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Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted


Every Adventure Requires a First Step

An Academy has opened in the-middle-of-nowhere Hawaii area, offering refuge to all gifted (People with superpowers/odd things ) students, Is it really a safe haven, or is no where safe now?

There has been a recent discovery of children being born with powers. Scientists couldn't explain why they were being born with these super natural powers, they just...were. The government had deemed them a threat to society and had sent agents to the house of each one, telling them they had to go to a special school to hone their abilities.They were all given an hour to pack and say goodbye to their families before they were loaded up into the black SUV and taken to the school.

The drive is a long boring one, going deep into the heart of the Arizona desert, where they are to arrive at what used to be a maximum security prison. You could tell they put little to no effort at making it look like a school, the outside and inside was shabby grey concrete. It was surrounded by razor wire and chain link fence, with a large iron gate in the front.


Upon walking in you see the check in desk, and notice the lighting is very dim, as it is everywhere inside, with little to no windows. The woman promptly lists off rules, You are to be in your rooms by 9:00PM, Breakfast is at 8:00Am Lunch 1:00PM and dinner 7:00PM If you do not make it in time for the meals, you will not be provided anything else to eat until the next meal. Any misbehaving children will be sent to the headmaster, who does not take kindly to trouble makers. She also informs you that the school will not start for a week, due to construction, which is apparent by the "Do not Enter staff only" Signs filling most classroom halls ways, she emphasizes that you are NOT allowed to go beyond that point and the punishment is severe if you are found on the other side of the sign. She will then give you a room number, and you make your way to you room.

The cells have been renovated, at least, to look like little bedrooms, each with two beds, two small dressers, a small window about the size of a DVD case, and a bathroom consisting of a toilet, sink, mirror and a shower. Oddly enough, they don't separate the boys form the girls, and some boys have been paired in the same room as a girl. Everyone thinks they will be here to learn their powers, and how to control them, but there is a darker more twisted plot in the midst.
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[Hollyleaf gave me the go-ahead to be the first poster for this. ewe]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick was swiftly making his way through the dimly lit and eerily empty corridors of the academy, his head down and his eyes focused on the tiled floor. He was mumbling to himself at a rapid pace, going over his mental list of the arriving students names, capabilities, and flaws. The concern about the under-construction classrooms crept into his mind also, the newly renovated dorm rooms, and the subject of punishment for the students. He sighed aloud, sounding more frustrated on the topic than exhausted, and lifted a hand to press his black glasses closer to his face.

He took a sudden sharp turn, and found himself in the main lobby of the academy. There was the check-in desk, a waiting section, and signs hanged from the ceiling. He lifted his head to take in the quiet room for a long heartbeat. The check-in desk administrator was no where to be seen. The only light in the room was the sunshine melting through the entrance doors, giving the area an even more hospital-like look. Patrick groaned internally.

He always hated that part of how the school looked nowadays - dull, depressing, and even unnerving - looking more like an asylum than a place for education and comfort. And frankly, there wasn't really anything that he could do to change that.

With that thought in mind, he turned towards the entrance doors. He lifted the hat he had placed tilted on the back of his head, ran a hand through his messy light brown hair, and put it back on. Mustering the most confident smile he could, trying to not look sarcastic at all, he shoved the doors open to go outside and greet the arriving students.
Alden and Maddy looked at each other with smiles as the armed cop car drove to the Asylum. They were proud of what they had done. Maddy stopped and looked at the driver, "Don't you have to inform the head master that we are showing up soon, along with all the others?" She asked with a smirk on her face, the cop driving looked at her "He already has papers on you two, along with the rest of you insane kids." He looked worried and Alden could tell. Maddy smiled a huge grin at the fact that the Police Force had actually thought of something, "You know, one day I might just kill you all." Alden said with a smile as the pulled up to the Asylum.

