The 86th Annual Hunger Games : Sign-Ups & OOC


EMT Extraordinaire
As all of Panem sit in suspense theres only one thing that could cause this kind of attention. Before each District stands the Escort, sent from the Capital, dressed in their flamboyant costumes. Despite the shape of their hairstyle, the luster of their skin, artificial curves of their bodies, one thing is the same about all of them. Cameras are surrounding them, capturing the event, and broadcasting the footage across all of Panem to capture the reaction of its people as each and every Escort pulls out two slips of paper. Each slip contains a name, the name of a boy and a girl. Each name is not alike, but they all have something in common. Each of those names belong to a person, and every single person will end up in a grand tournament, a fight to the death, until there is only one victor.

We call that tournament, The Hunger Games. You are now chosen for the 86th Annual Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favor…

The 86th Annual Hunger Games link to role-play :: Click Here

(For future reference, here is the map of the arena, though the role-play will be starting somewhere between the characters getting off the train or maybe after the parade.)

(Also, characters in the books, such as the Tributes will not exist. However, for the sake of convenience, because crazy imaginative names are so hard to come by, we will keep character such as mentors, stylists, that sort of thing. But I will have names to call mentors and such during the role-play for reference, but only for mentors that no one has claimed, that sort of thing.)

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Rules and Restrictions!

  • I know this looks like a lot to read, but it is necessary that you do.
  • As always, no god-modding. Its a simple one that is abused easily. Due to the nature of the role-play it shall be even harder.
  • No killing other characters without the permission of the owner of said character.
  • This will be Semi-Literate. I don't expect an essay paper, just on paragraph; minimum of five sentences with fair spelling and grammar skills--the way I see it, English is most people's first language and still we abuse it. I do understand if you have writer's block or the role-play is slow, that's the exception. Just please don't make a habit of it.
  • Please also have read the book(s)--you don't have to have read all of them---or watched the movie or have knowledge about the Hunger Games.
  • No anime pictures. Also please refrain from having a Katana unless your character is of Asian decent (I find that to be cliche).
  • You may have up to three characters. I personally suggest you have two. That way, realistically, one is able to die and we don't just have one huge stalemate. If you have multiple characters; one, you may not have two from the same district; and two, please make sure you are up to the task and are able to post at least a paragraph for each; three, this one in particular is not a character rule, in your sign-up post answer the following question, so I know you read and understand the rules. Is Katniss a potato? You also have the ability to play a mentor.
  • Your character may have enemies, but do not be intentionally rude to the owners and all that.
  • Please be somewhat active. You don't have to post every single day, but if someone is waiting on your post please don't take a week. I understand our lives get hectic at times, and if they do, care to tell us before you disappear.
  • Don't have your character jump around all the time. Be realistic with the time ratio. For example, don't have your character on one side of the arena gathering food or something in one post, then have them battling another character on the other side of the arena in the next. I have seen this happen many times and it is one of my many pet peeves. Be responsible with the time. I will make sure days don't drag out too long and do periodic time skips and spawn events if its going slow. To do what I can to make sure the story continues.
  • I think thats it with the rules! Wow! Still interested? The sign-up is below!


Full Name:

Age: (12 - 18) (20 - 50)

Role: (Male/Female District # Tribute) (District # Mentor)

Personality: (In sentence form please, or you can combine all of the information into one big story if you prefer)

Background: (Essay length or short and sweet, I just want an idea of where and what your character came from)

Skills: (See rule 2. Character may be proficient at one weapon and may have some knowledge of other weapons. Not required for mentors)

Weaknesses: (Keep it realistic. No one's character is perfect. Remember rule 2. Not required for mentors)

[Fear] : (Please PM this to me. No kittens or boogey monsters. Can be people, things, ideas, etc.)

