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Fandom TG - The Underdogs [ooc]

Eating 1 ghoul (unless it was another kakuja perhaps) won't give you a kakuja in any TG universe so good luck there. :3
I'm going off the idea that if she's willing to cannibalize one then she's more than likely done it more than once.
It's not about likeliness, she either has or she hasn't. Don't leave it ambiguous. :3
I agree, honestly i'm curious to see the interactions between everyone since there's some interesting things I could see happening.
I can agree, we don't win just from my character being a kakuja. She's not SSS rank (and even if she was) we could still be broken down, it's all a matter of how we all play our cards.
I changed my character's affiliation to neutral. I have a reason for this so don't worry too much about it. I'll post its purpose in the main thread later.
My character sadly knows no caution. Also I think Ravens are the strongest of the revealed characters rn xD.

Also is my character the only one in her ward?

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