and those around them.

Coupling with his appearance he is quite meek and doesn't know how to deal with large amounts of attention from others. He doesn't mind being referred to either as a female or male, and lets anyone use either so long as they are not using it to insult him.

Other Skills: Due to his upbring, he is talented in traditionally female jobs such as cooking, sewing and cleaning.

Bio: From his birth, Ash was disliked from his parents. They had lived a fair ways away from the nearest major town, and when they found out they were having a child, they were ecstatic. But when he was born his mother was instantly disappointed, she had wanted a daughter. Ash's father, being weak-willed, had been convinced by his mother that they were going to be having a girl, and because of this even he was upset by the newborn. Still they cared for him, even if they had made the decision to abandon him somewhere the nearest town was a good half days travel at a rushed pace and leaving the child to the wilderness was too mean for the couple to bear.

At the age of 4 was when his ability became apparently, his parents were scared at first, but he assured them that he was still their child. At this point it had already become apparent to him that his mother didn't like him so much for his gender alone, and he had hated himself for it at the time, so during his frantic assurances he mistakenly referred to himself as 'their daughter', and both of his parents seemed convinced. Seemed changed.

From that day on he was a girl in their eyes. His mother doted on him now, making him clothes or all sort and teaching him many different things. His father would buy him more gifts when he would trek into town, and spent much more time with him. Even though Ash didn't like lying, he found a comfort in finally having a loving family life.

When he was 16 his mother fell ill, and was given only a short while to live, but the doctor seeing her had mentioned some rare medicine to heal her. He told his mother that he would go out and find it, and return only when he did, but by the half a year it took for him to find the right herb she was long gone. His father had also left the house in his absense, leaving him a note stalking of how it would be easier to live in town now and that if he ever returned it was better he made his own way than to follow an old man who would be following his mother's path soon. In his travels however he had heard of a rumoured group of people, all with mismatched eyes. He decided to track this group down, with nothing but rumours to follow, not even knowing if they truly existed.

Other: Ash has an allergy to dust, so he will typically keep any area he frequests clean in order to avoid a reaction.

He typically wears his hood in a way that covers his eyes.

He sews together toys as a hobby, typically in his travels he would get by by selling these toys in towns he would stop in. Because of this he is rather talented with children.
I just need a bit of clarification. Did they live with no neighbors and not visit town with her/him? Also, good balance to his/her adpet with their personality.
Shog said:
Not exactly what I meant by "rate this post," but it got the point across. Accepted. Also, I added something in my "Other" section for you.
Oh oops haha sorry, but im gald its accepted. Oh awesome, he has a crush on her yaaay! I wonder how it will play out.
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The Inventor


  • Name:

    Eleonora Jasper Knydes










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Name: Aurora Heartflilia

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearence: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-25_14-39-42.jpeg.99a5c10c16991a75f7bc2b52687330e2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-25_14-39-42.jpeg.99a5c10c16991a75f7bc2b52687330e2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(with normal human ears though)

Eye Colors: Hazel/green

Adept: Accuracy. Aurora can shoot/use anything and almost always hit her mark, even if she hasn't used the weapon before.

Kingdom of Origin: Hasa

Personality: Aurora tends to be flirt, no matter what gender you are. She can be very talkative outside of work, but when on duty she is quiet and it the aura around her seems to change into a more serious one. One ready for action.

Other Skills: Archery (especially on horseback), Daggers, and picked up on tracking

Bio: Aurora was born in Hasa but before she showed the signs of being Adept, her parents moved to the kingdom of Bandar., hoping for a better life. At 5 months of age one of her hazel eyes turned green. Unlike most parents, her's were ecstatic. It meant that the king would come take her and give her a better life than they ever could. Growing up in the castle, Aurora vaguely remembers when Thomas came and instantly disliked him when he got the King's favor. At age 5, in the process of figuring out what her adept ability was, Aurora picked up her first dagger. Being told to throw it she hit right next to the target. Thinking it was just a fluke the instructor told her to throw another and she then hit her mark. She threw two more, both hitting her mark. With that she began training with certain weapons and found that she was extremely accurate with most of them. It was then that she knew how she was going to win the King's favor. To become his strongest warrior. At age 8 she held a bow for the first time (one meant for children) and decided that she was going to use it as her main weapon. At age 20 she is extremely proficient in Archery, being able to shoot off horseback. She is a huntsman for the King and also does guard duty occasionally when it is needed.

