The 72nd Hunger Games

Panem’s favorite part of the year is almost upon us, where everyone will be watching. This year is the 72nd annual Hunger Games and it is sure to be unforgettable. Here you will get the entire experience as a tribute - going through the reaping, training, interviews, and let’s not forget the most important part, the arena which is thoroughly concocted by our wonderful game makers. Also, don’t be discouraged if you don’t want to play a tribute. Mentors are available as well and they get to experience the drawing of names, the aftermaths of their victory, and connecting, along with doing what they can with their district representatives. Are you ready for this year’s ... ANNUAL HUNGER GAMES?!

This is an AU Hunger Games Roleplay. Characters like Peeta, Katniss, Haymitch, Cinna etc.. do not exist. The only person who is around from the books is President Snow and Caesar. Every character is completely original; the player picks their FC as well as creates their own bio, giving them complete control of who they are playing.

Our Roleplay is a community. We welcome new members with open arms and embrace the talents of roleplayers of every level, whether they are starting out or a veteran. But please, have some knowledge about the Hunger Games. Thank You!


District One

· Female Tribute

Thalia Madoore

· Male Tribute


· Mentor


· Mentor


District Two

· Female Tribute


· Male Tribute


· Mentor


· Mentor


District Three

· Female Tribute


· Male Tribute


· Mentor


District Four

· Female Tribute

Lana Pavati

· Male Tribute


· Mentor


· Mentor


District Five

· Female Tribute


· Male Tribute


· Mentor


District Six

· Female Tribute


· Male Tribute


· Mentor


· Mentor


District Seven

· Female Tribute


· Male Tribute

Beau Haynes

· Mentor


District Eight

· Female Tribute


· Male Tribute


· Mentor


District Nine

· Female Tribute


· Male Tribute


· Mentor


District Ten

· Female Tribute


· Male Tribute


· Mentor


District Eleven

· Female Tribute


· Male Tribute


· Mentor


District Twelve

· Female Tribute


· Male Tribute


· Mentor


· Mentor



Name: Full, please.

Age: 12-18

Personality: just four sentences, please no traits.

Appearance: Make this reasonable. If they are in a poor district, don’t let them wear frilly pink gowns.

Role: District 9 Male, District 2 Mentor, etc.

Token: Optional


Just keep waiting until all spots are closed. When they are, we can start RPing!

Have fun, and remember,

The Fire is Catching.


Name: Lana Pavati (the name means "Calm Clear Waters")


Personality: Lana is hardworking. When she undertakes a task, she won't stop until it's finished. She is kind to those who are her allies, otherwise you better watch out. She only makes alliances that she is sure will benefit her in the long run. Lana is very competitive, and as a career, she has been trained and prepared for the hunger games her whole life. She is known to over react at times. appearances are deceiving when it comes to Lana. You would never expect her to be the ruthless killer that she is at heart.


View attachment 7944

District 4 female tribute

a bracelet woven from fishing net

(By no traits, I mean like no this: Anna is nice, generous, impatient and rude. I want you to write like what you just wrote. And I suggest you lengthen your personality, and then I'll accept you.)
Name: Beau Haynes

Age: 17

Personality:Beau is very cold and reserved and does not talk much but even when he does, it's short and sweet. He is much smarter than people believe him to be and can be very manipulative and conniving. Due to his "Lumberjack-like" upbringing, he is very strong which only induces his aggressive and violent behavior. Once he's found someone to be worthy, he is loyal to the heart and can be very protective.


Role: District 7, Male Tribute.

Token: A black chain necklace with a bronze tree, ax and saw charm.
Name: Thalia Madoore

Age: 16

Personality: Thalia is all about beauty. If she's not sprucing up her hair she's doing her makeup. She is very posh, and hates to lose. Thalia will neverput 99% of work into something. Se will always do 100% in any condition. She Is very impatient, too, so whenever someone is in the bathroom for more than 3 minutes, she will kick the door until they leave, although she willl take more than 10 minutes in the bathroom. Thalia is pretty smart, and studies before going to practice for the games. Her mom is telling her to volunteer, so she could beat the other tributes and get money and riches for her family.


Role: District 1 Female Tribute

Token:Grandmother's Bracelet

Other: N/A

Both are accepted.
Ooc//: Alright, you should probably edit your starter post and cross off 7(male) and 4(female). ^_^
I just did, so we'll have to wait for some more applications. I guess we could just start RPing when we get two more applications. xD
Name: Katrina Sharp

Age: 16

Personality: Calm and collected. Has a sense of humor and will only be kind if she likes you. She is cunning, sly and quick on her feet. Katrina is good at using a Katana.


