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Fantasy Terrorchild: Awakening

Sic the Fae New
Option 1: 5 Votes (71% - Range: 1-71)
Option 2: 2 Votes (29% - Range 72-100)
Fae Roll: 27

1. Sic the Fae - It's time to open a melee with the fools. The way Embryx is gripping her mace, you just know she's ready for a good fight, along with Rowgu and quite a few others you've spotted carrying close-range weapons today.

"Press them!" you scream. "Bring out your steel!"

Embryx hoists her morning star into the air and lets out a battle cry. With her off-hand, she grips her wand and by the time she clears the tree line, you can see why - with a twirl, she throws the mace through the air before catching it in her telekinesis; it collides with an armored foe with a clang before tumbling end over end back toward her. The blow pitches the man backwards over his heels, and moments after his back hits the earth, his legs spread and skyward, Embryx closes the gap and slams her weapon into his loins with enough force to break his pelvis.

Right behind her, another witch emerges, using wildshape to take on the form of a wolf - she bounds through the trees and then weaves through the pell-mell of confused and disorderly soldiers, a large dagger clutched in her fangs. At last the creature leaps from the ground, easily springing up to the equivalent height of a mounted rider, before dispelling the wildshape and gripping the man from his back, slicing his neck open with the dagger before shifting again into the form of a crow. Inspired by the wanton bloodshed, the pixies disperse themselves invisibly into the crowd, slicing passing legs with knives and setting little enchanted fires.

From Jannava's side, Rowgu lumbers forward with her massive claymore, eyes fixed on the men retreating from your allies. With a huge, overhand strike, she buries her blade into the side of a man's neck before kicking his body to the ground. His startled allies spin to meet the threat, but as they push back against her, crossing their swords against hers and using their shields to back her up, one man is dragged away by his shadow thanks to Veralt's hideous magic, and the other is seized upon by the ankle by his recently-deceased friend, reanimated by one of Jannava's constructs.

In fact, as more and more of the witches and fae pour from the woods increasing the chaos of the scene with each passing moment, more of the royalist dead are puppeteered by Jannava's necromancy students. Within minutes, the opposing force shrinks by a third, with the remainder falling into sheer panic. All around them are men and women with twisted minds, unprotected from the witchcraft and quickly dying to fates far worse than anything found on a normal battlefield. The royal mages still present on the battlefield put up an admirable effort, blasting the zombies crawling to life around them with cleansing, holy magic, or healing the living with magical cures, they simply can't keep up with this much magic, from every angle.

Your coven allies suffer as well, but not nearly so badly; a number of witches have already collapsed from wounds from arrows or blades, while others have fallen victim to friendly fire - several, in fact, fall into the same inky pits of shadow that the enemy was meant to disappear into, suffering the same bloodcurdling horror in death that you witnessed before. You search around for Embryx, wanting confirmation that she's okay but...

You can't find her. Suddenly, you realize how important it is to end this battle immediately - it's time to make your entrance. Make it a memorable one.

1. Advanced Telekinesis - There's a lot of blood on the battlefield. You smile as an old memory crosses your mind of a campsite somewhere out on the open plains west of here. Forget about squeezing hearts... You'll show them what happens when you squeeze gallons of blood into a space the size of your fist.

2. Advanced Necromancy - Jannava and the others are thinking too small. There's plenty of dead flesh around; you can weld it into something larger than life.

3. Advanced Pyrokinesis - You can't help but admire the passion these royalists brought to the battlefield today, the way they fight and die so gallantly for their friends - mostly die. But having that much fire inside can be dangerous...
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