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The 1 on 1 search!


Immortal Bait

[SIZE= 20px]Here I am on the search![/SIZE]



My 1 on 1 search.

Hello everyone! I have been craving a unique and exciting new role play lately, As the little gif above shows. I am really into action type anime, and I really like the massive action on role play too. Most of my ideas have some type of action, or some fighting. So if you're not into that type then we can discuss something else. You can call me Zaxs or cool guy, or Envy. I hope to create a long-term role play, where I can chat with my partner in OOC and we can keep the role play going for a very long time. World building is one of my favorite things to do, and creating characters that can live in this world.



Now onto the rules:

  1. Almost everyone has this rule, and that is to have correct grammar and be advanced in your replies. Not text talking or just creating little posts or one liners, that will not only slow down the role play. But it will definitely stop the role play in its entirety. Create a post that you can feel proud, it doesn't have to match my length. But please try to include things to progress the plot or add to it.
  2. Another standard when it comes to role playing. Please make sure to inform me if you are going to leave or if you will be missing for a few days. As I do not want to give up on a role play, when you have just been busy for two days without telling me.
  3. Please do not force my character to do anything, or force romance. I am not big on the love at first site thing, and it shouldn't be forced in role play. As romance takes time. If your character likes mine as shows it, then that is okay. But I don't want it to be just romance, but romance can be subplot.




Oh Boy now we reach the Plots:


M.E.C. Creations.

An organization called M.E.C. has appeared due to the rapid growth of civilians, demons, and creatures of unknown origin have begun to seemingly pop up out of nowhere. These Creatures come in all shapes and sizes and some have even evolved and have learned to become more human like. So the M.E.C. has modified their recruits bodies to combat these enemies, making weapons and allowing humans to become faster and stronger with each body modification. This constant battle between the humans and these creatures have went on for almost several decades, and some towns and cities have been corrupted from these demons. While others seem untouched. Who knows how much longer this battle will take place.



Who am I?..A god?

Three years ago there was war between the gods and the most powerful mages on the planet. This battle last for years, as the gods seemed to have the upper hand. The mages devised a plan to capture one of the gods children, and to hide them away until the gods surrender. The plan was a success and the gods agreed to surrender and get sealed away all over the planet in different and mysterious place that no mere human can find. The child was going to be sealed away alone, but he was taken away and raised by a normal family. By now he has learned of the gods and set out to released them, but must over come many obstacles and even a rival mage that is trying to stop them.



[SIZE= 18px]Risk of....[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]never mind[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px] different name.[/SIZE]

You are a criminal, alien, construction worker, hunter, the chosen guy, etc. A board a massive fleet of cargo ship, carrying loot of different shapes sizes and abilities. When suddenly warning signals begin to blare out, the ships begin to fall and land on the closest planet. You enter an escape pod and land on the planet safely, as the ships begin to break upon reaching the planets atmosphere and cargo and parts began to fly from the sky, landing along the same time as you. As you travel the planet you must collect loot to increase your strength and become more powerful as you try and fight strange enemies and find some way to escape this planet.



My last suggestion:

I would like to create a story for you specifically, I want you to give me an idea of what you would like to do. And I will DM a world and random events that you have to overcome or even events that lead to the progression of the story. Sort of like a game where your action and decision matter and can not only affect you, others, or even the world you inhabit. 



(all art in this post was taken from pixeloutput on Tumblr)
Ooo! You should definitely PM me! (I can't yet, new account) I'm very interested in the Gods and Mages plot and have my own ideas to add into it! 8D @Zaxs
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Hey, just so I understand correctly, this is an RP where you DM and control the world, other characters, and the outcome of your partner's actions, and your partner just plays their own character, right?
Hey, just so I understand correctly, this is an RP where you DM and control the world, other characters, and the outcome of your partner's actions, and your partner just plays their own character, right?

Yes that is correct.
Alright, cool! I'm a bit confused on the second one though. Would I play the god's child, or another character?
Alright, I'm definitely interested in playing as the god-child in that one. Should we move this to PMs for further discussion?

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