The 12th Great Labor


VP of the Questionable Ethics Committee
~Da Rules~

  1. Be descriptive. Don't let pictures turn you lazy. This is a written roleplay, so use your words!
  2. Try to make your character unique. Archetypes are popular for a reason, of course, but it's no fun for anyone to try to interact with a brooding, stoic badass who communicates with hair flips and wry smiles. Give your character quirks, flaws, and a personality.
  3. Interact with someone in every post. This is a roleplay, after all, and while it's fun playing with yourself, we all know it's better with a friend or two.
  4. Be reasonable. Try to keep the everything-proof shields and nuclear bomb snot to a minimum.
  5. Das it.

Keep these rules in mind when filling out the following information. You can PM it to me if you want it approved first, or post it in this thread and I will let you know myself. The form is below, with handy textual examples of the sort of brilliant character quality I expect.

Name: farts mcgee

Gender: asexual

Age: 7 minutes

Race: sentient gas

Appearance: green with stink lines and stuff

Backstory: came out of a butt thirsting for justice, desire has only grown stronger in passing minutes

Nature: grumpy, way too into beans

Abilities: can make people leave the room

Other: scared of ceiling fans and stiff breezes

Your characters will all be living, by convenient coincidence, in the same bloc. Whatever your chosen skills, you will all be assigned to inter-related experiments (for obvious this-is-a-roleplay-related reasons). You'll also be seeing a fair amount of Sylwyn herself - she has deemed your characters more promising than most, and will be keeping a personal eye on you and your work. Sylwyn and other important NPCs will soon have their own pages available for your perusal.
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Cendrillon Nadjeschda

(Goes by Cena as well)


Female, Pansexual


18 years





Cendrillon is a petite pale-skinned, blue-eyed girl, standing at no more than 5 foot 2. Her long blonde hair, tips the color of a blush on a young lovers face, are separated into two long braids, held together by rope with a red-tipped white feather tied to the ends. A droopy white collared shirt baring her midriff hangs off her shoulders, held up by a red vest with a high silver collar. Her self-proclaimed "pumpkin pants" are a dark blue akin to black, adorned with a decorative pattern, cinched at the top with a thin red ribbon that's tied in a bow on both sides of her hips. Underneath that she wears white tights with a thicker red ribbon criss-crossing at her ankles, and her feet are situated in boots that look like they'd belong to some kind of elf in Santa's worship. A decorative band sits on her left hand, as well as some kind of dark adornment underneath her braid on the left side.


Cendrillon grew up around magic. Her parents were both fairly well-known magic users in Scholars Keep; her father, Albrecht, excelled at alchemy and elemental manipulation and her mother, Iliana, was a famed summoner, able to summon beasts thought impossible to have existed, much less bring to her aid. She grew up around magic, and grew up loving magic, wanting to be a great mage like both of her parents.

She always loved helping people. That was something that Cendrillon enjoyed. So when she was 10, the age when kids decide their future paths, her parents approached her, asking what she wanted to do. She decided upon through path of enchantment, wanting to learn as many kinds of enchantments so as to help as many people as possible in the future. Her parents thought this to be an honorable and genuine goal, and vowed to help her become a top mage in her field of study.

Being the daughter of two top mages had its benefits - she picked up on magic easily, never struggling or falling behind on her studies. It also had its drawbacks, though - her parents being as skilled as they were didn't see the need to send her to public schooling, as their magical knowledge (most likely) preceded anything that could be taught in a public institution. As such, she never had many opportunities to make friends, not that it was easy anyways. Being the daughter of such famous mages made the other kids not want to approach her, out of something akin to fear and judgement. Plus, her parents were relentless in her studies, teaching her at a higher and more intense level than you would think would be feasible for someone Cendrillon's age. Nevertheless she never fell behind and her skills grew immensely from it.

By the age of 14 her power had grown far beyond that of her parents expectations. She was deemed a prodigy, and many mages of all backgrounds and skill levels looked on at her in awe, to her dismay. Yes, she wanted to become a great mage like both her parents, but she hated the spotlight - she just wanted to live in peace.