Other: -Aurora has seen some of Harley's performances and absolutely loves them.

-Has, what she believes, is rivalry with Thomas for the King's favor, even if Thomas doesn't even know.

-Is bisexual



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xEmoBunnehx said:

The Inventor


  • Name:

    Eleonora Jasper Knydes










Ch3rryBlossom28 said:
Name: Aurora Heartflilia
Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearence: View attachment 287051(with normal human ears though)

Eye Colors: Hazel/green

Adept: Accuracy. Aurora can shoot/use anything and almost always hit her mark, even if she hasn't used the weapon before.

Kingdom of Origin: Hasa

Personality: Aurora tends to be flirt, no matter what gender you are. She can be very talkative outside of work, but when on duty she is quiet and it the aura around her seems to change into a more serious one. One ready for action.

Other Skills: Archery (especially on horseback), Daggers, and picked up on tracking

Bio: Aurora was born in Hasa but before she showed the signs of being Adept, her parents moved to the kingdom of Bandar., hoping for a better life. At 5 months of age one of her hazel eyes turned green. Unlike most parents, her's were ecstatic. It meant that the king would come take her and give her a better life than they ever could. Growing up in the castle, Aurora vaguely remembers when Thomas came and instantly disliked him when he got the King's favor. At age 5, in the process of figuring out what her adept ability was, Aurora picked up her first dagger. Being told to throw it she hit right next to the target. Thinking it was just a fluke the instructor told her to throw another and she then hit her mark. She threw two more, both hitting her mark. With that she began training with certain weapons and found that she was extremely accurate with most of them. It was then that she knew how she was going to win the King's favor. To become his strongest warrior. At age 8 she held a bow for the first time (one meant for children) and decided that she was going to use it as her main weapon. At age 20 she is extremely proficient in Archery, being able to shoot off horseback. She is a huntsman for the King and also does guard duty occasionally when it is needed.

Other: -Aurora has seen some of Harley's performances and absolutely loves them.

-Has, what she believes, is rivalry with Thomas for the King's favor, even if Thomas doesn't even know.

-Is bisexual
Accepted. I'm looking forward to our character's interactions.
Agirl1107 said:
Name: Shara Eliens
Age: 19

Gender: Male



Eye Colors: Blue and Orange

Adept: The best at disguises. Shara was at a young age good a mimicking what other people looked like though Shara still needs work on trying to sound like the people she is mimicking. He is working on completely changing her form but for now Shara can only change the shape of his face and his skin tone.

Kingdom of Origin: Bandar

Personality: Shara has many personalities since he copies people. Sharas most prominent personality at the moment is a tad devilish, very immature, and all around a pervert.

Other Skills: Shara can make a all sort of clothes. He also knows how to stitch people up thanks to his interest in suing from a young age.

Bio: Shara's Parents wanted a baby girl so badly that they just dressed Shara like one and gave him a girly name. At age 6 he was playing with one of the servant girls and notice how everyone dotted on her he grew jealous and decided to dress up just like her. No one could tell the difference between the two. What Shara didn't notice at first was he changed his face in order to look like her. This was how he discovered his adept. Scared of being taken away he hid his power not using them at all and when questioned on how he looked exactly like the servant girl he lied and made an obscure story. He always thought he was a girl until his parents couldn't take their son anymore and revealed to him what he really was. After running away from home at age 12 out of shame and disgust did Shara realize his adept. After getting caught for petty thievery and mimicking what the chief looks like Shara was taken to the king at 18 and was excited to start working for him. (he is quite the tailor.)

Other: Is almost always mistaken for a girl and he almost always uses this to a his advantage.
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. An Adept has a skill like any other human, just amplified almost exponentially. Stealth is a skill that people have, Thomas is just far superior. Accuracy is a skill, Aurora is just far superior. Changing your face at will is not a skill, so an Adept cannot have it. And what I meant by "what happened when she was six" means that six year old Adepts are taken to the king at that age. They would know because of the mismatched eyes (and saying she could change one to match the other would defeat their purpose in the RP).
Shog said:
I just need a bit of clarification. Did they live with no neighbors and not visit town with her/him? Also, good balance to his/her adpet with their personality.
I figured they lived in the wilds somewhere, and only the father made trips into the nearest town (Which as I mentioned was a hella long way away) so Ash never actually had been to the king. Later when he travels on his own, due to his physical age people who managed to catch a glimpse of his eyes just assumed he was rejected by the king and now living alone.