Token: (Within reason)

Other: (Anything else that needs to be said. How do you want to plan their death - early or after some development)

Appearance: (Rule 6. also keep it realistic and relative to the age. Include height and eye colour. Optional: Markings, scars, tattoos, birthmarks, and so forth)

My Characters

Name: Kitinger Renfroux (ren-fro)

Age: 17

Role: Female Tribute District 2


Even though it was technically illegal, Kitinger was being trained since the day she was born to compete in the Hunger Games. All her life, she had known the event to be a place of respect. She grew up in a family of proud, hard-working craftsmen from District 2. If you were to be chose to become a Tribute it was a great honor, but in her family it was an unsaid rule that the oldest child would volunteer and hold that responsibility with pride.

Ever since she could remember she had been a warrior, brave and fearless. While most little girls would squeal and run from other little boys chasing them holding out worms skewered on sticks, she'd pick up the things and chase the boys around. In terms of her childhood, she was a rebel, head-strong and defiant. She grew up taking pride in her scars, even if she did get them in practice, to her they were a mark of strength and superiority.

Though she was born second to oldest child, separated by a year of age. Kitinger knew she would do a better job as the head of the family. And so the battle ensued. After many years of competing and outdoing one another, and though there was only a year's age difference between them, Kitinger lapsed that difference and surpassed it; she took over her older sister's responsibilities, born talent making out stronger than born-right. When the Reaping finally came around, after years of training and fighting within her own blood, at the age of seventeen years old, she volunteered herself. She is ready, even eager for what is to come. After attacking those of her own blood, she would have a thought of reluctance to go at anyone with less than one hundred percent of her power. Kitinger is cunning and always suspicious, always calculating, and never puts all of her trust in one place.

Skills: She has a general knowledge of most weapons. She can throw knives and spears with varying accuracy, though her passion is for the tradition and finesse of the sword. She professes in wielding all variations. In close combat she prefers to fight with her hands, though she is comfortable with a blade in her hands, she is not partial to the dependency one might make with a weapon to do her fighting for her. And while she can kill a person with her hands, she can kill just as easily with her hands if not quicker. She may be an excellent in swordsmanship, but tends to not put her trust in anything but herself.

Weaknesses: She has a hard time putting her trust in things. Sometimes Kitinger can be something of a perfectionist, she tries to plan for every detail but comes out frustrated when things turn up unlike what she expects, and has a tendency to spread herself too thin.

Token: A small silver square stud earring. If one were close enough, they would fine that there was a tiny granite hammer and spear inlaid into the metal. The earring is passed along to the head child of her family to the next, traditionally placed in the harder cartilage of the upper ear.

Other: Despite her emmense distrust in anyone but herself, Kitinger has opened herself to the possibility of alliances and their benefits, she plans to make them soon and gather up the knowledge of her competitors.

Appearance: She is 5'9 and a half, muscular. Dark ash-brown hair down to her shoulder blades. Grayish/pale hazel brown eyes.

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Name: Baron Leer

Age: 17

Role: Male Tribute District 4


Baron Leer has always been a good-natured boy, caring and considerate. He is humble and reserved. Though he often enjoys laughing and joking and talking, and in general enjoying the company of others, no one really knows the real him. Baron is the main When his name off that slip of paper, he was as good as condemned. At first he is not very confident, though he has to win for his family and hopes to utilize of all the opportunities he can get to give him even the slightest advantages Reluctantly he realizes that the only way he will able succeed in this new environment is to become a murdering savage. Although this thought makes his stomach turn in disgust he knows its the only way to survive, he's seen it on the television ever since he was small. He is protective of those he loves and will do what it takes to become the victor of this year's Hunger Games.

Skills: He is charismatic and diplomatic. Baron is physically quite strong and knows how to use that to his advantage. Expert on knots, trapping, swimming, climbing that sort of thing. But when it comes to using weapons, he has almost zero experience, aside from maybe a net and trident.

Weaknesses: When it comes to weaponry, he has almost no experience. His survival skills are basic, he is not an expert, but he has always had to provide for his family. In that way he can be almost too loyal.

Token: A flat band of woven leather he wears around his upper arm between his bicep and tricep. Special to him because it was made for him by his younger brother.