Peace, however, would not come so easily for her.

One night she went to bed like usual, her parents pecking kisses on her forehead with wishes of sweet dreams. She awoke in the middle of the night, however, to noises in her house. She walked out of her room to see masked figures running out their front door. Confused, she went to her parents room to find out what was going on. What she would find, however, would change the course of her life.

She entered the room to find her parents dead. Their throats sliced, blood spilt everywhere. It looked like there had been some kind of struggle. She collapsed on her knees right there, sobbing hysterically and loud enough that it woke the neighbors. As she fell to her knees she noticed their desks had been ransacked, but not much was taken. It seemed more like they were after something specific. She picked up a page of notes and noticed a word she had seen a few times in her studies.

The Wyrd.

The source of all magic. From what she could gather, her parents had been closely studying it, but she couldn't find out why or how much they had found out. The murderers had taken the rest of the notes, and before the police could arrive she stuffed the one remaining page into her clothing to keep for herself.

A few days later she was packed and relocated to another part of Scholars Keep, and thats when she met Sylwyn Uwenmoor. It's turns out her parents had known Sylwyn for many years and had been helping her with research on the Wyrd. Reasearch to build a portal leading right straight into its magical heart. Knowing this, Cendrillon decided to continue her parents work and help Sylwyn with her endeavors. After all, she is the daughter of Albrecht and Iliana Nadjeschda.

It's been four years since then. She's been helping Sylwyn with research on the Wyrd and furthering her own studies as an enchantress.


She's a very excitable girl, always wanting to learn something new. Her house is filled with unfinished textbooks spewed everywhere, and enjoys living in a disorganized chaos. She's very quirky, and likes to have fun with her powers, usually being silly with them, like enchanting a toilet to talk to the next person that tried to use it, or enchanting a nearby plant to start doing the macarena whenever somebody passed by it. She's not the most physically strong person, but her will is unmatched. Despite her airy and flitty nature, she's actually quite intelligent and cunning, if you can get her to focus long enough. She doesn't like talking about her past, but would love to talk about the here and now! She secretly longs to have friends but doesn't know how to make them. Is loyal to a fault to those she cares about, but that hasn't been anyone in a long time. It doesn't seem like she ever sleeps - you'll see the lights on in the wee hours of the night and hear her moving about and doing things bright and early in the morning. She loves baking sweets and is fond of breakfast foods.


Has the power to imbue other things/people with different abilities. How long the enchantment lasts depends on what is kind of ability is being used. For example:

  • Can imbue the power of flight on a broomstick. Will last an infinite amount of time.

  • Can imbue herself with a double amount of physical energy, in case she needs to get a job done. Will wear off when she naturally runs out of both reserves of energy.

  • Can enchant the power of pyrokenisis onto an ally. Will wear off after 10 minutes.

She can also create negative enchantments as well. For example:​

  • Can imbue an enemy with being affected by gravity two or three more times as normal. Will wear off after 5 minutes.

Using this power doesn't tire her out unless is used in multiple succession for and extended period of time. It is unknown what the limit of her enchantments are.


- She's not afraid of combat, but prefers a support role.

- She carries around a notebook filled with drawings and notes and writings, and is mostly filled with notes on cool things she's seen, or tips on how to use her abilities better, or tricks on how to use her abilities more efficiently both inside the battle and out. She doesn't like people touching it.