Going off the map I was thinking their house would be somewhere close to the Bandar border, since that looked fairly open and empty.
ridermiyo said:
((Ahh dangit, my internet cut out while I was trying to post this and now someone has an incredibly similar character. Um I don't really have time to right now, but I can completely rewrite a new one if you'd rather. "" Sorry.))
Name: Ashton/Ashley (Ash) Kraighn

Age: 17

Gender: Male, though he passes as a female.


View attachment 286953

Eye Colours: Red/Blue

Adept: Lying/Deception. His talent extends far enough that he could convince people that he wasn't even born Adept.

Kingdom of Origin: Hasa

Personality: Ash is the sort of guy to wear his heart on his sleeve, he is easily overwhelmed and a bit of a pushover.

Despite that he is light-hearted and happy the majority of the time, he does what he can to make those he cares for happy.

He feels constrained by his ability, he needed it to do well where he was (basically to be able to stay with his parents) but he himself dislikes lying in all forms, he would much rather people were honest with themselves and those around them.

Coupling with his appearance he is quite meek and doesn't know how to deal with large amounts of attention from others. He doesn't mind being referred to either as a female or male, and lets anyone use either so long as they are not using it to insult him.

Other Skills: Due to his upbring, he is talented in traditionally female jobs such as cooking, sewing and cleaning.

Bio: From his birth, Ash was disliked from his parents. They had lived a fair ways away from the nearest major town, and when they found out they were having a child, they were ecstatic. But when he was born his mother was instantly disappointed, she had wanted a daughter. Ash's father, being weak-willed, had been convinced by his mother that they were going to be having a girl, and because of this even he was upset by the newborn. Still they cared for him, even if they had made the decision to abandon him somewhere the nearest town was a good half days travel at a rushed pace and leaving the child to the wilderness was too mean for the couple to bear.

At the age of 4 was when his ability became apparently, his parents were scared at first, but he assured them that he was still their child. At this point it had already become apparent to him that his mother didn't like him so much for his gender alone, and he had hated himself for it at the time, so during his frantic assurances he mistakenly referred to himself as 'their daughter', and both of his parents seemed convinced. Seemed changed.

From that day on he was a girl in their eyes. His mother doted on him now, making him clothes or all sort and teaching him many different things. His father would buy him more gifts when he would trek into town, and spent much more time with him. Even though Ash didn't like lying, he found a comfort in finally having a loving family life.

When he was 16 his mother fell ill, and was given only a short while to live, but the doctor seeing her had mentioned some rare medicine to heal her. He told his mother that he would go out and find it, and return only when he did, but by the half a year it took for him to find the right herb she was long gone. His father had also left the house in his absense, leaving him a note stalking of how it would be easier to live in town now and that if he ever returned it was better he made his own way than to follow an old man who would be following his mother's path soon. In his travels however he had heard of a rumoured group of people, all with mismatched eyes. He decided to track this group down, with nothing but rumours to follow, not even knowing if they truly existed.

Other: Ash has an allergy to dust, so he will typically keep any area he frequests clean in order to avoid a reaction.

He typically wears his hood in a way that covers his eyes.

He sews together toys as a hobby, typically in his travels he would get by by selling these toys in towns he would stop in. Because of this he is rather talented with children.
Given your last post, accepted.

Amorine "Amori" Castien






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nq3dymIrs81uqknwro1_500.jpg.362b48adec3b355c900e30b5b38fe63d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nq3dymIrs81uqknwro1_500.jpg.362b48adec3b355c900e30b5b38fe63d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye Colors:

One honey brown eye, one violet eye.


She can read emotions and tell peoples opinions incredibly well, reading body language, listening to the tone of there voice or occasionally the way things are worded. This also gives her the ability to easily react to harsh situations in the appropriate manner.

Kingdom of Origin:



Amori is very kind and happy, always trying to find a way to make people smile. She's highly simpathetic and inteligent but fairly naive in her weaker moments. She enjoys teasing and is easy to make laugh, however she is a bit of a trouble maker. She's also rather sarcastic times, but constantly carries a pleasant gleam in her eyes. She's very stubborn as well.

Other Skills:

Amori is very good with negotiating, and is easily likeable, leaving her as a courtier in training.


