The 6 [Inactive]

Koles eyebrows knitted together a bit confused,

"That's not bad...That just means you're really smart." He reminded her.
Ranae's shoulders slumped. "Yeah, I really like both subjects, but my parents are really mad at me. They wanted me to take the family business, which would have mean't I wouldn't have to go to college. And yet, here I am."
Kole brought up a balled up fist,

"Stick it to the man..." He smiled lightly.

Lyn took a quick walk before going to the kitchen part of her room and looking around, She found some coke way in the back and opened it taking a sip before texting on her phone.
Heading for his room, key in his hand, Nathan knew he was late. He unlocked the door slowly, not letting his nerves get to him. He was the bad guy, the tough one - what could go wrong? Heading in, he closed the door behind him. He placed his stuff on his bed, clearing it onto shelves and chucking it into drawers before heading to the kitchen. Nathan searched through the cabinets, not paying much attention until he heard names come up. He paused, pulling a soda from the fridge. "It's been years." Nathan swaggered over, deep voice sounding above the rest. "Nathan. Hi guys." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Kole. Matt." he smirked at them. "You've changed." he added.
Ranae made her way back to her room and opened the door. She noticed that one of the other beds was occupied. "Hey, anyone here?" she said into the room.
Kole gave a curt nod as a greeting, amazed that all of three of them had come together. Two of his first real friends would be sharing a room with him. And though he didn't express it well he was excited, his twiddling thumbs hidden inside of his sweaters sleeves.
Clad in summer clothes since it was still warm in the upcoming autumn, she sauntered over to the desk. The lady with a boring tone gave her a key, and the room number. Ava nodded with a smile. Adjusting the strap of her backpack on her shoulder, she walked over to the room, the quiet hum of three suitcase wheels rolling behind her. Stepping into the room, she ran a hand through her now wavy blonde hair. She had matured more since high school. Her hair had gotten wavy like she was at the beach all of the time, and she had curved up more, and grew a bit taller. She had also broken up with her boyfriend. The other party girls had gotten to him, and he cheated, so she dropped him. Ava ignored the presence of the other girls she had seen, and she started to unpack quickly. After about twenty minutes, she had finished. She turned on her heel of her strappy white leather sandals, and headed out in the halls, just wandering. She heard rather loud and deep talking coming from an open door. Her curiosity had killed her, and she poked her head inside, and squinted her eyes. "Well, well, well," she chuckled, stepping inside, knocking lightly on the wood to get their attention if she hasn't already. She folded her thin, tanned arms over her chest which was clad in a pastel blue tank top, that matched the beads on her sandals, and went well with her high rise shorts that were frayed. "If it isn't two sixths of the Crew." Ava added, a white, charming smile gracing itself upon her often complimented features. She was one of those girls who couldn't say hi like a normal person, but she had to make an entrance that was nonchalant.
Ranae turned around and looked at Ava. Her jaw dropped. "No way! Your here to!" she cried and rushed to Ava, full force, and tackled her in a hug.
"Four sixths, Ava," Matthew corrected. "Me, Kole, Nathan, Ranae, and then you. So Five sixths, come on, Ava, we had the same math class for four years."
I'm so confused.. Everyone is all over the place :3.. )) Lynn walked out of the room and started to wander with hers head phones on and beanie with music at 80%. Human played by Christina perri and she hummed along looking around bored
She cursed out a loud swear, and screamed as she hit the ground. Someone had checked her to the floor. She raised her fists, knitting her brows together, and almost swung a punch, but she saw that it was Ranae. Her small, dainty hands that looked like they were more meant to be held than to throw punches, unravelled. "Ranae!" A a yelled, and gave her a hug, and drool to her feet helping her up. She turned to the boys. "Shut up, you know I'm not good at math." She added, and rolled her eyes playfully. Her hip rolled to the side as she shifted her weight to her other leg, being tackled her one of her sides.
Ranae got up and looked down the hall. "Now any second now i'm going to see..................... LYNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled waving her hands wildly running towards her.
Kole chuckled lightly staring down at his feet.

"As energetic as always..." He murmured mostly to himself, running his fingers through his hair he quickly waved to Clad.
Nathan perched himself on a seat, feet resting on the table top. He watched on, smiling at Ava. She'd grown into a beautiful woman, that was for sure. Nathan drained his soda. "Luck. Just luck." He chuckled, as they discovered Lyn. "So, why you guys here?" He asked.
"I'm for baseball, Ranae is for genetics I think, and Kole is here for tough classes and choir. unless you mean why we've all gathered in this particular room, then we've gathered for quality time, coke, and the fact I left the door open. Oops." Matthew grins at Nathan. "Your turn, why are you here?"
She noticed the smile shot back over at her, and she turned her gaze over to Nathan, raising her brows playfully. A slow smile curved up her features. Their eyes locked for a few seconds before she turned back to the rest of the boys. "I'm here for Architecture and Art." Ava said with a shrug, loosely folding her arms.
Nathan smirked. "Take a random guess." he chuckled, standing up and heading over into the tight knot of teens. "I'm here on a Football Scholarship." he explained. Wanting to know more about their time apart, he asked further: "So, boyfriends, girlfriends? Lemme hear it!" he punched Matt's shoulder lightly. "What happened with that girl of your's?"
Ranae stopped and got up. "If you'll excuse me, I have some more unpacking to do." she said and walked stiffly out of the room.

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