The 36th Hunger Games -Signups


One Thousand Club

District 1:

Male - Darius Smith (Aura)

Female -

District 2:

Male -

Female -

District 3:

Male -

Female -

District 4:

Male -

Female - Cera Byrne (MaggieMyHeart)

District 5:

Male -

Female -

District 6:

Male -

Female -

District 7:

Male -

Female -

District 8:

Male -

Female - Heather Kwon (kikinavi)

District 9:

Male -

Female -

District 10:

Male - Jack Trent (AncientPredator)

Female - Elizabeth Robertson (DerpDaHerp)

District 11:

Male - Lance Termina (Prelude of Light)

Female -

District 12:

Male -

Female - Lily Snow (KaitWink)

I will be letting in 9 tributes to survive the bloodbath. So please choose a number between 1-9. This will determine who will win the Hunger Games. I will mail the winner privately.

I know that there have been plenty of Hunger Game attempts but I've put a cap on the sign-up so this one should actually happen. I will supply judge scores and make decisions for the game-makers. If you have any questions feel free to mail me or ask here.

Please have read the first book. You don't need to know anything more than how the games operate.

Character name:








Weapon/s of choice:


Character Name: Jack Trent




Appearance:Short blonde hair and light blue eyes. Rough and tired expression. A scar down his cheek not very large about 4 cms. Chewed nails.Dirty Hands and face.

Personality: Take's awhile to trust someone unless its the girl who's from his district. Normally runs only fights when he has to

Strengths:Knives and throwing knives.

Weaknesses: Large swords and axes.

Weapon/s of choice: Knives for throwing and a short sword.

Token: Is this for the number between 1-9? If so 7

Oh no, token is like Katniss's mockingjay pin that she brought into the games. Just like a little trinket to bring into the arena. And accepted.
Oh right he has none so Ill keep the number at seven

You also might want to put my name in district 10 male otherwise some people might try to join it :D
Character name: Cera Byrne

Age: 16

Gender: female

District: 4

Appearance: Twiggy build, but stronger than she looks, medium-length wavy light brown hair, blue eyes.

Personality: Very cheerful, positive attitude. Charismatic, and likeable.

Strengths: Traps, swimming, spears and tridents, dodging attacks.

Weaknesses: Close combat

Weapon/s of choice: Throwing spears, tridents, and nets

Token: A blue and green woven anklet with her district's symbol.

Other: can I put my number here? I have nothing for other. 3.
Accepted. : )

Character name: Darius Smith

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: 1


Personality: Darius is cold, distant, and manipulative. He has a short fuse and is therefore quick to anger and he often acts impulsively and selfishly.

Strengths: Hand-to-hand combat. Skilled with hammers and other weaponry such as knives and spears.?

Weaknesses: Stealth, camouflage, and lacks general survival skills.

Weapon/s of choice: Hammer

Token: None

Other: Darius is a career.
Character Name: Lance Termina

Age: 18

Gender: Male

District: 11

Appearance: He's a generally tall boy, and his dark brown hair is a mess on his head, but it also nicely frames his stormy blue eyes as well as his facial features. Lance has got some muscle tone, working in the orchards had given him that little trait to work with.

Personality: He barely speaks, but he is easily embarrassed and made jealous, so Lance blushes. A lot. Back at home, girls would use this against him just to see that pink tone dance across his cheeks and that nervous smile. Lance has already decided that he will help any allies he has, even with his life if he has to. Perhaps the poor soul will open up to someone he trusts completely.

Strengths: Lance is a fast runner and he has a pretty ncie amount of upper body strength. He likes to take to the trees, where he is usually not noticed, but Lance will also fight head on.

Weaknesses: He's an awful swimmer, even on his best days, and Lance is ridiculously afraid of thunder and lightning.

Weapon/s of choice: Sword, decent with a bow.

Token: The tatto on the back of his left hand, which is a musical note.

Other: For that number thing, I pick 6. :3
Character name: Heather Kwon

Age: 17

Gender: female

District: 8


View attachment 5761

Personality: Heather is a very quirky fun loving girl. She loves clothes and is always fashionable since shes from district 8.

Strengths: flexibility, speed, charming.

Weaknesses: easily fooled, weak, easily torn down.

Weapon/s of choice: small weapons like daggers and she uses needles.

Token: a shiny blue button

Other: the number I chose is 2.
Accepted :)

We're also halfway to starting as including Darius we have five characters when there will be ten total.
Character name: Elizabeth Robertson

Age: 16

Gender: Female

District: 10

Appearance: A woman of average height. She has shoulder length, dirty brown hair and dark brown eyes. She looks weak but agile.

Personality: Kind hearted, finds it difficult to kill people. Will usually only attack in defence.

Strengths: Agile, good with small weapons.

Weaknesses: Not very strong, finds it difficult to kill.

Weapon/s of choice: Knives, and other similar small weapons.

Token: A small copper medal.

Other: Pick a random number for me
Noo! D: Don't make me pick a number. I know what number is the winner! *Dramatic sob*

But anyways you're accepted, I'll just give you whatever number is left over at the end I guess. :P
Well I'm letting in nine other characters. I'm not including Darius in that count because he belongs to me. Therefore there's ten total, sorry about the confusion. Nine others but ten including my own character.
Character name: Lily Snow Age: 14

Gender: Female

District: 12


Personality: Lily is small, shy, and sweet. She is the last person anyone would expect to see fighting in the Hunger Games. She is an only child who is lucky enough to still have both parents, although her mother is very sick. She promised to try to win so she could use the money to help get her mother the treatment she needs.

Strengths: small size makes her easily concealed. Very fast runner, good at climbing trees and gathering food (knows what is safe to eat plant wise)

Weaknesses: no weapon skills (but will learn in training)

Weapon/s of choice: she would much rather outsmart her opponents, but is good with throwing and using knives. Shelearns to use a bow well enough in training to hunt for food but is not great with it.

Token: a bracelet from her parents that has been passed down; the only thing of value her family owns.

Other: i choose #9 if still available

Idk why my skeleton did that with the first 2 lines, it wouldn't let me get rid of the boxes >>

[MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION] Also, I saw a LOT of people had knives as their best weapon. Should I switch mine? Instead of knives for my first and bow as second I can just flip them around. I just disn't want my character to resemble Katniss too much.
9 is still available and it's alright if you use knives. It'll just make the knives at the cornucopia that much more valuable. If Lily just learns how to use a bow and arrow it seems pretty unreasonable for that to be her weapon of choice so knives are fine.
[MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION] Okay :) Technically she learns to use them both in training but I think knives suit her better anyway. Do you know about when you will start this?
We need three more characters to start this so however long that takes. Shouldn't be too long though at this rate. :)
Alright. I'll start this roleplay either a week from now or if we get the correct amount of characters. One of these Hunger Game roleplays has to take off.

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