Other: None

Appearance: Tall at 6'4, impressive build of dense muscle and tan from day after day in the sun pulling in nets and rigging sails on the ships. Dark reddish-brown hair with light caramel colored eyes, and freckles sprinkled across the bridge of his nose and cheeks and across chest, back, and broad shoulders.

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Name: Magnus Fairfax

Age: 29

Role: District 4 Mentor

Personality: Since then he has watched twenty two of his student die in front of cameras of the arena. He is somewhat of a broken man, never quite getting over the trauma. Despite that he has a steely resolve to the best he can to prepare his Tributes for what is ultimately war, and while they are out there to help them he can, as indirect as it is. He admires courage and passion.

Other: It has been some time since the district has seen a victor, eleven years which, for their district, is less than acceptable. There is pressure for a victor and soon. Also, Magnus was a Career Tribute during his time in the Games.

Appearance: Grown man, 6'0. He has gained weight since his days in the arena, but its not too much, with a wiry frame, and dark bags permanently set under his eyes.

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Full Name: Hale Pax

Age: 12

Role: Male District 9 Tribute


Originally Hale was from a very large family, he is the youngest of six brothers and sisters. He was what you would say "the runt of the litter". When his parents sent him to the community home he knew it was because he was just a mistake, that with him there his parents couldn't possibly support that number of children. But he accepted his fate, he wants to blame his parents for his bitter childhood growing up in the community but cannot bring himself to it because somehow he understands. However this is what has made him grow hard and indifferent to the world. At the age of nine he ran away from his community home and tried to go back to his real home. He ran all of the ten miles and didn't stop until he made it there, not sure if the Peacemakers would capture him and if they did if they would punish him. When he was there he peered through the windows and watched his former family for an indefinite amount of time, that is until his birthmother finally spotted him. Hale expected a tearful reunion, his mother crying saying she had missed him. But when the reunion did happen, he was surprised. His mother greeted him with anger, saying he was selfish and only thinking of himself, that if he was caught she and her family would have been punished for his violation. She told him to get away from her house and her family and never come back again, and admitting to him his worse fears, making him let go of the one thing that gave him hope. Sure he might have been a mistake, but perhaps his parents had no choice, that they hadn't wanted to give him away. Hale was devastated. He ran half of the way back home before collapsing into the ground and sobbing his heart out.

He was found by a Peacemaker sometime in the night. Hale thought he was a goner for sure. An underage orphaned child out pasted curfue with no adult, run away from the government provided home. However, seeing the state he was in and finding out the truth, the Peacemaker granted him an allowance, but took him back to the community home. After getting the full story out of the small boy, the Peacemaker was impressed at his stamina and how far the boy could run in just that short about of time. The man set him up with a job, at the age of nine, Hale was running along with the trains as they departed the station, with their load of grain, and do various tasks before the engine picked up speed. Now that he was picked for the Games, he knows he has nothing left to live for, he knows he will die.

Skills: He is a fast runner, nimble, and agile. He is detached and distant, he would be willing to kill without hesitation.

Weaknesses: Hale is relatively small for his age, on the short side. No prior knowledge of survival or weapons. Almost impulsive and reckless.

Token: None, he has nothing he wishes to bring with him, nor does he have anything.

Other: None

Appearance: 4'11, short for his age. Strawberry blonde hair, sky blue eyes, pale skin, sprinkle of freckles across cheeks.

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Full Name: Jett Garinger

Age: 15

Role: Male District 5 Tribute

Personality: Patient, paranoid, determined. That is the easiest way to describe him. He in ingeniously smart and quick witted, and because of that he is somewhat arrogant. He reserves himself unless he deems the person acceptable to speak to as if he figures they have something useful to say. He doesn't give much thought in what other people's personal opinions of him are as long as they don't attract too much attention to him, other than that he speaks his mind--though most of the time, it comes off as rude to other people, though he views it as pointing out the otherwise obvious truth. Jett is best at solving puzzles, things that require an immense time of dedication and concentration. He doesn't think outside the box, but outside the three-dimensional polyhedron that is his mind.

Background: Not is known about him, he has so far lived an inconspicuous life. He is very conspiretory against the Capitol and wishes nothing more than to see it reduced down into a pile of rubble and ash.

