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Fantasy Terrorchild: Awakening

Ask About Seith
Option 1: 3 Votes (42% - Range: 1-42)
Option 2: 2 Votes (29% - Range: 43-71)
Option 3: 2 Votes (29% - Range: 72-100)
Fae Roll: 79

3. Ask About Seith - "I know enough about you - the Eldest made sure of that. But who the hells is Seith, really? How did you meet him, and why does he follow you like he does?"

Delighted by the reminder of how you were made aware of Sharyx' existence through divine providence, the drow seems more than eager to tell you anything you want to know. "Ah, y-yes, of course! Let's see... As I told you before, Seith was a cleric - he served Vestria and labored at Falawynn Temple, a few hours' walk east of where the remains of my House lived and died in shame and isolation. My family sought to have me indoctrinated in the elven ways, and were able to enlist the help of one of Seith's fellows from before he was expelled from the temple. Through him, I learned of Seith, and what had happened to the man."

As Sharyx tells the story, you locate a loaf of bread and a jar of something sweet that smells somewhere between honey and jam, and soon, you're fixing a simple platter of the combination for your sisters. "...Seith has always been a curious man. My teacher told me that he doesn't frighten easily, and he was perfectly correct on that matter; while others within the temple's ranks simply turned over the fae-touched for a swift end, Seith alone sought to understand the faerie magic so he could separate the merely motly from the malignantly mad. Few can walk such a path without losing themself, but Seith proved an exception."

"So he isn't fae-touched?" you ask.

Sharyx smirks. "Oh, but he is - he very much is. But he's discovered the rare method of feeding the corrupting madness back into the maw from which it comes... He's a voidsinger. He possesses all the level logic of a sane man, but he's also indifferent to its intrinsic value. And that means the rules no longer apply. The religious tenents he once swore by, the laws of his country and King, and even the constructs of social behavior are rather... esoteric to him." She pauses a moment to bite into the treat you've prepared for her, and for a brief moment, her eyes lose the frightening intensity that you've known since that night in Enthaan. She looks as if she's torn between stuffing her food down and savoring the sweet taste.

You take a bite as well, and feel yourself relax a little bit as the nostalgic taste hits your tongue. You've been on guard since you woke up; maybe you don't need to be - especially since it seems that Sharyx can be polite and decent company as long as she isn't busy celebrating the very concept of carnage and death. "So how long ago did he get thrown out of the Temple?" you ask, knowing that it must've been quick.

"It happened thirty-five years ago, just before I began my formal education," she answers. "I was fifteen, at the time. I don't know the entire story, but I do know that Seith wished to stay in Falawynn and provide his services - to excise the madness of others and halt the executions, and he was rejected outright. He was sent away instead, and told that if his newfound talents proved insufficient to keep him in line, then he would be hunted - same as the rest. He didn't take it well," she says with an ugly sort of chuckle.

Again, the guardians of faith seem to fail at every opportunity to display the compassion they preach. You understand Seith's frustration immediately; his intent was pure, but they cast him aside anyway in favor of their ingrained biases. "...So why did you seek him out after your awakening? He doesn't strike me as the sort of guy who'd want to go on a murder spree."

Sharyx, still smiling wickedly, replies with a quiet satisfaction: "Each of us is an exile. My entire life - fifty years - had been spent searching for the reason why - if everything the cleric told me was true about the Pantheon and its mercy - my family and I would be shunned. And when I learned the truth - that my family had kept my noble bloodline and royal birthright a secret, and had been feeding me a culture that would never love me or accept me as one of its own, it drove me to hate everyone who had deceived me, everyone who denied my destiny to sit upon the throne of Aelesh one day, and all who would oppose me happiness in my lifetime.

"With that anger,"
she continues, "I was able to offer Seith something he wanted."

You eye her carefully. "...Which is?"

"A front row seat to the church's ultimate downfall."

