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Fantasy Terrorchild: Awakening

Offer Sharyx a Lesson
Option 1: 4 Votes (57% - Range: 1-57)
Option 2: 3 Votes (43% - Range: 58-100)
Fae Roll: 93

2. Offer Sharyx a Lesson - Unlike Embryx and Kulka, Sharyx is in high spirits, having cared little about Stalna. You decide you could use some levity, and ask her what she would like to learn tonight.

The princess fidgets slightly at your question, her excitement overflowing. "Oh ho ho ho... In that case," she answers, flashing her devilish smile, "I want to learn manipulation. It'll be tidier for me to take control of Aelesh if I can force my errant countrymen to love me when I enter their sight - and to offer me their prized possessions and darkest secrets with the utmost sincerity."

"Yeah?" you reply, unimpressed. "The spell wears off, you know."

Sharyx snickers and, amazingly, you realize that she's playing a joke on your expectations. "Of course, of course..." she says. "It'll still be tidier, regardless."

You find yourself cracking a smile at her self-awareness, but deep down you're also weary of her selection. Manipulation is dangerous - and you're well aware of the threat that Sharyx could pose, should things grow sour between you. On the other hand, you know that Kulka would want you to continue fostering her, and making her a better sister to the coven. "...I'll teach you the basics of compulsion while we're at it," you explain, "since we rely on crows for communication. It won't take long,"

Just like Corrinth two years ago, you begin by calling forth a crow from the trees above. As you explain the nature of imposing your will upon the bird, as well as the limits of the technique, you can see the changeling creeping forward, up to Kulka's side, so that she can watch you repeat the lesson she gave you - at least until Seith leads her away for bloodletting to complete his strange ritual. You glance over to her, briefly, and the two of you lock eyes for only the briefest of instants. You can only imagine what sort of thoughts and feelings are rattling around in her skull right now, as she reflects on that final night before her life began to unravel.

After a few minutes of explanation and demonstration, it comes time for Sharyx to show what she's learned, and she easily does so. By pointing her sword, she commands the bird to follow her directions. As she makes a slow circle with the tip of the blade, the crow hops along the ground in a similar large circle. "...I've got it! I've got it!! Yes - wonderful!" Sharyx raves. "Thank you, sister!"

"Good job," you say, finding yourself understanding, more than ever, the truth of Kulka's words when it comes to leadership within the coven. She said that elder sisters arrive at their status due to their ability to pass on the coven's teachings, and not from their power alone. Sharyx clearly adores you for your role in the Grand Design, but someday, she'll be a powerful witch and likely the Queen of Aelesh, and she'll look back on these humble beginnings. That you've chosen to foster her ambitions and guide her to greatness will grant you so both so much more than fear, paranoia, and rivalry could...

And then you think of Veralt, and how he came to join your circle because he believed in you and what you were trying to achieve. While you learned shadowmancy from him, you offered him little in return, and mocked him and Corrinth for loving each other. The resentment you caused by trying to place Embryx in control of his side of the army became a sense of betrayal as Embryx attempted to conspire with Wag against him, and the end result of all of these poor decisions was Corrinth's attempt on Embryx' life, the changeling's final plunge into helpless derangement, and then a disorganized, bloody battle that nearly caused the deaths of everyone in your circle - only prevented by your timely arrival in a state of divine rage.

You can't allow anything like that to happen again. You'll teach Sharyx without reservations, and do your best to remain allies.

"Now, let's talk about manipulation," you explain. "All magical techniques begin with imposing your will - whether it's upon the bodies and minds of others, upon their souls, or upon space or nature. So the question of imposing upon emotions is this: where do emotions reside?"

"The mind," Sharyx answers, confidently.

You shake your head. "Truthfully no, they're unconscious and run deeper than that. To manipulate emotions, you have to prod the soul and get a reaction."

Her eyes widen. "The soul?"
"Yes. It's actually not even hard to reach the soul;" you explain. "The first thing I did when I awakened to magic was accidentally kill someone by ripping his soul out of his body. Obviously, manipulation is a much finer technique. Done correctly, they won't even know that you've got them under your spell."

"Unless you want them to know," Kulka interjects. "That can be useful at times."