Skills: He is quick on his feet, agile--nimble and as quick as a jackrabbit. Slower metabolism, meaning his food stays with him longer. Excels at climbing and maneuvering through difficult terrain. Finds greatest use in dual hooked swords. He is also a schmoozer--when he wants to be--and clever as a fox.

Weaknesses: He can run but he knows he is not quite as fast as some of the other tributes. His build consists of dene compact muscle with little body fat, he would be at high risk of starvation in the arena because he has little fat reserves.

Token: A necklace made for him by an unknown source. Consisting of three upside down bronze-gold stacked on top of each other with a simple chain necklace.

Other: None

Appearance: 6'2 Lithe, lean frame, wiry. Straight unruly black hair, short but in a grown-out short.

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Line Up

District One

  1. Castle Steve Johnson
  2. Diamond Fabulo
District Two

  1. Darius Smith
  2. Kitinger Renfroux
District Three

  1. Gabriel Basil Tohorme
  2. Taima Watt
District Four

  1. Baron Leer
  2. Sterling Kole Sparra
  3. Magnus Fairfax - Mentor
District Five

  1. Jett Garinger

  2. Sylvia Lovelace
District Six

  1. Pitch Kink

  2. Aria Everheart
District Seven

  1. Fortis Zonama

  2. Girl

District Eight

  1. Bradley Vaas

  2. Ariana Darkkin
  3. Narra Grundy - Mentor
District Nine

  1. Hale Pax
  2. Girl
District Ten

  1. Gambilio Frithus

  2. Girl
District Eleven

  1. Jack Ripper

  2. Thalia Hallwell
District Twelve

  1. Kai Revouuse
  2. Joclynn Sariix

((There are enough characters signed-up, so I'm going to 'close' sign-ups -- unless you plan on killing your character early on or something.))

Full Name: Darius Smith

Age: 18

Role: Male Tribute District 2

Personality: Darius is cold, manipulative, and selfish. All he wants to do is win the games and that is all that drives him. He is obsessive over winning and this drive is what defines him, he has had no chance to develop any other personality but one that keeps him harsh and cold.

Background: He has been training all of his life to take the title and gain glory for his district and family. Darius has been training and preparing for the games to such an extent that he claims (and believes) that he was born to win the games. He is the only child to his wealthy parents

Skills:Darius is an expert with a hammer and other blunt weapons, decent at swords and bladed weapons

Weaknesses: He has been trained with weapons but he lacks social and environmental skills. He has next to no knowledge of how to keep himself alive in the wilderness

Token: One gold ring that has no importance but he hopes will become a family heirloom if he wins



Full Name: Thalia Hallwell

Age: 12

Role: Female Tribute District 11

Personality: Thalia is innocent to the point of being naive about the world. She is soft, sweet, and caring

Background: Thalia comes from a lower-middle class family and the oldest of four children. She was worried that she was going to be chosen but her parents were just well enough to scrape by without her taking tesserae so they convinced her that she couldn't be chosen and then she was.

Skills: Being from District 11 she has skills in climbing trees and identifying edible plants. Thalia can handle a knife although she is moderately skilled with it at best.

Weaknesses: No other useful weapon skills

Token: A locket with a picture of her family and a four-leaf clover in it for luck

Other: They keep telling me that Katniss is not a potato so I'll have to say that she is not (although I have my suspicions)


Full Name: Diamond Fabulo

Age: 16

Role: District One Female Tribute

Personality: Diamond is bubbly and playful. She's almost always smiling and loves flirting with people. She never does any work, the family maids take care of that for her. She tends to be a little self-centered, and if someone doesn't instantly like her, she will be consumed with trying to figure out why. (Where they just jealous of her? Was her outfit to sparkly that day? No... it has to be jealousy. There's no such thing as too sparkly.)

