That 70s show (70s themed Roleplay) OOC


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Group
  2. Off-site
Welcome to the OOC chat of That 70s show. Feel free to share any questions, comments, ideas, updates and etc about the RP here. Here are a few rules and important pieces of info.

  • Standard RpN rules apply.
  • Be respectful to one another. Being a douche here is an easy way to get yourself kicked out.
  • Please do not bring drama from other places here.
  • If you have any ideas or suggestions for IC, run it by me first here!
  • This place may or may not be temporary because an OOC Discord could possibly be in the works.
Hey! I’m definitely excited for this (and I’ve been needing an excuse to rewatch the show…)

Do you want any specific roles for the characters? Just like the neighbour, the athlete, rebel, etc. or just open? I’m just trying to figure out a character to use and was curious
I didn't think of that! You can definitely do that if you want. Not required but it would definitely be helpful. The only reason I would want that is if one of/you're character is a parent/adult if that makes sense.
Few things niceandsimple niceandsimple faeriehollow faeriehollow captaindanger captaindanger sillybilly sillybilly Noam Noam . I want this to be as longterm as possible. If that's ok. I'm definitely not asking for daily posts. Maybe 3 a week. I just don't want this to quickly die out. On that note if you get bored loose interest or have some emergency preventing you from playing, please tell me. Don't ghost! And finally, I was hoping we could start fairly soon. No rush whenever you have a second maybe try getting a character in. That's all. Have a day everyone lol.
Few things niceandsimple niceandsimple faeriehollow faeriehollow captaindanger captaindanger sillybilly sillybilly Noam Noam . I want this to be as longterm as possible. If that's ok. I'm definitely not asking for daily posts. Maybe 3 a week. I just don't want this to quickly die out. On that note if you get bored loose interest or have some emergency preventing you from playing, please tell me. Don't ghost! And finally, I was hoping we could start fairly soon. No rush whenever you have a second maybe try getting a character in. That's all. Have a day everyone lol.
Hey guys I'm pretty sure I'm going to archive this. It's just not making much progress. Thank for the interest though

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