You give a sickly smile, remembering how you toyed with the Queen of Turadal before her death. "That's true. And since emotions precede conscious thoughts and actions, you can watch them tie themselves into knots trying to justify themselves as they bend to your will."

"I see..." Sharyx says, quietly giddy at the thought of the power you're offering her. "It's not quite what I thought it was; better in some ways, more limited in others. ...How does one prod a soul?"

Now, you reflect on Diala's teachings as you pass them to another. "...The first thing you should understand is that the soul both is and isn't a single item. Just like the body, it's a whole that's made up of parts, and just as you can attack a particular faculty without killing your foe by attacking a single part - such as blinding someone by attacking their eyes - you can locate specific threads within the weave of the soul and tap or tug on them. You can imagine advanced manipulation as similar to playing a lyre."

Sharyx seems confused by the analogy. "But how will I know which threads are which?" she asks.

"Because you have a soul as well, and common threads resonate," you answer. You sigh as you try to explain it in your own words. "Let's say you want to strike fear, alright? You know what deep, primal fear is only because you've felt it before... That instinctual memory of the fear is what guides you as your magic reaches into a victim, seeking its counterpart. When you reach it, you'll know, and then it's just a matter of prodding it. You can be subtle if you like, or you could violently seize it and induce a wild reaction."

"And that's what happened to Corrinth?" Sharyx asks.

You nod. "Now... I want you to see if you can manipulate me. I want you to make me laugh, if you can."

Sharyx accepts the task diligently, pointing her sword first at the sky, and then, carefully, to you. "...I don't feel you there," she anxiously says after a moment.

"Remember to use your will," you reply.

She swallows hard, looking deep into you as she tries to produce a spell. You sense compulsion, however, and quickly push back, easily overcoming her weak technique.

"That's compulsion, Sharyx, you have to look deeper than- ah ha ha ha HA!" You break into cackling laughter in the midst of coaching her, suddenly overcome with myth and malice - a dangerous combination. "There it is! Now... Want to see what I find funny!?"

"I don't think we do," Kulka interrupts as Sharyx backs away fearfully. The lich breaks the hex and releases you from your runaway excitement. "Do be more careful, Agranne. I'd have told her to cast her spell on the dog instead."

You grunt in agreement, feeling embarrassed that you couldn't resist Sharyx' hex after so easily defying her compulsion. You suppose Kulka was silently teaching you a lesson as well - about treating your charges with the respect they deserve. "Well... I suppose that's the lesson, then. How do you feel, Sharyx?"

She places her sword back in its scabbard.
"Ever-thankful, elder sister. ...I cast compulsion by accident, but when you resisted it I could feel you pneuma against mine, and I could finally sense your soul."

"Good," you reply. "From now on, you won't need the first step, since you know what you're looking for."

She grins, unsettling as ever.
"That I do, Agranne."

A while after you conclude Sharyx' first experiments in compulsion and manipulation, Seith stands up, dusts off his hands, and declares that the ritual is ready to begin. The rest of your group gathers around the campfire in guarded curiosity. "That's close enough," Seith warns. "You don't want to be too close to a chaos-eater unless you're one of the dishes."

"Aren't we, though?" Embryx asks, impatiently.

Seith shrugs. "That depends on whether you still want it, after you see how it works."

Embryx huffs. "It's not like I'm going to change my mind..."

"Mm-hmm. We'll see," Seith says with an innocent smile before pulling a fife out of his pocket. "You may want to plug your ears for this," he warns, before blowing a high note that echoes through the woods. You do as he says and cover your ears, and so Embryx follows your lead. He plays another blasting note, and then again, before breaking into a jaunty melody that doesn't quite make musical sense. Even through your palms, you pick up on the strange progression of the song, and you sense that you almost know how it's meant to continue. A fixation gradually settles over you, and you want to remove your hands and hear the song in its full beauty - only through a heavy exertion of will are you able to stay seated and keep your hands where they belong.