Background: Diamond is the definition of spoiled rich girl. She is the only child of one of the richest families in all of distract one: Garnet and Lux Fabulo, the founders of Fabulo Fashions. Fabulo Fashions is the top clothing brand in the Capital, and they even have the honor of designing Ceasar's outfits every year for the Hunger Games. Because Diamonds family is so well-to-do, they figured Diamond would be exempt from the Reaping. They were wrong. Diamond wasn't worried though. She's watched the Hunger Games every year on TV, how hard could it be, really? Well, she's about to find out....

Skills: unless a hair-brush can be counted as a weapon, she is inept at all weapons.

Weaknesses: spoiled, not very intelligent, unable to use any weapon proficiently.

Token: a sterling silver lipstick tube, engraved with: "Love Always, Momsie and Popsie" that was given to her on her 16th birthday. The lipstick in it is all used up, but she keeps the tube.

Other: Katniss is an edible root that she and her father would dig up.... edible root.... sooo does that make it a potato? or a carrot?? 0_o I also remember it means something to do with arrows....


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She's my first entry, I'll have my second up later.

Full Name: Taima Watt

Age: 17

Role: District 3 Female Tribute

Personality: Taima is, all in all, a very odd child. She tends to talk to her self and would rather spend her time locked in her work-shop surrounded by gears and wires than interact with actual people. She is a very talented electrician, but then again, who in district three isn't? She is quiet, but not shy. And she is also very intelligent.

Background: Taima comes from a large family. Her mother died when she was about seven due to complications in the birth of Taima's young sister. Taima's father is always working, but she doesn't really mind because she's always hard at work with a project of her own. Taima has two older brothers, Tristan(22) Nikko(19) and a younger sister, Eva(10). She usually only sees her younger sister at meal time, because she's in her workshop the rest of the time. She very rarely sees her brothers, they have both moved out already. All of her siblings have black hair like her, except for Eva, who has reddish-brown hair like their mother.

Taima has had a love for wires and building ever since she could walk. She used to be very close to her brother Nikko, but after the death of their mother he moved out and she moved into his old workshop in the attic of their house. She began spending every day and most nights in there. She even stopped sleeping in her bedroom. She is always working, though she never has a set goal of what she's making. She just builds, and builds, and breaks what she built back down, then takes the pieces and builds some more. Her father expected her to be married and moved by now, but she never goes out and never meets anyone, soooo yeah. That's not gonna happen.

Skills: thinking quickly, strategic planning, building deadly traps for fellow tributes and snares to catch animals.

Weaknesses: She can't climb trees for the life of her. and she fears crowds and public speaking

Token: a rusty gear that she kept from her workshop

Other: I already answered the question.... so meh....


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Full Name: Sterling Kole (Cole) Sparra (Spa-rah)

Age: 17

Role: Female District 4 Tribute

Personality: Sterling is a sweetheart. She could be found just smiling. The Hunger Games and her fast moving district has made her loose sight of her happiness and focus on the future that was mapped out for her; you work on the canning plant and get married to a local boy who is good looking and prosperous, yeah right. She doesn't like being told what to do, or following directions. She likes risk taking, and making up her plan as she goes.

Background: Ster (What I might call her) grew up in one of the richest districts, not the most luxurious district per-say. She had always been the girl to not follow and do what she was told. Although it gave her lashings, she continued to stray from her robust way. Ster was a very fast learner and thinker growing up, and she still is. As she grew older, Ster realized that she ha a certain passion for running. By golly se was a fast girl; she is known as 'Strike' in her district because of her spew and name. Ster was always told what and what not to do; always led like a little child through her life. Growing up, she always watched the Hunger Games, but never thought one day, she'd be in the arena! Who knows what will happen to her next?

Skills: Techniques; very fast learner. Extremely fast, she is also moderately strong. Sterling is also fairly good at weaponry.

Weaknesses: Survival foods; what to eat and what not to eat, and finding good shelter.

Token: Her token is found around her neck; a simple brown necklace with a sterling silver fish in the middle of it. It was given to her by her brother (Tucker 9) and family before she left.