Amori was born on the winter solstice, in a fairly poor, but comfortable home. At an early time one of her eyes started darkening, not alarmingly though, for awhile she was raised normally, but her one eye progressed into violet. Her parents clung to there little girl as long as possible but eventually she was taken to the castle and her gift was put to use.

She started studying in negotiations, etiquette and history as well as self defense from a young age seeing as her skills come in fairly handy as a negotiator. Her ability of reading emotions left her easy to find what people liked and didn't like.

Amori trained to be a courtier, incredibly unimpressed with were the future headed. She secretly despised her role, but played along anyways. Every once and a while she took dance lessons, but is constantly dancing in her spare time, she has performed for the king at certain events due to her skills. She is soon to become a full fledged courtier on her 18th birthday.


She has a pet cat named meeki (mee-key)



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Name: Olivier Kantor

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Eye Colors: Green and red

Adept: Evasion and acrobatics, Olivier can dodge anything coming towards him, a fist, an arrow, a bullet - it doesn't matter, he can evade it - he is also insanely agile and quick - being able to hop across buildings with ease

Kingdom of Origin: Hasa

Personality: Olivier is ruthless - stopping at nothing to get what he wants. He is also very single-minded, once he sets his mind to a goal he will let nothing stand in his way and will often come up with ways to achieve it that would be impossible to most.

Other Skills:

Knife wielding

Fluent in several languages

excellent at planning escape routes

Extracting information


Olivier was born to a whore - his mother left him on his father's doorstep and was never seen again, likely she died long ago. Olivier displayed his ability early, constantly running across rooftops from the ago of 4 onwards, his father - a butcher - attempted to teach him how to prepare meat - in order that Olivier might one day follow him into the business. However Olivier was only interested in the knives of the trade, in particular the delicate blades used to hollow out the carcass, he loved the ornate look of them and would attempt to wield them for hours at a time. His true skill however - lay in his incredible agility, when he would get in fights he often would be completely unscathed - other children never landing a blow unless he let them.

At age 6 he was drafted into the king's service and trained even further in the use of knives, becoming the king's best assassin in a matter of weeks. Often the king would challenge Olivier for his own amusement - rumour has it that once the king set up a firing squad to test the young prodigy's ability to evade and not a single arrow found it's mark. By age 14 Olivier had realised that if he followed this life he would never be able to live for himself - so he planned, and he trained. By age 16 he was honed into a perfect evasion artist and could find his way out of seemingly inescapable situations. So he fled, taking only his most prized blade - a beautiful and precise weapon.

Since that age he has been on the run from the king's forces, flitting from country to country and city to city in search of true freedom.
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Axel. The Gunslinger.


Name: Axel Zloxistile

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearence: Axel has rugged blonde hair that covers the top of his head, cut short and leading down to a bearded chin and face. Axel's body from a glance is somewhat impressive, although standing at a rather average height of 5'10 he has a very maintained build, completed with good endurance and strength. Axel's features are rather clean-cut, his eyes a cloudy blue-grey and his skin newly tanned. Axel is overall a messy individual, letting his long blonde hair get easily messed up when it's out of its braid.

Eye Colors: Axel's left eye is ice blue color, almost seeming to shine in some lights. While his other his a bright gold with copper flakes, his central pupils are often a bit undilated, making his eye colors seem to pop.

Adept: Shooting. While not exactly skilled in the overall field of shooting, Axel is exclusively skilled with the use of rudimentary firearms, specifically flintlock pistols. Axel possesses overwhelming skills in quickly drawing, firing, reloading, and accurately hitting his target, though is slightly held back by the low quality of weaponry.

Kingdom of Origin: Born in Meilan, Deva.

Personality: Some would describe this average looking man a maniac. With an obsession made for his guns and firing them, he constantly obsesses on finding ways to improve himself and his arsenal. Axel is hesitant toward killing unless deemed entirely necessary, usually shooting out people's limbs through gruesome areas. Axel can go into moments of insanity at random points in time, although these can come from emotional triggers, some have been sporadic. Axel can also be a good conversationalist and story teller with other people, although his language can often include many curse words, he has a small bit of charisma to him. He is a very cultured man, acting as if a member of his born culture while being able to comprehend people from all different lands.

Other Skills: With his skill to handle a gun, he is as well skilled in quick reflex to anything else, and has extremely sharp vision through his right eye. He is also a very fast learner to many new technologies and is able to quickly learn the components of firearms set in front of him. Aside from this, from his long years of travel he has became an expert survivalist and a jack of all trades, knowing small pieces of knowledge in many different fields.