Your eyes widen as you contemplate the drow's goal. "...You two want to destroy the church? That's isn't possible - if it were, then the church would've stomped out Lythrefang a long time ago. You can't destroy an idea, especially one that's backed by divinity."

Sharyx frowns. "Would we not be better off?"

1. No - The direction of this conversation is suddenly making you extremely uncomfortable. "...No," you say after a moment, shaking your head emphatically. You recognize the insatiable thirst that vengeance has placed within her, and whether you're merely another mortal afflicted with the same terrible tendencies or if you're soon to become her patron deity, you want to redirect her away from this path. "Even if you somehow defy the odds and kill so many people that they fear to pray, it won't grant you the love and acceptance you've always desired. What would you blame, then?" you demand. "And if we were to join you, then none of us would ever live in peace again."

2. Yes - The question catches you off-guard. "Well, of course we would - but you're just one girl. Even with an army like the one I led in Turadal couldn't bring about the scale of death and destruction that you're after," you reply. "As far as I know, you're an absolute novice in magic, anyway, so what exactly is your plan?"
Option 1: 4 Votes (57% - Range: 1-57)
Option 2: 3 Votes (43% - Range: 58-100)
Fae Roll: 63

2. Yes - The question catches you off-guard. "Well, of course we would - but you're just one girl. Even with an army like the one I led in Turadal couldn't bring about the scale of death and destruction that you're after," you reply. "As far as I know, you're an absolute novice in magic, anyway, so what exactly is your plan?"

Sharyx isn't offended by your skepticism. In fact, she seems excited for the chance to explain further, since you agreed with her basic premise. "You were a novice once, and look where you are today," she says, gesturing first to you, and then over your shoulder, as if pointing north towards Turadal - to your triumph. "I can afford to be patient; how fortunate I am to walk in the shadow of not just the Eldest, but you as well - and I plan to live a very long life. Perhaps I'll even pass into undeath as I continue my service to the coven."

She looks downward, her silky black hair falling over her face like a dark hood as she looks over her hands, as if envisioning them as magicked bones or mummified flesh. You want her to get to the point, but before you can speak up, she seems to sense your impatience. "...You're heading for the Empire to resurrect your sister, I know, but when the work is done, I hope you might avail yourself to me. I wish to travel with you across the sea, and then, south to Aelesh, so that I might take my rightful place upon the throne - just as Silanae has done in Turadal. You've given the world a witch queen, Agranne, but I propose not just another in myself, but a third."

You're intrigued. Of course you had expected the princess to ask for your help in becoming queen, sooner or later. But now, this mention of a third has given you pause, since it seems highly unlikely that Sharyx knows anyone who might be in line to the throne of Sonnamille - or anywhere else for that matter. It's entirely possible that everyone she's known personally - who hasn't died by her sword, of course - is currently inside this house. As you think about it, you realize that Sharyx is giving you that insane, bloodthirsty grin and waiting for you to react - to say something - and you're not sure what it is she's expecting. "...I don't understand."

Wait, she can't possibly mean-

"Agranne," she says, suddenly seizing you by your shoulders, and she looks into your eyes with an intensity that makes you want to leap out of your skin to escape her, before she can speak the next words on her tongue: "I want us to be wed!"

You die a little bit inside. A sound breaks the unbearable tension as both of you look to the doorway behind you and find Nytha standing there, looking pale and sickly just like last night. Sharyx releases you and turns, practically snarling at the older elf to leave your midst and give the two of you some privacy. You sputter and try to say something to her, but the words won't come; you can only shake your head in disbelief. You have no idea whether she even cares as she closes the door and disappears back into the main room of the house, and so you turn your attention to the drow. "...What!?"

"Think about it!" she raves quickly as she returns to an uncomfortably-close proximity, "the Valghemora line has been many things in the past, to many people. We ruled not just in Aelesh, but when the Kingdom was annexed by the Empire, we cozied ourselves up to the highest levels, and our claims in Zuklanar still stand, even if I am the only one who can collect them. But one thing it has never been to anyone is divine. If you were to honor us with your hand in marriage, then Aelesh would be ruled not just by law, tradition, and witchcraft, but the undeniable magnitude of dark divinity!"

