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Fantasy The 12th Great Labor


VP of the Questionable Ethics Committee
Hello! My name is mecha, and I'm looking to gather some dedicated roleplayers to populate a fantasy world of my own creation. Before I tell you about the setting, let me tell you my two golden rules:

  1. Be descriptive. Grammar and literacy are a given, but more than that, give other roleplayers something to work with! There's nothing more frustrating that a passive player who leaves everyone languishing with short, interest-deficit replies. Put action into your posts, leave opportunities for conflict, don't be afraid to behave in ways that others might dislike. We're piloting characters - no need to be reluctant to create enmity between them! At the very least, try to interact with others, so that you don't end up forcing other people to try and figure out how to effectively work you staring wistfully out the window of your room into a group roleplay.
  2. Try to be original. That's not to say more common archetypes are banned, but if you want to write a broody vampire, throw in something unique to make them stand out. Try to make your character different from the ones already in play.

If this sounds like something doable for you, read on and see if the plot and world I've thought up tickle your fancy!

The World: The story will take place in Aesthura, a world saturated with magic. Humans are the only intelligent natives of this world, but Aesthura is a sort of crossroads for countless multitudes of realities. For millennia, all manner of creatures, both humanoid and otherwise, have been visiting or even settling in Aesthura. Though humans are still the majority, significant permanent populations of "Outworlders" have been present for at least the last 300 years.

The Magic: Magic in Aesthura comes from the Wyrd, an intangible realm that interacts with all worlds. It is a infinite well of energy, fueled by the deaths of living things. Everyone eventually passes into the Wyrd, and magic users borrow strength from it to alter reality. As such, no magic is forever - a building constructed with magic will decay as the Wyrd takes back what it loans to its children - but the more powerful the mage, the more durable their creations. In some worlds, the Wyrd is distant, making magic difficult or even impossible to access. In Aesthura, however, the veil separating the two is so thin that almost every human is capable of at least some degree of magic. The majority are talented in minor magics, though there are the exceptional few that are capable of works on par with miracles. However, since the Wyrd is the source of magic, and access to it depends on what realm one is in, a mediocre magician in one world might be incredible in another, and vice versa. Many of those visiting Aesthura are magic users seeking to increase their skill and strength by traveling to a world where the barrier between Wyrd and reality is insubstantial. The "style" of magic can be as varied as your characters. Wands, runes, hand gestures, incantations, summonings - anything is game. The manner of magical invocation is dependent on where an individual is from, and the only thing consistent between magic in all worlds is that no magic can last forever. Everything returns to the Wyrd in time.

The Plot: The greatest mage in living memory, Sylwyn Uwenmoor, has put out a call for any and all willing to assist her in the most ambitious venture of her life - a portal into the Wyrd itself. She has begun construction on a vast palace, which she calls her "Scholar's Keep", to house anyone interested in assisting her. The building (which resembles a self-contained city) is being constantly expanded to accommodate the endless stream of new arrivals. However, not everyone residing within is interested in aiding Mage Sylwyn. Subterfuge, plots of sabotage, plots to sabotage the sabotage, and even attempts on the lives of those trying to assist Uwenmoor (whether their help is magical or not), are ever-present. The Scholar's Keep is not as much of a shining, peaceful monument to learning as Sylwyn had hoped it would be.

You: You will play a resident of the Keep, working either to forward the construction of the portal or hinder it. Roleplayers will be offered the opportunity to work on various experiments, and can choose to either aid them or sabotage them. By communicating relevant actions through PM to me, players can participate in a sort of "Clue"-style whodunnit, trying to determine who is actually helping and who is, in secret, ruining everything. There will also be various "events", things that are out of the players' control that affect them and the plot. Accidents, discoveries, and other sources of strife will be frequent. All players will be housed near each other and will work on the same handful of experiments to promote interaction.

If I can get a show of interest from at least 5 people, I will write up a more detailed lore and setting and make a thread. Leave a post here indicating that you would like to participate, and if I get enough people I'll PM you about it!

Thank you for reading.
I'd love to join!

I'm new to this forum though, so I can't write private messages, yet ( :( ) Would that be a problem?
Awesome! Well, I haven't got quite enough people yet so you've got time to hit your post requirement, and if anything you can let me know you want to open a conversation and I'll PM you first. :)
Okay, since I've got a good show of interest I'm gonna start writing up the lore in more detail today! I'll let you all know when I post it - probably sometime later today/early tomorrow. Thank you guys!

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