Other: I'm pretty sure I answered that already :P )


(I'm making my male tomorrow)
(Updated) Full Name: Fortis Zonama

Age: 18

Role: District 7 Male Tribute

Personality and Background: Fortis was constantly bullied and pushed around as a kid from the others his age for his small stature.As a result, he became a very ambitious boy with tough skin. Throughout the years, he channeled anger and frustration into field work where he grew both mentally and physically. Fortis is exceptionally strong though his appearance seems otherwise. He is a joker sometimes but that doesnt mask his persistent attitude. He likes to plan things out. He doesn't like surprises. He constantly pushed himself through sweat and tears. Today, he performs as a leader to bring pride to his district. The district that never loved him.

Skills: Fortis is very skilled with the sword. As a kid, he would pick up sticks and fence with scarecrow dummies to practice. He is also secondarily skilled with the Axe. His district is the district of lumber. His father taught him how to work with trees at an early age.

Weaknesses: His weakness is spontaneity. Fortis rarely trusts his gut and when he has nothing good came out of that. He likes sticking to plans.

Token: Fortis wears a ring with a piece of amber that he found in a tree several years ago cut to resemble a jewel.

Other: Katniss is a potato. Read it under a Snapple cap so it must be true, right?

Full Name: Gabriel Basil Tohorme (Toe-r-um)

Age: 18

Role: Male District 3 Tribute

Personality: He is as smart as a whip. I mean, come on; he kind of needs to be! He does live in District 3. Very good at absorbing information, an amazing memory, and very quiet. He liked to win; least favorite thing is to loose. When Gabe was smaller, he would always watch the Hunger Games, and wonder what it was like. He often has daydreams, and can have a little attention span at times. Slow to anger, and usually a nice guy.

Background: Growing up in District 3 was not the easiest. Having to fill your father's shoes was hard work! Gabe would have much rather be somewhere else, but he needed to take up the family business. He worked as a technician before going to the Hunger Games. He used to watch the Hunger Games as a kid, and wa always positive that he wanted to be the male tribute for District Four.

Skills: Big brain, think-on-your-feet, smart, and fairly good with wiring.

Weaknesses: Guns and Bows. He has little to no experience with guns.

Token: A small, rusty bolt that he wears strung through a thin necklace.

Other: Yes, Katniss is a potato. Well, technically, it is a plant found in shallow wetlands and is sometimes known as broadleaf arrowhead, duck potato, Indian potato, or wapato. So yes, it is

Okay, so for me, both of my character's I'm fine with dieing, I in no way expect to win, Diamond could even die in the bloodbath if necessary however I would like Taima to survive at least for a little while because I like her character and I would enjoy role playing as her. :P
@Equinox - Accepted

@Coedy - Accepted

@HanaChan13 - She can go that way if you want, but it should be more meaningful than just dying in the bloodbath. I mean one of them has to die sooner than later. I myself have two more characters I have a plan for, one of which will die in the bloodbath. Then I have a plan for the final contestants once it gets to that point involving the mechanics of the arena. Mwahahahaha...


But for everyone, what do you think about having a fear? One that you would PM to me so that I can work it in with the whole Gamemakers thing. That way there is that idea that others that may be around you can discover it and use it against you? If you want to do that go ahead and PM it to me when you get the chance.
Full Name:Kai Revouuse

Age: 16

Role: Male/District 12 Tribute

Personality: Well not a people person,Very distant and quiet.When he is spoken to,he's ether rude and stubborn or shy and nervous.It would depend on if he sees you as a threat or not,ether way he's hard to get to know.

Background:Kai was one who always wanted to be in the hunger games and worked towards it until he was old enough to go. So he stayed away from people since he had no time for them,with no home or parents anymore the games were the only thing he had.So he could be useful in some way,since he was never good at anything else.When he was able to be in the games he'd test himself before going,for four years he knew he wasn't ready and never got picked.Though he continued working hard with anything he could get his hands on so he had skills in multiple things.

Skills: The bow and arrows are his main weapon,though he knows the basics of most.He can think over his whole strategy before his enemy thinks of there first move,he's good at moving around up through trees which takes good muscles in his arms and legs along with good reflexes.Anything he needs to survive in the wild.