Maddy looked around "Well, i guess its time to go." They were both wearing hand cuffs and got out of the car. "HEY, COME OUT HERE AND GET US!!" Maddy screamed knowing that if someone heard her they might come and they might not. She hated spending time with police officers, especially when she had done nothing wrong. Alden, just stood there smiling as the cop stood beside Maddy and not him.
Justin wasn't afraid as he was supposed to be at this new school he didn't care he would rather make an electrical discharge. He hated being escorted by the cops it was annoying to him. He went along with everything and he sighed and he forced himself into the school.
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[Take it to the OOC section guys, you're virtually spamming me with alerts >u<]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

It was at that moment that Patrick shoved the entrance doors open and stepped outside - and was hit with a shout that made him jump in startlement. His sharp eyes flashed towards the car, the police car, that had just pulled up, and barely felt the need to park in the parking area. But his attention was more drawn to the pair of teenagers being ushered this was by a uniformed man. His stomach did a small flipflop at the children's darkened, yet eerily smirk faces. He knew right away that these two wouldn't be a good influence at his academy at all.

Patrick sucked a big breath of morning air in, and exhaled slowly. These are your new student's we're talking about here. He couldn't help but show almost a grimace, before slapping that large fake smile back on his face. He walked steadily across the cobblestone patterned ground, the heels of his boots making a pleasant rhythmic noise.

"Greetings, Mr. and Mrs. Fex," he said, sounding professional and authoritative. He shot a look at the police officer standing beside Maddy, his fierce eyes melting into a dangerous yellow colour behind his glasses - until he blinked, and they returned to normal. "Uncuff these two at once. They are our guests, not criminals."
Lane arrived in an old white truck. It was stopped in front of the school for a bit, most likely indicating conversation between her and a guard stepped out first. He wasnt so threatening as friendly, giving her a hand to help her out and retrieving her bags.

Lane was the equivilent of a walking bit of clothes covered white.

A pale blue hoodie covered her body and half her head including hair. She had long pale green jeans and grey converse with floral. A chuckle could be heard as a clothing covered hand grabbed the guards wrist and pulled him along and towards the school. The headmaster was ahead.
The cop that was escorting Gage to the Academy was silent the entire ride, so Gage had absolutely no idea why he was abducted by actual cops. Gage continued to ask questions, but they were completely ignored by the stoic cop. Gage glanced over at Oliver in the back of the cop car with him, who was also completely silent, and whispered, “Got any idea why we’re being kidnapped?”
"Heck if I know. Maybe they've finally realized someone this good-looking shouldn't be out in the open for the public to enjoy," Oliver said, chuckling to himself. You might think he was joking, but he actually wasn't. He was a typical little shit. "Hopefully whatever it is doesn't take too long. I was supposed to be somewhere."
Maddy looked at him, "Cut the crap, honestly your not even human so whats your problem?" She asked as the cops took off there hand cuffs and she walked closer to Alden, knowing he was in one of his moods. Then Alden took two steps forwards and ended up in front of Patrick he looked him in the eye, "You know sis your right hes not human." He smiled as the cops drove away and then walked back to his sister.
Colten's silver eyes darted around the property as he stepped out of the car that had escorted him to his new "school". He scanned over the fences and the obvious security measures. He was able to spot a couple of hidden areas where security seemed less noticed yet stronger than the rest. He quickly calculated an escape route should the time arise and moved his feet towards the building.

"Quite the group." He thought to himself as he moved his hands behind his head. He scanned over the multitude of freaks. Let's face that's what they were all considered in the world; nothing but unnatural, mutated freaks. His caught a couple of eyes and instinctively made a couple of Persona (a copy of someone's subconscious) in his mind. The emotions and thoughts flooded into his mind: Depression; Fear; Anger; Hatred. These were their thoughts and feelings and Colten took the weight of them all in his mind.

In a sense, he was sort of used to it. Anytime he looked in someone's eyes, their thoughts and emotions would flood into him. He couldn't read minds, but he could understand the basis of what each person's mind held as far as their personalities and conscious went. At first, all the Persona crushed him and made his heart and mind heavy with each Persona he added. But soon, it all became as if they were weightless. They were still there, but they had pretty much destroyed his own emotions making him very emotionless. He still knew what they were; Personas wouldn't let him forget them, but they weren't his true feelings just an artificial replica of someone else's mind and heart.

