The 41st Annual Hunger Games,


New Member
Brandon~ submitted a new role play. @Brandon~, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.






Physical Appearance:

District Token:


Tributes Taken!

District 4

Female- Raemir Marie Horayne, 17.

District 7

Female- Violet Marie Carter, 16.

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Name: Raemir Marie Horayne

Age: 17

Gender: Female

District: 4

Physical Appearance: 5'9" She has short dark blonde hair and eyes like the storming sea. She has a swimmers body. Niether ugly nor beautiful she is often passed over.

District Token: A necklace her Uncle Louis gave her for luck in the arena.

Background: She grew up in a family of almost all males. She is the oldest child to Liam and Niall her adoptive fathers. She has three uncles, Loius and Harry whom are married to each other and Zayn. Her aunt Perrie is the only female and as she and Uncle Zayn rarely come around she has almost all male contact.
Name: Violet Marie Carter

Age: 16

Gender: Female

District: 7

Physical Appearance: She is barely 5' 1", has long black hair, dark blue eyes, and a slim physique. She looks very child-like and pretty, similar to a porcelain doll, and is often mistaken for someone

District Token: A dark green ribbon with an copper disk attached to it. She wears it around her right wrist.

Background: Violet was the daughter of a poor lumberman. She lost her mother and younger brother when she was a little girl, so her father was all she had left for a family. She was named for her dark blue eyes that reminded her father of the violets he would sometimes see as he was working. Violet grew up loving the woods and nature.
Both Accepted! :) (also you may use a picture for Physical Appearance)  
How silly of me, I forgot my Gamemaker form! (or his Info)

Name: Kyra Gear

Age: 23

Gender: Female

District: Capitol

Physical Appearance:

District Token: None,

Background: As a kid, she loved watching the games. She always loved to cheer on her favorite tribute, the mystery of what could happen to them. She has always wanted to be GameMaker, now, after 5 years of Gamemaking she is now Head Gamemaker.

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