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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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"Hopefully he doesn't have a huge ego like the last sparring teacher. I still remember the pain you put him through." Sean chucked as you spoke the last few words. Mary was the only person he was a bit against fighting. For one, as a god his contract was signed through her, secondly, she always seemed to hold back her true power.
"Hopefully he doesn't have a huge ego like the last sparring teacher. I still remember the pain you put him through." Sean chucked as you spoke the last few words. Mary was the only person he was a bit against fighting. For one, as a god his contract was signed through her, secondly, she always seemed to hold back her true power.
"He is still a student so he wont have to worry about anything happening to him" She said with a smile. "But you know why I did what I did to the old teacher" SHe said
"It has been a long time since that slot was filled. I was going to ask to fill it this year if you found no one." Sean turned and snapped his fingers, fixing the door. "But that would call for a change of contract and you know how tiring the first one was."
"It has been a long time since that slot was filled. I was going to ask to fill it this year if you found no one." Sean turned and snapped his fingers, fixing the door. "But that would call for a change of contract and you know how tiring the first one was."
"Of course I do" She sighed and looked down. He was the 5th god she filled a contract with. He wasn't lieing when he said the work was tiring. "But it is easier when the God wants to do the job. When you sigh one with a demon or mevlonent god, its a lot harder"
"No I have not yet" She said."I just got back"

SHe looked at it and smiled. "Glad to see another student" She said

"it cant understand you " Mike said to her and held the meat out for the creature.

Mary nodded. "Ok then" She said and projected a thought of safety to the creatures mind
The mutant looked to the food in the human's hands. Although it felt safe and relaxed, It still couldn't trust them. It was outnumbered, and they probably had the ability to destroy it completely.

The mutant knew that the humans were being friendly. It didn't know of their intentions or why they were being friendly.
But it was happy to lower it's guard.

After a moment of hesitation, the mutant grabbed the food with it's teeth from the human's hands. It backed away from the humans and sat down next to a wall. began eating once it had sat down.
The mutant looked to the food in the human's hands. Although it felt safe and relaxed, It still couldn't trust them. It was outnumbered, and they probably had the ability to destroy it completely.

The mutant knew that the humans were being friendly. It didn't know of their intentions or why they were being friendly.
But it was happy to lower it's guard.

After a moment of hesitation, the mutant grabbed the food with it's teeth from the human's hands. It backed away from the humans and sat down next to a wall. began eating once it had sat down.
Mike sighed in relief the it didn't bite his hand off as well. "Well I have to go work" He said and walked away.
Sean looked at the mutant, watching it. "This is going to be an interesting school year." He stated, before turning to Mary. "Well I am going to finish the paperwork now." With that, he vanished.
(Need to go afk a bit)
Sean looked at the mutant, watching it. "This is going to be an interesting school year." He stated, before turning to Mary. "Well I am going to finish the paperwork now." With that, he vanished.
(Need to go afk a bit)

Mary sat on the bed and watched the mutant. "Now there are less people" SHe said to it
The mutant finished it's meal. There was nothing left of it.
The mutant received the message, although it didn't understand what it meant. It felt a bit safer.

The mutant looked up, noticing the lack of humans in the area. It was no longer outnumbered.

He looked to the only remaining human in the area, staring blankly as if he was waiting for something. It was mostly pondering what the human was going to do. Did she know it was friendly?

After some thought, the mutant opened it's mouth slightly in a sharp-toothed grin.Although crooked and probably a bit eerie, It was it's attempt to smile. Hopefully that would bring across the message of friendship.
The mutant finished it's meal. There was nothing left of it.
The mutant received the message, although it didn't understand what it meant. It felt a bit safer.

The mutant looked up, noticing the lack of humans in the area. It was no longer outnumbered.

He looked to the only remaining human in the area, staring blankly as if he was waiting for something. It was mostly pondering what the human was going to do. Did she know it was friendly?

After some thought, the mutant opened it's mouth slightly in a sharp-toothed grin.Although crooked and probably a bit eerie, It was it's attempt to smile. Hopefully that would bring across the message of friendship.
She smiled back at it. "I wonder what you are" she said to her self. Mary then patted on the bed and sent a picture of it sitting next to her
The creature crawled forward slowly, hesitant to follow the vision.
It did not know why it felt it should sit next to her.

Despite that, the creature relaxed, getting up from it's crawling phase. It walked over to the bed and sat down next to the human.
The height difference was really shown as the creature seemed to tower over the human. it looked down at the human with it's curious stare.
The creature crawled forward slowly, hesitant to follow the vision.
It did not know why it felt it should sit next to her.

Despite that, the creature relaxed, getting up from it's crawling phase. It walked over to the bed and sat down next to the human.
The height difference was really shown as the creature seemed to tower over the human. it looked down at the human with it's curious stare.
She smiled and set a picture of her touching it. But in a way that asked for its approval to touch it.
Once again, the creature hesitated for a moment. It was processing the visions it had seen. Although it was still pondering what the human was doing, it accepted the human's vision. It didn't react badly to the vision, so it must have accepted it.
She slowly raised her hand, making sire it could be seen by the thing. She then slowly put it on its shoulder
The mutant's non-visible eyes followed her hand, occasionally glancing back to Mary . Usually being touched by a human meant one thing: they were fighting.

But, on this occasion , The human had shown no signs of attacking. they were not in a fight ( at least it hoped) and it was not being ambushed or startled. It was calm.

It did nothing, as it was unsure if it should do anything. He didn't want to antagonize or disrupt the kind and calming person.
The mutant's non-visible eyes followed her hand, occasionally glancing back to Mary . Usually being touched by a human meant one thing: they were fighting.

But, on this occasion , The human had shown no signs of attacking. they were not in a fight ( at least it hoped) and it was not being ambushed or startled. It was calm.

It did nothing, as it was unsure if it should do anything. He didn't want to antagonize or disrupt the kind and calming person.
She could tell it was uncomfortable and took her hand off. She sent it the feeling of apology

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