"I- wha-? NO!" you shout, pushing her backwards. "How could you even think... What a fucking stupid thing to suggest! We just met, you're not even an adult, I'm already in love with someone, and even if I wasn't I would't want-"

"Love has nothing to do with it!" Sharyx interrupts, quickly. "Among royals, most marriages are mere legal pretenses the acquisition of land and power. Our wedding would be a purely political proposition, and you could keep your Embryx around without scandal. In fact, her being a drow herself and a fellow castaway from our overthrow who was loyal to the old regime would make it exceedingly easy to impart upon her a noble title of her own!"

You grit your teeth. "Stop. Stop!" you snap, and only then does the drow finally take a breath and wait for a proper response. "...I have no interest in ruling over a Kingdom, and I never have. If I should be a goddess, or a demigod, or whatever the fuck divinity would make me, then I wouldn't want lower myself to become a pawn for your political ambitions. On top of all of that," you add, your patience at its absolute limit, "you never even answered my godsdamned question! How would this lead to the downfall of the church!?"

Finally tempered by your overwhelmingly-negative response, Sharyx calms herself and answers carefully: "I would build a new church," she says softly, "which would honor Syrith, her Design, and the Eternal Shadow, but also you. Your very existence - a living deity - would separate our faith from all others in the Pantheon. The wise would harken to your message, while the fools of the world would die waiting for their own gods to produce such a scion. Turadal would bow to House Valghemora, made holy by your presence, and then we could turn our attention inward, towards the Empire..."

You had been unable to express a desire to become anything more than a patron goddess of the vengeful when you were in Thandan. The idea of becoming a central figure within a new, all-conquering religion is beyond your imagination. You couldn't possibly bare such a responsibility, and so you search for intrinsic flaws within her vision in hopes of dissuading her. "...If I were the center of this new religion," you reply, your voice wavering from the pure exasperation of it all, "then wouldn't that make me the true leader of Aelesh, and of House Valghemora for that matter? How would that even work?" you question, hoping the thought of losing her royal bloodline's leadership to a lowborn, Imperial tabaxi would cause her to reconsider.

"I would consider the debt incurred by my traitorous kin fully repaid to the eldest, if that were the case," she replies immediately. You realize that she means every word of it; if you were to only request it, Sharyx would make you Queen of Aelesh and the Goddess of its newly-founded royal religion... and you could even keep Embryx, too.

1. Spare the World - "Again," you reiterate with a sigh as you push past her, "I don't want it. I don't want any of it..."

2. Save the World - You remain silent for a moment as you reconsider your earlier dismissal. "...We'll discuss this again later," you tell her as you move to leave the kitchen.
Spare the World
Option 1: 5 Votes (63% - Range: 1-63)
Option 2: 3 Votes (38% - Range: 64-100)
Fae Roll: 60

1. Spare the World - "Again," you reiterate with a sigh as you push past her, "I don't want it. I don't want any of it..."

The desperate zeal in Sharyx' eyes fades to disappointment and confusion. It's clear that she's willing to give you anything you want for your friendship, but unfortunately for the wretched princess, she has nothing you currently want. You can hardly even feel sorry for her after the utterly bizarre proposition, although you breathe a sigh of relief for your own sake as you open the door into the main room of the house, knowing that the darkest part of you had stirred for a moment, an instinctual desire to see the entire world bent to your will running down your spine.

What exactly you would do with all that power is difficult to quantify. A thousand little vignettes play out in your mind without a narrative to bind them. You see all of Gondia's royalty kneeling to you as you dictate a world without poverty, homelessness, and hunger. You see great piles of gold and jewels, and the fearful rich surrendering them, adding to the windfall and funding that great societal transformation. You see the broken bodies and minds of those who oppose you. You see the old gods fading away and becoming forgotten, or else being torn down, their monuments and temples overwritten by the Eldest's abundant, vindicating generosity.