It's just then that you remember that you didn't order Corrinth to do the same, and when you look over to where she had been, she's gone. Instead, she's crawling on the ground, following behind the voidsinger as he circles the fire as if hypnotized by his fife playing. At the same time, Kulka and Sharyx are watching with their ears uncovered, merely curious at the entire display, until you watch the drow's expression turn to genuine horror. Out among the trees, the glints of eyes in the darkness begin to emerge - fae visitors from all around, all being drawn in for the ritual - but they stop at the edge of the camp's clearing, warded by Seith's preparations. They grow restless, circling outside as his song grows more chaotic and theatrical. Still, however, the elf plays on as if unbothered by the fae now thrashing at the invisible barrier he's created for their kind - all except for Corrinth, Embryx, and you.

This goes on for several minutes, the agony and temptation growing with each passing second until you're going cross-eyed just trying to shut it all out. Something has to give - either the creatures outside the camp will overcome the weak barrier that Seith created, or you'll lose control of yourself and join Corrinth in utter helplessness. Then, just as you think you can't hold out any longer, there's a tremendous commotion from the outside of the camp and the eyes begin to scatter. Seith, still playing his hypnotic tune, locks eyes with the new presence emerging from the dark - a beast so large and horrifying that it resembles no fae you've heard of - and he guides it inward. With its slithering form and numerous appendages, it easily breaks through the magical barrier and invades the space.

It looms over the fire, nearly swallowing it in its vast and horrifying darkness. You look to Sharyx, who hasn't moved, but is clutching her sword and cowering behind it, unable to lay eyes on the monstrosity before you. Even Kulka's mummified jaw hangs open in shock. At last, as the creature is within striking distance of Seith, he stops in his tracks, takes two steps backwards until Corrinth, who has yet to notice the intruder, is between them with her unfocused eyes lost in a hypnotic bliss. Gently, Seith presses his foot into her back, pinning her to the ground as he continues to play, her arms and legs squirming and swimming in the air.

And then, a single, shimmering and wet tendril reaches down from the beast, caresses her cheek, and then drives itself into her ear.
Her screams, still the pitch of a child's, ring out as loud as the fife and break you free from the music's pull. You want to look away; even if you've seen some horrible things - things that you've had a direct hand in causing, this is something that until mere moments ago, you were ready to consent to have happen to you. The creature is ripping and tugging at her, its slithering tongue consuming something within her skull that you can only assume is her brain matter.

But you don't look away. The horrid spectacle continues until Corrinth's screams die down, and the monster slows its consumption. Seith's playing slows as well as he sets a more relaxed pace for the cleansing ritual, playing more gently for his otherworldly assistant. Then, as the melody appears to finally resolve itself, the monster seems to hesitate. Seith stops playing, only for a moment. "Corrinth, dear, if all is well that ends well, then to what end do we work that would make it so?"

The changeling squirms beneath his foot, the tendril still writhing in her brain, and she gives an eerie snicker. "...If there ever was an end that was well, then it must be one that makes ends meet."

Seith begins to play again, and the monster feasts once more. Corrinth's screams nearly drown out his playing, but you find yourself frozen in terror, unable to act, until again the music dies down and Seith tries again: "And Corrinth, what would you say if you were to meet an end?"

"...To meet... an end?" she replies, shakily. "Any end I meet would be my own, and I wouldn't be much for talking, would I?"

Another blast of the fife, and another round of screaming follows. You look to Embryx and find her crying.

"Corrinth," Seith begins, but he's interrupted.

"...S-stop it," she begs, her voice having deepened as has reverted to her true form once more. "I- it hurts..."

"Corrinth," Seith repeats, more forcefully, "if all is well that ends well, then to what end-"

Corrinth screams. "...End... End this...! End me..."

Seith strikes a sour note on the fife, and the creature finally releases Corrinth, who curls into a ball and begins to sob. The voidsinger then motions to you and Embryx to stop plugging your ears.
"You see, he's had his fill," he says, reaching out and stroking the black tendril that still drips with Corrinth's blood. "You two's touch of madness would be nothing more than a light dessert at this point."

You look to Embryx. "...Is this really the only way?" she asks quietly, barely above a whisper. You nod, fearfully, and she reaches out and takes your hand.

1. Comply - "...Come on," you say, unable to think of any reassurance that would alleviate the fear you're both working through. Neither of you want to allow yourselves to be violated, but you also know that if you back down now, Embryx will undoubtedly follow suit, and in hindsight, she'll always resent you for leaving you both addled with madness and the guilt of Stalna's death - along with many other bad decisions you've made.

