The Academy of Shadows

Mikkelle Sting

One Thousand Club






Dorm Room




Mikkelle Sting






Quiet, shy, mysterious, stealthy.




Dorm Room





Dorm 7

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Name: Bloody Borus.

Age: 18

Species: Zombie.

Personality: Seems to be high all the time. Really stupid and clumsy.

Appearance: Intestines and ribs seem to be spilling out of his body. One eyeball bigger than the other. Wears a ripped, tattered old school uniform.

Dorm Room: 17

Other: NONE.



Looks to be 17


An illusionist demon


Riddle is an analytical problem solver who always tries to figure out "riddles" Perhaps this being why he is named Riddle. He doesn't like most other people, because they always seem to be idiotic and boring to him. He can't stand being bored. Riddle is also manipulative and good at persuading people to like him.



Dorm Room:



He's a bit crazy.
Name: Fat billy.

Age: 16.

Species: demon.

Personality: Always hungry, always thinking about food, notorious for stealing food. Is really slow and clumsy.

Appearance: Has really small wings; in fact, they look comical on his rotund, large figure. He has food stains and residue from what he ate on his clothes and face, all the time.

Dorm room: 17.

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Name: Raven Beatrix

Age 16

Species Shadow-Traveling Demon

Personality Fun, Energetic, Optimistic, Smart, Outgoing, Not a morning person


Dorm Room #7

Other She REALLY loves cats and chocolate...
Name: Hansel and Gretel

Age: Both are 16

Species: Vampires

Personality: Though they are twins they're very different, even if the seem the same. Hansel is the one that likes to take action first, never really thinking through things just acting when needed while Gretel thinks things through a bit which makes her have to correct her brothers mistakes but either way they love eachother and been through everything, they rarely fight with each other but if they do...well just keep sharp objects away.



Older Appearence:


Dorm Room: #13

Crush: They're are still trying to decide, they're used to sharing things.

Other: The two are into some..strange things. We will just put it at that. They can also change their appearance too make them look older or younger.
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Name: Surota Reikare

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Succubus/Shape-shifter

Personality: She is shy and sweet, despite her demon-like appearance, (unless you get on her bad side) and only opens up to people after knowing them for a long time. She is normally an outcast, and has a hard time making friends because she usually keeps a lot of things to herself.; she is painstakingly honest. When angered, she becomes extremely psychotic and defensive, especially if the one she loves (or those she cares deeply about) is in a a situation that would cause harm to them. (basically a hard-core yandere). She usually cannot hold a decent conversation with people she doesn't know well, as she is incredibly socially awkward. Not having much experience with people her age, she may come off as hostile at first, but can really open up to someone after time.

Appearance: *see picture* She can transform into anything she wants to, so her appearance varies, but a demon is her usual form.

Special Powers: Her demon form possesses powerful, witch-like powers that can dominate even skilled opponents. Her 'spike-end staff' can create orbs that can unleash horrendous explosions when they make contact with something. She also is skilled in telekinesis.

In other forms, she can only create little flames and move smaller objects with her mind.

Dorm Room: 7

Other: She can become extremely crazy, as her behavior can snap very quickly depending on the situation(s) around her. When in a berserk stage, she can become a psycho killer, as she finds pleasure in tormenting and torturing others.

Crush: Mikkelle

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Demon.jpg.3423b5abbfc644b56e8b923a0200c8d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17392" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Demon.jpg.3423b5abbfc644b56e8b923a0200c8d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Demon Forme^

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Human.jpg.4a68d350cf7e07a6fda0560bbe554f42.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Human.jpg.4a68d350cf7e07a6fda0560bbe554f42.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Forme^



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Yes. Can I create two characters?

Someone previously created two characters....OwO....

Okay. Imma create 2 characters. 
Name: Loki and Dax (best childhood friends)

Age: 17(Loki) and 19(Dax)

Species: Death Spirits


Loki(red-haired): Unlike Lux, Loki is playful and quite energetic. He likes to tease, play tricks, and bother others, not to the extent of causing people to hate him though, more like a little brother annoying his older sibling. However, that doesn't mean he's immature. Though frequently act like a child Loki is in fact mature and understands a lot. He can be sly, tricky and mysterious. Despite that side Loki is quite friendly, lighthearted and easygoing.

Dax(blonde): Unlike Loki, Dax acts mature most of the time. He keeps himself calm and cool, and while Loki wears a smirk he wears a smile. He is intelligent, and acts like a big brother over Loki, letting the other annoy him without getting mad most of the time. However, there are times when he can act cold and distant. Similar to Loki, both of them are mysterious. Despite that, Dax is kinder and more gentle than Luki, which has all the energy.



Dorm Room: #13

Other: Death Spirits (according to me) are known to guide people after death, either toward the path of heaven or hell. Loki guides hell while Lux guides heaven. Well, that's their position. They're close buddies because they're both death spirits. They share with each other feelings and ask advice from each other. Oh, and Loki loves cakes but hate veggies, while Dax loves chocolates and hate tomatoes.
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Name: Yuki Snow

Age : 5016 looks 16

Race : Pure Blood Vampire

Personality : shy at first but once you get to know her shes really nice and sweet but get on her bad side she will be very cold to you , she loves to fight and train and has a soft spot of cute things , normal found drinking blood out of a blood bag

Likes: blood , cats/kittens , training and fighting , reading ,anime , mangas

Dislikes : bullying , pervs , being alone

Other: favorite color(s) - dark pink/purple , dark blue , light blue , red , silver

favorite sport - anything that pushes her to be her best

favorite food - blood

favorite animals - any types of cats/kittens/nekos

Appearance : (1 eye is light blue other (one under the eye patch )is purple ) , she is 5'5

Name: Leo Grave

Age: 18

Species: Nobody

Personality: Plagued with the memory of how Leo lost his heart in the wars. Leo spends most of his time trying to forget his fate. Although he has no heart Leo can still feel emotions, and is very passionate. He wants to forget but he must remember his old friends and family. He is truly a cursed soul.

(on the left)

Dorm Room: #358

Other: He caries a weapon named Blazing Heart

Crush: unknown

Arkinna star sinuous




Demon cambion (offspring of a succubus and human )


She is very sweet and loves everyone no matter who or what they are, she doesn't judge but loves to run around and spends most her time in the forest either singing or training. She is kinda stubborn and hard headed, she hates playboys and loves music she tries to make many friends but is afraid her species will make people try and kill her. She is one of the people that are hard to find and can be extremely creepy when angry which funny thing is she has a short temper with few things so it's a bit hard to make her mad as long as you don't say that men are better than women..everything should be fine!


Demon-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.41b8d1bfbadc235a5a5dda5dc43f0657.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.41b8d1bfbadc235a5a5dda5dc43f0657.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.098776723dd49c5c4fe46f8094a167ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.098776723dd49c5c4fe46f8094a167ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dorm Room



She has a katana on her back held by a chain that wraps around her waist then holds the katana on her back, the katana has a black Handel with a ruby on the hilt.


None yet

(This okay?)



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