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1. Xehanort Hair is silver

2. Xehanort skin is brown

3. Xehanort has a quite muscular body

4. Xehanort usually wore his robe and hood

5. Under the robe, there is a black and white Tanktop

6. He wore a black pants and a penny loafer

7. His eyes is golden


Xehanort is an evil-minded person. But actually he has a good heart, but he somehow think that he likes to be the antagonist for everyone. He was once stranded in an island. He need to live with many natives of the island to stay alive but soon he grew tired of it. And one day, he was visited by his ownself from the future. The future-Xehanort told him everything what would happen in the future and that fueled up the desire for Xehanort to leave this Island. With the desire to see the whole world, he travelled across the universe, and somehow got his power to control time by stealing an ice cream from a burglar that somehow had gotten blessed by famous magician. He had planned to meet his many version across the different time. But he knew that it would be dangerous and would create time-paradox. So, he embarked into a new journey, find a story worth to take part in. Eventually, he arrived at scholar keep. It's a school related with magic. So, he decided to join this school or community to gain more power


1. He is quite funny and quite serious

2. He is cool! (Acting)

3. He likes girl.

4. He likes to charm with the girl

5. He hasa bad eyes. Luckily eyeglasses hasn't been founded yet

6. He easily get dizzy.

7. Sometimes he tried to do spectacular combat ability but always failed and vomit because dizziness

8. Afraid of fire (his magic is fire though)

9. Always wears his hood (thinking it was cool)

10. He's the type to lead an army (with a strategist of course)


Control Over Time

1. Warping around the battlefield , but can't warp through a thing or human

2. Heightened speed because mastery of time


1. He could throw a barrage of fire (not so much, he hates fire)

2. He can makes himself "dissappear (actually he just need to throw fire to the ground and warped as the smoke spread)

3. He can cast a pillar of darkness and throw it to his opponent at high speed

Weapon Transforming

1. His initial weapon is a pair of Laser Blade.

2. He can change it to a Laser Gun

3. Or a 12 little-drone

4. Or a whip

5. Or a sandwich maker (he hope)


1. Really likes strawberry sandwich

2. Doesn't like battle because it makes him dizzy

3. He wield his Laser Blade unorthodox. Thinking it was cool

4. He doesn't have any defense techniques. Warning to everyone

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Name: Ryan Konstantin

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Race: Warlock

Appearance: Tall (6'5), broad shouldered and well muscled with dark grey eyes flecked by blue. He wears a white tunic, brown hide trousers, black leather boots, and a long thick cloak made of black wool. The hood is usually drawn up around his face.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/uploadfromtaptalk1435763444632.jpg.6320055143c1e2daefc3c4085bd373c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59793" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/uploadfromtaptalk1435763444632.jpg.6320055143c1e2daefc3c4085bd373c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: He was born into a coven of witches... yet as you can imagine, a male witch was useless, unwanted. So they left him on a hillside to die. No one knows much about the small group of the dark magic practitioners, yet they left him with a permanent symbol on his right arm. The symbol was in the shape of a cross, yet its unique from the fact of the mark glows when he channels magic energy. Anyhow, he was found by a travelling mage. The man was fondly named his father, and he his son. The mage taught him to cast, fight... and most of all... survive.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. The mage died. Died protecting whatever secrets he had. And such a man, held many. He never revealed why they were always on the move, why he wasn't allowed to tell anyone his name, let anyone see them leave. Maybe that's why he died... Maybe the secrets were worthy of it. Yet no one shall ever know, for the words died with him. It was Ryan who after his death was lost... till he found one of the leaflets. An invitation. And so he made his way to Scholars Keep. He would help them build the bridge into the Wyrd, since he had nothing else left.

Nature: Good natured by heart after learning and helping others. The mage taught him to be calm, and will only get angry if someone touches upon a sensitive subject, or if you hurt someone that means something to him. Be it friends, family or love. He possesses a light humor, and likes to joke around. Yet make no mistake, Ryan is a serious man. He will listen to any and all problems, being quite open himself. Ryan is neither overly confident nor shy, but prefers to remain approachable rather than to approach himself. He is a neat man, whom likes his order, yet is a good improviser in battle. He is what i suppose you'd describe as 'brooding' or 'pensive'. A great lover of literature, and surprisingly knowledgeable on many philosophical subjects. He is a man of action and usually follows hunches and sudden impulses wherever these spontaneous actions may lead, a deal of improvisation makes him an opponent to beat, with unpredictable reactions, physical and emotional. He is remarkably a good leader, with a charismatic and smooth way of coaching people on.


