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Fantasy Terrorchild: Awakening

Wait New
2. Wait - If you act now, you might have your vengeance, but who knows what you might accomplish if you wait for the exact moment to... do something. You aren't sure how, but there must be a way to escape, just like when you dove into the Turus...

You swallow, and force down the vitriol which had very nearly exploded out of you. Only a moment passes before you feel yourself descend in the air, gently, to be placed on the floor. Diala turns and sizes you up again, but you're looking past her, glowering at Corrinth and imagining all the ways you would harm her if this were any other circumstance.

"Agranne - child - look at me," Diala says, having realized the significance of allowing you to hear what Corrinth said moments earlier. You pry your eyes off the changeling and look at the half-elf, who has now removed her hood to reveal a head of short, black hair, and piercing blue eyes that seem poised to devour you where you stand. You look down and again find her wand upon you, but you feel no compulsion. What is she doing? "...You walk in the long and eternal shadow of the Goddess of Fear. More than any of us, you are a child of that terror - it runs in your very blood. And yet, you are an enigma, estranged from your sisters and all of their efforts, and that estrangement brings death. Even now, you keep secrets."

A twinge of fear sinks into you. Is she...?

"Yes, sister Agranne. I am. Your mind is an open book. You're carrying something you intended to give me, but you now hide. You have the power to strike once more, despite your enervation under my control but moments ago. ...And you clawed back your deepest desire, to see your sister Corrinth dead. I know."

Now, Embryx and Nytha quickly look between you and Corrinth, watching the fear settle into both of you, like two animals pitted against one another. At any moment, you feel as if Diala will compel you both to fight for her amusement, but she gives a cold chuckle at the thought. Instead, she walks to you and takes the bag containing the artifact from your shoulder, removes the item, and examines it in silence, the humor disappearing from her face immediately as she seems to recognize what she's holding.

"Elder sister," Nytha speaks up, cautiously, "a Baroness of the city was taking that object to the Cathedral of Zephimus in Varsana. We stole it after Agranne decided to rob her carriage."

"I see..." Diala remarks in a hushed voice, full of admiration. She lifts one gloved hand and places it against your cheek before lifting your chin so that you can look her eye-to-eye. "Do you know what you've brought me, Terrorchild? This is the key to a new era in Turadal, and perhaps all of Gondia: the Pandemonium Door of Elder Lythrefang..."

You shake your head slightly, searching the other three for any indication of the words' meaning, but find none, as they all look on in confusion and with a growing sense of dread. "What... What is the Pandemonium Door?" you finally ask.

"These runes were carved by the ancient practitioners of dark magic at very the outset of magical study. Their language is lost to time, but according to legend, it is close to the tongue of creation!" Diala exclaims, turning and pacing the room in utter triumph. "The makers of this object did more than speak to Syrith, they held conversations, and they were taught truths beyond our reckoning. The Pandemonium Door is a gateway to the ancient magics, not seen by the coven for centuries! And now it's here, in my quarters, with no less than a hexblood as its courier!"

Diala gives a wicked laugh that lasts far too long for your liking.

...What have you done?

"This is nothing less than the work of Syrith herself! She's chosen ME! With this object, and you, Agranne, I will become the elder sister of the entirety of Turadal, and then: all of Gondia. I will foster you. I will make you my hand, and we will extend the Eldest's reach into every corner of this land and extinguish all light in our path!"

Oh gods.

As the moment settles in, you realize that not only has an opportunity to escape not presented itself, but you're only becoming more trapped by the moment. Diala is stronger than you, can read your mind and control your body. With the Pandemonium Door in her hands, she will never run out of magic, either. You can see it in the eyes of your fellow sisters - all of them are mortified at Diala's declaration, and can only wait to be told what happens next.

Diala turns back, having finally calmed herself, although she still wears a grin like a salivating, hungry wolf as it circles around its wounded prey. "Agranne, Agranne, Agranne..." she repats, shaking her head at the extraordinary, evil providence of your arrival once more. "You deserve the greatest luxuries that wealth can afford. I can't give you the world, yet. But I can at least offer to keep you in familiar company as I carve you into a perfect diamond. Of these three sisters you see before you, which will you keep as your partner in training?