Weaknesses: Has a medical problem he keeps to himself,it doesn't happen normally but when it does his body shoots with pain and his heart has trouble keeping up.He's only had two close calls in his life and little shocks every now and then,but he is able to control them if he calms down.

Token: a small,silver locket with his parent's pictures in it,he keeps it on him always but always changes where he wears it.


Appearance: Has light blue eyes and is 5' 7",Has multiple scars all over his body and are self inflicted.


Full Name: Jack Ripper

Age: 18

Role: Male/11 district tribute

Personality: Crazy,He always sounds heartless when he speaks and doesn't care about anything really other than the games.

Background: He's the one you never what to get caught with alone,his height always scared most when he was a kid and the way he acted never helped ether.He never really got along with anyone other than adults in his district since they were the only ones he acted normal around for some reason.He always had anger issues from when he was little to now and saw the hunger games as a fun chance to get his anger out. So he waited every year for his time,eager to be his turn to have the fun.

Skills: Amazing strength and can take a major beating before hitting the ground.He knows how to use any large heavy weapon such as hammers or axes.

Weaknesses: Not that good at moving fast around,when it came to attacking and running he was good but when it came to being swift he had trouble.and is terrible at any small weapon such as knifes,bows and arrows,anything not big and made of metal.

Token: a small bear made of wood that the only little girl that wasn't afraid gave to him,she said that's what he reminded her of and he cherished it.


Appearance: Blue eye color,6'8"


Full Name:Pitch Kink

Age: 17

Role: Male/district 6 tribute

Personality: He's pretty mellow,doesn't get mad easily and is sweet when he wants to be.

Background: He only remembers getting picked for the games.

Skills: doesn't remember,he finds out when he needs them.

Weaknesses: Forgets constantly,and really forgets like short term memory but out of no where.He'll forget everything except a few off things that trail behind that could be anything from important to completely useless.

Token: a piece of paper that has things he must remember


Appearance: dark brown eyes,6'2".he has three strange burn symbol on the left lower side of his back,the middle lower part of his back,and the right lower side of his back.Each different but he can't see them well,all he knows it that they each feel different.

(This Good?)~(Sorry forgot pitch's picture xD and yes Katniss is a potato.)~
(I completely forgot i was going to ask this till now xD i wanted to know if there could be computers?(Like in games,you face computers sometimes.) like in the hunger games there were some characters you didn't really see and they died quickly,like those dudes.)
[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] You mean NPCs? Of course. We can have our characters say they killed them, or they die, or something. I'll be sure to come up with that, don't worry.

[MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION] [MENTION=3233]HanaChan13[/MENTION] [MENTION=3778]Equinox[/MENTION] [MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION]

I have my own first post partially written. Mostly stuff they are thinking on the train ride over or something. But I definitely wanted to do the interviews, and parts of the training so our characters have time to size each other up and form alliances and such. I feel it's a important time for character development, what kind of angle they will play and such. I also have a fascination with the Capitol.

What do you guys think of this?
I agree with what you've suggested. There definitely should be some form of interaction before people get thrown into the arena at the very least.
I agree as well.... will we get to do the tribute parade??? If so, I have a greeeaaat idea for my district 3 girl.....
If you guys want to, it just means everyone coming up with some elaborate costume for their district. I have an idea also, but yeah, sure. We can.


So for first post, our characters will be on their respective trains to the capitol then go on about how their character is being prepared for their stylists. That way it is a chance for each character to recap any important things from the Reaping, personal feelings about the Games, that sort of thing.

Also, I am always open to ideas, issues, suggestions, constructive criticism, and even complaints. I'd like to hear what you guys have to say. Speak your mind, its how ideas are made and problems are resolved. PM me if you like.
Alrightie, that sounds like a fantastic plan. I'm getting so hyped for this RP. Something just screams 'SO FUN!' Here :3
Ok!! Sounds like a plan to me! And I personally thank you for waiting to start the thread until Sunday or Monday, because my weekend is very busy, and there would have been no way for me to post my first post! :P

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