-Can heal, yet the wound is transferred onto his own body. Meaning the bigger the wound, the weaker he gets.

-Manipulate shadow. He was never fond of this power, and although he is a natural, will never use it till last resort

-Increased strength, perception and agility, yet this is not to a massive extent although can make a difference in battle etc.

-Can cast spells, but must have to read a scroll. During this process the scroll is destroyed, yet the spell embedded in his mind.

Other: He has a thin rapier attached to his belt, with a golden coloured, twisted handle. Previously owned by his predecessor. He also has a link with animals, and gets on well with even the fiercest dog or wildest horse





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Name: Lowry Cuts-The-Leaves

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Race: Corvid​



Lowry is an unusually tall, rangy woman, standing at just under 6'7". Well, unusual tall for a human. For a corvid, a bird spirit, she's right about average. Her hair is a mahogany so dark it appears closer to black, and she usually wears it loose. Olive skinned, with ropy muscles and calloused hands, Lowry is prone to sloppy dress and neglecting showers in favor of work. According to her, she's just gonna get dirty anyway, so what's the point? On her left shoulder is a stylized tattoo of a crow in flight. Lowry prefers to wear loose clothing, both for comfort and practicality. As a corvid, she can take on bird aspects, or transform into a bird entirely. Loose clothing helps ease the transformation, and reduces the likelihood of tearing something when aspecting. Her face is youthful, childish even. Lowry tends not to make eye contact with people for very long, however. Despite her often smiling, girlish face, her eyes - crows eyes - are so dark as to appear solid black, and utterly devoid of emotion. Besides which, there is something ancient in them, some hint of a blood old as the rocks, and many people find the contrast discomfiting.


Lowry was born in Coulder's Roost, a secluded corvid village outside of Aesthura. She had an uneventful childhood, peaceful and happy, but by adolescence the bounds of her world felt confining. She chafed at the isolation, the monotony. At 22, Lowry left home, off to find the biggest city she could and see what she could make of herself. Lowry had a deficiency of people skills, having spent her whole like around birdfolk, but it wasn't for lack of effort. Despite being a cheery individual and a hard worker, Lowry was curious to the point of rudeness and had a habit of making jokes that no one but her found very funny. It was lucky for her that she had a certain talent for transmutation. She found a position in a smithy, apprenticing herself to a mechanic and blacksmith by the name of Artur. Her gift for elemental manipulation made Lowry a whiz with metals. She could ensure that Artur's smithy produced the purest gold, silver, and steel in the entire city.

After honing her skills and saving up money for several years, Lowry packed up her belongings and left. For a good long while, the massive glittering portal at the center of the city had drawn her eye like a magnet. Over and over she would find herself gazing at it lost in thought. Finally, curiosity overcame fear, and Lowry decided to make the trip into Aesthura. It took a week and a half of camping on line, sleeping on the ground with the other pilgrims, before she finally got to pass through.

The moment Lowry stepped into Aesthura, she realized two things: her power had instantaneously just tripled, and she was never, ever going back home. It was like starting from scratch. With the closeness of the Wyrd lending her strength, Lowry had to spend years discovering her new limits, revealing new talents. Over the course of her work, Lowry learned of the Scholar's Keep. Finally, a place where she could attempt her grandest experiments, her most innovative designs, without interfering busybodies telling her it was "too dangerous" and "utterly mad" and "the stupidest thing ever".


Lowry is as flighty and short of attention as one might expect from a bird, finding it hard to focus on anything that doesn't occupy all of her brainpower. A fan of jokes and pranks (even if they are very birdy in fashion, and often not funny to anyone but her), Lowry likes to laugh. In fact, it can be rather hard to get her to take anything seriously. Naturally, she is a fan of pretty, shiny things, and has more than once made friends with a person in an effort to get them to divulge where they bought a piece of jewelry. Sometimes, Lowry has trouble resisting the urge to steal, though even if she succumbs she will always return the stolen object (even if it takes a few days for the guilt to really get to her). Though Lowry has trouble making friends, she doesn't often focus on her problems long enough to get down about it.


