The 2E Charms Thread


The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
People have been submitting 2E material to Lore5. Unfortunatley, it's not really set up to handle it properly, and adding those kinds of things will result in a big mess.

The new, shiny, Lore 5 is on the way (no exact date yet), but until then, please just post your custom 2E Charms here. We will forego the standard approval cycle for convenience.

OK, here are my converted Solar glider Charms.  As you may notice, I've changed the main ability from Sail to Ride.  This is for my own personal viewpoint as well as to go more canon with the info given in Wonders of the Lost Age regarding piloting vehicles.

Master of the Skies

Cost: -; Mins: Ride 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: None

The Lawgivers who devote themselves to the use of a glider know their craft well. This Charm permanently enhances the Exalt’s capabilities with one of the following tricks:

Spreading Wings Technique: With supernatural grace and a base understanding, the Solar can speedily assemble, strap to and launch a glider in a matter of seconds by spending 1 mote and taking a Speed 3 action with no DV penalty.

Unflustered Rider Method: By reflexively spending 2 motes, the Lawgiver feels no ill effects from gliding, including disorientation, tiredness and being light-legged.

Death from Above Technique: For one scene after reflexively spending 3 motes, the Chosen can make devastating fly-by attacks while in his glider without any disruption or need for piloting rolls.

Light as a Feather: For one scene after reflexively spending 2 motes, all actions involving the use of a glider are at difficulty 1.

Characters with this Charm can purchase additional tricks from this list for two experience points or one bonus point. Using these abilities does not count as a Charm invocation – this Charm permanently enhances the Exalt’s capabilities.

Glorious Solar Glider

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Ride 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: One trip

Prerequisite Charms: Master of the Skies

The Lawgiver expands his anima around himself and forms a glowing glider that lasts for a single journey, materializing the moment the Exalt spends the Essence and launches to the skies and dematerializes when he next touches the ground.

The glider gently glows for the entire journey and any attempts to spot the glider at night gain a +1 dice pool bonus.

Glider of the Gods

Cost: -; Mins: Ride 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Obvious

Prerequisite Charms: Glorious Solar Glider

The Chosen of the Unconquered Sun can create crafts that are more refined and suitable for their Exalted souls.  This Charm enhances the character’s activation of Glorious Solar Glider by allowing the Exalt to spend a number of points equal to their (Willpower + Ride + Essence) on the statistics of a standard folding glider.  Increasing the glider’s Speed costs 1 point for every yard per tick with double this added to the crafts mph Speed (rounded up).  Increasing the glider’s Manoeuvrability costs 3 points for 1 point added.  Increasing the armour costs 1 point per 1 lethal and bashing soak added.  Increasing the Health Levels of the glider costs 2 points for 1 Undamaged, Minor Damage or Critical Damage added.

Once these points have been spent, the glider’s statistics remain the same and if the character increases his Willpower, Ride or Essence scores, then he may redistribute these points immediately.

Razor Wing Method

Cost: 2m or 4m; Mins: Ride 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Any Ride Excellency

This Charm allows the Chosen to harden the wings of his glider until they are razor sharp, capable of slicing flesh and metal. The Solar attacks using the glider itself by making a fly-by attack aimed at targets either in the air or upon the ground. The character uses their (Dexterity + Ride) dice pool and the statistics for the glider are the same as a slashing sword.

If the Exalt has Essence 4 or more, he can spend an additional mote per attack for a total cost of 4 motes and attack as if using an orichalcum reaper daiklave.

Blistering Solar Lightning Strike

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Ride 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Razor Wing Method

The Lawgiver focuses pure Essence through her glider, filing it with the force and swiftness of sheet lightning.  This is a ranged attack that when activated, launches a golden streak of Essence from the glider to a single target.  Its attack pool equals (Dexterity + Ride + Essence), has a Range of (Ride x 50) and cannot be blocked or dodged without the use of Charms or other magic.  It deals lethal damage, before adding successes, of (the Exalt’s Essence + Willpower), which is considered aggravated damage against creatures of darkness.

