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Fantasy Terrorchild: Awakening

Compel Her New
Option 1: 4 Votes (36% - Range: 1-36)
Option 2: 7 Votes (64% - Range: 37-100)
Fae Roll: 65

2. Compel Her - "No, tell me no lies!" you snap. "How much do you need!?"

The Eldest doesn't react to your attempt, and as seconds pass in silence, and the portal to the world beyond death churns below your feet, the smile that creeps over her lips freezes the blood in your veins. "...You want to test your will against mine, Agranne? You may be a goddess, but you are not my equal - not yet."

She places her hand on the pommel of her sword as it sits in the scabbard, and a thin wisp rises between her pale fingers. The mind on which you tried to force your will now pushes back, effortlessly overwhelming you as your hand lifts and reaches toward her of its own doing. "What-" you start to react, only to have your words dry up in your mouth, her compulsion denying you any voice to speak with.

Syrith snickers coldly, shaking her head as you float there helplessly. "...Thanks to your unchecked ambitions, the two of us are going to have to learn how to get along," she teases, "or else it's going to be a very, very long eternity for both of us. Sharyx, bless her wayward heart, felt such a visceral dread at the thought that we wouldn't - and that it would destroy all that each of us creates. But she was naive... I don't really care what happens between us, now, Agranne."

"Liar!" Embryx roars. "You were just as afraid that Agranne would burn your Grand Design to the ground. You knew there was a chance she wouldn't even fix your soul, and just leave you to merge with the princess forever!"

You can't move. You want so badly to scream at Embryx to be quiet, and not incur whatever wrath Syrith might be capable of. Come to think of it, why hadn't she just killed you back in Mardenaal? She could've obliterated your soul forever, taken back her divinity, and then called down the comet's power herself. Maybe Sharyx' body wouldn't have survived the influx of divinity... You only survived because Gallanis stopped time. Syrith did it once before, when you were inducted into the coven, but that was using the power of the divinity she left in the afterlife with her necrotic construct... Gah! This is getting complicated! Shut up, Embryx! Just shut up!

Syrith begins to laugh even more cruelly than before, and it only takes you a moment to realize she isn't just laughing at Embryx, but you and your thoughts, as well, and you flush with embarrassment and anger. "...Oh yes, letting my mind be irreversibly tainted by the influence of that girl would've been unpleasant - and I do know that you suggested she not even board the ship to Zuklanar - but thankfully that's in the past, now, and all the timelines in which I languish as a shadow of my former self have passed over harmlessly... like a bad dream! On the other hand, you speak of my Design rather confidently for someone who's never heard it spoken from my lips."

Embryx looks on expectently, almost dumbfounded. Unfortunately, she wouldn't get much of an explanation to the questions on her mind.

"...Not that it would make a difference - it's beyond your mortal faculties to understand - and I do mean that without any offense intended," she concludes.

"So... What?" Corrinth speaks up. "Agranne being a goddess and also hating you isn't a problem anymore, now that you've got your soul back?"

"What's one more goddess to wage war against?" Syrith replies, flippantly, before giving a more honest answer: "...As quickly as it would satisfy my base impulses to compel your friend to give me all of the divinity back that she's stolen from me, and then you and that yappy dog that she's in love with," she mutters, pointing at Embryx, "...I'm not actually in the market for another sworn enemy, and I do realize that this is my one and only chance to show mercy, true mercy, when I have you all in the palm of my hand."

She finally turns back to you, and you feel utterly demoralized. She can only float there because of your magic, which you can't stop casting because you've become nothing but her puppet. You suddenly find your ability to speak restored, and so you use it. Unfortunately, you can't formulate a proper question, and so only two words actually escape you. "Just... What?"

Syrith crosses her arms. "Half," she replies. "...Agranne, I am offering you half of all the divinity that I've amassed over six thousand years of battling the Pantheon, to do with what you will. You'll get your Rigatte back, as I promised from the beginning, and you and your 'friends' leave this place unharmed. The Pantheon will view this as me blundering away half of my power, and it's possible that I've done just that... It remains to be seen. But for now, it will serve to convince them that it's not yet time for Zephimus to unmake the world."

"Why would he do that?" you reply.

"To kill me," she replies, flatly. "Or, more generally, to destroy anything which threatens his primacy over all creation."

Despite your utter resignation, you find the will to smirk at her. "...That sounds like the real reason the Pantheon rejected you," you reply. "You and your mortal friends wanted to overthrow the Pantheon and rule it yourselves."

"You've seen how they rule," she replies, bleakly. "They blame me for their sloth, their inaction. But they were just the same in my time, all those years ago, and with no excuse to make for it."

So she admits it, then. And if what she's saying is true - and you probably ought to take it with a grain of salt - then Zephimus has been considering destroying the world in retaliation for her rebellion, and the similar smaller rebellions it has inspired in the souls of mortals everywhere - your own included. If that's the case, then your role in Syrith's eyes has been similar to what it was in Gallanis' eyes. You were meant to avert this confrontation, and, if all else failed - win it on behalf of one side or the other. "If you're still fighting that war, then there's no way you'd leave me in peace if I have so much divinity."

"I don't care what you do with it, as long as they don't have it," she replies, disgust playing on her brow. She sighs, rubbing her temples. "...Eternity is a long time, Agranne. You might someday come to realize that I've been right all along, and then we'll work together. But that will never happen if I don't turn you loose."

You draw a long sigh to match her level of exhaustion with this discussion.

1. Half, Then - "Fine, it's a deal," you say, knowing that she must be speaking in good faith if she hasn't just compelled you to give up all of your power. You weren't planning on letting the Pantheon take your divinity away, anyway.

2. Silence - You sit in silence, too angry and too heartbroken at your own helplessness to give her an answer. You know that Embryx is watching you, and seeing you shut down. You can't even imagine the sort of fury that's brewing in her for Syrith, but by the time you try to stop her, it'll be too late.

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