2. Refuse - "We don't have to do this," you say. "...We're not going to do this." You know that Embryx wants to be cured, but in this case, the treatment is worse than the disease. You just hope you can find a way to protect her from future situations like the one you encountered in Ellifarre.
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Refuse // Chapter 9: To Chart a More Hopeful Path
The roll is tied - DEALER'S CHOICE:

2. Refuse - "We don't have to do this," you say. "...We're not going to do this." You know that Embryx wants to be cured, but in this case, the treatment is worse than the disease. You just hope you can find a way to protect her from future situations like the one you encountered in Ellifarre.

Embryx winces as you make a decision. You can tell that she's holding back an outburst, torn between volunteering for the grotesque ritual herself or simply crying foul of the entire situation.

Seith, however, is unbothered as usual. "...Fair enough," he says, giving the fife a couple of blasts that causes the chaos-eater to come to attention. He then begins playing his melody again, barely giving you a chance to cover your ears before marching the creature to the edge of the protective circle. As he tricks it into moving through the barrier once more, he draws his wand out of his pocket with his free hand and coldly executes the monster with a blast of holy fire, blowing a hole through it center-mass and decorating the trees with its blood. He then leaps back into the circle as the fae break into a horrifying screech of alarm, and watches with a smile as they panic.

You and Embryx cling onto each other for comfort for a while as the fae slowly scatter into the night, their distant cries giving the woods a haunted gloom, a smell of burnt flesh hanging in the air. Seith, being the only one who's apparently unaffected by the situation, calmly goes about preparing the campsite for sleep. "Well, ladies? What are we doing with this one?" he says, gesturing to Corrinth.

You can hardly look at her. "N-not right now," you say, knowing that if you indicated that you still desired her death, that Seith would probably kill her as casually as he just did the chaos-eater. Instead, he prepares a bed roll for Corrinth and gently places her down on it to recover, and then sets up a pot above the fire so he can boil water and prepare an herbal tea.

"...What are we going to do?" Embryx finally asks when she feels emboldened enough to speak.

You shake your head, helplessly. "We'll find another way," you promise. "Once the comet has passed, it's all we'll focus on."

For hours, you lay awake staring at the stars between the trees. After what you saw, you can't be sure Corrinth won't vengefully retaliate for what you've put her through, regardless of the nigh-unbreakable compulsion you've placed her under. You turn to look at her, and she seems to be sleeping already - likely exhausted by the prior few days' toll on her mind and body. You watch her as long as you can until you drift off.


You find yourself in the black abyss of Syrith's afterlife, gently setting down as you have in numerous dreams past. Unlike those times, you had no reason to believe it might be real. This time, your heart is racing. You don't want to be here for any reason - no more heart-to-heart chats with lost friends and loved ones, you silently plead, just let me wake up in my bedroll, let me be there with Embryx...

The last thought hits you hardest as you let in a little gasp. If this isn't a dream, this time... If Corrinth found a way to get her revenge, then Embryx would certainly be down here with you. You turn around and around, desperately searching for a point of reference. You kick your feet back and forth and hear the phantom chains around your ankles, growing more frustrated by the moment. You can't accept such a horrible possibility as coming to pass.

"Agranne...?" a voice addresses you from the shadows, as if on cue.

You turn to face her, and find her nearly distraught as you. "...Stalna," you say.

"Are we dead?" she asks after a moment. "...Is this all there is?"

You nod, heartbroken for her. "...This is Syrith's afterlife," you tell her, "the one I've dreamt of before. I might only be dreaming right now."

She seems confused. "How are you not sure? I remember a knife being held to my throat, and I remember its bite, and then Embryx was talking to me - apologizing to me - and then I was here... What happened to you?"

You explain that you and your allies departed from Ellifarre shortly after her death, eventually seeking refuge in the woods so that Seith could attempt to cure Corrinth's madness. His methods had been so revolting that you were simultaneously too afraid to pursue the treatment yourself, as well as too vulnerable to end Corrinth's life the moment she ceased being useful to you - and now, in hindsight, you feel pathetic that you allowed things to unfold this way. You aren't certain how she would've done so, but you're convinced that Corrinth somehow got the better of you and took you out in your sleep. You even attempt to apologize for Stalna's death, but she cuts you off.

