That one special Night... [Inactive]

Airi laughed softly. "She's not so bad. She's just a special horse." She was about to say something else when a black horse came up to them. "There you are silly girl." She smiled happily and gave the horse a pet.
Yasuo had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen with Shadow. He walked up to her cautiously and whispered in her ear, carefully beginning to pet her, "Please don't embarrass me in front of Riri...I'd never hear the end of it. We're friends, right...? By the way, nice mane...Its very...Horsey."
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"It is not something I wish to do, especially after meeting you princess but I must leave after this night" Tavain managed to say quietly. It was strange before this night began all Tavian cared about were the jewels he was planning to steal but now he felt a sense of disappointment and shame, Something he had not experienced in quite sometime. Tavian let go of her hand unwillingly and grabbed ahold of the silver pocket watch then slipped it down into the hidden pocket within his coat and placed it right next to his dagger. "I must go back inside princess I must continue my work…"
Akari watched him, not sure how to stop him from going. Her eyes lowered "Tavain, will I ever see you again?" she asked him, clearly she had took an interest in him. He seemed like the one in need, but she couldnt help him in any way. Which made her a bit sad inside. He was so kind to her, a gentleman..a prince in her eyes "If not, I wish you luck on where you travel."
dylzoe said:
Yasuo had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen with Shadow. He walked up to her cautiously and whispered in her ear, carefully beginning to pet her, "Please don't embarrass me in front of Riri...I'd never hear the end of it. We're friends, right...? By the way, nice mane...Its very...Horsey."
Airi smiled happily as Shadow glanced Yasuo over. The horse seemed to study him for a few moments before snorting and sort've nuzzling his hand. "Aww she likes you. I think you passed with flying colors." She grinned a bit. She wasn't worried. Yasuo seemed to have a kind soul. It seemed Shadow thought so too. That made both horse and owner happy.
PunkKat1 said:
Airi smiled happily as Shadow glanced Yasuo over. The horse seemed to study him for a few moments before snorting and sort've nuzzling his hand. "Aww she likes you. I think you passed with flying colors." She grinned a bit. She wasn't worried. Yasuo seemed to have a kind soul. It seemed Shadow thought so too. That made both horse and owner happy.
Taking a sigh of relief, Yasuo looked back over to Airi. "Can we take her for a ride?" He asked, uncertain if the horse would try and throw him off
"Of course. You don't mind do you Shadow?" Airi giggled softly as Shadow neighed her response. "I think that means she doesn't mind. Let's get going."
PunkKat1 said:
"Of course. You don't mind do you Shadow?" Airi giggled softly as Shadow neighed her response. "I think that means she doesn't mind. Let's get going."
Yasuo carefully climbed up on Shadow making sure not to get his suit dirty before extending his hand down to Airi. "Yeah, lets go"
(Still alive No one panic! xD )

"Yes… Yes you will you have my word" Tavian walked back to her side and held her hand once more. It was hard for him knowing he would have to leave her by tonight and pained him even more knowing that she accepted for him for what he dose and who he is. "My princess actions could not express my thanks towards you. It's just strange for me…" He let out a bit of a chuckle. "I can't say I've ever experienced anything quite like this."
Akari looked in both of his eyes, her hand squeezed his. "Im guessing you never feel a moment like this..." she said, blushing a bit "I never knew I would hav a moment such as this.." she looked at his clothed chest, speaking "I just never knew it would end so fast.." love was something she was never good at, even if she was excited for it "Promise you'll come back for me?" she asked, it was a simple task. But maybe not for him. Her eyes then lifted back up to look at him
"I promise princess…" Tavian whispered quietly to her. As much as Tavian hated to ruin a moment like this he knew there was only so much time he had. "Now princess we should go back inside before others wonder where we ran off to" Tavian whispered then let out a slight laugh.(Short post is short :P )
(its ok :D )

Akari smiled alittle and nodded, before kissing his cheek softly and holding onto his hand "Lead the way." she told him

(mines short too XDDD)
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