Lowry can take on some or all the aspects of a crow, including growing feathers, talons, and a beak. She tries to avoid doing this, but it occasionally happens outside of her control when she is particularly angry. Lowry wears such loose clothing to prevent an errant pair of wings or bundle of tailfeathers from tearing it. Most of all, Lowry hates accidentally sprouting talons, as they shred her boots. She can also transform into a bird entirely. Though when Lowry is a bird, she is the size of only a slightly bigger-than-average crow, she can carry things several times her weight.

Though her skills in other branches of magic are only rudimentary, Lowry is an adept transmutationist. She specializes in manipulating base elements and altering their nature. The invitation to Scholar's Keep was an opportunity to expand these powers. Lowry hopes to discover the fundamental nature of the Wyrd and use it to pierce the veil.


Lowry has a serious sweet tooth, and is a great lover of gossip - both about herself and others. It can be a challenge to convince her it isn't very polite. Lowry is a decent sculptor and painter, though she rarely finishes anything she starts. She's also a huge fan of Sylwyn, and always hopes to impress her.

We can start introductions and things now. The sign-up will still be open but we can start getting into it. I'll post first and set the scene.
Name: Skyler Tamorai

Gender: Female

Age: 20 Years

Race: Human




Skyler Tamorai was born on the fifth day of the year's annual Wyrd Centennial, a fair held by all the residents of Xel Moern, one of the many sprawling cities that lay outside of Aesthura's portals. The festival was the one big celebratory party that every towns folk of their world participated in. It didn't matter whether they were mere innkeepers or practically royalty. This fair was too important to pass up, the reason being that Xel Moern was situated in a world void of magic, but on the week that made up the Wyrd Centennial all barriers broke down and magic poured freely into the realm. Since Skyler had been born during this time period she, just like the few others that had been born that week, inherited natural magical traits. Although her's were more subtle than mosts' (she was gifted with magically enhanced senses), she was still made fun of as a child. The regular non-wyrd gifted kids of her district seemed to have an affinity for taunting those talented with magic. They called them names such as freak and demon despite being previously taught in school that magic was a natural part of life. Perhaps if their world hadn't lacked any and all forms of the mysterious and mystical essence then the children would have been more accustomed to living with those touched by it.

Growing up with the taunts and general mockery toughened Skyler in some regards for what was to come. As at the age of 15 the beautiful city of Xel Moern was attacked. A nearby kingdom that sought the bountiful land Xel Moern sat upon raided the town. Their warriors left the once lush city in ruins. For those who managed to survive the pillage, they were taken captive as slaves. This included Skyler and her merchant parents. In the following months she was separated from her family, sold from household to household, abused, and raped. When she finally managed to escape her slavery she had drastically changed. She felt worn down and scarred by all that had happened.

So Skyler fled to the remote and desolate mountains of the world, a place where she may at last have peace. Here she stumbled upon a nest of abandoned Ichneumon eggs, a fabled species that was said to have gone extinct long ago. Taking the eggs and traveling to a close by village, Skyler sold all but one of the eggs to a rare item collector believing that they were long since dead and rotten. Now with coin on hand, she hashed out a decisive plan to get combat training and see if she could make a new life for herself in Aesthura as a warrior for their military.

As Skyler traveled to the swordsmanship base she was to be training at, something spectacular happened. The one egg she had kept as a souvenir from finding the Ichneumon nest hatched. Utterly surprised, she called up the collector she had sold the other eggs to and learned from him how to best take care of this newfound beast. In the span of the next few years Skyler completed her combat training, raised a practically extinct animal (whom she named Leviathan a.k.a Levi and developed an unbreakable bond with), learned of the 12th Labor, and found her way to the scholar's keep where she picked up a job as a well paid guard for the keep. Her gift from the Wyrd of having enhanced senses helped with her job as well due to the fact that she could hone in on whispered conversations over half a mile away if she concentrated.