"Agranne, listen," she urges you, "I don't think you're dead - not yet. I remember you talking about these visions of yours, and the things you learned from them since before you ever met me. Even if Corrinth isn't batshit anymore, that doesn't mean she's a genius. I'm sure the compulsion you put her under was enough, and hells - I'm the one who asked you to show her some mercy. Maybe I'm supposed to ask you again? ...You're going to wake up from this, I'm certain of it, so let me give you something that you and especially Embryx needs to hear."

You close your eyes and listen carefully.

"This afterlife is bleak, but sooner or later, we're all going to end up here. That's just a part of the deal with Syrith... But I made the decision to meet you at Gilbert's Rest, and I was proud to be in your pact. I could've died at any point in the last week, between Enthaan or Veralt betraying us - and this was an awful way to go, at the hands of another sister - but we went all the way to Thandan and changed the world. I'm thankful for that. I just hope that you can track my family down and give them what I would've given them. I can rest easy if you do that for me."

You nod and promise to carry out her will as soon as you're able. "...and Embryx?"

"Tell her to move on from what happened. I'm glad she didn't let some monster poke around inside her skull just to prove something to me; I'm already gone. Why would I want her to suffer?"


You awaken to the smell of cooking over the campfire, and Corrinth's complaints.

"And why can't I have an apple? You've got a whole bag of them!"

Sharyx answers her testily. "I told you, these are special."

"And what does that mean? They just look like-"

You slowly lift yourself up from your bedroll and instantly, Corrinth goes quiet. She's disguised as an ordinary human again, much like she was in Tashlaan, and this time actually looks her proper age. You quickly jostle Embryx, who starts awake and immediately grabs her war-scythe. "Hey, hey - it's alright," you quietly reassure her, feeling relief wash over you. "I just wanted to know that you're alright."

"Yeah, I'm fine - just didn't sleep well," she says grumpily. "You?"

You rub your eyes, deeply thankful that Stalna was right. You realize how much more you need to appreciate each and every morning you wake up next to Embryx, and each chance you get to chart a more hopeful path for you both. "...I had another dream about the afterlife. We'll talk about it in a bit; first, I want to know what's going on with her."

Corrinth shrugs, nervously. "...Hey," she says. "Seith says my brain is fixed, more or less, if that's what you're wondering.

"Obviously," Embryx replies, hotly. "And what do you mean, more or less?"

The changeling sighs. "...I'm missing a lot," she says, vaguely gesturing at her head.

"How much?" you ask.

Her uneasiness is replaced with a mild frustration. "...Agranne, how am I supposed to know what I don't know? I guess we can start with how I didn't know their names until they reintroduced themselves," she says, gesturing to the three others in your camp. "I don't know how I got here, or why I don't have a wand, and why I'm under compulsion."

"Try using that 'fixed' brain of yours, then," you say. "Why do you think I'd keep you locked down?"

She gesticulates a bit in the air. "Did I try to take the door again? Did I hurt someone? I don't know. Where is everyone, anyway?"

You tell Corrinth to sit down before joining her beside the fire. You start from the current moment and slowly work your way backwards, attempting to find the point at which she could fully remember the past. But the longer the discussion goes, the more you begin to realize that her amnesia isn't limited to a single episode, or even the recent chapters of her life, but is rather scattered, as if her entire life's story had been punctured by a thousand tiny needles, badly disrupting the narrative. You soon come to find that she remembers the hunters' attack on Tashlaan and Ika's death, but not her mother's. She remembers finding the Pandemonium Door with you, and how you were separated at Mardenaal, but didn't remember her conversation with Nytha soon after that impacted her so heavily.

"...I remember feeling helpless, and walking out into the woods, thinking there was nothing I could do about it," she explains. "And I remember that I only came back because I wanted to find you. You and I traveled together for a while, and I was going to help you attack the royal family in Thandan, but I don't remember us ever getting there."

You frown. "Do you remember Veralt?"

"Yes," she says with a smile. "Where is he?"