Axel was born in high mountains, living his earliest years in severe winters as his family of old tradition suffered in continuing forward. It was when he was five when they had abandoned their posts in the mountains, and managed up some money to buy a horse to pull their caravan. The family travelled the world, Axel being exposed at a young age to many different types of people he had never comprehended to have existed. As they went through, they were eventually stopped by a travelling army during one of their more gracious periods of wealth. They managed to pay off a small group of the soldiers for additional protection, Axel being around eight at this point, eventually managed to find one of their rifles in their caravan. This event began his passion, quickly picking up on understanding the weapon and eventually learning additional mechanisms afterward.

Despite being the naturally gifted shot he was, his time with the troops did not last particularly long. After a few months of travel, the soldiers were overrun by a sudden ambush by the king's army, Axel being taken prisoner and his family left in the wake. However at his young age he hardly understood the situation, simply having fun playing with the soldier's gun at any opportunity he could. They eventually reached the king and he was evaluated for the months to come. It took a while for them to find the talent he had at first hid, though it was surely found. Axel spent a few years of his youth in royal courtyards, showing young nobles various displays of his ability for 'show'. It was not until Axel's sixteenth year that he had decided to make his own use of himself, and left the castle upon given a mission far away. He began to settle his own reputation for the years to come, picking up his own missions as a lone mercenary or committing to the king's work, before he finally discovered Eleonora at the age of eighteen.

The two were quick to begin working together, Axel coming by on visits to her clock tower where he would receive new weaponry from her and work with her, before being gone on his way the following day. This went on for multiple years and seemed to continue before Axel came toa halt. Finally being stuck on a mission in the city she confides herself, Axel is making his first visit longer than a week. This could be a mess.
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Nano said:

Alice "Al" Sekreuz


" Although I do question what the person who named me was thinking at the time, I don't particularly mind my name. I simply go by "Al" to avoid confusion. "

Me, Myself, and I


Starting From the Top

Name: Sekreuz, Alice

Nicknames/Aliases: Al

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Eye Colors: Gold (right) | Crimson (left)

Height: 5'5" | 165cm

Weight: 126lbs | 57kg

Kingdom of Origin: Tanjung

A Peek Into The Mind
Very much a person who is dutiful and serious despite his young age, Al isn't one to cut corners or give up midway. Once he's set his mind on a task, there's little that will change his decision to see through it 'til the end. To Al, there's nothing worse than causing himself to possibly have to experience the regret from having failed to finish the task that had been set before him simply because he hadn't had the endurance or the courage to take that last final step forward. As someone who experienced the repercussions of the sin of omission, he knows first hand just how serious quitting or not doing something can be. If you give up, that's the end. You can't just depend on luck and fate to carry you to success. Of course, he realizes that quitting on menial tasks doesn't have those same consequences, but he doesn't want to make a habit of it either way. Besides, by this time, the philosophy that he has abided by for so long has turned him into a work-a-holic of sorts.

While he isn't the deadpan or grim type of serious, it's still quite hard to tell from just his personality that he's only fifteen. Al often acts much too mature for his age and even seems more responsible than others much older than him at times. He always seems to deal with things sensibly and reasonably and not much seems to bother him. In fact, the only thing that actually seems to bother him is his rather short stature. Even his more mischievous and caustic side seems to fail to give him a more childish mien.

Al tries his best to appear as a person who is resolute and with a strong mentality. For the most part, he does this very well, coming off as a very determined and serious person. However, the insecurities that he does have as a result of past events causes him to keep others at a certain distance. This aspect of his personality isn't always quite obvious to most due to his spirited demeanor and his way of looking out for others. For someone who wishes to be of help, it's quite ironic that he refuses to depend on others due to his fear that this would cause him to grow an attachment to someone who might not even be sticking around for very long. Perhaps it's during these few times of insecurities that people actually see that Al is really just like any other child in the end.

It's Just A Memory In The End
When asked what his childhood was like as one who had been marked as an Adept, Al always simply responds that his life had been a rather boring one. His parents had apparently raised him until he was six, which was when he was sent off to serve the king, just as every other Adept has been since the discovery of them. While this story isn't quite a lie, it isn't quite the full truth either. It's only expected that an Adept would have a tumultuous life due to the prejudice that they all seem to face at one point in their lives.

