The 6 [Inactive]

Lynn heard people yelling her name through her Loud music she poked her head in the door and her eyes widened beyond surprised and walked in just as Ranae was leaving.
Kole raised his brows in shock,

"Well it seems everyone is here now..." He motioned for Lynn to come further into the room.
Ranae walked back to the girl's dorm room and quickly grabbed one of her books on genetics to get her mind off Matt's girlfriend. (She still doesn't know. So clueless. :3)
As Ranae departed, it took a few moments for Nathan to understand. "Oh." He was such an idiot. He knew she'd always had a crush on Matt and bringing up his girl hadn't gone down well. but then Matt was speaking again; "Don't blame you. A girl cheated on me a few years back - the usual - and I found out two months later." he sighed. "My girlfriend and I split three months ago. Never loved since. Tragic, really." He smirked, ruffling his hair.
She let out a small, quiet snicker. Ava's lips curled into a smirk. Oh, the day she had broken up with her boyfriend was an interesting one. Very interesting at that. She had found out he was cheating, for most of their relationship actually, and she was heartbroken, but it never showed on the outside. "Well, similar scenarios, hm?" She asked, cocking a teasing brow. "I found out my boyfriend from high school cheated on me, so I broke up with him. ...Not before kicking his a**." Ava added, smirk widening.
"Well, you're a girl, you can get away with that. Plus I'm sure he deserve whatever damage your designer high heels dealt to him." Matthew says is a slightly offhand sort of way.
Her brow raised a bit higher. "I'm not even going to get into that." Ava stated with a laugh, smirk receding. Her hand rose, and she raked her small fingers through her hair, taking out the tangles. Her hand flopped back to her side, and she then shoved her hands in her pockets. Ava sighed, expression bored. It was obvious that she was. "I am now trilingual. That's all I can say for now. The rest is a secret." She added with a wink.
Nathan smiled at Ava's retelling of the story. "He obviously got what he deserved." he agreed with Matt. "And knowing you, Ava, he probably got it with a bit of interest." He added, with a smirk. Enjoying the playful banter that came from her, he couldn't help but grin a bit stupidly. He had never seen her in a flirty way until now. He'd dated mostly older girls, but never ones of her age.
Ava let out a laugh at Nathan's remark, turning her head backwards. She had retired to her normal position, and dug her hands in her pockets. She turned to Matthew and smiled, not that it wasn't already on her face. Her eyes were lightened from the smile graced across her features. "Portuguese and French." A a stated simply, shifting her weight, hip swishing to the side smoothly.
She giggled, and cocked a brow at him in a flirty but playful and unserious way. Just a raise of her brow would make most go wild. Some said that if she was a girl, she'd be considered a douche, but she didn't care. She wasn't serious with people, and she was just a playful person. "Ce qui? Vous aimeriez qu'ils ne sachent? Vous etes aussi secret." Ava laughed, voice fluent, accent heavy. All she needed now was some stinky cheese and wine.
Ranae couldn't stand it anymore and crept back to room #321, listening through the door. They're speaking french! she thought making out her conversation. She giggled quietly at Matt's comment.
Kole stared at the two feeling like an idiot, he had token Japanese and knew no one that took the French course. Letting out a small sigh he stood,

"Excuse me," He mumbled to announce him taking his leave and left towards the door. Turning the knob and opening the door he heard a small thump on the other side.
She laughed aloud. "Sure, sure." Ava said with a roll of her hand, and she flickered her gaze over to Kole, catching his comment. She curled her lips into a playful, teasing frown, but couldn't hold back a smile. Ava giggled as she hugged Kole from behind, no shame. Her stature was short compared to his. Anyone would be lucky to receive a hug from Ava, though she was flirty. Hey, there was always that one short girl that drove everyone crazy. "I didn't even say hi!" She exclaimed, from behind him, and her arms slid away from him. Ava held up a hand. "So, hi. --Hey again, Ranae." The girl smiled, eyebrows tipping upwards.
Kole tensed, never used to any sort of affection from anyone especially Ava. His cream brown eyes widened a bit but calmed looking in her direction,

"Hello.." His spoke calmly. Turning around he patted her on the top of her head like a big brother, a small smile appearing on his face.
Heat found her cheeks again. "Oh, Matt, I don't know! It's not like I took three years of french or anything." she teased.
A pat was placed on her head, in a brotherly way. His fingers sunk a bit in her soft, voluminous, now wavy blonde hair. She sent one last smile before she scoffed and laughed. A slow smirk curled over her features. Oh, that infamous smirk. Everyone in the group knew of the smirk. She knew something good, and was about to spill. "Don't play dumb with me, Ranae." She stated with another laugh, smirk widening slow and lazy. "After Kole had hit the door in your face on the way out, I knew you were listening. Plus," she winked. "I think you can figure that out, yeah?" Ava nearly had always had the last word, but this was playful and nothing serious to her, so it was all good.
Ranae stuck her tongue out at Matthew. “Anyway, other than all of these tragic break-ups, what else have you guys been doing?”

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