The 36th Hunger Games -Signups

[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] I believe it is still open

I think we've lost some people... I'm going to give a week from when I posted the roleplay and cutting whoever doesn't post in this time. If the winner doesn't post by then I'll roll a dice or something for the new winner.

[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] - I think we've lost quite a bit of people and I never reached my max number of people anyways so feel free to join just fill out the character skeleton. Please note that I expect 2-3 paragraphs of text in response.

[MENTION=3009]Lizzi tick[/MENTION] - It's really no problem. Just fill out the character skeleton and you can hop back in. I never saw your original post so I'm going to repeat what I said to NebulaSkies, I expect 2-3 paragraphs of text in response.
thank you soooooooooo much for letting me join :) :;-):

Charactername: Mary Roster

Age: 12

Gender: female

District: 9


Personality: not demanding or spoiled and kind hearted to all. Loves her familyto death and would do anything for them. Hates the hunger games and whishesthat some day it would be forgotten by all. Dislikes the capitol and hates thethought of hurting people and using weapons.

Strengths: swimming, lying and reacting fast

Weaknesses: making shelters, medicine and surviving in different environments

Weapon/s of choice: small knifes

Token: none

Character name: Raechel Ramone

Age: 13

Gender: Female

District: 11


Personality: She is very nice to those who are older than her, but she devours any her age or younger. She is a quiet girl, very light on her feet and quick. She isn't very smart when it comes to memorizing things, though, so knowing whether or not to trespass in some areas could be a disadvantage.

Strengths: She is very accurrate and strong, and knows how to pull through in the end. She is silent and light, not to mention very fast.

Weaknesses: She isn't good with memorizing, so remembering where to go or where not to go is going to be rough.

Weapon/s of choice: Throwing knifes and bow with arrow.

Token: A rusty old pin of a lamb that represents being small, young, yet brave.

Other: I choose number 7.
Since you said you'd lost some people, I thought I might join if that's okay. It hasn't been a week since the eighth yet, so I assume that I'm within the acceptable time frame. ^_^ If not, I guess I was too slow.

Character name: Sioux Kitt

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

District: District 7

Appearance: He has olive skin, as a testament to his Native American roots that go back before the rise of Panem. He has dark, wild brown hair, medium of length, and scowling chestnut brown eyes. He is slender, but he is wiry-muscular, and he has a body marked with thin, near invisible scars, resultant of living in the thick wilderness.

Personality: He is severely distrusting, an attempt at keeping vulnerability at bay. He has a soft spot for children, however. He has a noble heart and would most likely give his life to protect the small and innocent. On the other side of that coin, if he fights someone with whom he is equally matched, he would fight with dignity and ferocity. He isn't shy to fight or kill, but he is far from cruel. He is quiet and observant, but he speaks when he feels it necessary.

Strengths: Axes of any sort, camouflage, stealth, agility, and close-range melee.

Weaknesses: Over-cumbersome weapons and long swords, and he would turn from a fight with a child. That could be potentially unwise.

Weapon/s of choice: Large hatchets that he can wound and maim with in close combat, or with which he could throw from a short distance.

Token: A rusty, wolf's head brooch.

Other: The number I choose if 4. Hope that'n's not taken.
Yep, you can still join.

It's also good to know that your reading, but I'm just going to make some elaborate dice rolling thing to choose the winner since we lost him so the number doesn't matter.

Otherwise, it looks good and you've been accepted. Once you post I'll launch the chariot ride and then we can wind up the training center and interact for a little bit.
Sorry it took me so long to answer but [MENTION=3123]Chknut[/MENTION] you can join. I'm just going to launch the chariot ride though so feel free to join in somewhere in there.

Hey, so I saw the movie like twice and I am absolutely in love with it. I have yet to read the book--cuz my mom has an aversion to the series for some reason--but I'm working on getting a copy. As soon as I read the book I will sign-up. There are things I have yet to understand because it is explained in the book and refuse to let my friends to explain to me and spoiling. I'm definitely not going to go in guns blazing without doing my research. I believe I will be one of those troubled-teens I do hate so much from 1st District. :o

I probably sound like a lunatic. And I hope that's okay!
[MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION] am I still able to join, even if it'll be a little late? Let me know and here's my character.

Character name: Jason Smith

Age: 16

Gender: Male

District: 4

Appearance: Brown hair with dark blue eyes. Really pale. His nose is sideways due to it having been broken.

Personality: He's a fighter. Plain and simple, but isn't afraid to side with the ones others wouldn't care for, he may be a career, but he doesn't go for the "Strong taking down the weak"

Strengths: He's agile, and really flexible. Can run fast, for a long duration

Weaknesses: He can't hold his breath underwater

Weapon/s of choice: He can use nunchucks decently, and is great in hand to hand combat. He's decent at archery, but he's no Katniss.

Token: A pocket watch with a picture of the person from his district he fell in love with.

Other: If he befriends someone in the Games, he'd most likely die for them. He's not the stereotypical career tribute.

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