1. Corrinth - None of them want this. All of them are terrified out of their wits, and if you're going to be trapped here in this foul-smelling sanitorium with a cruel and demented headmistress, you might as well get the satisfaction of watching Corrinth suffer the same fate. And at the very least, you'll know that even with her changeling powers, she won't be able to escape from you, either, and you can kill her when the time is right.

2. Embryx - The poor drow is literally shaking in fear. Wasn't her dream to become a great and powerful witch, someday? She even sputtered out her deep admiration for you when she was under compulsion just moments ago... A dark part of your heart tells you of the three, Embryx is the only one likely to become your sycophant, and offer you comforts that the other two can't or won't.

3. Nytha - Nytha is still the one you trust the most, as she has repeatedly shown herself less interested in keeping secrets or manipulating others. It might have hurt, a moment ago, for her to say that your only loyalty is to your own survival, but you also know that it's true, to an extent. Still, of the three, Nytha seems to be the one who wants this the least, as she's subtly shaking her head as if to plead with you not to call on her again.

4. Nobody - None of them should suffer under Diala's thumb any longer than they have to. You remember what Corrinth said before, about the coven allowing its members free travel. If you simply call on none of them, then they'll all run away to safety somewhere, at least for the time being.
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Embryx New
The vote is tied - DEALER'S CHOICE:

You've decided.

For one brief moment, you consider a token act of resistance, dismissing the elder sister's twisted offer of kindness by allowing all three sisters to walk free of this place, but you can't bring yourself to such a self-destructive act. You're afraid of what might happen to you, and how you might change, if you spend gods-only-know how much time alone with Diala until she decides you're a "diamond," whatever that means. No, you're still just a girl, despite everything, and you can't carry on completely alone. Without someone here to keep you sane, you might just end your life.

It couldn't be Corrinth. She knows you want to see her dead and that you have nothing but ill-will for her. To request her company throughout the coming ordeal would only subject you to more misery, until the day comes that you can't take it any longer and you send her to that same bleak realm where Rigatte is trapped, to seek new pathways of service for Syrith. And then you'd be alone, just like you just ruled out. You'll send her away instead - as far away as you can manage, in hopes of never seeing her again. And she'll go on living without a home and without a mother, and with nothing at all to show for it, either, since the elder sister - to whom she delivered the hexblood and the Pandemonium Door - only values her two prizes, and not the one who sacrificed everything to give it to her.

Nytha, meanwhile, deserves far better than to spend her future trapped here with you. She's done mostly well by you, and you'll repay that kindness and honesty by setting her free, here and now, from this fate you've stumbled into. Perhaps someday, you'll meet again, and she'll remember and appreciate this gesture. You hope by then that you'll be free to keep the company of your choosing again. It seems... maddeningly unlikely. You force yourself not to think about it further, or else you might crack and start crying, which you can reliably guess wouldn't help, here.

That leaves Embryx to bear the burden.

2. Embryx - The poor drow is literally shaking in fear. Wasn't her dream to become a great and powerful witch, someday? She even sputtered out her deep admiration for you when she was under compulsion just moments ago... A dark part of your heart tells you of the three, Embryx is the only one likely to become your sycophant, and offer you comforts that the other two can't or won't.

A crooked smile crosses your face as you realize that taking her on as a fellow student of Diala once more deprives Corrinth of a good friend. Good. Hope you die alone, you bitch. The smile fades quickly, however, as you realize every moment you hesitate will make the news harder for the drow.

"...Embryx," you finally say, "you're staying with me."

All three of your companions are stunned by your answer, and after months of consideration, you would later conclude that they all assumed you would pick Nytha. But in this moment, you're preoccupied with just Embryx's reaction, as she opens her mouth as if to scream, but nothing comes out - she faints instead, and Corrinth is the one to catch her and lay her down on the ground.

Diala walks over, setting her hand on Corrinth's shoulder and pulling her away. "Dear sister Corrinth," she says, blandly, "...leave my city. Interfere again in the life of my protege and I'll have you exsanguinated and turned into a living scarecrow. That goes for her family as well. Stay away from Ryggander."