Fly on Swift Wings

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Ride 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Charms: Any Ride Excellency

Essence imbues the Lawgiver’s glider with swiftness and buoyancy, giving it an increased burst of speed.  With this Charm activated, the glider’s base movement rate is doubled for the remainder of the scene.

Flashing Essence Acceleration

Cost: -; Mins: Ride 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Obvious

Prerequisite Charms: Fly on Swift Wings

The gliders that are used by the Lawgivers possess the means to travel at great speed.  This Charm enhances the character’s Fly on Swift Wings Charm by allowing the glider to triple its base movement speed instead of doubling it.

I've also adapted the new statistics from
Wonders of the Lost Age from artifact vessels for standard gliders and Essence gliders.  If anyone's interested, I'll edit it in later.

For this cheese we owe thanks to Kubo Taito and his magnificent Bleach. Both are solar charms.

Flash Step Method (Shyunpo)

Costs : 4m

Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 3;

Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Foe Vaulting Method, Lightning Speed

The solar can take a step that is swift as lightning, and cover great distance in the blink of an eye with the use of this charm. Upon activation of this charm, the solar disappears in a blur to reappear elsewhere as he moves faster than can be preceived, without the use of a charm.

The use of this charm allows a solar to take an enemy entirely by suprise. If the solar in question has not already joined battle against target opponent (or group of opponents) he may activate this charm to give him all the benefits of attacking a suprised foe (See Exalted, Page 156-157) even if all opponents were aware of the character and his hostile intent.

If used while the solar is already engaged in combat, the solar is allowed to make an attempt to reestablish suprise against an opponent (or group of opponents) without the need for cover to hind behind. The solar using this charm receives bonus dice on his roll to reestablish suprise equal to his Permenant Essence. The character cannot remain hidden for more than one tick, so effect only occurs if the charm is activated the tick the character attacks or the tick before.

Finally, on the tick he uses this charm, the solar has his maximum move increased to (Essence x 10 + Dexterity). This effect stacks with those of Lightning Speed and Foe Vaulting Method, if those charms have already been activated.

This charm is specifically allowed to be part of a combo with charms from other abilites.

Heavenly Spirit Puppet

Cost: 5m, 1wp

Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 4

Type: Simple

Keywords: Obvious

Duration: One Scene

Prerequisite Charms: Unbreakable Warrior's Mastery

This charm is a powerful technique which was created to allow aging and wounded Lawgivers to continue the fight, even after their bodies were rendered unto dust. When the charm is invoked, the Solar shapes essence into thin shining threads, which tightly bind his wounds or mangled limbs. The threads are indestructable and the Solar can use them to tug his body as he desires, allowing him to remain fully funtional, even if his limbs have been crushed, his spine broken or his body paralysed by poison.

While this charm is activated, the user never suffers from wound penalties of any kind and All crippling effects used against the character are negated. The strands of essence created by the charm will hold the user's body together, no matter how extreme his wounds. The character cannot re-rendered unconcious by damage, and will remain completely functional with no penalty, even when reduced to incapacitated.

The true power of the Heavenly Wild Spirit Puppet technique however, is that, even beyond the normal limit of incapacitation, the Lawgiver may continue fighting. Whenever the character would be reduced below the incapacitated health level by damage, he instead loses 3 motes (first from periphral, then personal) for every health level of damage he would take, and then, all damage is discarded. (Note: these motes do not count as having been "spent" for the purposes of adding to the character's anima banner)

The only way to stop the Solar is to completely drain his essence pools. Only when the character's pools are empty will the threads dissapate. At this point, the Solar takes the full brunt of all the damage he would have taken while the charm was active (this frequently results in the death of the user).
Dragon Transcendant Speed Style, 2nd Ed. mechanics

Forget jade hearthstone bracers, this is where the real Speed Cheese is at...

Superior Thought-Speed Draw

Cost: 1m per dice; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant

Prereqs: None

Mechanics: Superior Thought-Speed Draw functions as a Join Battle Excellency, granting 1 dice for every mote spent, up to Essence + Wits. This counts as a Charm usage for the user's first action.