Your silence tells her enough, and she begins to grow desperate. "Agranne, what the fuck happened to me?"

1. Show Mercy - You can barely fathom how shocking everything is that you're about to explain, and so you decide to honor Stalna's wishes once more.

2. Stay on Guard - It was never in your plans to forgive Corrinth. You will tell her every awful detail, and if she's half as sane as she thinks she is, she'll understand why you want her dead.
Show Mercy
Option 1: 2 Votes (29% - Range: 1-29)
Option 2: 5 Votes (71% - Range: 30-100)
Fae Roll: 15

1. Show Mercy - You can barely fathom how shocking everything is that you're about to explain, and so you decide to honor Stalna's wishes once more.

You glance back to Embryx, who's looking at you strangely, as if to question why you're struggling for words. You shake your head, helplessly; you know your better judgement is telling you otherwise, but your addled mind still clings to strange acts of whimsy, even in the midst of such delicate and unfunny subjects. "Hey," you say to her as you suddenly recall her parting words to Nytha as you departed Afaeanon. "...None of it would've happened if Nytha had been a better person."

"...No," Embryx says, angrily. "Don't you dare throw that argument back on me; she still had a choice in what she did to us. We owe her nothing!" she shouts, pointing angrily at the changeling. "No more chances, Agranne, and not even a fucking explanation," she spits as she snatches her war-scythe off the ground. "Haven't you considered she could just be faking it? You'll sit here, telling her softly about Iona, and Veralt, and Auntie Nytha, and she'll give you crocodile tears, and then the next time you take the compulsion off-"

"Then read her damned mind!" you snap at her. "Or let me compel her! Either way, getting to the truth of anything has never been a problem for us." You turn around and see Corrinth is growing more horrified at the moment, especially since Embryx listed those three names which hold so much weight in the girl's heart in the same breath and with such malice. You sigh and rub your temples as you collect yourself for a moment.

"Corrinth," you begin anew, "...the reason you're missing so much is... because of what you are. You aren't a human that's part fae, but the other way around... Nytha knew your mother before you were born, and they hid that truth from you so that you wouldn't realize that your mind was slipping, even before we met. Your mother never meant to hurt you; she believed that Syrith would provide you a miracle, and in a sense, she was right. But... She's gone, Corrinth. She died two years ago, in Tashlaan alongside Ika, right before we left."

Now, absent the fury and the blame that accompanied her reaction in the heat of the moment two years ago, you see only the underlying grief and vulnerability of a daughter without her mother, compounded again by a horrific rediscovery of heritage. "...Gods," she gasps, having no other way to describe it.

Her shock having pierced your heart, you're forced to steel your nerves, and remind yourself of the equally-pressing need to satisfy Embryx' call for justice. "She died because we were reckless and kept secrets from each other within the circle, and it led to our exposure - all because we couldn't trust you. It wasn't just because you were slowly going mad, but because you wanted to be like Diala, leading us through fear and coercion."

"That's not-"

"No, listen!" you insist, adjusting the spell to remove her ability to interrupt. "That night I joined the coven, you sent a crow back to Zuklanar; do you remember what it said?"

Corrinth shakes her head, but a dreadful look in her eyes denotes an understanding of the underlying theme.

"...It was a request to the Ryggander Circle to not kill my father. You couldn't handle my power, and you couldn't control me, and so you thought to threaten my loved ones in exchange for my induction. I didn't learn about it until Diala compelled you to speak the truth, and from that moment onward I could never trust you. How could I, when you would use the sort of grief you're experiencing right now as nothing more than a currency?"

She closes her eyes and allows her tears to run in silence. She can't deny it, even if she can't remember it. All there is to do is grieve.

But you aren't done with the story. "Embryx was right - we don't owe you, but Iona and Nytha did. Your mother shouldn't have spoiled you the way she did, but what Nytha did was much worse..." You ball your fists, thinking again about how the elf probably led you all into a trap, and you refuse to speak of her in sympathetic terms anymore. "You looked up to her, you called her auntie when you lost your mind... but she hated you, deep down. She was waiting for your fae nature to show through, and then she was going to kill you and take your place in Tashlaan. When Diala threw you out of Mardenaal, you probably thought you'd stick with her, but then she left you behind, right after telling you about your blood and what was wrong with you."