But I guess that is why he was somewhat relieved he was here. He had been wanting to control this Persona power as well as the other "Intel" powers he had for some time. This was the right place for it. It was the right place to learn control....and to feel.

we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick instinctively took a small step backwards the moment Alden puffed himself up towards him. Not that he was scared of the student - quite the opposite, even though the student was considerably taller than himself - Patrick prefers his personal space, and his respect. He looked at the teenaged boy, his face growing hard with a stare - but he was distracted by the other students now just arriving. He was tempted, more even to step aside from Alden's advancement and deal with that student for another time, but the next words that the teenager spoke made him stop.

His eyes fiercely flashed back at the younger male's, his pupils swiftly shrinking and his eyes flooding into a dangerous yellow colour. His eyebrows were knotted together, and he spoke with his chin tilted up slightly.

"Quite the same, Mr Fex," he spoke in a strangely different voice, much deeper and more threatening that his usual. His sharp eyes flickered to Maddy momentarily, then back to Alden.

"But you should never take that lack of myself as a weakness. I am respected and feared here, and I do not plan on changing that anytime soon, just because of a few kids who think they can mess with dangerous things."
Despite the tense atmosphere and against all better judgement, Lane made her way to the group she saw before her. Possible siblings. Maybe even twins. Then an older man. The suited man whos wrist she held pulled her over and tapped her hood covered forehead.

"Delaney, you will be alright if i left from here?"

" yeah, dont worry about it." She replied with a natural cheer.

He bent down and hugged her quickly, whispering in the younger girls year. "I dont trust them. Meet me here in two months time and ill find you all solace."

Pulling away she nodded, pinkish eyes watering as she took her luggage and saw him off.

Turning around took a minute but she looked to the interesting group and gave them a welcoming grin as she approached.

"Hello. I int'rupting?" She asked, casually ignoring the atmosphere
Amy arrived at the academy in a police car after being left locked up and found guilty in a prison cell. She looked out the window of the car at the academy noting the fences made her feel a little uneasy. "They sure want us there." I mutter to myself as we arrive outside the academy and the officer escorted me out and over to the group. At the moment Amy looked a little crazy and her hands were twitching that day she had enjoyed toying with the blood in others bodies. The gloves on her hands prevented her from doing that to the cop that had driven her here. Amy stretched as they got to the group but did not say a word sensing a unpleasant atmosphere.
Maddy laughed, "Your feared by what? The rats and mice that already live here? No ones been here for years, there for the only ones afraid of you were the mice and rats." Alden looked at her, then looked back at this man, he could sense power rising up in him and looked at his sister with warning eyes, flashing a but of worry. He knew there just might be something a bit odd about this guy, and maybe that would be something to worry about. So instead of laughing with his sister he looked at him "When are we going inside, the sun will be coming out soon, and I know there should be at least on more person here." He said looking around and then up.
[i'm actually not going to RP with Vegas Urie -- having two characters really is a bit of a hastle.]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick held his powerful yellow glare on the twins for a long heartbeat longer, before quickly turning his head to the side and squeezing his eyes shut. He winced - blinking a few times, and focused his attention down on his boots. He looked as though he was experiencing strong pain, which I guess you could say he was, but in more ways than one. When he seems to drift away into his angered state - which seems to be happening a lot lately - it returns him with a piercingly painful headache.

He looked back up, the yellow colour in his eyes still bold. He straightened himself up, took a quick step back, and motioned to the group of students that have already arrived without him realizing, since he had been distracted of his feud with the Fex twins. Even though most of him was returned to normal, including his voice and attitude, his supernaturally harsh golden eyes gave him a dangerous impression.