You see your sisters and the coven at large more than liberated and accepted as equals, as was your goal in Turadal. You see them venerated - honored as the chosen ones who carry the will of Syrith and guided by your hand. Within this perfect world, you imagine Embryx adored as you adore her, surrounded by an abundance of love. But then you awaken from this fantasy and see the twisted creature that coaxed these thoughts from you, and instantly remember what the world sees when it looks at Lythrefang and its witches: a sinking horror in the pit of your stomach, loathing.

It could never work, and you know it. The fact that you allowed Sharyx to go on for so long, trying to explain how a political marriage might improve your life, tells you that you've once again allowed your fae-touched mind to play tricks on you.

You find that during, or perhaps because of, your conversation with Sharyx, more of your cohort is now awake and quietly gathering up their belongings for the road ahead. You spot Nytha having a conversation with Kulka, who's again clarifying some of the details of your recent adventures to her - especially those pertaining to divinity. You're too embarrassed to linger, and so you move through the room in silence back toward the bedroom, ignoring the curious looks in your direction.

You open the door to find Embryx awake in the bed and looking rested. "Mornin', love," she says casually, having no idea what you've just been through. "Do we have anything to eat, yet?"

"Yeah, there's some bread and jam in the kitchen," you reply distantly.

She sits up and looks at you carefully. "...You alright?"

"I was just talking with Sharyx," you start to reply, but then realize that it would be wise to choose your words carefully. Even though you rejected the princess's offers outright, you know that the very suggestion is likely to offend Embryx, who'll probably want to confront her if you tell her everything. "...She wanted to know if I would help her become the Queen of Aelesh."

Embryx chuckles. "Well yeah, given who she is, it doesn't surprise me that's what's on her mind. The whole reason she was heading north in the first place was to track you down. Think of how strange that must be - to pray for love an acceptance your whole life without getting it, and then the minute you start praying for witchcraft and mayhem, you get it in spades. At least she's doing what she loves," she adds derisively. "...She's probably thinking you could hammer it out in a week, just like in Turadal."

You shrug and force a smile. "Yeah, she did seem optimistic. But on the other hand... She was also thinking long-term," you explain, vaguely.


You sigh. "She was hoping that if we came to help her in Aelesh, after we're done in Zuklanar and whatever happens, happens with Rigatte, that we might... stay." You look to Embryx' reaction, expecting her to be annoyed or dismissive of the idea.

Instead, she seems open-minded. "...Oh, well, I figured we'd stay in Turadal after we were done, but Aelesh wouldn't be bad, either... It'd be nice to see it again after all these years, and find out whether it stacks up to my old childhood memories." She smiles, but then sours on the idea. "Still, I'm a little frightened of the idea of Sharyx bringing back the Valghemora Dynasty. A lot of people died when they were thrown out, and even more are going to die when she gets back. I suppose that's what we'd be staying for, right? To make sure she can hold on?"

"It's was a little more than that," you grumble. "She offered to give you a title," you say with a snicker.

Embryx suddenly leans forwards, excited as if she hadn't thought about such a thing. "Wait... Are you serious? She was going to make me a noble daughter of Aelesh?" she asks, before realizing from your tone that there must be a catch. Her eyes narrow. "...Why? What does she get in return?"

1. Half-Truth: "She wants to found a new religion and name me as its leader, so that we could begin establishing Syrith as a mainstream goddess. I'd have to make Aelesh my home for a long time, and so she made the offer to sweeten the pot."

2. Full Truth: "Before I answer that, I want you to know that I would've laughed at her if I hadn't been so busy cursing her out for suggesting it," you reply, driving Embryx' curiosity upward even further. You sigh again. "...She asked me to marry her."

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