Corrinth gestures frantically for her voice, and you grant it to her. "...Did I kill her!?" she asks, her voice cracked with devastation.

You shake your head. "You couldn't bring yourself to harm her."

"You just saw her yesterday!" Embryx barks. "You can't really be buying this!"

You pause a moment and breathe. "...Corrinth, speak no lies: did you see Nytha yesterday?" you ask, dialing in your hex.

"I don't know." she answers, wiping her hand across her face. With no further compulsion to speak, what she says next is purely voluntary: "...I remember promising that I would never see her again - but I don't know when that happened. Did it happen yesterday, then? ...Are we in Sonnamille?"

You nod. "You told me once that you wanted to kill her for the secrets she kept and the way she abandoned you, but it wasn't ever true. She was always 'auntie' to you, and the only reason you ventured over the border into the elflands is because you were trying to end your life, and it took years before you were ready," you grimly explain. "That's what 'happened' to you."

"But why would I do that?" she asks, still lost and confused. "Why would I go looking to end it all if we were about to march into Thandan with hundreds of sisters and fae?"

Behind you, Embryx lets out a loud groan. "Agranne, I'm going to explain this one. Corrinth, you already said you remember showing up when we killed Diala and took back the door, and you remember trying to steal it for yourself. You tried to stomp me to death in your peryton claws, and I had to deal you a fatal strike with my magic. Agranne says it took a whisper from the Eldest to save your stupid ass from bleeding out, and I believe her, because the next thing I know, I'm waking up in a little temple in the woods where you've somehow convinced Agranne that it would be better to start a war against the King of Turadal than to hand over the door to our Elder, and everything else that happened, happened."

Corrinth remains silent for a moment. "...I'm sorry I tried to kill you," she says, numbly.

"Which time!?" Embryx blasts, and when Corrinth seems confused, the former practically boils over. "It was only a few days after that when you and your Prince Charming, Veralt, decided that Agranne wasn't the prophet that everyone thought she was. You heard through the grapevine that I was afraid of him and that I hated you, and I just hoped everyone would stay on Agranne's side if things got violent... And you decided that meant I was plotting to kill you myself. So you showed up in the middle of the night, put a little hex on me while I slept, and it was only when-"

Corrinth suddenly screams and clutches at her head, breaking into horrified and anguished sobbing that brings Embryx to a halt mid-sentence.

"...Please don't," she says through choked breaths. "I remember being locked in that dark little room. I remember my broken legs. I remember remembering hurting you, and all the horrible things I said. It's just fragments...! Please... Let them stay that way."

You know that you can't offer her any comfort that wouldn't greatly offend Embryx, nor are you particularly inclined to give it. If she survives your travels with her mind fully intact, then maybe she'll find someone else in life who could provide that for her. Instead, you merely look to Embryx to urge her not to say anything more, because you have one final, terrible truth to tell. "...You asked what happened to Veralt. Knowing what you know now, how do you think it ended?"

Corrinth doesn't answer. She imply gathers herself up from her ruined pieces and tries to hold together with a bitter frown. "He's gone, too," she says. "...He was in love with me too deeply, and you had to kill him, because otherwise he would've hurt you, or her," she says, gesturing to Embryx. "And I couldn't take it, so I went south, looking for a way out of here - a way back to him."

"That's right," you reply softly. "You got lost, looking for Afaeanon - the town where Nytha lives now, and you bumped into Seith and Sharyx. He offered to fix your mind, and now, here you are - and I'll just gloss over the fact that you tried to kill us both again yesterday."

There's no joy in anything you just said.

"So... what now?" she asks, sounding like a woman at the end of her life.

1. Come with Us - "Now, we go to Zuklanar," you reply, having realized halfway through this conversation that you would feel too much guilt to kill her without at least allowing a sane version of Corrinth to speak and act on her own behalf. "We're going to use the red comet's passing to revive my blood sister, Rigatte. You stay under my compulsion until I trust you again - if I ever can."

2. Go Home - "...It's time for you to go home to Tashlaan. Syrith has pulled my strings over and over again to keep you alive; but now there's nothing keeping you here, and the faster the two of us are apart, the better off we'll be."

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