Corrinth nods, fearfully.

"Sister Nytha," Diala continues, "you're free to do as you like, but do learn to wait your turn to speak," she warns. An explicit threat apparently unnecessary, she waves both of them towards the door. "Dismissed."

They scurry out of the room, with only Nytha sparing you a glance as they depart. The door closes behind them, sealing you in the chamber with the headmistress.




((Act II will begin next weekend! Stay tuned.))​
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Act II: Falling into Pitch // Chapter 4: Chosen by Syrith New
Two Years Later...
Your eyes flicker open after an uneasy, dreamless night. There's something about the late autumn chill, or maybe the silvery tone of the morning light as it reflects off the underside of rainclouds and in through the tiny window above your bed, that stirs something dormant inside you: a memory from before your arrival in Mardenaal that had been swept aside by all which had happened within the walls of the sanitarium since.

You remember your vow.

At first, the memory is so fleeting that you nearly let it slip; it's been months since you've felt an innocent sentiment, or awoken with anything aside from hatred and darkness in your heart. The thaw of spring, in fact, was the very last time you attempted to chart the immense distance ahead of you on your journey to resurrect Rigatte, your only remaining family member who would ever associate with you. In hindsight, it seems like you've simply been too busy to allow yourself to linger on a hopeful thought, but right now you remember that Rigatte loves and cares for you, in death, and even as you slip further and further into the shadow of the Eldest.

How can you help it? With each new and terrible trick Diala teaches you, and with each victim you employ it against, you grow closer to Syrith. Despite all your past hesitations, you've learned that her poison is truly enthralling. You've... gone through some changes. Things that would have bothered you when you were young now serve as your favorite forms of entertainment, while all the old pleasures of life - food with company, music, and festivities - rare as they were while you were in poverty, now seem trivial or even boring by comparison. Seeing others suffer by your hand brings a wicked satisfaction that can't really be explained or replicated.

And you've had plenty of opportunity to spread suffering. Diala's campaign of conquest has been slower than her initial exuberance suggested it would be. Instead, she's spent the last two years gathering allies across the country, by choice or coercion, to prepare for a large-scale confrontation with the elder sister of Turadal: Kulka, a goblin necromancer in the royal city of Thandan.

Over these years, you've heard quite a bit about the structure of the coven across the Kingdom, and have learned how witches rise and fall. Obviously, the hierarchy couldn't have been created through magical duels and coercion alone. To a great degree, the power structure was dependent on loyalties and consensus. Even if Diala is stronger than Kulka, the great many circle elders in towns and villages across the land somewhere between Mardenaal and Thandan must decide when and how to defy the latter to recognize the former, a maneuver which could put them at risk of not just Kulka's wrath, but of the wrath of all of Kulka's allies.

For those who couldn't be reasoned with, Diala had two young charges to sic upon them. You and Embryx are a good team. Since she hasn't been able to keep pace with your progress, she's trained in martial abilities much the same as a war cleric would, and favors the morning star. She still retains a slight advantage over you when it comes to manipulating the emotions of others and compelling them to work against their own will, too but you are every bit as frightening in combat as the name "Terrorchild" suggests. Oh, yes - Diala has spread the word of her pet hexblood far and wide, just to cement the notion that she has been chosen by Syrith to lead. Should they not heed the warnings, they know, the Terrorchild will come.

In public, your dark attire and darker expression makes others weary of you, but Mardenaal is a dangerous city, and the locals know better than to ask questions. Out on the road, on the other hand, keeping Embryx close by gives others the impression that you might be noble, or otherwise rich and important, and the drow is your bodyguard or mercenary. And speaking of which, you've encountered Halton a few times; he goes by the name of Jocko, now, since you ruined his prior reputation, and makes most of his money serving the less trustworthy sorts - even witches, ironically.

Two people you haven't seen in a long time are Corrinth and Nytha. After the former left town, it was months before you were even allowed to explore the city freely, let alone the countryside, but that has been quickly changing. It's possible that the changeling wears a different face and has remained in your orbit this whole time, but you doubt it; she would have made contact by now if she were that crazy. Nytha, meanwhile, you figure set out for Sonnamille as soon as she was isolated. Maybe Corrinth went with her? They could also be dead...! It doesn't really matter, either way.

