Other The 25+ Crowd


the correct term is "quirky"

So I feel super old reading some of these posts and realize that probably majority of this crowd is under 20 years old... so I just wanted to write a shout out to all the 25+ peeps who are still writing! Woo! Awesome job!

I'm 28.
I'm married.
I have a house.
I have a full-time job to pay the bills.

Sometimes I feel adult; other times old lol.

So, just wanted to say hi and maybe make some writing connections with some similar-aged people :D

Okay I'm done rambling.
I'm 700 billion years old and saw the first stars being born and saw the great quark wars from the times before time. Ancient proto-men woven from non-euclidean nor particle based matter lived much like we do in a world that spanned the universe, before the emperor guagok-ma-lovik ordered the detonation of a vacuum bomb that reset existence, which you know as the big bang.

These days i just shitpost and manage my church, the moisture church.
Full time job
Still collect comics, watch anime, play video games, and try to write.

I feel older than dirt.
- 23 (almost 24) counts right? xD
- Currently a college student (and having to suffer in a class full of 18 year olds, but thankfully I'm not the only 20+ student in my class).
- In a happy, stable relationship.
- FINALLY know what I want to do with my life, so I'm counting that as being grown-uppy.
- My mother still has to make my dentist appointments...

But there's nothing worse than when you need an adult, realise you ARE the adult, so look around for someone adultier than yourself T^T
37. Bring it.

Can't RP with the under 25 set any more. It's just horrible and not remotely worth my time. I would say no "no offense" here, but really? All the offense. Take it you squishy Millennials. Off my lawn.
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I'm gonna thank the bejesus out of this thread. A full on Robert Downey Jr Breakfast Club fist pump to all of the above.

I'm 30, just trying out this stay at home mom thing with my baby girl, and married.
I'm 25

I work as a janitor, full time.
I'm an art school grauate specialized in advertising. I also did 5 months in an art academy but ended up dropping out. Currently graduated school after two years of studying IT.
I also worked in an engraving studio as both a designer and laser operator, but got fired after 5 months of work after I fell ill.

I'd prefer people closer to my age group but 18 seems to be the lowest I'll go. It's a little awkward with people that are half my age :0;;
A'ight people. So we got this fancy thread here thanks to Kennedy the Quirky, many uhm... blessings, or something, upon them. Whatever idiom floats your particular boat there.

I vote we do more than say hi with it.

So, gimme-gimme-gimme. Tell me about your OCs. In detail even. Tell me (well, us) what kind of RP you're after. Lay it all out. Let's do this. I'll gladly do the same once this here giant freaking cup of coffee starts working its caffeinated magic upon my weary soul.
Apparently the coffee took twenty-four hours to kick in.

So me: No fandoms, no anime, OCs only. I prefer grittier themes - crime, modern fantasy, that kind of stuff. All modern era/historical. I'm not huge on straight Fantasy/Sci-Fi, though I've put my time in pretending I'm a magic elf and wielded a lightsaber or two. Big on Lit RP, multi-para/novella style RP (minus the hideous, gag inducing purple prose) that's slow paced and detailed. Overall, I'm far more into atmosphere than action. Realistic stuff, from characters and their personalities and limitations, to the setting they're being dropped into, is very important to me. (Well, as much as any role-play can be considered "realistic".) I enjoy world building too.

I'm typically only roll male characters, though my oldest, still in use character is female. She's been around in various incarnations for about fifteen years now. The guys I play are all less morose versions of Byronic Heroes, generally with a Lawful Evil slant (if you want to bust out the alignments here). They tend to be bold, valorous in a villainous way, introverted underneath it all, but engaging and far from shy. Good stuff, lots of fun. All my characters are heterosexual as well - I know, how boring.

I don't do FCs and prefer to draw my characters. This is my current OC for a plot a long time RP bud and myself are involved in.

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Sorry, was away for the weekend.

I'm a modern-times writer myself. Prefer present-day/near-future type things, though I have some fun dabbing in futuristic/post-apocalyptic sometimes. So long as the plot intrigues me, I'm always in.

Definitely more of a collaborator than a speed-poster. I take time, usually have a plan in mind for my post with at least one other person.

I cannot, for the life of me, write medieval fantasy. If there's any fantasy involved it's gotta be modern day fantasy type thing (ie. people with 'powers', paranormal, mythical creatures seen in today's world, etc).

Most of my characters have "face claims" of celebrities. I kind of play the whole "if this became a movie, who would I want to play my character" type thing, which makes it fun ^_^

Ummmm... I think that's all about my stuff. I have a thread of one-shot scenes that I've written before up in this forum somewhere if anyone wants to see what my writing is like. Other than that... *shifts awkwardly*

*edit* shamelessly added a link to my one-shot scenes page...
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I'm old and crusty just a little bit musty.
My RP is flat and extremely rusty
But don't mess me 'cause I'll kick yo ass
I may be old but I post with class.

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