Untouchable Strike Technique

Cost: 2m per -1 DV; Mins: MA 4, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prereqs: Superior Thought-Speed Draw

Mechanics: Every 2 motes spent to supplement an attack with this Charm allows the user to reduce their opponent's DV by 1. They can reduce their opponent's DV by no more than half their Martial Arts + Essence.

Unassailable Rapidity of Defence

Cost: 2 motes per +1 DV; Mins: MA 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prereqs: Superior Thought-Speed Draw

Mechanics: Assuming she did not use a Charm during their last action, the user may reflexively activate this Charm to add 1 to her DV for every 2 motes she spends against a single attack. She cannot add more to her DV than half her Martial Arts + Essence.

Inequitable Action Advantage

Cost: 1w to activate, 1m per tick; Mins: MA 5, Essence 4; Type: Extra Action

Keywords: Obvious

Duration: One Scene

Prereqs: Untouchable Strike Technique, Unassailable Rapidity of Defence

Mechanics: After spending one willpower to "prepare" the Charm's power (this counts as the Charm usage), the user may thereafter reflexively spend motes to reduce the number of ticks to her next action. Each mote spent "consumes" 1 tick. Consuming ticks does not count as an action's Charm usage and thus may be used freely with other Charms during its duration. The character may not consume her last tick, i.e. the user cannot use this Charm to perform multiple actions on the same tick. The user may not consume more ticks before her next action than her permanent Essence rating.

Unlike the 1st Ed version, this Charm is compatible with other extra action Charms so long as it is already prepared.

Example: Talena, an Essence 6 Solar, is sparring with her sister, Marena, who has asked her to display her powers. Talena lashes out with a kick, but fails to hurt Marena, and would normally wait 5 ticks before her next action. However, she has Inequitable Action Advantage in effect and, therefore, chooses to activate it and consume as many ticks as she can. She pays 4 motes to consume 4 ticks, and thus may act again on the tick directly after. She may not consume any more ticks than this, even though her Essence would allow her to otherwise, because that would allow her to act on the same tick as her previous action.

Dragon Transcendent Speed Form

Cost: 10m, 1w; Mins: MA 5, Essence 5; Type: Extra Action

Keywords: Form-type, Obvious

Duration: One scene

Prereqs: Inequitable Action Advantage

Mechanics: So long as this Charm is in effect, the Speed of every action the user takes is divided by half their Essence, rounded down. Movement per tick is multiplied in a similar action. Essentially, the user takes half their Essence in ticks while everyone not under similar effects takes 1.

To those observing the character from a normal frame of reference, they appear to move at increased speed; however, from the character's point of view, the rest of Creation has slowed down. Communication with unaccelerated individuals will be difficult, and characters should be aware that they will grow fatigued, suffocate, become hungry and so on in their time, not Creation's. Momentum and gravity also apply in an internal fashion, so a character who falls while under this Charm's effects will appear to fall faster but will not take additional damage.

Example: Talena, an Essence 6, Dxterity 6 Solar martial artist accelerated by Dragon Transcendant Speed Form, sees that an assassin is aiming a blowgun at the back of one of her circlemates' head. Thanks to the effects of her Charm, which allows her to take 3 personal ticks for every external tick, she is able to dash to their position 31 yards away in one external tick and parries the dart with a stunted Guard action in the tick immediately after. In the next external tick, she sprints 12 yards and punches the assailant's lights out.

Disruptive Wounding Blow

Cost: 3m per HL; Mins: MA 6, Essence 6; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant

Prereqs: Dragon Transcendent Speed Form

Mechanics: Same as original, save that the amount of HLs that will be dealt if the target moves fades by 1 every tick, until the effects of the Charm fade completely. The damage inflicted by this Charm may only be reduced with natural soak.

Blinking Death Kata

Cost: 4m per strike; Mins: MA 6, Essence 6; Type: Simple (Speed 3)

Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK

Duration: Instant

Prereqs: Dragon Transcendent Speed Form

Mechanics: Same as original, save as noted above.