You shake off the nastly little schadenfreude that snuck into your conscience and sit up, wiping an ugly smile off your face in the process. What were you even thinking about a moment ago?


Rigatte. You know that she's with Syrith in the land beyond death. You had a dream, once or twice, a long time ago in which you imagined yourself falling into pitch, your world swallowed up by a drowning darkness. And in that bleak nothingness, ghostly limbs apply chains and shackles to your body, and you awaken as you realize the helplessness of your descent into death. Those dreams were meant to teach you, you now realize, where your sister has gone, and the first step of finding her.

You need to kill yourself.

No, really. When Syrith branded your soul, it was briefly separated from your body, and in that form, you were able to speak to your sister for longer than the Eldest intended. You did this by using your magic to sustain your body in that perilous state between a stopped heart and a complete severing of the soul. Now, you're much more efficient with your magic; where once you would be cloaked entirely in shadow as you hacked at your foes with wildly wasteful spellcraft, you can now do most tasks as Diala would do them - with a high degree of precision. Perhaps, now, you have what it takes to dive down deeply into that pool and find Rigatte again, and come back safely?

No, it would never really be safe, but you have to try something. Diala only cares for you out of a desire to further her own goals. You, on the other hand, have been entertaining all sorts of ideas of your own. You wouldn't mind starting your own circle somewhere... Regardless, she'll never let you pursue any investigations into the matter, even if just to discourage you from doing what you want to do right now.

There's a gentle tap on the door before a quick jangle of a little bell - an indication that breakfast would soon be served to the residents of the coven's private annex. You pull on your shoes and step out into the musty hall, and realize that only a handful of the others are up at this early hour. Notably, you realize Embryx' door is open, and the drow is out and about.

1. Go to Breakfast - Embryx is probably already headed for breakfast, and you can catch up with her there. Diala is also probably going to want to speak to you both about her upcoming plans. You, of course, just want to get Embryx alone with you so that you can involve her in your insane plan.

2. Go to the Bath - You consider heading to the upper floor bath for a moment and soaking in some hot water to clear your head; perhaps you can think more clearly. The caretakers who fill the baths for the sick, two floors below, also prepare baths for the Headmaster and her associates to use upstairs.
Go to Breakfast New
1. Go to Breakfast - Embryx is probably already headed for breakfast, and you can catch up with her there. Diala is also probably going to want to speak to you both about her upcoming plans. You, of course, just want to get Embryx alone with you so that you can involve her in your insane plan.

You head for the dining room through the winding passages of the old school, where the students and scholars once had their suppers. It's a long and relatively narrow room with a vaulted ceiling which connects to the kitchen at the far end of the building; a similarly-sized room runs parallel to it on the other side of a wall, and once contained the scriptures and relics that belonged to the school and temple. Now, the building's new owners maintain that the room is locked and empty, but the truth is that the dusty study is now the meeting place for the Mardenaal circle's highest level, for whenever Diala chooses to call upon it. Otherwise, those invited to sit in on the circle's proceedings (all of which being the leaders of their own pseudo-circles called pacts, comprised of witches from particular areas of the city) are off handling their own affairs in smaller meetings.

The dining room and the study are both lined with oppressively-dark wood paneling and lack windows, and are largely lit by candles and sconces. Your footfalls echo as you walk into the quiet room; a handful of pale and bleak faces peer up from their meals to greet you, and some smile. Among them, you spot Embryx, whose eyes linger on you a bit more carefully than the others'. It seems she's already measured your expression and knows you're up to something.

Setting yourself down on the bench beside her, she greets you with a sly grin: "Good morning, sister."

"Hello, Embryx," you say. "What do we have today?"

She snickers and pushes her plate towards you. It's a miserable-looking assortment of beige and brown substances that she informs you is shredded bread and watery pork gravy, and is actually quite good. It isn't more than a minute later before an attendant arrives and sets down a plate for you as well, along with a cup of weak beer to begin the day. As you dig in hungrily, she remarks on your appetite: "you know, you've never stopped eating like you're starving," she says.

