The 9 Circles of the Inferno


Piggu Lord


((Some of the Actions here are how you will start,a the players of this 1x1x1x1 are listed below

@paipai900 (if she decides to join)


@Hanabusa Auido


Hell, the place we all fear and wonder if we will go there when we die. It's an uncommon fate, only some go to the Inferno and you mostly have to earn your spot there, Hell isn't a punishment, just an uncommon fate, if you get in you're mostly a demon, walking among the Wreckage of an untamed and corrupted society for all of eternity. Fighting for your life and starving for days and nights. Okay, yeah it's a punishment, but you're a crazy demon who requires nothing but the blood of others being spilled by your weapon. Well not always, especially for those who slip away from an Angel's hand, when your spirit is being dragged to heaven, Angels carry you there. It's a task that requires both human and angel assistance, while the spirits were being taken up to heaven, something seemed to happen and they lost their grip, something from below grabbed your angel and took you only. As well as some other souls far away from you. You wake up in the Gateway, a ruined city in the shape of a ring. The sides seemed to lead down to a bottomless pit, the center as well so obviously best to avoid jumping to the void. The city you're in is called Náz, you see wandering souls doing daily things, some being massacred by demons, others simply sleeping or hiding. The Gateway that will start your journey is in the biggest predator here so far. The Basilisk, you must defeat this beast to journey into it and find a small gate way like artifact. The rest will be revealed, now begin your escape. Escape the Inferno.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be21a5693_IMG_12711.JPG.b53756ee11b7a95b9ee5a4e84c2041b5.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be21a5693_IMG_12711.JPG.b53756ee11b7a95b9ee5a4e84c2041b5.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Will continue to post Places and Circles here)


Cressy: Sean Young and at times some major Npcs

Hanabusa Audio: Laila Samson

Moonsong: Demeter

paipai900: Not yet known (If she joins)


Sean floated in a white endless void. He could see others far away but he didn't move towards them. He couldn't move. He felt like staying there, was this death? His thought didn't really go through, he only felt a strong exhaustion as his vision was blurry. He was suddenly grabbed by a winged person, an angel? the woman was simply, godly. He looked at her as she gave him a warm smile, he didn't feel much towards her. He only felt comfort in her arms as she carried his limp body up. He suddenly emerged from what looked like the ground. He looked down at the graveyard, down at the shrinking world. A large gate seemed to open, exposing a warm light and what seemed like...Heaven. He smiled as his eyes shined with energy and excitement. He looked at the face of the angel again, like a child, eager to play with a toy or eat his desert after dinner. The Angel smiled but her face was quickly swatted away by a large hand. Her body send off and he suddenly floated in the air again. The Angel was sent flying through the sky, he lost sight of her and his face was suddenly filled with terror. The hand grabbed him and pulled him down back into the white endless room. He slowly came to his senses as he tugged and pulled, his voice was silent as he finally slammed down to the floor of the white room. He was slowly being sucked in and the angel woman appeared. He finally managed to scream, wanting to go to heaven. The Angel tried but to no Avail, she screamed a phrase as he was sucked into the Inferno. "Kill them all." everything was dark after that.



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Demeter watched to her right. Another human figure had just been taken up by an angel, and then dragged back down, down until she couldn't see him anymore. She was now most anxious. She didn't know what this white chamber was but it was a trap. If she would escape or not she didn't know... If she would be dragged to the depths of hell she wasn't sure; But she was definitely scared. She tried to climb, up the walls to the angels, but every time she failed. Demeter found that every few minutes she'd be shuffling closer to the wall, glaring at the floor as if it could be certain death. She knew that in an instant her whole world could snap, along with her spine. Then a light voice came from above. Grinning, Demeter gazed up into the cloud. The woman came, the one she'd seen carry off that boy before he was taken. She reached out her arms for the angel, and when she was picked up, it was as if she was being filled with warm, homely energy. Demeter closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around the angel. 'Take me quickly... quickly please.' She mumbled, stifling a yawn. 'Look into my eyes child...' The angel spoke. Her voice was as smooth as white chocolate icing on a birthday cake. Demeter opened her eyes, and watched the angel's eyes intently. They were the palest blue, and the purest white. Suddenly they changed. They changed to grey, and black, and she was being carried by some sort of winged beast. Like the ones she'd seen in London...... Gargoyles. It had tricked her, quite well. And now she was sinking down into black, grey could until nothing mattered anymore, nothing mattered.

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