7-Headed Dragon Strike

Cost: 7m; Mins: MA 7, Essence 7; Type: Extra Action

Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK

Duration: Instant

Prereqs: Disruptive Wounding Blow, Blinking Death Kata

Mechanics: Upon activating this Charm, the user decides on seven actions to take, which may be attacks or parries. Each action designated as a parry allows the character to defend against one attack using their full DV, lasting until their next action. Each attack is just that- a single attack against one target in range. All attacks occur at the same exact moment and, therefore, a target who is not capable of simultaneous defenses against multiple attacks will probably not be able to defend against all of them.

Dance Between Raindrop Moments

Cost: 10m, 1w; Mins: MA 8, Essence 8; Type: Extra Action

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prereqs: 7-Headed Dragon Strike

Mechanics: Activating this Charm grants the user [Essence] ticks in which only they may act. None save the user can perceive this moment; for its duration, the user and their actions are even considered to be outside Fate.

During these "solo" ticks, time flows only within the boundaries of the martial artist's anima. The martial artist can move freely and may manipulate any inanimate object that can be encompassed by their anima, which fills an area [Essence] square yards around them. Anything which possesses an anima of its own is resistant to the martial artist's borrowed time, effectively becoming mostly immobile and gaining soak and hardness equal to the creature's Essence rating. Thus, the martial artist can make attacks, with difficulty, but cannot actually move any living creature more than a few inches. All effects of said attacks, such as health levels of damage, or death, take place when the instant turn ends. As one can imagine, this Charm can be used as a perfect dodge.

Thrown or dropped objects freeze when they leave the reach of the character's anima, but retain momentum and will continue moving when reintroduced to time. Liquids and gases will become unfrozen within the boundaries of the character's anima. The solo ticks are like any others, including flurries, save only that no Charms may be activated unless this Charm was used in a Combo with them.

Using this Charm is a delicate mental balancing act with possibly disastrous consequences to the user. If the martial artist botches any roll during the solo ticks, they lose this vital concentration. The field of separated time instantly and chaotically collapses, returning the user to normal time and, as their entire body suffers random time distortion, directly dealing health levels of lethal damage equal to the character's own Essence rating multiplied by the number of botches rolled. Only natural soak can reduce this damage.

This Charm's solo ticks count as external ticks for the purposes of the effects of Dragon Transcendent Speed Form, but beware: the more actions rolled, the higher the chances of a botch. Inequitable Action Advantage is also compatible, allowing a user willing to burn huge amounts of essence to lay waste to armies instantly.
I hope this thread can be used for discussion of posted charms... if not, sorry.

Battousai said:
For this cheese we owe thanks to Kubo Taito and his magnificent Bleach. Both are solar charms.
Flash Step Method (Shyunpo)


Heavenly Spirit Puppet

The Flash Step charm is excellent, and both my players and I are very excited about using it.  The Spirit Puppet charm... not so much.  It seems too confusing and also far too powerful.  I would probably limit it's usage to it's usage in the anime: circumventing paralysis, or otherwise disabled limbs, but no wound penalty ignoring or anything like that.  In that version, it would be Resistance 3, Essence 3, and with maybe a 5m cost, which might be scaled upward depending on the extent of the injuries (moving the whole body might require a WP).  I might even lower the costs and requirements further, seeing as how specialized the charm is.
Here are some of my own created artifacts, some of which are already submitted in Lore5, but converted to 2nd edition.


Comet’s Stretching Tails (Artifact ***)

Fallen Comet was a Sidereal ally and sometime companion of the First Age Solar, Qei-Habim, a Twilight Caste who was also known as the Sunset Judge, He Who Sought the Truth in all Things. Fallen Comet was Chosen of the Maiden of Endings, had mastered the Ebon Shadow style at a remarkable rate, and acted as the Solar’s personal assassin and security advisor.  At one point, Qei-Habim crafted a gift for his most trusted ally, which he named ‘Comet’s Stretching Tails’.  This pair of Tri-Spikes was constructed using an alloy of black steel and starmetal, so it glittered much akin to a star filled night.  The three-prongs where crafted so they spiralled along the shafts to the point, and as well as the normal abilities of a Tri-Spike, Comet’s Stretching Tails could fire its central prong at targets, each returning instantly since they were attached to a thin chain of starmetal.