"I'm just trying to get it out of the way so I can talk to you," you reply, dismissively, as you work the edge of your fork through the slightly-stale bread chunks. She's right, however, in that you still bear the indelible habits of someone raised in less-fortunate circumstances. You would need to remember this while traveling to avoid breaking character since, again, most strangers would assume you're of a wealthy family, given the way you dress and act.

Embryx sighs. "I can tell you have something on your mind," she says, wistfully. "Not like you're ever in a social mood."

Your eyes meet hers again for a moment, lingering to confirm her suspicion. "Is Diala coming?" you ask.

"Came and went," the drow answers. "We're setting out tomorrow if word doesn't come from Raften by midnight, so have your things packed."

You nod. "So she's eating in her chamber, then," you observe, without bothering to address the task you've been given. It's a rather mundane one anyway, by your standards. Raften is yet another small town whose circle elder refuses to switch sides and support Diala. If she doesn't surrender, then you and Embryx will ride out to confront her, a trip that would probably take three days of riding eastward towards Kulka's territory.

You finish your plate in silence and set your fork down, having only taken a few minutes to force it all down. You ignore the weary look on Embryx' face as you move on directly to the matter on your mind. "...I need to try something unusual," you reveal, quietly, "something very dangerous."

"Oh?" she replies, her insincere smile fading as you stare at her, ensuring that she knows you aren't about to tell any jokes.

"...I want to see if I can walk among the dead, again," you say, and watch as the drow's eyes widen. To her credit, however, Embryx remains calm and simply nods, allowing you to elaborate. "Years ago, you know I spoke with my blood sister, and how I made it my goal to see her alive again. I think I'm finally ready to embark on that journey, but I'll need your help."

"How?" she asks, although it's clear that she isn't asking how she can help, but rather, how you intend to walk among the dead. You roll your eyes and groan, and she grows sheepish, realizing the obvious. "...So, am I supposed to, um... Am I supposed to revive you? Or...?"

You shake your head. "I need you to play the role that the Eldest played, before. I need you to rip my soul out."

"The hell brought this on all of a sudden?" she asks after taking a moment to blink and absorb the request you just made. She stabs and chews the last remaining piece of bread on her plate with a frown before swallowing and wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. "I thought you said that the Eldest stopped time when you did this before. How do you know I won't just lose my grip on you or burn up my pneuma in a second or two? Every moment you experience death makes it infinitely less likely that you'll be able to come back. Do you think Diala would believe me if I told her you asked me to kill you?" she demands.

You hesitate. "...Fine," you say. "I'll do it myself," you say, and begin to stand so you can leave the room.

"Wait," Embryx says as she grabs at your sleeve, but you shrug her off. She scrambles off the bench and follows you out of the room. "Agranne, don't... Please, we can figure something out, maybe I can ask Diala to-"

You stop and glare at her. "No," you warn, and that's all it takes to kill the suggestion.

Embryx steps back, her eyes darting about in panic as she tries to think of another idea. "Okay... Okay... What about Jannava - the necromancer?" she pleads, naming one of Diala's inner circle from the south side of the city. You pause and consider it. Jannava is a tiefling, a rarity in this part of the world. In fact, as far as you know, she's only a temporary resident in Mardenaal and intends to return to her homeland after she's finished teaching her skills to those interested in necromancy - and after Diala's paid her for the effort, of course. You figure that she's likely less loyal to the elder sister's plans, and might be willing to keep a secret.

1. Seek Jannava - "...That might actually be a good idea," you admit. "This seems like a pretty good time for necromancy."

2. Reject Help - "Do you think Diala would be fooled if my soulless cadaver is magicked around these halls?" you reply, testily. "Come on; we're stronger than we used to be. All you have to do is not let go," you add with a devilish smile.

3. Turn Tables - "Maybe you'd like to volunteer, since you're so worried about me," you threaten with an evil grin, savoring your sister's palpable alarm. "I've got a better chance of holding on to your soul while you take the plunge. And if I kill you, Diala wouldn't even be upset, would she?" you snicker. "Come on. It's about time you got your beak wet on this whole death-walking thing."
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