Persistent with her goals, Skyler is a strong-headed individual with a pure heart who has been noted by her peers for being stubborn yet amiable. On a daily basis she has a relaxed and composed attitude. However, the second any person or thing threatens her friends, family, or what she believes in Skyler can quickly become nasty tempered. Upon first meeting new people Skyler is never 100% trustful. It generally takes a long time before she feels like she can be completely laid-back. This is partly because of her abusive past.


-She has naturally highly keen senses (eyesight, smell, and hearing) that were granted to her by the wyrd at birth. These were only amplified once she entered the portal to Aesthura. However, Skyler lacks most other naturally strong magical talents.

-She also has been trained in the art of swordsmanship, thus is amazing with blades and typical hand-to-hand combat.

-She can perform basic spells and enchantments, but does prefer to rely on her more physical attributes.


She typically travels around with her companion, Leviathan 'Levi', one of the rather rare and reclusive mountain ichneumons. Once thought to be a fabled or at least extinct creature, the ichneumon has been recently rediscovered in the last four decades. These beasts are, under normal circumstances, hard to befriend as they tend to be highly aggressive. In the past they were well known for their behavior of traveling in packs and being amazingly capable at hunting down some of the realms' most ferocious monsters, such as dragons.

Fully grown Ichneumons weigh about 250 pounds, have a height of around 6 and a 1/2 feet, and can live up to 60 years. Their stature is built for simultaneous speed and strength. Their diet consist mainly of meat, but they can survive without it for around a week.


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Name: April Langlais

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Race: Demon



April is a lanky young woman whoes attempt to look more boyish by keeping her jet-black hair short is foiled by her delicate build and gentle dove grey eyes. Matching her hair, her outfit usually consists of a black bandeau top hidden behind a black leather coat, a pair of black jeans and an equally black ribon around her neck, which is the only kind of accessory she can be bothered to wear on a daily basis.


Being born a demon in a Nameless World far away from Aesthura, April learned one thing very early on: everything capable of fear is prey. Which is why no decent demon would have admitted to being afraid when their world collapsed. The Nameless World once was created by a powerful warlock by sheer force of will, but no matter how strong the mage, one day every spell stops working and so, when the Wyrd called for the borrowed magic to return to its source, the Nameless World started to crumble and fell apart. Many faced their certain death with a cool smile on their lips, but not April. April knew what fear felt like.

The day she left her family back and found a way through a portal to Aesthura was the last time she saw her parents, her grandfather and her younger sister Eve.

Her quick escape probably saved her life when the Nameless World collapsed, but it also marked her as an outsider. The demon that was afraid, the traitor, almost a human!

Only that the humans disagreed. For them April was still a demon, the thing that fed on their nightmares and haunted their waking hours.

Rejected by both demons and human, April spent 6 years moving from flat to flat, working whatever job she could find in order to pay her rent. If she didn't work, she studied. She was determined to get her position in the demon community back, by becoming the best of her kind.

It weren't the demons, however, who noticed April's talents first, it was Sylwyn Uwenmoor. Her invitation to the Scholar's Keep promised a permanent home, so April followed it, not sure if she agrees with Sylwyn's dream of opening the Wyrd, this power that destroyed her home, to the people of Aesthura. Who could tell what other horrors this unknown source of power was capable of?


April is skeptical by nature; hated by fellows and strangers alike, she isn't quick to trust anybody. Despite herself, she often feels lonely and remembers her family with remorse, because she know, she couldn't have saved them, but at least died at their side.

If a person hurts her, she is more likely to turn away and close herself off than shouting and working things out.

Her main goal is to keep working and improving, until no other demon can deny her worth for the community.


The species of demon April belongs to indeed feeds on feelings like fear and helplessness to boost their powers, but they can perfectly well live on bread and water (or, in April's case, cake and tea) on an everyday basis.