"Greetings, everyone!" He rose his voice, so everyone would have their attention on him. "I am your headmaster, educational teacher, therapist and guardian from here on now. Please refer to me by Mr. Stamos every time you are to speak of me. I expect for your complete respect to me, and I will return that same respect to you."

He took a moment to pause, letting his piercing eyes fall upon each student in turn. He flashed a large, fake smile, before continuing.

"Once we enter the academy, you will be ushered to the cafeteria by me and the staff for breakfast. Then after, you will be shown your dorm rooms, where all your things have already been delivered. When you are all settled, you may tour yourselves around the academy as you please.

But be warned - You are not allowed to enter any of the marked "Do Not Enter" rooms under any circumstances. Nor, are you allowed to enter my own office or dorm room at any time. If you do, you will not be sent home -

But exiled. If, you make it out alive, that is."

He let out a laugh, sounding more creepy than amused.

"Any questions?"
(Im adding another character gimmie a sec!"

Maddy put her hand up, "Are we not missing another person?" She asked on her tiptoes looking around with a normal face this time. Alden had warned her about, this guy because he could sense something odd about him and this place. But he liked it, which made it okay for his sister to live in it too.
Ignoring the disturbing fake atmosphere, and continuing on smiling her own, she raised her hand. Voice full of mild concern, she asked, " may we have visiters ever?"

She smiled at the cute girl twin with her own question as well. Long white fingers tugged at the hood concealing her hair and face.
Colten stopped his pace to listen to the man who referred to him as "headmaster". He demanded things of respect and a proper title when referring to him. Colten didn't want to give him the time of day, let alone respect, so he kept his back to him as he spoke. The "headmaster" soon finished speaking and questions arose from the crowd. Colten only had one question: When do we get out of the prison? But he didn't ask.

Colten closed his eyes and took a second to breath. His form shifted from his current form into a new body. His hair now matched his silver eyes and his clothes had changed as well. His red shirt was replaced with a brown one and his gloves for bandages. This was normal for him. He favored both forms and preferred to shift between them every now and then. He had control over at least those two forms, but he couldn't control his real form or other forms.

Colten walked over the nearest wall spun on his heals and leaned his back against it. He let out a small sigh and looked up at the sky. "I could go for a burger right about now." He dug his hands into his pockets and pulled out a lighter and cigarette. He placed the cigarette into his mouth and lit the tip. He slid his back down the wall and sat on the ground in a semi-fettle position. Colten took a slight drag and watched as the clouds pass by overhead.
Almost as if summoned, a Cadillac Eldorado came speeding around a corner and into a parking space. A girl walks out, "Sorry im late everyone, even though there are some who are later." She smiled and ran to the front of the crowd to introduce herself, "Hello sir, my name is Jordan!" She bowed and looked up at him with a gleam in her eyes. It seemed as if she was trying her best not to laugh. But then her blonde hair got in her face and she had to stand up to get it out of her face, and then she bumped into him. She saw very few images, to her it seemed as if he was already dead. She stopped and looked at him "Im sorry sir, may i talk to you after?" She asked politely.

By the time the car was pulling up to the academy, the officers had expressions of disappointment upon all three of their faces. "It is okay guys everything will be fine. I appreciate what you have done for me." He informed the officers. "I don't care what anyone says you did not kill those people. You just aren't the type." The driving officer stated back at Toraa. "Awww you are so sweet. Well, I guess I'm off. I will try to visit you guys if I can or maybe you can visit me." He stated as he opened the door to the car. Once he was out side of the car before closing the door he peeped back inside, "Oh yeah here is a gift for you guys." He then placed one of his cards on the back seat. It turned into flowers that began to grow around the car. "Tell your wives I said hello when you give these to them." He then slammed the door and he could hear the cops beginning to cry as they pulled off. What are they crying about? Also is that the orientation going on over there?. Toraa began to think to himself. He then walkes slowly over to the group and stood in the back listening to what was going on and not caring about what he had missed. He just stood there quietly with his arms crossed and his long silver hair gleaming in the sun, and his amethyst colored eyes glaring but not really paying attention.

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