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Fantasy That time our quest to kill the demon lord was invaded by aliens.


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
You clicked on this because of the title, it doesn't lie.
This rp if it gathers three or more people will be set in a medieval fantasy where upon aliens invade.
Your swordsman could get his hands on a energy blade,
Your mage could "err" and "hmm" in wonder at a alien console,
Your half elf beast master might even choose Dragon to use take down on a flying UFO.

The players would be veteran adventurers, legendary in rank and class these men and women are hired by the kingdom and forced to team up on a quest to murder the demon king, however this quest is interrupted as not even a month passes before UFO's are spotted on mass and stories of strange aliens spread, presumably looking to steal magic crystals, gold, livestock and our children.

Will heroes of might and magic prevail against alien technology?

Post requirements two paragraphs or more twice a week.
As far as a character sheet goes I have two ideas of what to post but I'll ask if people would prefer one or the other.
Glad I didn't need pictures and walls of text to sell that aha

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