Born into a family of high standing, a stain such as an Adept was considered something that was unacceptable. Worst of all, Al's family wasn't the typical family of high status. The reason why they had status was due to being guardians of sorts in their city. They were responsible for the safety of their city and even took on assassinations under the table if they were given something of interest. Despite seeing him as a "cursed" child, Al had been raised with the intention of exploiting his abilities for these assassinations as his superior reflex-like abilities proved useful in combat. Besides, who else was better for the job than someone who the town didn't know even existed?

The only person who seemed to treat him as a normal person was his twin brother, Alvyss. Despite being identical twins, Alvyss had normal eye coloration and wasn't an Adept. Unlike the others in the family who treated Al like air, Alvyss made sure to speak to him normally and even played with him as if he were any other child. Of course, this solace wouldn't last forever. Alvyss had always been sickly, causing many to blame the much healthier but marked Al as the root of the problem. It was during their fifth year that Alvyss passed away from his sickness, leaving Al alone in a house full of nothing but frigid stares.

Despite the Al's existence having been kept a strict secret, the king somehow found out about him and sent for him to be retrieved when he had just turned six. On Al's part, there was little to no resistance. His only reason for staying had been Alvyss and his family didn't want him anyway. He actually felt liberated for a short few days. That was until he was again trained to be put to use for the kingdom...

Adept: Processing Ability

Being able to move out of the way of something like a falling branch is something completely normal. After all, all humans have something called reflexes which allows for them to react to such things. However, Al has always been noted to react much too fast, being able to even react to things that most people could barely track with their eyes. At first, the people around him had assumed that his Adept was having freakishly fast reflexes, but his true skill lied in a different area. Having been gifted with an exceptionally high ability to process things quickly, Al seems to be able to do things much more quickly and efficiently. Of course, there's always the problem of whether or not his body is able to keep up with his mind.

Due to the way that his Adept works, a vast majority of people still mistakenly believe that Al's Adept is his reflexes. All that most others know is that he's a suspiciously fast reader.

Other Skills

Due to his Adept, Al is extremely fast at reading.

He initially picked it up as a hobby because he was bored, but Al has somehow managed to become a rather good cook.

Al is a skilled swordsman and fairly good with knives.

Strategy also seems to be a forte of his.

The Extra Tidbits
  • No one really knows where he gets them, but Al has a scarf collection, although he's almost always only seen wearing his signature red scarf.

I think it would be best if your power was limited to superior reflexes. I know it may sound like I'm under-powering your character, but there is a lot that can be done with just reflexes.
VioletDancer said:
Amorine "Amori" Castien






View attachment 287447

Eye Colors:

One honey brown eye, one violet eye.


She can read emotions and fragments of people's thought with touch. She's fairly acurate without touch but to be exact she needs touch. (Totally didn't rip this off of graceling...)

Kingdom of Origin:



Amori is very kind and happy, always trying to find a way to make people smile. She's highly simpathetic and inteligent but fairly naive in her weaker moments. She enjoys teasing and is easy to make laugh, however she is a bit of a trouble maker. She's also rather sarcastic times, but constantly carries a pleasant gleam in her eyes. She's very stubborn as well.

Other Skills:

Amori is very good with negotiating, and is easily likeable, leaving her as a courtier in training.


Amori was born on the winter solstice, in a fairly poor, but comfortable home. At an early time one of her eyes started darkening, not alarmingly though, for awhile she was raised normally, but her one eye progressed into violet. Her parents clung to there little girl as long as possible but eventually she was taken to the castle and her gift was put to use.

She started studying in negotiations, etiquette and history as well as self defense from a young age seeing as her skills come in fairly handy as a negotiator. Her ability of reading emotions left her easy to find what people liked and didn't like.

Amori trained to be a courtier, incredibly unimpressed with were the future headed. She secretly despised her role, but played along anyways. Every once and a while she took dance lessons, but is constantly dancing in her spare time, she has performed for the king at certain events due to her skills. She is soon to become a full fledged courtier on her 18th birthday.


She has a pet cat named meeki (mee-key)
In this world, your adept is just a really powerful skill. Touching someone shouldn't give you too much information beyond surface body temp, how sweaty they are, and maybe their pulse. All I'm really saying is that she could just be really good at reading people (not as far as reading thoughts, however).

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