Role: District 12 Female

Token: Silver necklace with emerald serphant
Name: Akira Black

Age: 16

Personality: Laid back and fun. but in a tight situation can become very resourceful. Akira is a bit of jokester

Appearance: tattered work cloths

Role: District 12 Male

Token: Black chain with a red wolf head

Name: Fahren Postman (Pronounced: Fair-Ren Pos-T-mun)

Age: 14

Personality: Fahren is a fairly nice boy. He'll help you in dire need, or welcome you with very open arms. He takes care of his mother by feeding her the food he is pronounced after washing someone's clothes or cleaning their house; whatever the job is he gets paid. He also loves to make new friends, and usually doesn't get into fights, unless he's provoked. Fahren also found that he is usually capable of wielding a few knives or so, after gutting and killing pigs at the local farm. If needed, Fahren has the capability of starting a fire if he should. He learned so when his mother and him had no heat during the winter, therefore he tried to make a fire so his mother wouldn't get hypothermia. His father is usually never around, always working the extra hours at the Butchery to make some money for them. It's not like they're too poor. They have money, but sometimes it's just not enough. Fahren's also realized that sometimes he has an eye for the most attractive boys, but never understands why it happens. He believes maybe girls aren't enough for him, after all rumor has it many of the Capitol men date other men; even though its "un-moral". Since Fahren is always generous, he's usually giving out the money his Father works hard for to the ones who need it most; but he needs it the most as well. With generosity in his blood, it might be hard for Fahren to try and succeed at the hunger games this year, but he will try with ALL of his might.


Role: District 10 Male

Token: A Necklace with a small peice of a Bull's horn entangled through the fiber. Given to him by his father, before he left to go work at the Butchery for most of his life.

Other: As you noticed, Fahren's gay. If that's bad or something, I can change it if you'd like.

(sorry about the really long Personality! :L)
Name: Mara Ashton

Age: 15

Personality: Mara is intelligent, witty, and fond of sarcasm, but it's always hard to tell what she's really thinking. She does not talk frequently, but when she does speak it is almost always something very clever or insightful. She sometimes cocks her head or laughs as though she can hear something no one else can. She has no friends--in fact, most of her peers think her rather odd--but she has been known to talk to birds.

Appearance: Thick, shoulder-length black hair; inquisitive grey eyes; average height, slender; dresses elegantly but practically

Role: District 3 Female

Token: A tarnished silver pendant on a chain that doesn't match, inscribed with a symbol that is faded with age

Other: Mara has secretly trained herself in knife throwing and has a knack for technology (as do most people from District 3).
Name: Fern Cressner

Age: 17

Personality: Fern a caring person but doesn't like talking a lot and likes keeps to herself which sets her off as also being mysterious. She is the kind of person where people are curious about the way she sees the world. She sneaks around easily and is a brave girl. She is afraid of being in water and hates people who don't even try or can think they have to do everything alone. She has an advantage in forest areas with tall trees or tall grass. She is an expert at identifying plants and has a high pain tolerance from being constantly hurt by district guards during work hours. She loves the peace and quiet.

Appearance: View attachment 8951

Role: District 11 Female Tribute

Token: a necklace with a bronze leaf on it

Optional Other: she can sing well
Name: Kaya Timmons Age: 16 Personality: Kaya is a very stubborn girl, who knows what she wants. She's trained her whole life for these games, and is NOT about to lose. She is very strong, very FAST, and can be quite mean. She hates being told what to do, but will tolerate it if its advice (like she doesn't know everything about how to survive in the games....) that could help her win. Appearance: Role: District 2 female tribute Token: This locket from her mother that passed away twelve years ago.,clock,locket,things,bling,things,hearts,vintage-3c4bca2678b7d14e13c665b10c9c21c9_h.jpg Other: She is amazing with a bow and arrow and a Sword.
Name: Liliana Alma Devmonds

Age: 18

Personality: Loner,careless and heartless,but when in a dangerous situation,she is calm and ready.She also rarely talks to anybody.

Appearance: Old,dark extra large,homeless clothes

Role: District 6 Female Tribute

Token: A necklace with the Ying and Yang as the emblem
Name: Claire Lire

Age: 16

Personality: Claire tends to be silent and keeps to herself. She only talks when it is necessary and is not quick to trust anyone. She grew up without a family and worked as a medic for the poor in her district. When in doubt Claire is know to run away or hide. She has a knack for climbing trees and doesn't like physical contact. If somebody earns her trust she will help them but will still try to remain distant. Claire can be very aggressive when provoked but is otherwise generally a pacifistic. Due to her life in the lumber district she thought it would be useful to learn to wield an ax. She can handle an ax fairly well but is not trained in combat.

Appearance: View attachment 10572

Role: District 7, Female

Token: A black headband with a flame sewn in gold on the front

Other: Grew up without a family. Her only friend was a crippled girl named Pine who was originally reaped. This lead Claire to volunteer as tribute in her place.

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