If she can get access to a source of a living creature's fear though, April can turn her more human-like appearance into a misty shadow with claws for hands, long streaming hair and piercing white eyes. In this form, she is able to pass through solid material and possess people for a short period of time. Also, she can manipulate elements and inanimate objects.

April can only maintain this form as long as the source of fear is available.

April likes to call this version of herself The Shadow.

In her usual form, she has no powers besides her wits.

Appearance of The Shadow:



She refuses to show whenever she is scared of something, such as great heights and needles.

She wants to impress the demon community whenever possible, because she blames herself for being an outcast, but she blames the humans for rejecting her and often makes harsh remarks about them.


@CannibaLilly ACCEPTED]
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Name: Erica Nhachashaal

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Race: Witch



Erica is of an average human height and built but can been seen as sickly at most times if observed. She have a sandy brown hair that is always led down to her comfort as she can always cover her face when feeling under the weather which is always. Erica's skin tone is paler than pale that she tends to avoid bright places to make it obvious. Always sporting simple black clothing everyday and all occasions. She is always have lazy dark brown eyes that may look disinterested at vacant times but has life when you are talking to her or her interests has been spiked. Will look at you straight in the eye when encountered much to one's discomfort as if she can see through one's soul much to her trolling. Always has a serene expression that makes it hard to know if she is joking or serious as her tone is also the same. When provoked at the right issue, her eyebrows may just twitch just a little.


She thinks she is adopted no matter how her parents deny it despite the obvious fact that they are both elves and she is clearly not. And she is the odd one out in their elven community. Even with the different attitude towards her by the community as an outsider she is still loved by them.While they practice healing and light magic, she dwells on a different kind. She started summoning shadowed entities during childhood much to her parents surprise since they showered her with blessed light magic talismans and spells. She even unconsciously brought back her pets to life whenever they die that goes back dead by the end of the day. These didn't bother her as if it is a normal healing magic and stuff.

Erica aged faster among her childhood friends who are elves making her claim that she doesn't belong stronger. By the time she reached 18 she was granted to study far away where her curiosity over things may be filled. Erica then started learning more of her skills but none of her origin since her 'parents' aren't cooperative about it. Her thirst for knowledge led here from place to place with different experiences.She was able to have small unrelated jobs to support her own as a scholar and small experiments. Her visit to her home town has become close to never as she moves further in her journey. Until one day Scholar's Keep happened and Erica without having second thought accepted it since it is where she can apply her what she learned and gain more.​


Erica's sense of morality is very gray that affects her actions and intentions greatly. She is a very focused person where her abilities rely on but it makes her ignore things outside her mind palace. She doesn't like being in the spotlight, literally and figuratively. As much as possible, she is cooperative as long as the goal is clear and attainable. She likes to play and joke with other people even though it is hard to read her whether she enjoys it unless she says so.Even with her usual expression she expresses her care and concern towards others through actions of simple tugs and hugs. She is actually warm when you get to know her. She avoids excess emotions because it makes her puke stuff much to everyone's discomfort.She is extremely lazy that is why she does things near perfection to avoid repeating them. Her room though is a room of piles.To take advantage of her or to hurt her can lead to one's ruin as revenge is a sweet thing for her.


With extreme focus, she can summon entities from forms of shadows to beings from another realm that are mostly enveloped with her aura. The less focused she is the less she can control them. She can also do rituals required nothing else but the practitioner's own blood that can perform buffs and charms. Another is that she can emit dark barriers and use it as a force field at a great cost of her stamina. Her mana is not that huge so she can last only for a short time in the battle field that's why she prefers being in the tactics and desk division if ever unless she uses other people's life force which is another whole story but depends on the situation.


Erica may be hard to fool but she can easily be impressed. She claims she is deathly allergic to sweat and dust that makes her excused to some tasks.She is either very early or very late when in terms of attendance and meet up times. Sleep is the best way for her to regenerate her mana and health which will take very long at times.Her sense of danger is weak like for example she will pet a rabid monster sized rabbit without noticing it will bite her the moment she lays her hand on its fur.

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