As the First Age reached its waning years, Fallen Comet began to warn her friend of the treachery that waited if he did not heed the warnings of the stars.  Shunning Comet and her ‘stars’, Qei-Habim continued to judge and execute all whom transgressed the laws in any way, finding guilt in everyone.  When the Usurpation came, Qei-Habim fled to his home to defend himself from his own loyal soldiers, led by his most trusted Dragon-Blood lieutenants.  Finding a suitable vantage point, Qei-Habim began to rain down arrows on his enemies, trusting in his orichalcum short powerbow, ‘Descending Lightning’.  As the battle waged on and the sun began to dim in the west, the shadows grew long in the home of the Sunset Judge, one growing larger by the minute not 10 yards behind the Solar.  As the sun kissed the horizon a spiralling two-foot shaft penetrated his back and exploded through his stomach, attached to a thin chain of starmetal.  Recognising the weapon immediately, Qei-Habim tried to turn and speak but was incapable of doing so as a second spike struck his hand that held Descending Lightning, ripping it from his grasp.  In the split second that the spikes struck, they had returned to the shadows, allowing Qei-Habim to fall to the floor in shock. Staring at the shadow, he heard a familiar voice whisper into his mind, an instant before the baying hounds of the Dragon-Bloods came for his blood.  The last thing Qei-Habim heard before he began screaming under a dozen blows was you should never shun the stars.

Comet’s Stretching Tails are based on the artifact weapons known as Tri-Spikes with all the same benefits of suffering no external penalties when making disarm attempts, and if the user uses her parry DV and reduces the attacker’s successes zero, then a reflexive disarm attempt is made.

Comet’s Stretching Tails also have an extra power that was built in with their construction, and it is how they have gained their namesake.  The central prongs of Comet’s Stretching Tails can fire out up to 20 yards to make attacks, including their disarming ability, attached from the hilt to the spikes by a thin chain of starmetal.  This is counted as a standard attack and the prongs return reflexively immediately after the action, successful or not.  Botched attempts will not result in the chains breaking, but can result in the character being disarmed themselves as they lose their grip.  The cost to attune to is 3 motes per artifact, and both must be attuned to use Comet’s Stretching Tails.  Attuning to both incurs no offhand penalty.  Properly attuned Exalts gain the usual benefits for using starmetal weapons.

Comet’s Stretching Tails: Spd 5, Acc +2, Dam +4L, Def +4, Rate 4, Min Str *, Dex ***, Mrt ***, Tags D, M

Comet’s Stretching Tails (Clinched): Spd 6, Acc +2, Dam +4L, Def -, Rate 1, Min Str *, Dex ***, Tags C, D, R, P

Elegantly Capricious Cloak (Artifact ***)  

This garment is a long-hemmed hooded cloak of dark emerald that is capable of changing its size to fit anyone who is attuned to it and is threaded with strands of a single magical material.  Around the neckline is a clasp that is also made from the same magical material and has a setting for a single hearthstone.

When worn by an Exalt attuned, the Elegantly Capricious Cloak moves of its own accord, flowing with the character’s movements impeccably and acting as cover for the wearer, increasing the attuned character’s DV by 1 against hand-to-hand attacks and 3 versus ranged attacks made at him.  The cloak can also be unclasped making an effective weapon, twisting tightly to a whip-like state and used in the same manner as a serpent-sting staff, but doing so causes its defensive benefits to cease.  However, since clasping or unclasping the cloak has no mote cost and is considered a reflexive action, ingenious practitioners could easily blend both offence and defence with some spectacular stunts.   When the Exalt wishes to return it around their neck, the cloak unravels with no creases or stains upon it, protected by certain Charms used in its construction.  Because it is designed as a decorative item, no one can view Elegant Capricious Cloaks as artifacts without certain Charms that can view Essence.  Elegantly Capricious Cloak requires a commitment of 6 motes to attune to it and gains the benefits of being constructed from the five magical materials.

Elegantly Capricious Cloak: Spd 5, Acc +0, Dam +10B, Def +4, Rate 3, Min Str *, Dex ****, Mrt ****, Tags M, P    


Fangpaw (Artifact * each, ** for a pair)

Fangpaws appear as oversized punching daggers with blades anywhere between 12 inches to two feet in length with a width up to a foot, and constructed entirely from one of the five magical materials.  These artifact khatars also incorporate an elaborate guard that extends from the hilt to cover the handle and protect the hand, allowing the user to parry lethal attacks without the use of a stunt or a Charm.  Fangpaws cost 3 motes to attune and have a setting for a single hearthstone, usually residing within the cross guard.  Fangpaws also come in pairs, which has an artifact cost of 2.  A matched pair incurs no offhand penalty    

Fangpaw: Spd 5, Acc +1, Dam +5L, Def +4, Rate 3, Min Str *, Tags M

Sun-&-Moon Rings (Artifact *)

While fire-wind wheels are designed for mortal use, sun-&-moon rings are crafted for the majesty of the Chosen.  Dual wheels made from a single magical material, sun-&-moon rings are generally a foot and half in diameter, and while many are rings some are disk-like with a notch for a handle, and every one is etched and carved with various symbols and pictures.  Despite the overall design of the weapons, each has a number of spikes and hooks in a similar shape to the mundane wind-fire wheels.  As well as delivering crushing or slashing blows, these protrusions also enable the wielder to more easily catch and disarm opponents, gaining +2 to the accuracy of the weapons when making a disarm attempt.

Sun-&-moon rings are too delicate to have hearthstone settings and gain the benefits for being made from one of the magical materials.  They must be wielded paired and users incur no offhand penalties.  A commitment of 2 motes each are required to use the sun-&-moon rings.

Sun-&-Moon Rings: Spd 5, Acc +2, Dam +3L, Def +4, Rate 3, Min Str *, Dex ***, Mrt ***, Tags M, D

Transience (Artifact ***)

When the Lunars fled to the Wyld at the collapse of the First Age, they were forced to find a manner in which their traditions could carry on and be passed down through future incarnations of Luna’s Chosen.  One of the toughest challenges that the Silver Pact faced was the bonding of the Lunar’s shape.  Using tattooing and certain rites and rituals, the Castes of the Full Moon and No Moon were relatively simple, for their roles were fairly straightforward in Lunar society.  The fluid shapes of the remaining three Castes, Waning, Waxing and Half however, proved problematic for the Lunars and, after many traumatic attempts, they were combined into one Caste: the Changing Moons.  The Silver Pact viewed this with both celebration and remorse, and a weapon was crafted in honour of the Lost Castes, and the formation of the new: Transience.  

Transience is a reaper daiklave whose shimmering, single-edged, moonsilver blade measures 4 foot in length but is barely 3 inches wide, ground to a point within the last foot and that possesses an almost indistinct curve running throughout.  The handle itself is a foot long and spherical, made from the blackened bone of a behemoth and wrapped in the skin of a renowned contortionist with a number of small circular holes that line the handle from one end to the other and plays a main part in Transience’s protean nature.  The moonsilver blade of Transience is not fixed in place but is free and can slide between the handle as smoothly as water over glass, a danger to the wielder if not respectful or trained.  Yet, when wielded by a Lunar (or properly attuned) Exalt who has understood Transience’s capabilities, the daiklave can be a devastating weapon that is graceful and elegant and can unsettle opponents with its unstoppable swiftness and erratic nature.  

As the Exalt wields Transience the blade can suddenly slide to cause unexpected strikes from various angles and can be temporarily fixed into position when the wielder’s fingers are positioned over the handle’s many holes in a certain manner.   As well as giving Transience the ability to strike more often and switch to defence more rapidly (as seen in the stat bar), any attacks by Transience causes the defender to gain a penalty of –2 to their DV for that attack. Transience requires a commitment of 6 motes to attune, gains the relevant bonus for being made from moonsilver and has no hearthstone settings.

Transience: Spd 4, Acc +4, Dam +4L, Def +2, Rate 4, Min Str **, Min Dex **** Tags -

Tri-Spikes (Artifact **)

These oversized sai are three-pronged, fork-shaped weapons that can only be used in pairs.  Crafted from one of the five magical materials, the central spike is either round to a point or flat with an edge, and is generally two-foot in length.  Likewise, the two curving side blades are either round or edged and are a foot in length, as are the handles.  Tri-Spikes are most efficient at defending from attacks but their main ability is in disarming an opponent.  

When the wielder of Tri-Spikes wishes to make a disarm attempt they suffer no external penalties. If the user uses her parry DV and reduces the attacker’s successes zero, then a reflexive disarm attempt is made.

Exalted must commit 2 motes of Essence to each of the Tri-Spikes, gaining the standard benefits for attuning to one of the five magical materials, and both Tri-Spikes must be attuned to be used with the wielder incurring no offhand penalties.  Due to their slender design, Tri-Spikes have no hearthstone sockets.

Tri-Spikes: Spd 5, Acc +2, Dam +4L, Def +4, Rate 4, Min Str *, Dex ***, Mrt ***, Tags D, M

Tri-Spikes (Clinched): Spd 6, Acc +2, Dam +4L, Def -, Rate 1, Min Str *, Dex ***, Tags C, D, R, P

Wings of Fury (Artifact ****)

It is unknown to lore where, when and who created this artifact, but legend has heard of them throughout Creation’s history, along with the doomed souls who have wielded them.  The Wings of Fury initially appear as a simple set of orichalcum bracers, each emblazoned with a double-headed eagle that has been bound with chains, with an eight-pointed sun acting as a halo upon each head.  Some say that these weapons were first created during the Primordial War and used by an Exalt who was the Unconquered Sun’s chosen vessel of fury and vengeance, and it has been so once again since being rediscovered in the Second Age of Man.

Once the wearer has committed 8 motes of Essence, the bracers accommodate him perfectly and capable of calling on the blades that dwell within.  As a reflexive action, the wielder may call forth a pair of orichalcum short daiklaves to his grasp instantly, which costs 1 mote to activate.  Each daiklave is identical: 3 feet in length and single edged with the blades matching that of an eagles outstretched, appearing in delicate detail.  The hilt is shaped as an eagle’s head at both ends with the pommel shaped as twin talons.  Grasped within the talons however, is a thick orichalcum chain, with the other end attached to the bracers themselves and allows the wielder to use the daiklaves at a range of 10 yards, the chains stretching and shrinking accordingly.  The Wings of Fury have another ability that gives them the fury aspect of their namesake.  When the wielder makes a fierce blow, the increase in damage is doubled to +4L as the daiklaves feed of the furious intent of the wielder.

The Wings of Fury has no hearthstone settings being too delicate in construction but fully attuned wielders can gain magical material bonuses (which is already included in the stats below) and wielding them paired incurs no offhand penalty.

Wings of Fury: Spd 4, Acc +5, Dam +4L, Def +2, Rate 3, Min Str *, Tags -
Dragon Transcendant Speed Style

what are the actual mechanics for Disruptive Wounding Blow and Blinking Death Kata? The style looks awesome, but I have no idea where it was originally posted and no clue what these charms are supposed to do. Thanks.
They're in the submissions section. On the forms main page, click "submissions" on the left-hand menu. Click Submissions again there, and select Charms. Select MA Charm trees, and look for Dragon Transcendant Speed Style. That's the 1st Ed. version of the style.

EDIT: Though I suppose I could just link it. Charms are listed at the bottom.
I'm locking this thread, because the new Second Edition Lore5 is up and running. Please use this for 2E submissions from now on. You can also access the site from the menu by clicking 2E Submissions.

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